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705 Cards in this Set

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Normal speech involves 3 processes:
1) Cognitive Linguistic Process
2) Motor Speech Programming
3) Neuromuscular Execution
A neurogenic speech disorder resulting from impairment of the capacity to program sensorimotor commands for the positioning and movement of muscles for the volitional production of speech.
It can occur without significant weakness or neuromuscular slowness, and in the absence of disturbances of conscious thought or language.
A group of neurological disorders that reflect disturbances in the strength, speed, range, tone, steadiness, timing, or accuracy of movements necessary for prosodically normal, efficient and intelligible speech.
They result from CNS or PNS conditions that adversely affect respiratory, phonatory, resonatory, or articulatory speech movements.
They are often accompanied by nonspeech impairments
Can be transient, improving, exacerbating-remitting, progressive, or stationary.
Disorders of speech resulting from neurologic impairment affecting the motor programming or neuromuscular execution of speech
Motor Speech Disorders
2 types of motor speech disorders
1) Apraxia of speech
2) dysarthrias
Although we think of MSD as a motor impairment we cannot exclude the role of:
tactile, kinesthetic, and proprioceptive sensation in the maintenance of normal speech.
Normal speech involves 3 processes:
1) Cognitive Linguistic Process
2) Motor Speech Programming
3) Neuromuscular Execution
A neurogenic speech disorder resulting from impairment of the capacity to program sensorimotor commands for the positioning and movement of muscles for the volitional production of speech.
It can occur without significant weakness or neuromuscular slowness, and in the absence of disturbances of conscious thought or language.
A group of neurological disorders that reflect disturbances in the strength, speed, range, tone, steadiness, timing, or accuracy of movements necessary for prosodically normal, efficient and intelligible speech.
They result from CNS or PNS conditions that adversely affect respiratory, phonatory, resonatory, or articulatory speech movements.
They are often accompanied by nonspeech impairments
Can be transient, improving, exacerbating-remitting, progressive, or stationary.
Disorders of speech resulting from neurologic impairment affecting the motor programming or neuromuscular execution of speech
Motor Speech Disorders
2 types of motor speech disorders
1) Apraxia of speech
2) dysarthrias
Although we think of MSD as a motor impairment we cannot exclude the role of:
tactile, kinesthetic, and proprioceptive sensation in the maintenance of normal speech.
Malfunctions in sensorimotor processes from brani damage can contribute to:
Motor Speech Disorders
Other neurogenic speech disturbances that are not MSD:
1) Acquired Stuttering
2) Palilalia
3) Echolalia
4) Mutism
5) Pseudo-Foreign Dialect
6) Affective Communication Disorders altering Prosody
Non-neurogenic speech disturbances that are not MSD:
1) Psychogenic Disorders
2) Normal Variations in Speech Production
After neurologic damage, a number of alterations in communicative ability can occur resulting from linguistic and other cognitive deficits. This makes *this* a challenge.
Examination and Diagnosis
Mild dysarthria may co-occur with:
1) Aphasia, from a stroke in the left hemisphere
2) Right hemisphere communication disorder, from a stroke in the right hemisphere
3) With Apraxia of Speech
How dysarthria and aphasia differ
1) Dysarthria not a language disorder
2) Lesions that produce aphasia are limited to the cortical language zones and related subcortical connections.
3) Lesions that produce dysarthria occur in a variety of areas in both the CNS and PNS
Dysarthria and dementia differ; however:
Dementia is seen in later stages of dysarthria groups associated with movement disorders: Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s chorea, and progressive supranuclear palsy.
Dysarthria and confusion differ; however,
If the dysarthria occurs as a result of head trauma, confusion may be a co-occurring feature
Apraxia of Speech
AOS is associated with:
The LH
Dysarthria has this site of lesion.
There are many sites associated with dysarthria.
Errors of phoneme substitution, abnormal prosody, and initiation difficulty
Distortion errors predominate; articulation is imprecise; phonation, resonance, and respiration can be altered.
Automatic or involuntary tasks are intact or significantly less impaired (e.g., chewing).
A motor production disorder involving abnormalities in movement rates, precision, coordination, and strength; the problems are present all of the time.
Great dx indicator for dysarthria
Problems are present ALL of the time
In AOS, prosodic errors:
Reflect the patient's efforts to compensate for or avoid articulation errors.
In dysarthria, prosodic errors:
Reflect impaired speed, strength, and timing of movements for speech.
Dysarthria is present in a number of frequently-occurring:
Neurological Diseases
This represents a significant proportion of all acquired neurological communication disorders.
What are some neurological disorders that often include dysarthria?
1) TBI
2) Parkinson's Disease
3) ALS
4) Lacunar Stroke
5) AOS
It is likely that many patients for which "swallowing" catches the physician's eye, this will also be an issue.
These are likely underreported, due to swallowing being the paramount issue and saving inpatient care dollars.
Methods for MSD Categorization
1) Perceptual
2) Acoustic
3) Physiologic
Based on the auditory-perceptual attributes of speech;
most believe the, “gold-standard” for MSD
Perceptual methods for categorizing MSD.
Valuable in that they can contribute to the acoustic quantification and description of clinically perceived deviant speech (state of the art instrumentation used
Acoustic methods for categorizing MSD
Rather than focusing on the signal this type of analysis moves “up-stream” toward the source of activity that generates the signal (e.g., muscle contractions, structural movements, etc.)
Physiologic methods for categorizing MSD
When categorizing age of onset for MSD, what are the two main types?
1) Acquired
2) Congenital
Courses dysarthria takes:
1) Developmental
2) Recovering
3) Stable
4) Degenerative
5) Exacerbating-Remitting
An SLP's role in the course of dysarthria include:
1) Preventing secondary complications.
2) Educating patients and families
3) Providing augmentative communication options if indicated
Sites of Lesions for MSD
1) Diverse loci
2) Neuromuscular junction
3) PNS and CNS
4) Brainstem
5) Cerebellum
6) Pyramidal and Extra-Pyramidal Pathways
7) Cortex
Broad categories of neurologic diagnosis for dysarthria
1) Vascular
2) Degenerative
3) Inflammatory
4) Nepotistic
5) Toxic-Metabolic
6) Trauma
7) Congenital-Developmental
Refers to things that determine the deviant.
When categorizing the dysarthrias, these perceptual features will reflect certain abnormalities of speech.
1) Spasticity
2) Flaccidity
3) Ataxia
4) Tremor
5) Rigidity
6) Various Involuntary Movements
Variables related to speech disorders used in categorization.
1) Speech Components Involved
2) Severity (always relevant to management decisions)
3) Perceptual Characteristics
How many types of dysarthria?
