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11 Cards in this Set

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Nerve cell types

Neurons & Neuroglia

2 Types

Types of neurons

Afferent/Sensory - receive info from PNS, transmit to CNS

Interneurons- connect neurons to other neurons

Efferent/ Somatic/ Motor- transmit info to extremities, making muscles move

3 types

Types of Neuroglia

Astrocytes- provide vascular links to neurons and maintain capillaries

Oligodendrocytes- wrap myelin sheaths around axons in white matter and produce satellite cells in grey matter for ion exchange

Microglia/ phagocytes- eat pathogens and assist in repair after injury

3 Types


Noneuronal support cells of neurons

Non neural

Neuron structures

Dendrite- receive info. From other neurons and transmit to cell body to be processed

Cell body/ Soma- repairs cells & transmit electrochemical impulses

Axon- sends the message to target cells ie: muscle, glands, other neurons

3 Types


Connections between neurons ie: interneural communication


Synapses cleft

Is the intercellular space btween axon terminal and postsynaptic target cell

Space between


Chemicals transported from cell body & stored in axon terminal.

Activation/ depolarization of neuron causes action potential that releases a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft that binds to a neuroreceptor causing a change in activity

Chemical signals

Types of neurotransmitters

Acetylcholine- convey info in PNS, used by all neurons to synapse with skeletal muscle

Regulates HR& other autonomic function

Glutamate-excitatory transmits facilitates neural change during development

White matter

High amount of myelin: Axions that carry info from cell bodies, found in brain and spinal cord

Made of fat

Grey Matter

Lg.# of nerve cell bodies and dendrites. Covers entire surface of the cerebrum and is called the cerebral cortex