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44 Cards in this Set

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Labeled Line Theory, in smell, taste and touch
Mechanoreceptors and Chemoreceptors project afferents to thalamus, synapse and then 2nd orders project to cortex for multi-modal processing

In some cases the mechanoreceptor itself is the afferent (free nerve endings)

Chemical stimulation at chemoreceptor = sense of taste or smell

Mechanical stimulation at skin = sense of touch

Stimulation of the 2ndary neuron along that path independently ALSO has same sensation

This comes into play with "crossed modalities" (other senses simulating a sensation) as well as lesions causing sensations

Taste and smell are particularly linked

Smell bypasses thalamus completely too
Combination of the sensation of taste (CN VII or IX), smell (CN I), and free nerve endings (spiciness and temperature) (CN V) combined with emotional and cognitive valence (rewards from memory, emotion) to form the sensation of flavor
Gustatory and Olfactory system receptor structures, cell turnover
Both have numerous receptors in taste buds and nasal epithelia

Olfactory - G-Protein coupled receptors ONLY (about 1000 distinct smell combos)

Taste - G protein coupled receptors AND ion channels (such as transient receptor potential (TRP) channels). TRPs exist for spicy, heat, cold/menthol, etc.

Cell turnover - both undergo constant lifetime turnover

Olfactory - Granule neurons in olfactory bulb and primary epithelial cells (CN I)
Gustatory - modified epithelial cells (taste buds)
Senses most tied to emotion and memory
Olfactory and Gustatory (olfactory more)

Because tied to limbic system and papez's loop

Olfactory is most likely most conserved system

Olfactory system is one that BYPASSES THALAMUS
Taste bud types and fxn
Three main types of lingual buds located within papillae




2000-5000 buds with 50-150 taste cells based on which type of bud it is

From tip of tongue its mostly fungiform (anterior 2/3), then foliate (on edges middle 1/3), then circumvalate (posterior 1/3)

chemicals enter and act on plasma membranes of taste cells (G-protein coupled receptors, ion receptor channels, TRP channels). Depolarization and passive spread can produce APs (USUALLY DO NOT), leads to Ca2+ entry and glutamate release to transmit signal. ATP is also released and thought to be main NT for taste. Release is onto primary afferent neuron
Primary NT for taste
When sensation hits microvillae and taste cells, they either depolarizes (rarely have an AP) and Ca2+ in, glutamate and ATP out onto primary afferent neuron

ATP is primary one for the sensation
Innervation of tongue parts
Facial nerve (VII) innervates taste for anterior 2/3 of tongue via chorda tympani (fungiform and some foliate papillae)

Glossopharyngeal (IX) innervates posterior 1/3 for taste (vallate papillae and some foliate papillae)

Trigeminal (V) innervates GSA anterior 2/3 for touch, pain

Glossopharyngeal (IX) innervates GSA posterior 1/3 for touch, pain

Epiglottis is by the vagus

Soft palate is by facial nerve (VII)

Vagus and glossopharyngeal GSA is mostly for gag relfex
Innervation course from tongue nerves
SSA (special sensory afferents) travel via chorda tympani (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) to the rostral medulla at the SOLITARY NUCLEUS (also gets some Vagus input)

nucleus is the principal visceral sensory relay with caudal medulla receiving input from the "viscera"
5 modalities of taste and channels involved, effectors
Sweet - response to glucose (GPCR)
Salty - sodium channel
Sour - acid - proton channels
Bitter - G protein coupled
"Umami" - response to Glutamate

TRP channels see "PAIN, heat and spiciness"

Sodium (salty) and proton (sour) channels cause direct depolarization and calcium channel openings

All have some combination of direct depolarizatoin and Ca2+ influx to cell
Anatomical path for taste sensation
Solitary nucleus in rostral medula for reflexes (X and IX gag reflex)

Rostral pons - parabrachial nucleus (not impt for humans)

VPM - thalamus (head sensory) via cortical relay, BIL innervated via central tegmental tract from rostral pons

Ultimately reaches primary gustatory complex in the insular/operculum
Cortical processing of taste
Goes from opercular/insular cortex to orbitofrontal cortex (integration with information such as smell) then projects to amygdala, hypothalamus, striatum (memory, emotional valence)
Broad tuning of taste path from solitary nucleus to orbital cortex
Goes from many different traces that represent signals from multiple taste submodalities per taste cell projecting to the solitary nucleus to being isolated and processed into a single submodality by the time it reaches the orbital cortex cell

Each "taste" in solitarius cell has multiple submodalities condensed to one by the time it reaches the orbital cortex cell
Labeled Line pathway vs across fiber pathway
Labeled line pathway would say hitting one taste submodality (ex. salty) would only excite that submodality on it's afferent path to the solitary nucleus

HOWEVER, the Across-Fiber pattern would suggest that stimulating one modality would also enchance others slightly less that are linked to it (ie. stimulating salty also gives some stimulation to sweet and sour) on the afferent paths.