Six major types
Two most recent categories of dysarthria
1) Unilateral UMN
2) Undetermined
Localization of flaccid dysarthria
LMN (Final common pathway, motor unit)
Localization of spastic dysarthria
Bilateral UMN (direct and indirect activation pathways)
Localization of ataxic dysarthria
Cerebellum (cerebellar control circuit)
Localization of hypokinetic dysarthria
BG control circuit (extrapyramidal)
Localization of hyperkinetic dysarthria
BG control circuit (extrapyramidal)
Localization of unilateral UMN dysarthria
Unilateral UMN
Localization of mixed dysarthria
More than one site
Localization of undetermined dysarthria
Localization of AOS
Left (dominant) hemisphere
Neuromater basis of flaccid dysarthria
Neuromater basis of spastic dysarthria
Neuromater basis of ataxic dysarthria
Neuromater basis of hypokinetic dysarthria
Rigidity or reduced ROM
Neuromater basis of hyperkinetic dysarthria
Abnormal movements
Neuromater basis of unilateral UMN dysarthria
Weakness, incoordination, or spasticity
Neuromater basis of mixed dysarthria
More than one
Neuromater basis of undetermined dysarthria
Neuromater basis of AOS
Motor planning or programming
Most common type of MSD
Flaccid dysarthria
With AOS, this is NOT impaired.
The problem is motor planning.
Making the translation between language forms and the movement that occurs to create the sounds understood by the listener.
Motor Planning
Getting the motor plan into action to lead to actual muscle contractions.
Motor Execution
Primary perceptual disturbances of AOS
1) Articulation
2) Rate
3) Prosody
4) Rhythm
Articulatory errors in AOS
Vowel and consonant distortions, but substitutions are also present.
Articulation errors are inconsistent.
Errors are perceived as approximations of target sounds. Errors increase as words get longer and phonemic complexity increases.
Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function
Restriction or lack of the ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for the human being
A disadvantage for a given individual (resulting from an impairment or a disability) that limits or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex, social, cultural) for that person.
Standpoints from which a MSD can be viewed.
1) Basic Scientist (Speech Physiologist
2) Physician (Neurologist)
3) Rehabilitation Specialist
4) Consumer (speaker and family)
Overall measures of performance in relationship to normal individuals.
Functional Limitations
What systems are involved?
Impairment (Subsystem)
Where is the level of breakdown that causes the functional disorder (can be examined from the cellular level)
Given the maximum amount of support, how does the person do in the contexts in which he/she communicates
Disability (contextual level)
Does the MSD prevent the individual from achieving a desired role because of society limitations?
Societal Limitation
Oral communication includes 4 domains
1) Cognition
2) Language
3) Motor Planning
4) Speech Executionq
Primary motor cortex controls:
Large, gross movements.
Premotor cortex controls:
Finer movements
Functional divisions of motor system organization
1. The final common pathway
2. The direct activation pathway
3. The indirect activation pathway
4. The control circuits
5. Conceptual Programming Level (Includes planning and programming processes)
This kind of integration is needed for normal movements.
Sensorimotor integration
Lesions of the sensory portion of the sensorimotor system may result in:
Abnormal motor behavior
LMN system, aka:
Final Common Pathway
The peripheral mechanism through which all motor activity is mediated.
Final Common Pathway
The last link in the chain of neural events that lead to movement”
Final Common Pathway
The LMN pathway generates activity in:
Skeletal (movement) and somatic (sensation) muscles
These types of muscles can be voluntarily controlled.
Skeletal muscles
A single muscle can do one of three things:
1) Contract
2) Stretch
3) Relax
Complex movements are not completed by:
Individual muscles
Complex movements occur when single muscles are integrated with the:
Actions of larger gruops of contiguous or distant muscles.
A collection of striated muscle fibers (cells) that connect to the bony framework of the body may be part of the appendicular or axial skeleton.
Skeletal muscle
Also called striated muscles
Skeletal muscles
Another word for LMN
Alpha Motoneuron
Controls the extrafusal muscle fibers.
Alpha Motoneuron (LMN)
Contractile element in the skeletal muscle to generate force for movement.
Extrafusal muscle fibers
The alpha motoneuron cell body or nuclei is located in:
1) Brainstem
2) Anterior horn of the spinal cord
Motor Unit consists of:
1) LMN or alphamotoneuron
2) Muscle fibers (cells) it innervates
This type of muscle innervation is strongly tied to the direct activation pathways.
Skeletal Muscle Innervation
Axons leave the brainstem or spinal cord within a:
Cranial or spinal nerve
The axon travels to specific muscles where it subdivides into any number of terminal branches that make contact with:
Muscle Fibers (cells)
Each axon in a nerve may innervate several muscle fibers and, conversely, each muscle fiber may receive input from:
Branches of several different alpha motor neurons.
Force can be increased by:
1) Temporal summation
2) Spatial summation
Increasing the rate of firing of individual motor units
Temporal summation
Recruiting a greater number of motor units
Spatial summation
Motor unit size is determined by:
The number of extrafusal muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron.
The number of muscle fibers per axon is called
Innervation ratio
Discrete movements have smaller innervation ratios because:
There are less muscle fibers innervated by one neuron.
Besides extrafusal muscle fiber, what else do LMN (alpha motor neurons) innervate?
Interneurons (also called Renshaw cells)
These cells are capable of inhibiting alpha motor neurons by providing a negative feedback response tell the LMN to turn off. In turn it can then get ready to fire again.
Interneurons or Renshaw Cells
These motor neurons are crucial for maintaining muscle tone.
Gamma motor neurons
The gamma motor neuron has a relationship to alpha motor neurons, and the activities of the direct and indirect activation pathways by way of the:
Gamma loop, which results in movement control.
Results from a mild degree of resistance that occurs when a muscle is stretched.
Muscle Tone (response known as stretch reflex).
Muscles want to maintain their original length and normal muscle tone. As a result, the muscle never completely:
Relaxes...so, in a sense, muscles are always maintained in a state of "readiness" for movement. This sustained nature makes it an ideal support mechanism upon which
quick, unsustained movements may be superimposed.
Besides the alpha motor neuron, this is another type of neuron in the motor nerve that is part of the FCP.
Gamma motor neuron
Interact with the alpha motor neuron to control motor movement.
Gamma motor neuron
These neurons innervate muscle spindles or intrafusal muscle fibers.
Gamma motor neuron
Cells located parallel to the extrafusal fibers (cells)
Intrafusal muscle fibers
Properties of the gamma motor neuron
1) Smaller in diameter
2) Slower conducting
3) Strongly influenced by the cerebellum, BG, and the indirect activation system of the CNS.
Consists of gamma motor neuron, muscle spindle, stretch receptor and sensory neuron, the LMN, and the extrafusal muscle fibers.
Gamma Loop
A mechanism through which muscle length adjusts reflexively to the relative length of muscle spindles
Gamma Loop
Indirect activation pathways of the CNS use this system to present the desired length of the muscle spindle for static postures (example- move hand and hold it in a given position)
Gamma Loop
Can be used to prepare for and anticipate the degree of muscle contraction required for intended ongoing movement
Gamma Loop
Extrafusal muscle fibers and muscle spindles are stimulated to contract by:
1) Alphamotor neurons
2) Gamma motor neurons
When a muscle is stretched by movement, so is the:
The sensory receptor of the spindle sends an afferent message to the spinal cord or brainstem and synapses on the:
Alphamotor neuron
With the gamma loop, the alphamotor neuron will contract to resist the:
Stretch, which gives us muscle tone.
The amount (continuation of the gamma loop) changes depending on the:
Gamma Motor System Process
1) The Gamma Motor euron fires.
