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64 Cards in this Set

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CN V is also called the ______
trigeminal nerve
The three main divisions of the trigeminal nerve are:
Opthalmic (V1), maxillary (Vii) and mandibular (Viii)
Three divisions of trigeminal arise from
the trigeminal ganglion
The trigeminal provides senesory sensation to
most of the dura matter and cerebral arteries
The opthalmic division is purely _____
The opthalmic division provides sensory information to:
Eyeball (cornea blink)
The maxillary division is purely _______
The maxillary division (Vii) provides sensory input to:
upper jaw and teeth, hard and soft palate, maxillary sinus, skin of lower eyelids and cheek, upper lip
upper jaw and teeth
maxillary paranasal sinus
The mandibular division contains both _____ and ____ components
sensory and motor
Three main branches of the mandibular division are:
lingual, inferior alveolar, buccal
Lingual branch of mandibular division function:
Carries taste sensation from anterior 2/3 of tounger
sensory to anterior 2/3 of tongue
joined by chorda tympani branch of facial nerve which carries
Inferior alveolar branch of the mandibular division function:
Sensory to the jaw, teeth and gums
Buccal branch of the mandibular division function:
sensory to skin of cheek
Trigeminal provides motor innervation to:
Muscvles of mastication
The trigeminal nucleus is the main _______
sensory nucleus
The trigenminal nucleus receives information containing:
Discrminiative touch and some proprioception
The trigeminal nuclei is equivalent to the:
Dorsal column nucleus
Axons carrying pain and temperature information descend in the ______ as far as the upper 2 or 3 spinal cord segments
Spinal trigeminal tract
Axons carrying pain and temp. info terminate in the subjacent ________
spinal trigeminal
The spinal nucleus and tract of CN V are equivalent to _________________ of the spinal cord
the substantia gelatinosa and Lissauer�s tract of the spinal cord
Spinal trigeminal nucleus also receives pain information from
CNs VII, IX and X
Efferent axons from trigeminal nucleus join the crossed ventral ______ and end in the thalamus
trigeminothalmic tract
Cells in the mesenphalic nucleus are involved with ______ and are equivalent to________
proprioceptionl; DRG cells
The mesenphalic nucleus is involved with :
Processing information from muscle spindles involved with mastication (jaw jerk reflex)
Muscles of mastication are involved with the _______ reflex
jaw jerk
The motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve supplies the muscles of _____
Clincal testing for trigeminal nerve (CN V) includes:
Testing for skin sensation in forhead (Vi), cheek (Vii) and chin (Viii)
Trigeminal is responsible for the ___ component of the corneal blink reflex
The most common affliction affecting CNV is______
Trigeminal neulagia or tic doloreux
Effect of tic doloreux
Causes excruciating pain in one of the areas usually maxillary
Cause of tic doloreaux
Aberrant artery putting pressure on the sensory root as it leaves the pons
CN VII is also known as the _____
Facial nerve
___ is the largest nerve in the face
CN VII (facial nerve)
CN VII enters the temporal bone via
facial canal
CN VII has its sensory ganglion in the ___
temporal bone
The facial nerve gives rise to three bluranches in the facial canal that includes:
Greater petrosal, nerve to stapedius muscle, chorda tympani
Function of greater petrosal
Carries parasympathetic fibers for the lacrimal glands
function of chorda tympani
carries tatse and parsympathetic fibers
The major portion of CN VII exits via _____
stylomastoid formaen
The facial nerve controls the muscles of ______
fascial expression
orbicularis oculi
Muscle which closes the eye
orbiculis oris
sphincter of the oral cavity
Function of stapedius
contracts with loud sounds to dampen vibrations - protection of the auditory ossicles (stapedial reflex)
reflex can be tested
The parasympathetic components of the facial nerve include
lacrimal glands, sabmandivular and sublingual salivary glands
The special sensory component of the facial nerve deals with
taste on the anterrior 2/3 of tounge
Nuclei of CN VII include
Motor nuceli, nucleus solitarius and parasympathetic nuceli
The nuclues solitarius receives _____ information from CN IV (IX and X)
The rostral or taste portion of nucleus solitarius is called
gustatory nucleus
CN VII is the ____ component of the ___ reflex
motor; corneal blink
Testing of CN VII includes
movement of facial muslces
Bell's palsy is a ________ injury of CN VII
lower motor nueron
Bell's palsy is usually caused by
The _________ muscles are affected if Bell's palsy occurs at stylomastoid foramen
Effect if Bell's pasly occurs proximal to the geniculate ganglion
All functions of the nerve
Each facial muscle and facila nerve supplies ipsi/contra lateral facial msucles
A lower motor neuron deficit involves which muscles?
muscles of the ipsilateral half of the face (hemiface)
Typical site of injury for an upper motor neuron injury
Stroke affecting facial area of motor cortex
These fibers supply the facial nucleus
Corticobulbar (corticopontine or corticonuclear)
The facial nucleus from the lower face receives corticofibers from ________
the contralateral cortex
The facial nucleus for the upper face receives cortcofibers from ______
both sides of the cortex (bilateral projections)
An upper motor neuron lesion produces _______
paralysis on only the lower quandrant of one side of the face