Across-Fiber Path is what actually happens and serves to enhance signals via collateral excitement of neurons
Anatomy of Olfactory Path
Olfactory receptor neurons with many microvilli for SA piercing cribiform plate are real neurons of CN I (not the bulb or tract) which is just hte nerve

Proceeds to the primary cortex directly and BYPASSES THALAMUS

medial part goes to septal nuclei (pleasure)
Lateral part goes to amygdala, hippocampus (emotion and memory), and olfactory cortex
Olfactory transduction
CN I complex DO fire APs (unlike taste most of the time) to transmit signals to olfactory bulb on FINE UNMYELINATED AXONS using G-PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTORS

G protein binds the receptor after activated and either directly or indirectly opens an ion channel which causes depolarization then AP threshold then AP.

Each GCPR for 1-2 chemicals

Each cell with SPECIFIC GCPRs converge to specific type of glomeruli leading to a single chemical response that is relayed to MITRAL cells (located in each glomeruli receiving input from each type of neuron with specific GCPR) that goes from the bulb down the tract

Synapses at neck so signals can be relayed to contralateral ofactory bulb

Directly projects to Periamygdaloid or Piriform Cortex (TEMPORAL LOBE) = PRIMARY CORTEX FOR SMELL and located in parahippocampal gyrus

BYPASSES THALAMUS but may have some indirect paths there
Role of anterior olfactory nucleus
inhibit contralateral olfactory bulb smell signals coming in
Anosmia and clinical links
Smell loss, can get if fracture cribiform plate

Linked to taste loss

Also linked to parkinson's which may start with anosmia since loss begins in olfactory system and medulla
Uncinate seizures
Begin in or near smell or taste context and can start with unpleasant sensations of both

Temporal lobe seizures
Sound system overview path
Cochlea senses mechanical transduction due to sound pressure waves on hair cells causing NT release

Innervation down cochlear nerve (VIII) with afferent for frequency/loudness and efferent for modulation (background noise) /sensitivity

Travels to superior olivary nucleus then to inferior colliculus via lateral lemniscus then to medial geniculate then to auditory cortex in Heshel's gyrus
Role of Superior Olivary Nucleus
Inferior Colliculi
SON - localize sound in space

IC - orient torwards a particular sound (less impt in humans)
What is sound?, ear range
Sinusoidal oscillation of compressions and rarefactions in an elastic medium (air, fluid, bone, etc)

Ear can hear from 20Hz to 20kHz
Sound perception levels
For every 10-fold increment in sound pressure level, humans perceive an equal increment in sound (logarithmic) so decibel system created this way

L = 20 x Log P/Pref = decibal level
Roles of the ear parts
The outer ear and canal are for sound collection

Middle ear is for transmission to the cochlea and vestibular apparatus

Cochlea in inner ear transduces mechanical stimulation to electrical transduction
Cochlea structure
Sound in thru oval window (Stapes) and out through round window

Fluid in utricle, saccule and semicircular canals (anterior vertica, posterior vertical, horizontal - spatial position), and down snail shell like cochlea

Spiral ganglia (snail shell) has three chambers:

Vestibule: connected to oval window, sound origination to

Scala Tympani - sound exits

Scalia media - solution different from CSF used for mechanical transduction of auditory and vestibular signals

Vestibular nerve attatched to utricle, saccule and cochlear nerve attached to cochlea snail shell
Basilar membrane and role, high vs low freq, Oscillations
Place where signal transduction takes place
Thin near oval window (sound enters) and thick at apex

High frequency sounds - interpreted where membrane is thin and taut

Low frequency sounds - where membrane is wider and more flexible

Oscillations - enter and cause deflections at a certain part of basilar membrane based on frequency. (max deflection for 200Hz cell is near hair cells). These combine to form tonotopic map
Different solutions in chambers of cochlea
For each unit of a scala tympani, scala media, scala vestibuli:

Endolypmh - in scala media, filtrate formed by the STRIA VASCULARIS. HIGH K+

Perilymph - found in scala vestibuli and scala tympani - similar to CSF, "normal K+"
Organ of Corti and role
Site of mechano-electric transduction using stereocilia coming in from hair cells

Inner hair cells perform auditory transduction

Outer hair cells (more numerous) perform the modulatory function

Goes Basilar membrane to organ of corti to hair cells projecting into scala media
Hair cell structure
One end is near perilymph "normal" K+ and the other is projecting into endolymph "high" K+ with stereocilia with one kinocillium at end
Initial signal transduction in hair cells
Cell is RMV of -45mV, endolymph is +80mV, perilymph is 0mV