2) The muscle spindles contract.
3) The sensory receptor detection in spindles.
4) Impulse triggers through sensory neuron
5) Brainstem or spinal cord receives message
6) Synapse occurs on alphamotor neuron
7) Alpha motor neuron sends message back to extrafusal fibers
8) Contraction occurs until they are the same length as the spindle fibers
9) Sensory receptors say, "Hey, there is no longer a difference."
10) Loop inactivated.
Integrates activity from peripheral sensory system and the direct and indirect activation pathway
There is a direct relationship between the sensory system and the alpha motoneurons[simple reflex when sensory neuron synapses
directly on alpha motoneuron].
If there is a FCP damage the reflexes can be
Weakened or abolished.
If there is peripheral sensory pathway damage the reflex may be weakened or abolished by way of the:
Removal or weakening of the trigger for the reflex.
Damage to a nerve may lead only to weakness or paresis if some but not all of the alpha motoneruons supplying the muscle:
Are not damaged
Paralysis results if a muscle is deprived of all of its input from:
Loss of muscle bulk when LMN innervation is impaired
Excess or spontaneous motor unit activity with a lowered firing threshold (discharges) can be seen on the surfaces of the skin as brief localized twitches.
Slow repetitive action potentials with resultant regular contractions [cannot be seen through the skin].
Final Common Pathway and Speech includes:
1) The paired cranial nerves involved in speech supply muscles for
phonation, resonance, articulation, and prosody.
2) The paired spinal nerves that innervate respiration
Cranial Nervves
innervates the muscles of mastication, tensor tympani, and the tensor veli palatini
Trigeminal Nerve (Mandibular Branch)
Where does the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve originate?
LMN lesions of the masticatory nucleus or its axons (CN5), lead to:
1) Ipsilateral flaccid paralysis
2) Paresis and atrophy of the muscles on the paralyzed side.
3) Slight jaw deviation toward side of injury; especially noted on jaw protrusion
4) Usually not too big of an impact on speech
Bilateral LMN lesions (CN5) severely affect speech and swallowing, due to:
1) Difficulty with jaw movement (usually hangs open)
2) Limited ROM
Lesions from the motor pathways from the cerebral hemispheres are commona nd referred to as:
UMN Lesions
UMN lesions usually affect both:
Direct and Indirect Pathways
Speech Effects from Spasticity:
1) Slows Movement
2) Hyperadduction of the VFs during phonation
3) Fairly mild when unilateral
4) When bilateral can be severe including hyperactive reflexes, dysphagia, and disinhibition of the physical expression of emotion (seen in ALS)
What types of dysarthria come from spasticity?
1) Spastic dysarthria (bilateral)
2) Unilateral UMN Dysarthria
Help integrate and control the varied activities of the many structures and pathways in motor performance.
Control Circuits
Unlike the direct and indirect activation pathways, these do not have direct contact with LMNs.
Control circuits
Integration and coordination of motor performance are accomplished through activities of:
1) BG Circuit
2) Cerebellar Control Circuit
Does the basal ganglia directly influence the FCP?
Skilled movements need to be planned and executed with knowledge about:
1) Posture
2) Position in Space
3) Tone
4) Environment
The receptive portion of the BG
Receive info from the frontal cortex, the thalamus and hte lower BG areas
The main efferent pathway of the BG
Globus Palladus
Most info goes back to the thalamus and then back, gets relayed back to cortex as well as other BG areas and the reticular formation.
Globus Palladus
The BG control circuit consists of many
Synaptic transmitter when a neuron's axons terminate in the striatum.
Manufactured in the substantia nigra and transmitted to the striatum where it acts as a neurotransmitter.
If neurons in substantia nigra are destroyed, this content in the striatum will be reduced.
Important for regulating muscle tone and maintaining normal posture and statis mucle contraction upon which voluntary, skilled movements are superimposed.
Important to regulating the amplitude, velocity, and the initiation of movement.
Can dampen or modulate the movement goals coming out of the cortex.
The BG usually affects both:
Direct and Indirect Pathways
BG damage can result in:
1) Increased muscle tone
2) Increased resistance t passive movement (rigidity)
3) Slow and stiff movements
4) Initiation or discontinuation of movements can be difficult
5) Reduced ROM
6) Associated with disease of the substantia nigra and deficiency of dopamine.
7) Hypokinetic dysarthria, the most common dysarthria in Parkinson's Disease
3 Lobes of Cerebellum
1) Flocculonodular
2) Anterior Lobe
3) Posterior Lobe
The midportion of the cerebllum
Forms the midline of the anterior and posterior lobe of the cerebellum.
3 structures which allow fibers (axons) to leave the cerebellum
1) Inferior cerebellar peduncle
2) Middle cerebellar peduncle
3) Superior cerebellar peduncle
Efferent pathway from cerebellum
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Afferent cerebellar pathway whose fibers decussate in the pons
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
Deep Nuclei of the CB
1) Dentate
2) Globos
3) Emboliform
4) Fastigal
Goes from primary motor cortex and premotor regions to the lateral cerebellum regions via the pontine nuclei.
Cortico Cerebellar Pathway
Descending corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers to the intermediate aspects of the cerebellar hemispheres then to the deep nuclei of the Cb, to the ventral thalamic nuclei and then back to the primary motor cortex.
Cortico Cerebellar Pathway
Provides the Cb with immediate information about cortical output regarding intentions of skilled movements.
Cortico Cerebellar Pathway
inability to stand or sit without swaying or falling
Truncal Ataxia
Abnormal eye movements
Similar to BG because it has a specialized position because specific movement disorders result from damage to it
Cerebellar Control Circuit
connections to vestibular mechanism for modulating
equilibrium and orientation of the head and eyes.
Flocculonodular Lobe of Cerebellum
a projection area for spinocerebellar proprioceptive information which helps regulate posture, gait, and truncal tone.
Anterior Lobe of Cerebellum
Helps coordinate skilled, voluntary muscle activity and
muscle tone.
Posterior Lobe
Results from reduction in the BG circuits “damping” effect on cortical discharges
Signifies involuntary, variable, and unpredictable movements. (excessive and unpredictable variation in muscle tone and movement)
Innervates ipsilateral muscles of facial expression and a small muscle in the middle ear called the stapedius.
Facial Nerve
This motor nucleus is large and located in the ventrolateral caudal pons.
Facial Motor Nucleus
Damage to this results in weakness on the entire ipsilateral half of the face (also excessive secretions and loss of taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue).
Facial motor nucleus or facial motor nerve fibers
When this is damaged, fasciculations can be seen in the perioral area and chin.
Facial motor nucleus or the facial motor nerve fibers.
Visceral efferent of submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
Facial Nerve VII
Excess or spontaneous motor unit activity with a lowered firing threshold (discharges) can be seen on the surfaces of the skin as brief localized twitches.
Somatic sensory fibers from skin of outer ear
Facial Nerve VII
Visceral/Special sensory fibers
from parts of the nasal cavity, soft palate, and taste buds from anterior 2/3 of tongue.
