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41 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
1. Responsiveness
Alert, lethargic, responds to verbal stimulation, touch or pain, comatose
2. Orientation
Person, place, time

(ask pt name, date and location)
3. General assessment
Posture, obvious extremity weakness or asymmetry
4. CN II - optic
1. Assess visual acuity bilaterally
2. Assess peripheral fields bilaterally
3. Ophthalmoscopic exam
5. Pupillary reaction
In by 2 out by 3

Combination CN II sensory and CN III motor - direct/consensual
6. CN III - occulomotor
evaluate for ptosis
7. EOM
Comination CN III, IV, VI, performed properly to include fields of gaze
8. CN V - trigeminal
1. Motor branch: have pt clench the teeth palpating muscles of mastication

2. Sensory branch: test sensation to light touch in each branch of the trigeminal

3. Corneal reflex (student state but do not test)
9. CN VII - facial
1. Motor branch
a. Facial symmetry - nasolabial fold, facial range of motion
b. Close eyes - think of 7 as a hook pulling the eyelid down

2. Sensory branch
- student tests for taste in the anterior 2/3rds of tongue
10. CN VIII -acoustic
1. Test hearing - performs general screening hearing test bilaterally

2. Vestibular function - assess for nystagmus (may be stated during EOM exam)
11. CN IV - glossopharyngeal
State tests for taste to posterior 1/3rd of tongue
12. Gag reflex
Describe only - combination sensory CN IX and motor CN X

In by 9 out by 10

Identify deviation of uvula as away from side of neurological lesion
13. CN X - vagus
1. Have patient open mouth and say "ahh" assessing for symmetrical rise of uvula

2. Assess for dyphonia - innervates the larynx
14. CN XI - spinal accessory
1. Have pt rotate head from 90 degrees to midline - SCM

2. Have pt shrug shoulders - traps
15. CN XII - hypoglossal
1. Observe tongue for fasciculations
2. Have pt stick tongue outward
3. Identify deviation of tongue toward side of neurological lesion
16. MOTOR tests
1. Inspection of involuntary movements and muscle atrophy
2. Strength testing
3. Bilateral comparison
17. What are the levels of 0 - 5 mean in strength testing?
0 = no muscle twitch with attempted movement of muscle group
1 = twitch only of muscle with attempted movement
2 = movement against horizontal plane only
3 = movement against gravity but not against resistance
4 = movement against gravity and some resistance
5 = movement against full resistance
18. Shoulder abduction
axillary, C5
19. Elbow flexion
musculocutaneous, C5-6
20. Elbow extension
radial, C7
21. Wrist flexion
Median, C6,C7,C8
22. Wrist extension
Radial, C6
23. Finger adduction
Ulnar, C8,T1
24. Finger abduction
Ulnar, C8,T1
25. Thumb abduction perpendicular to the plane
Median, C8,T1
26. Hip adduction
Obturator, L2,L3
27. Hip abduction
Superior gluteal, L4,L5
28. Knee extension
Femoral, L4
29. Knee flexion
Sciatic, S1
30. Dorsiflexion
Deep peroneal, L4-L5
31. Plantarflexion
Tibial, S1
32. Sensory symmetries
Test for symmetry:

C4 (shoulders)
C6 (thumbs)
C8 (5th finger)
T1 (forearm)
T4 (nipple line)
T10 (umbilicus)
L2 (anterior thigh)
L4 (medial calf)
L5 (lateral calf)
S1 (lateral foot)
33. Sensory exam techniques
1. Light touch - cotton wisp - combo posterior column and spinothalamic tract
2. Sharp vs. dull comparison - spinothalamic
3. Temperature - state only, tests spinothalamic
4. Vibration - using 128 Hz tuning fork, posterior column, distal to proximal
5. Proprioception - posterior column
6. Discrimination: extinction
34. Reflexes 0 - 4 definitions
0 = no response
1 = diminished but present
2 = normal
3 = somewhat increased reflex
4 = greatly increased reflex

Hyporeflexia suggests LMN
Hyperreflexia suggests UMN
35. Biceps reflex
36. Brachioradialis
37. Triceps
38. Patellar
39. Achilles
40. Babinski's sign
Stroke lateral plantar surface of foot and cross medially at the ball

Normal = state as first digit plantarflexes

Abnormal: state as first digit dorsiflexes - indicates upper motor neuron disease
41. Cerebellar function tests
A. Seated exam
1. Rapid alternating movements
2. Finger to nose testing
3. Pronator drift - arms forward, palms up, eyes closed
4. Heel to shin

B. Gait
C. Tandem walk - heel to toe
D. Romberg - feet together, arms out, palms up, eyes closed