Vibration of basilar membrane up and down, tectorial membrane (NOT CONNECTED TO CILIA) causes fluid to move back and forth over cilia, movement of stereocilia/kinocilia leading to K+ channel opening , depolarization and opening of Ca++ channels, NT release

K+ enters from endolyph side and exits to perilymph side via voltage dependent K+ channels or Ca2+ sensitive K+ channels

Ca2+ enters via a voltage channel and is pumped out by ion pumps to reequilibrate.
Stereocilia opening system
One of stereocilia contains a fine filament (tip link) which when basilar membrane movement induces fluid movement and cilia movement, the tip link puls open a K+ channel allowing K+ to enter cilia then rest of cell
Encoding Frequency
Each cell is "tuned" to a particular frequency corresponding to its place along the basilar membrane

High frequency most near round window and lowest is near end of basilar membrane

There is processing to inhibit surrounding signals on each side (both ears) to fine tune frequency to what is desired to be heard
What causes most hearing loss
Damage to hair cells
How do cochlear implants work
Bypass inner hair cells by using a microphone instead of the ear to pick up vibrations

Microphone connects to a frequency analyzer which picks out frequencies and loudness of the sound then plays them back onto the basilar membrane at the places they would be heard if hair cells were intact

Works because cochlear n. is stimulated right under basilar membrane at right spot, Brain interprets the frequency and only about 8-16 distinct ones needed to hear spoken language
How is loudness encoded
Sound pressure to middle ear, more pressure on oval window if louder, more pressure = more movement of hair cells

Primary IHC afferents have more NT release linearly related to sound pressure level (firing rate is parallel to pressure level)

CAN be saturated by very loud sounds near 500 spikes/second
Innervation in the hair cells
Afferents - Type I afferent to inner hair cell, Type II afferent to outer hair cell.

Medial olivocochlear efferent from superior olive - to outer hair cells

Lateral olivocochlear efferent - to inner hair cells
Innervation ratios inner vs outer hair cells and roles
IHCs - HEAVILY innervated, 1:10 cells to afferents. Mutliple projections, Major auditory output for loudness, frequency, location, etc with lots of parallel processing

OHCs - light innervation (10:1) cells to afferents, NO primary auditory signaling role, ENHANCE hearing sensitivity

But there are about 3,500 IHC vs 14,000 OHC
Cochlear amplification steps
Outer hair cells

Sound waves (basilar membrane motion) are dampened by cochlear fluids so need to apply mechanical energy to augment the basilar membrane

OHCs enhance sensitivity due to EXTENSIVE EFFERENT innervation

OHCs have very little afferent signals and mainly just boost sensitivity for afferent IHCs
Innervation path past ear
From cochlea goes to cochlear nucleus in medulla (spikes I and II)

then to superior olivary complex in pons (spike III)

Then to inferior colliculi in midbrain (V) via the lateral lemniscus (IV)

Then to medial geniculate in thalamus (VI) then to auditory radiations in thalamocortical region (VII)

Decussates at trapezoid body by the Superior Olivary Nucleus so sounds go to both cortices
Damage where along auditory path causes UNIL hearing loss
Just cochlear nucleus

Anytime after will still maintain BIL sound
Sound localization overview
Occurs in superior olive. If sound comes in midline it will hit both ears (and olives) at same time.

If off one one side will reach there first

Medial superior olive deals with timing difference

Lateral superior olive encodes sound loudness (intensity)

Combined this tells direction and distance to localize a sound

Inter-aural shape (ear shape allows one to tell if sound is coming from in front or behind
Inferior Colliculi location, role
In caudal midbrain (wine glass)

Role - receives input from lateral lemniscus and superior olivary nucleus

Cells sense differences in intensity and inter-aural timing

Output is concerned with directing attention to sound location

Also involved in integration and orientation
Medial geniculate location, role
In the rostral midbrain at the beginning of thalamus (attached to pulvinar).

PROCESSING prior to the cortex. Heavy pathways both directions from cortex and thalamus

Multimodal cells - cells that not only respond to auditory information but also information from lateral geniculate and cortex to combine somatosensory information and visual information

Medial geniculate has some
Auditory cortex, tonatopy
Heschl's gyrus or transverse temporal gyri deep within sylvian fissure

Higher freq. sounds = medial, lower freq. sounds = lateral
Tuning/processing of auditory cortical neurons
Integrate/encode frequency, loudness, and location all within the auditory cortex

NOT interpretable at primary auditory cortex buts must be further processed at Wernicke's area or other association cortices

This is how sound ends up being interpreted by differing cortical areas attuned to specific dB and degrees off midline, etc.