Facial Nerve VII
Component of the facial nerve that has a clear role in speech (these fibers make up the bulk of the nerve)
The motor component
Damage to this nerve results in swallowing disorders, since it elevates the pharynx during swallowing. Can also result in excess salivation (posterior 1/3 of tongue taste)
Emerges from the lateral aspect of the medulla and branches off three ways.
CN X Vagus
Responsible for pharyngeal constriction and retraction and elevation of the soft palate during speech and swallowing.
Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
Innervates the palatoglossos of the tongue.
Pharyngeal branch of vagus
Forms the internal and external laryngeal nerves
Superior Laryngeal Branch
This laryngeal nerve is pure sensory.
Internal laryngeal nerve (of the superior laryngeal branch)
Carries sensation from the mucous membrane lining the larynx down to the vocal folds, epiglottis, base of tongue, aryepiglottic folds, and dorsum of the arytenoid cartilage.
Internal laryngeal nerve (of the superior laryngeal branch)
Transmits sensory information from the muscle spindles and other stretch receptors in the larynx.
Internal laryngeal nerve (of the superior laryngeal branch)
Supplies the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and the cricothyroid muscle.
External laryngeal nerve (of the superior laryngeal branch)
It lengthens the vocal folds and is important in pitch adjustments.
Cricothyroid muscle (supplied by the external laryngeal nerve of the superior laryngeal branch)
This nerve doubles back on itself before reaching the larynx.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve branch
The right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves take different:
These nerves innervate all of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid muscle.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve branch
This branch has a sensory function of some of the fibers which transmit info from vocal folds and larynx.
Recurrent laryngeal nerve banch
If there is damage to all branches of CN X, there will be:
Weakness of soft palate, pharynx, and larynx.
Unilateral lesions of this nerve may affect resonance, voice quality (greatest affected), and swallowing.
Unilateral CN X damage
Bilateral lesions of this nerve will cause pronounced effects on resonance and phonation (hoarse/harsh vocal quality) with secondary effects on prosody and articulation; swallowing can be severely impaired.
Bilateral lesions to CN X.
There is a cranial and spinal portion to this nerve.
Accessory Nerve (Cranial Nerve XI)
Fibers go to uvula, levator veli palatini, and intrinsic laryngeal muscles and these fibers intermingle with fibers from the vagus nerve by joining the jugular ganglion.
Cranial portion of accessory nerve
Some fibers of this nerve become part of the pharyngeal, superior, and recurrent laryngeal branches of the vagus.
Accessory nerve
The cell bodies are located in the ventral horn of the first 5-6 cervical segments of the spinal cord
Accessory Nerve
Innervate the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle.
Spinal branch cell bodies
Damage here weakens head rotation toward side opposite lesion.
Foramen magnum or jugular foramen (accessory nerve)
Damage here can reduce the ability to elevate or shrug the shoulders on the side of the lesion.
Accessory nerve
Innervates IPSILATERAL tongue muscles
Enters tongue from below and supplies all of the intrinsic muscle and all but one of the extrinsic tongue muscles (palatoglossus).
Damage here would cause would cause weakness, atrophy, and/or fasciculations of the ipsilateral tongue.
Damage here would cause the tongue to deviate to the side of weakness during protrusion.
Bilateral lesions of this nerve can cause difficulties with speaking and eating.
These nerves are indirectly involved in voice, resonance, and articulation.
Spinal nerves (upper cervical spinal nerves)
Directly these nerves control respiratory function.
Spinal nerves
These nerves control exchanging oxygen and CO2 between the lungs and blood and cells of the body.
Spinal nerves
LMN serving respiration are spread from the:
Cervical through the thoracic divisions of the spinal cord.
This type of respiration is what is of concern in speech production.
Forced respiration
The LMNs supplying the respiratory muscles are also widely distributed and therefore,
diffuse impairment is needed to significantly interfere with respiration, especially speech respiration.
If respiration is impaired, these can also be affected.
Voice function, voice production, loudness, phrase length, and prosody
If damage occurs to the 3,4, and 5 cervical segment, paralysis of the this can occur bilaterally and breathing seriously affected.
Include neurons that regulate LMNS
UMN systems
Are controlled directly or indirectly by the cortex, the cerebellum, or basal ganglia.
UMN systems
These systems are contained entirely in the CNS.
UMN systems
This system is regulated and/or controlled by UMN systems.
LMN system
A "peripheral" mechanism through which all motor activity is mediated.
Distinctive signs of lesions: loss of skilled movement, hyporeflexia, decreased tone.
UMN lesions
Distinctive signs of lesions:
Weakness of all movements, diminished reflexes, atrophy, decreased tone, and fasciculations.
1) Contained entirely within the CNS
2) Regulates LMNs
3) Includes the direct and indirect activation pathways
4) Does not include the Cerebellum or Basal Ganglia control circuits
UMN system
Has a major influence on the cranial and spinal nerves that form the FCP (LMN) for speech production.
Direct Activation Pathway
This passage emerges from the cortex and directly connects to cranial and spinal nerves
Direct Activation Pathway
The DAP effect on the LMN is primarily:
Initiates but does not inhibit movement.
This pathway allows for finely controlled, discrete movements, which are needed for speech.
Direct Activation Pathway
2 other names for DAP
1) Pyramidal tract
2) Direct motor system
2 primary tracts of DAP
1) Corticospinal tract
2) Corticobulbar tract
This tract influences the activities of the cranial nerves.
Corticobulbar tract
This tract influences the spinal nerves.
Corticospinal tract
The pyramidal tract (DAP) forms part of this system.
UMN system
The DAP originates in the:
Cortex of each cerebral hemisphere.
The main launching platform of the DAP is the:
Primary motor cortex (aka precentral gyrus)
1/3 of direct system originates here.
Primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus)
DAP fibers originate from the primary motor cortex and the:
Premotor cortex
This is just anterior to the primary motor area in the frontal lobe.
Premotor Cortex
An area within the premotor cortex that is important for speech.
Supplementary Motor Area
In the DAP, there are UMN fibers that originate in the postcentral gyrus in the parietal lobe; however, this overlaps some of the:
Sensory cortex located in the postcentral gyrus.
Postcentral gyrus aka:
Secondary motor area
Only about 30% of the DAP fibers arise here:
Motor cortex
This is the cortical focal point of the pyramidal tracts for speech.
Motor cortex
These muscles are represented in an upside-down fashion along the length of the motor strip.
Striated muscles
The arm, leg, and foot are located on this portion of the motor strip.
Top portion of the strip
The face, tongue, and larynx are influenced by neurons on this portion of the motor strip.
Lower portion
The number of motor neurons devoted to striated muscle is allocated according to the:
Degree of fine motor movement involved.
The small muscles of the tongue and face are given this type of representation of the motor strip.
Large representation (require greater degree of fine motor movement)
here groups of neurons that complete a given function are lined up from the surface to the deep structure of a given area of the cortex, which represents functional organization of muscle groups.
Cortical columns
During electrostimulation study, one of these was stimulated and vocalization, tongue protrusion, and palatal elevation occurred.
A particular cortical column
The axons from the neuron cell bodies of the DAP, located in the cortex, travel through the:
1) Corticobulbar Tracts
2) Corticospinal Tracts
The axons travel down the spinal cord and synapse on the anterior horns of the spinal cord areas which serve muscles of respiration.
