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75 Cards in this Set

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What are the four deep nuclei of the cerebellum?
Emboliform, Denate, Globose, Fastigial
The MCP takes what?
Pontocerebellar Afferent
The Efferent of the ICP?
Cerebello-vestibular, Cerebello-reticular
The Afferent of the ICP?
DSCT, CCT, Vestibulocerebellar, Reticulocerebellar, Trigeminocerebellar
SCP afferents are?
The Efferents fo SCP?
What is the cerebellum concerned with?
Motor control. The coordination of muscles for fine motor control
The 3 layers of the cerebellum?
Molecular, Purkinje, Granular
The molecular layer contains?
Stellate and basket cells
The granular layer contains?
Granule cells and their golgi
These cells are extremely large, and recieve input from mossy fibers, their axons form the parallel fibers of the molecular layer which then synapse on Purkinki cells?
Granule Cells
Granule cells action and neurotransmitter?
Excititory, glutamate
They are large, flask shaped cell bodies that recieve INPUT from parallel fibers and climbing fbers?
Purkinje fibers
Their myelinated axons terminate in the deep nuclie and carry the sole output of the cerebellar cortex.
Purkinkje fibers
What is the NT of purkinje fibers and its action?
GABA and is inhibitory
These 3 cells are also present in the cerebellum and are inhibitory internerurons?
Basket, Golgi, Stellate cells
What do most of the afferents to the cerebellum terminate as? These fibers are from pontocerebellar, vestibulocerebellar, spinocerebellar
Mossy Fibers
What do mossy fibers synapse on 500-600 times that leads to them haveing input influences on Purkinje cells?
They synapse on granule cells and those in turn synapse on Purkinje fibers
Mossy fibers are ____ to both Purkinje cells and deep nuclei. What neurotransmitter do they use?
Excitatory. use acetylcholine
Where do climbing fibers originate?
Contralateral inferior olivary complex ==== olivocerebellar fibers
Climbing fibers have 10-15 terminal branches that synapse 500-600 times on a Purkinje cells so how many purkinje cells are influence by a single Climbing fiber?
Climbing fibers are _____ and use _____ as its NT
Excititory and use asparate as the NT
The dentate, globose, and emboliform leave via____ to excite the_____
SCP to go to the Thalamus and Red nucleus
The fastigal leaves via ____ to excite____
ICP to excite the vestibular nuclie and reticular formation
Purkinje cells inhibit what ???? via the ICP from which lobe??/
The reticular formation and vestibular nuclei from the flocculonodular lobe.
Climbing and Mossy Fibers are excitatory to the ___?
Out put of the cerebral cortex is promarily to the deep cerbellar nuclie via _____ and is???
Purkinje fibers and is inhibitory
Output from the cerebellum is ???
Lateral Cerebellar hemispehers go to?
Dentate nuclei
Paravermal areas project to?
Globose and emboliform
Vermal areas and flocculus project to ?
Fastigial nuclei
The MCP is entirely _____ to the pontocerebellar.
ICP is primarily?
SCP is primarily?
The vestibulocerebellum includes what?
Flocculonodulara lobe and uvula
Where does the vestibulocerebellum get input from?
Vestibular nerve and nuclei
Output from vestibulocerebellar cortexs influences ____ indirectly by ?
LMNs by reticular formation and vestibular nuclei
THe vestibulocerebellum function is?
Maintiaing balance and equilibrium by adjusting muscle tone in axial and neck and controls eye movement.
Spinocerebelumm includes?
Medial portion of cerebellum. Most of vermis plus para vermal hemisphere
Where does the input for the spinocerebellum come from?
Where does output from the spinocerebellum go to do what
Fastigial nuclei (ICP) + globose and emboliform (SCP) to influence LMN indirectly
How does the spinocerebellum influence LMN indirectly?
Via vestibular nuclei, reticular formation, Thalamus and red nuclei
The spinocerebellum influences what?
Muscle tone and synnergery of movements during walking
Neocerebullum uses lateral portions of the hemispheres and gets input from?
Pontocerebellar tr.
Olivocerebellar tract
The neocerebullum output goes out vie?
Dentate Nuclei
What is the function of the neocerebellum?
Adjustment of muscle tone of learned, skilled movements
The cerebellum acts as a comparator between what the _____ is telling the muscles to do and what the muscles are actually doing
Motor cortex.
Midlnine damage of the cerebellum results from damage to the vermis sometimes going into what?
The spinocerebellum or the flocculonodular lobe
Midline damages can result in bilateral deficits such as?
Dysequilibrium, positional nystagmus, ataxic gait
What can cause midline damge of the cerebellum?
Medulloblastoma, chronic alcoholism
This syndrome results from damage to the cerebellar hemispheres and/or its connections (cerbellar cortex, deep nuclei) most severe when deep nuclei or superior cerebellar peduncles are involved?
Neocereballar syndrome
This syndrom has deficits on fine motor control with relation to force, range, rate or direction of movement?
Neocerebellar syndrome
Intention tremors occur in this syndrome, (abnormal movements when muscles are being used)
Neocereballar syndrome
What produces an ongoing tremor that tends to diminsh when muscles are used?
Basal ganglia lesions
In neocerebellar syndrome if the lesion is unilateral the deficits will be on??????
The ipsilateral side to lesion
Intermittent or jerky movements due to errors in rate, force, and directection; often used in reference to gait?
Ataxia of the ocular muscles?
Asthenia is?
Weakness: tiring easily due to hypotonia
The dampining of the reflex is slowed so there is more than the usual number of swings
Hypotonia, hyporeflexia
Asynergy or dyssynergy
Decomposition of movement: complex movements are broken down into their basic components
This syndrome results from damage to the cerebellar hemispheres and/or its connections (cerbellar cortex, deep nuclei) most severe when deep nuclei or superior cerebellar peduncles are involved?
Neocereballar syndrome
This syndrom has deficits on fine motor control with relation to force, range, rate or direction of movement?
Neocerebellar syndrome
Intention tremors occur in this syndrome, (abnormal movements when muscles are being used)
Neocereballar syndrome
What produces an ongoing tremor that tends to diminsh when muscles are used?
Basal ganglia lesions
In neocerebellar syndrome if the lesion is unilateral the deficits will be on??????
The ipsilateral side to lesion
Intermittent or jerky movements due to errors in rate, force, and directection; often used in reference to gait?
Ataxia of the ocular muscles?
Asthenia is?
Weakness: tiring easily due to hypotonia
The dampining of the reflex is slowed so there is more than the usual number of swings
Hypotonia, hyporeflexia
Asynergy or dyssynergy
Decomposition of movement: complex movements are broken down into their basic components
Dysarthria or scanning speech
Asynergy in muscles used for speech. Speech is thick and monotonous
Past pointing. abnormal range of movement
Abnormatily in rapidly alternating movements
Intention tremors occur?
During movement
Delay in stopping movement