Corticospinal Tracts
The axons go to and synapse on the brainstem cranial nerve nuclei for nerves (V, VII, IX, X, XI, and XII)
Corticobulbar tracts
The corticobulbar and corticospinal tracts (in each hemisphere) are arranged in a fanlike mass of fibers known as the:
Corona Radiata
The Corona Radiata converges into a compact band called the:
Internal Capsule
A very important region in the brain where all the motor fibers (axons) descend from where they originate in the cortex.
Internal Capsule
Contains all the sensory and motor fibers projecting to and from the cortex.
Internal Capsule
Most of the afferent fibers in the Internal Capsule arise from the:
Afferent fibers that arise from the thalamus project as *these* to various regions of the cortex.
Thalamocortical radiations
3 components of internal capsule
1) Anterior Limb
2) Posterior Limb
3) Genu
This component of the internal capsule contains prefrontal cortico-pontine fibers.
Anterior Limb
This component of the internal capsule contains corticospinal fibers, fronto-pontine fibers, some cortico-rubral fibers, and some cortico-reticular fibers.
Posterior Limb
This component of the internal capsule contains cortico-bulbar fibers and cortico-reticular fibers.
Lesions in the genu and posterior limb of the IC produce greater speech deficits than the:
Anterior Limb
In the IC, so many thalamocortical, corticobulbar, and corticospinal fibers occupy a compact area that small lesions can:
Produce widespread motor deficits
V, VII, and IX are located in the:
The DAP of the UMN system primarily innervates LMN on the:
Contralateral side of the body
UMN DAP innervation of the LMN speech cranial nerves is primarily:
The tongue (XII) gets mostly contralateral control, but there is some:
Bilateral supply
From the corticobulbar pathways, the lower face (VII) receives primarily:
Contralateral control (but there are significantly fewer ipsilateral fibers)
The direct activation pathway is essential to voluntary motor activity especially:
1) Conscious
2) Controlled Skilled
3) Discrete and Often Rapid Movements
Moves of the DAP UMN system can be triggered by sensory stimuli and:
Cognitive activity that invovles planning.
Damage to the UMN System can cause loss or reduction of:
Voluntary skilled movements.
A unilateral UMN system lesion usually results in:
Contralateral weakness (but not as profound as in LMN damage(
With UMN system damage, these are usually preserved since they occur primarily at the level of the FCP (LMN system)
Unilateral UMN lesions can produce mild dysarthria from weakness and loss of skilled movements called:
Unilateral UMN Dysarthria
You can get a unilateral UMN dysarthria resulting in spasticity if this pathway is affected.
Indirect pathway (extrapyramidal tract)
Bilateral UMN lesions can have mild to devastating effects on speech, as they usually reflect combined effects of dysfunction in these two pathways.
1) DAP
2) IAP
Bilateral UMN lesions cause this type of dysarthria.
Spastic dysarthria
This type of dysarthria results from bilateral weakness and loss of skilled movement as well as alterations in muscle tone.
Spastic dysarthria
The lower part of the face receives unilateral (UMN) projections from the:
Contralateral cortex
Each side of the upper part of the face receives UMN projections from:
Both sides of the cortex (bilateral)
Innervates motor neurons of the brainstem.
Corticobulbar tract
Corticobulbar tract innervation is primarily:
One important exception to bilateral corticobulbar innervation is this cranial nerve nuclei.
Facial VII
A unilateral UMN lesion affects muscles in this part of the face.
Contralateral lower half of the face with upper facial muscle sparing (can still wrinkle forehead and close the eye)
Complete destruction of either the facial nucleus (LMN) or bilateral cortical lesion damage produces:
Pseudobulbar palsy
Bilateral impairment of the function of the lower cranial nerves resulting in bilateral facial palsy or paralysis.
Pseudobulbar palsy
Corticobulbar innervation of the cranial nerve nuclei VII is bilateral for the upper face motor neurons but exclusively contralateral for the:
Motor neurons of the lower face.
LMN lesions of the facial nerve can paralyze muscles on the:
Entire ipsilateral side of the face.
A unilateral UMN lesion of the facial nerve affects muscles in the:
Contralateral lower half of face with upper facial muscle sparing (can still wrinkle forehead and close the eye)
Indirect Activation Pathway aka:
1) Extrapyramidal Tract
2) Indirect motor system
The IAP has multiple synapses between its origin in the cortex and its arrival and activation of the:
2 Tracts of the IAP
1) Corticoreticular Tract
2) Corticorubral Tract
These set of nerve axons travel from the cortex (motor, premotor and sensory cortex) to the reticular formation.
Corticoreticular Tract
This tract's fibers intermingle with the corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers of the DAS and descend to enter the reticular formation in the medulla and pons where they are distributed bilaterally but with a contralateral dominance.
Coritcoreticular Tract
Besides corticoreticular fibers, there are other fibers coming to and leaving the reticular formation, especially from/to the:
Set of fibers which project form the cortex to the red nucleus.
Corticorubral Tract
Thought of as the "seat of consciousness"
Reticular formation
A field of scattered cells between large nuclei and fiber tracts in the medulla, pons, and midbrain.
Reticular Formation
Portions of this excite extensor motor neurons and other parts inhibit flexor motor neurons –this is what leads to muscle tone.
Reticular Formation
This is heavily involved in sensorimotor integration and has complex effects on the LMNs.
Reticular Formation
Crucial in the role of muscle tone (its [i.e., corticoreticular tract]) fibers terminate primarily on gamma motor neurons) and is involved in both facilitatory and inhibitory influences of reflex activity, ascending sensory information and cortically induced voluntary movement.
Reticular formationm
Corticoreticular tract fibers terminate primarily on:
Gamma motor neurons
Oval mass of cells in the midbrain.
Red nucleus
These cells receive cortical projections from the corticorubral tract and act as a relay station between a pathway from the cerebellum to the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus, and ultimately the cortex.
Red nucleus
Faciltates flexor and inhibits extensor alpha and gamma motor neurons.
Rubrospinal tract
This pathway regulates reflexes and maintains posture, tone, and associated activities that provide a framework on which the direct activation pathway can accomplish its skilled, discrete actions.
Damage to this pathway causes problems with muscle tone and reflexes. The effects are different for flexor and extensor muscles.
Damage to corticoreticular fibers above the midbrain and the red nucleus results in:
Increased extensor tone in legs and increased flexor tone in arms. (legs extended and resist flexing or bending; arms bent (flexed) and resist extension.
This posturing occurs because all the descending pathways are uninhibited.
Decorticate posturing
This posturing occurs when there is damage to corticoreticular fibers at the midbrain level below the red nucleus
Decerebrate posturing
This posturing occurs when there is removed arm flexor excitation and lead to excitation of all extensor muscles and increased extensor tone.
Decerebrate posturing
Lesions to corticoreticular fibers below the medulla results in a:
Loss of all descending input and produce generalized flaccidity in muscles supplied by spinal nerves.
Lesions at the level of the brainstem that damage the reticular formation usually result in:
When the cortical controls are nonfunctional, the unchecked reticular system makes extensor muscles:
Hyperexcitable, increasing muscle tone and causing spasticity.
Lesions from the motor pathways from the cerebral hemispheres are common and referred to as:
UMN lesions
UMN lesions usually affect both of these pathways.
1) DAP
2) IAP
Result in spasticity, increased muscle stretch reflexes (from indirect), and loss of skilled movements (from direct).
UMN lesions
Speech effects from spasticity:
1) Slows movement
2) Hyperadduction of the vocal folds during phonation
3) Fairly mild when unilateral
4) When bilateral, can be severe including hyperactive reflexes, dysphagia, and disinhibition of the physical expression of emotion (seen in ALS)
Help integrate and control the varied activities of the many structures and pathways in motor performance.
Control Circuits
Unlike the direct and indirect activation pathways, control circuits do not have direct contact with the:
Some of these integrate the DAP and IAP.
Control Circuits
Integration and coordination of motor performance are accomplished through activities of these 2 control circuits:
1) BG Circuit
2) Cerebellar Control Circuit
The Striatum consists of:
1) Caudate Nucleus
2) Putamen
The lentiform nucleus consists of:
1) Putamen
2) Globus Pallidus
2 Clusters of cell bodies anatomically and functionally related to the BG.
1) Substantia Nigra
2) Subthalamic Nucleus
3 Components of BG
1) Caudate Nucleus
2) Putamen
3) Globus Pallidus
Have important reciprocal connections with diverse areas of the cerebral cortex and strong functional ties to the exprapyramidal pathway or indirect motor system.
They do not directly influence the FCP.
Receptive portion of the BG.
The striatum receive info from:
1) Frontal cortex
2) Thalamus
3) Lower BG areas
Main efferent pathways of the BG.
Globus Palladus
Most info. goes back to thalamus and then back, gets relayed back to cortex as well as other BG areas and the reticular formation.
Globus Paladus
BG depends on neurotransmitters and their continued balance
Motor Control
Synaptic transmitter when a neuron’s axons terminate in the striatum
Manufactured in the substantia nigra and transmitted to the striatum where it acts as a neurotransmitter.
If neurons in the substantia nigra are destroyed, this content in the striatum will be reduced.
Chief inhibitory neurotransmitter
Plays an important role in regulating neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system.
In humans, this neurotransmitter is directly responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.
When there is a disruption in the balance of neurotransmitters, this can occur.
Movement disorders
3 main BG neurotransmitters
1) Acetylcholine
2) Dopamine
Important to regulating the amplitude, velocity, and the initiation of movement.
Important for regulating muscle tone and maintaining normal posture and static muscle contraction upon which voluntary, skilled movements are superimposed
Important to generating motor programs for speech by helping to maintaining a stable musculoskeletal environment.
e.g., restricting jaw movements for speaking.
Can dampen or modulate the movement goals coming out of the cortex
BG damage results in:
1) Reduced Mobility
2) Involuntary Movements
Associated with disease of the substantia nigra and deficiency of dopamine.
Reduced ROM
Increased muscle tone, increased resistance to passive movements (rigidity), slow and stiff movements.
Initiation or discontinuation of movements can be difficult.
Most common dysarthria in Parkinson's Disease
Hypokinetic dysarthria
Results from reduction in the BG circuits “damping” effect on cortical discharges.
Signifies involuntary, variable, and unpredictable movements. (excessive and unpredictable variation in muscle tone and movement)
3 Lobes of Cerebellum
1) Flocculonodular
2) Anterior Lobe
3) Posterior Lobe
This lobe of Cb has connections to vestibular mechanism for modulating equilibrium and orientation of the head and eyes.
This lobe of the Cb has a projection area for spinocerebellar proprioceptive information which helps regulate posture, gait, and truncal tone.
Anterior Lobe
This Cb lobe helps coordinate skilled, voluntary muscle activity and muscle tone.
Posterior Lobe
The midportion of the Cb; forms the midline of the anterior and posterior lobe
There is a left and right Cb hemisphere and each connects to:
The contralateral thalamus and cerebral hemisphere.
3 Structures which allow fibers (axons) to leave the Cb.
1) Inferior cerebellar peduncle
2) Middle cerebellar peduncle
3) Superior cerebellar peduncle
Efferent pathway of Cb
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
Afferent pathway of Cb whose fibers decussate in the pons.
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
Mostly afferent fibers but also some efferent flow to vestibular mechanism and reticular formation from this pathway of Cb.
Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
The sole output neuron of the Cb is called the:
The Purkinje Cells (found in the middle layer of the cortex)
These cells synapse on deep structures where many nuclei are found and it is these deep nuclei that sends axons out of the Cb.
Purkinje Cells of Cb
4 Deep Nuclei of Cb
1) Dentate
2) Globos
3) Emboliform
4) Fastigal
This portion of the Cb might be involved in speech because it seems to be active in in initiating movement, executing preplanned motor tasks, and regulating posture.
Goes from primary motor cortex and pre-motor regions to the lateral Cb regions via the pontine nuclei. Its return pathway to the same areas via the deep Cb nuclei and ventral thalamic nuclei.
Cortico-Cerebellar Pathway
The Cortico-Cerebellar Pathway is an important loop in:
Planning and programming learned movements.
Descending corticospinal and corticobulbar fibers to the intermediate aspects of the cerebellar hemispheres then to the deep nuclei of the Cb, to the ventral thalamic nuclei and then back to the primary motor cortex.
Cortico-Cerebellar Pathway
Provides the Cb with immediate information about cortical output regarding intentions of skilled movements.
Cortico-Cerebellar Pathway
Similar to BG because it has a specialized position because specific movement disorders result from damage to it.
Cb Control Circuit
Input from the cortex prepares*this* to check adequacy of speech output as feedback from muscles, tendons, joints arrive from the periphery.
Inhibits excessive output; helps smooth and coordinate speech movements.
Interprets sensory information and integrates it with ongoing input from the cortex about movement goals.
Interprets sensory information and integrates it with ongoing input from the cortex about movement goals.
Inability to stand or sit without swaying or falling.
Truncal Ataxia
Abnormal eye movements
Damage to Cb causes:
1) Truncal ataxia
2) Disturbances in gait
3) Nystagmus
Cb posterior lobe lesions cause:
1) Limb ataxia and hypotonia
2) Intention tremor
3) Incoordination ipsilateral to side of lesion
Speech effects of Cb lesion
Ataxic dysarthria
Interprets sensory information and integrates it with ongoing input from the cortex about movement goals.
The highest level of motor organization.
Conceptual programming level
Inability to stand or sit without swaying or falling.
Truncal Ataxia
Establishes the meaning or goals of the speech act and the essentials of the program for achieving them
Conceptual programming level
Abnormal eye movements
Establishes the “idea” or “plan” for activity, specifies movements needed for the plan to be realized.
Conceptual programming level
Damage to Cb causes:
1) Truncal ataxia
2) Disturbances in gait
3) Nystagmus
Straddles the boundaries between an internal, nonmotor thought-related processes and a sensorimotor programming process that results in movement.
Conceptual programming level
Cb posterior lobe lesions cause:
1) Limb ataxia and hypotonia
2) Intention tremor
3) Incoordination ipsilateral to side of lesion
Speech effects of Cb lesion
Ataxic dysarthria
The highest level of motor organization.
Conceptual programming level
Establishes the meaning or goals of the speech act and the essentials of the program for achieving them
Conceptual programming level
Establishes the “idea” or “plan” for activity, specifies movements needed for the plan to be realized.
Conceptual programming level
Straddles the boundaries between an internal, nonmotor thought-related processes and a sensorimotor programming process that results in movement.
Conceptual programming level
Coverings of the CNS
Outermost membrane of CNS
Dura Mater
LIes beneath the dura and is applied loosely to the surface of the brain.
Located between the inner bone of the skull and the dura.
Epidural space
Directly beneath the dura.
Subdural space
The subarachnoid space surrounds the brain and spinal cord and is filled with:
The subarachnoid space is connected to the interior of the brain through the:
Ventricular system
Lies dorsal to the 4th ventricle.
The spinal cord begins at the:
Foramen Magnum
The PNS consists of:
Cranial and Spinal Nerves
Most of the cranial nerves originate in the:
Cavities that contain CSF.
CSF is produced by choroid plexuses located in each:
These two comprise the CSF system.
1) Ventricular System
2) Subarachoid Space
Primary function is to cushion the CNS against physical trauma and to help maintain a stable environment for neural activity.
All blood vessels that supply the brainstem and cerebral hemispheres arise from the:
Aortic Arch in the chest
Blood enters the brain by way of the:
1) Carotid system
2) Vertebrobasilar system
The carotid system and the vertebrobasilar system are capable of some communication with each other through connecting channels in the brainstem, known as the:
Circle of Willis
The internal carotid arteries arise in the neck from the:
Common carotid arteries
Each internal carotid artery separates at the:
Circle of Willis
Each internal carotid artery separates at the circle of Willis into the:
1) Anterior cerebral artery
2) Middle cerebral artery
The anterior cerebral arteries are connected to each other by the:
Anterior communicating artery
Course upward and supply blood to the superior portion of the frontal and parietal lobes.
Anterior cerebral arteries
Course laterally and supply blood to most o the lateral surfaces of the cerebral hemispheres and the deep structures of the frontal and parietal lobes.
Middle cerebral arteries
Disturbances of this artery are a common cause of apraxia of speech.
Left middle cerebral artery
Vascular disturbances in the left or right carotid artery and in the left or right anterior and middle cerebral arteries can produce:
The paired vertebral arteries enter the brainstem through the foramen magnum and join to form the:
Basilar artery
Branches from these arteries supply the midbrain, pons, medulla, cerebellum, and portions of the cervical spinal cord.
Vertebral arteries
These are branches of the vertebrobasilar system
Posterior cerebral arteries
Supply the occipital lobe, the thalamus, and the inferior and medial portions of the temporal lobe in each hemisphere.
Posterior cerebral arteries
Vascular disturbances in the vertebrobasilar system often lead to:
Drive all neurologic functions
PNS motor and sensory functions
Communication among groups of neurons
Tracts or pathways
Between cerebral hemispheres
Commisural fibers
Within cerebral hemispheres
Association fibers
Vascular disturbances in the vertebrobasilar system often lead to:
Fibers that run to and from higher and lower centers within CNS
Projection fibers
Drive all neurologic functions
Surround CNS axons (myelin)
PNS motor and sensory functions
Surround PNS axons (myelin)
Schwann Cells
Communication among groups of neurons
Tracts or pathways
Produce CSF
Ependymal Cells of ventricles/choroid plexuses
Between cerebral hemispheres
Commisural fibers
Within cerebral hemispheres
Association fibers
Fibers that run to and from higher and lower centers within CNS
Projection fibers
Surround CNS axons (myelin)
Surround PNS axons (myelin)
Schwann Cells
Produce CSF
Ependymal Cells of ventricles/choroid plexuses
Transport substances from blood vessels to neurons.
Injest or remove damaged tissue
Cover and bind fibers together in PNS nerves
Connective Tissue
Supporting cells
Glial cells
3 parts of a neuron
1) Axon
2) Dendrite
3) Cell Body
In most instances, the axon and dendrite (or muscle fibers) are separated by a:
Synaptic cleft
Collection of nerve fibers (axons) bound together by connective tissue.
Groups of fibers that that travel together in the CNS.
Groups of fibers that travel together in the PNS.
The major distinction between PNS nerves and CNS tracts is that CNS tracts transmit impulses to other neurons, whereas PNS nerves transmit impulses from nerves to:
End organs, such as muscle.
These cell types form the insulation or myelin that surrounds axons in the CNS and PNS.
1) Schwann Cells
2) Oligodendroglia
Mechanism that prevents the passage of many metabolites from the blood into the brain, thereby protecting it from toxic compounds and variations in blood composition.
Blood-brain barrier
Line the ventricular system
Ependymal cells
Form the choroid plexuses
Ependymal Cells
Scavenger Cells
Deprivation of oxygen and cessation of oxidative metabolism, as occurs in stroke.
4 major functional divisions of the 1motor system
1) FCP
2) DAP
3) IAP
4) Control Circuits
Collection of abnormally formed veins and arteries.
Arteriorvenous malformation
Stimulates muscle contraction and movement. Other motor divisions must act through it to influence movement.
Influences consciously controlled, skilled voluntary movement.
Mediates subconscious, automatic muscle activities including posture, muscle tone, and movement that support and accompany voluntary movement.
Integration or coordination of sensory information and activities of direct and indirect activation pathways to control movement.
Control Circuits
Plan and program postural and supportive components of motor activity.
Integrates and coordinates execution of smooth, directed movements.
LMN and the muscle fibers innervated by it are known as a:
Motor Unit
If you had a right-sided lesion to the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve you would have what type of problem?
Paralysis or paresis to the muscles of mastication on the right half of the mandible due to LMN damage
If you had a lesion to the left motor cortex innervating the right mandible?
Probably minimal problems noted due to bilateral innervation (the left motor cortex also sends messages to the ipsilateral mandible. If any problems occurred they would be related to slight weakness and slight reduction in skilled movements. The person’s speech would be probably unimpaired (not much jaw movement is necessary for speech and the left mandible would be normal and compensating).
If you had a lesion to the both the left motor cortex and the right motor cortex innervating the mandible?
Severe problems because both sides of the jaw would most likely be paralyzed to some extent and the jaw would hang open. Speech would be severely impaired. The problems would related to bilateral weakness, loss of skilled movements and spasticity (because both the direct and indirect pathways would be affected).
Purposes of the clinical examination
1. To detect or confirm a suspected problem
2. To establish a differential diagnosis
3. To classify within a specific disorder group
4. To establish Implications for localization and Disease Diagnosis
5. To specify severity
6. To establish a prognosis
7. To specify more precisely the treatment focus
8. To establish criteria for treatment termination
Components of the clinical examination
1) History
2) Physical examination
3) Motor speech examination
4) Disabling aspects of the motor speech disorder
A history should include:
1) Interview
2) Neurologic Evaluation
3) Medical Data
A physical exam should include:
1) Cranial nerves
2) Observation
3) Non-speech tasks
A motor speech examination should include:
Speech Tasks
Disabling aspects of motor speech disorders include:
1) Perceptual features
2) intelligibility
3) Comprehensibility
Clinical measures should be:
1) Objective
2) Replicable
3) Understandable
Measurement is important to determine:
1) If treatment has helped
2) If the problem is getting worse
3) If the disability is being minimized
Biographical data that should be gathered:
1) Basic biographical data
2) Information that has prognostic significance
3) Other info that can assist in the development of the treatment plan/stimuli.
These things have prognostic significance.
1) Age
2) Education
3) Pre-morbid handedness
4) Occupational status at onset
5) Pre-morbid intelligence
Consider sources of medical data:
1) Access records
2) Communicative status of the patient
3) Availability of family as historians
What do we need to know about patient's prosthetic/assistive devices?
1) Patient's visual acuity, corrected and uncorrected field abnormalities)
2) Auditory functioning (acuity aided or unaided; ear pathologies)
3) Find out if patient wears dentures and determine if he uses them and how they fit
What info should you gather from medical chart?
1) Basic facts about onset and course of the problem.

2) Information about the etiology of the problem affecting CNS or PNS involvement (trauma, CVA, infection, neoplasm, disease) and familial history of similar disorders).

3) Localizing information.
Types of localizing information
1) Results of neuroradiological procedures such as MRI, CT Scan, Blood flow, Spinal Tap studies).

2) Past medical history (PMH). Other major medical diagnoses (diabetes, chronic cardiac problems) may impinge upon the patient’s status for evaluation and treatment.

3) Medications: numbers, types, and side effects of any medications the patient takes. These can also affect the patient’s performance in assessment and treatment.
Things you look for in the motor speech examination to identify the cause of the problem and to plan interventions.
Salient features
Six salient features are important to consider in conducing a motor speech examination:
1) Strength
2) Speed of movement
3) Range of movement
4) Steadiness
5) Tone
6) Accuracy
Muscle weakness is most prominent in this type of dysarthria that affects the final common pathway.
Weakness can affect all 3 major speech valves:
1) laryngeal
2) velopharyngeal
3) articulatory
In MSDs muscle strength is usually reduced, often consistently, and sometimes:
Weakness can be present in all components of speech production:
1) Respiration
2) Phonation
3) Resonance
4) Articulation
5) Prosody
If a muscle is weak, it cannot:
Contract to its desired level.
Muscles have sufficient strength to perform their normal functions, plus:
A reserve of excess strength to handle excess demands.
Acoustic feature of flaccid dysarthria:
Imprecise consonants
How is muscle weakness usually observed at rest?
This speed of movement is common in MSDs.
In MSDs, movements can be slow to:
1) Start (lag)
2) Slow in their course
3) Slow to stop or relax
Reduced speed can affect all:
1) Speech Valves
2) Components of Speech Production
Slow movements can occur on single or:
Repetitive movements
Slow movements particularly affect PROSODY because normal prosody is:
Dependent on quick mm. adjustments that affect rate of sound production, pitch, and loudness variability.
The effects of reduced speed can be perceived in:
1) Speech (slow rate)
2) Visibly seen during speech and oral mech exam (reduced AMRs)
3) Measured physiologically and acoustically
Effects of reduced speed are most noticeable in these types of dysarthria.
1) Spastic
2) Mixed
The distances traveled by speech structures are precise and small and have little:
Reduced ROM is common in the context of these rates.
1) Normal
2) Excessive
3) Slow
Abnormalities of ROM affect prosody resulting in:
Excessive or restrictive prosodic variation (excess=stress)
Reduced ROM can have effects on all:
1) Major speech components
2) Major speech valves
This dysarthria is characterized by reduced ROM and excessively rapid rate
Variability of ROM is common in these types of dysarthria.
1) Ataxis
2) HYPERkinetic
There are normal very small oscillations of body muscles that occur during rest and oscillations are mostly nonvisible during movement.
If motor steadiness breaks down in neurologic disease the terms used are “involuntary movements” or:
Most common involuntary movement.
Consists of alternating, repetitive, relatively rhythmic oscillations of a body
part, ranging in frequency from 3-12 Hz.
This type of tremor occurs at reset:
Resting Tremor
This type of tremor occurs when a structure is maintained against gravity.
Postural Tremor
This type of tremor occurs during movement.
Action Tremor
This type of tremor occurs at the end of a movement.
Terminal Tremor
4 Types of tremor
1) Resting
2) Postural
3) Action
4) Terminal
Tremor most often affects this component of speech:
When severe, tremor can affect this type of speech component besides phonation.
The effects of tremor on speech are most easily detected during this speech task:
Sustained Vowel Production
Types of involuntary movements
1) Tremor
2) Dystonia
3) Dyskinesia
4) Chorea
5) Athetosis
Involuntary movements can be random and unpredictable, varying in:
1) Speed
2) Duration
3) Amplitude
Maintained by the gamma loop and indirect activation pathway.
In neurological disease, tone can be:
Excessive or reduced
Effects on tone impacts all:
1) Speech valves
2) Components of speech
Types of alterations in tone
1) Reduced (flaccid)
2) Increased (spastic and hypokinetic)
3) Variable (hyperkinetic)
This dysarthria is marked by reduce tone.
These dysarthrias are marked by increased tone.
1) Spastic
2) Hypokinetic
This dysarthria is marked by variable tone.
Accurate speech movements reflect a combination of:
1) Precision in tone
2) Strength
3) Speed
4) Range
5) Steadiness
6) Timing of muscle activity
Inaccurate movements lead to a variety of speech problems:
1) Excessive force and ROM (articulators overshoot targets)
2) Decreased force and ROM (undershoots targets)
3) Poor timing (smoothness may be faulty and rhythm is affected)
Inaccurate movements occur at all speech valves and all levels of speech production, but they are generally perceived most easily in:
1) Prosody
2) Articulation
Inaccurate movements occur in all of the dysarthrias but when it's a timing or coordination problem, it is usually associated with:
1) Ataxic Dysarthria
2) AOS
(makes dx difficult)
When inaccurate movements are related to random or unpredictable involuntary variations then it usually
Hyperkinetic Dysarthria
The salient features of movement often do this with each other.
Interact (e.g., reduced strength often accompanies reduced tone, ROM, accuracy, etc.)
Features, other than deviant speech characteristics and salient neuromuscular features, that help confirm the speech diagnosis.
Confirmatory Signs
Decrease in muscle mass due to disruption/loss of nerve supply or disuse
Seen in drooping, sagging posture.
Reduced Tone
Irregular contractions and relaxation’s of muscle unit, appearing as a twitch or ripple
Poorly inhibited laughing/crying.
How patient walks and sits
Gait and Station
Strength of cough.
Coup de Glotte
Confirmatory Signs
1) Atrophy
2) Reduced Tone
3) Fasciculations
4) Lability
5) Reduced Normal Reflexes or Increased Pathologic Reflexes
6) Strength of Cough or Coup de Glotte
7) Gait and Station
Assessment of MSDs include:
1) Nonspeech Exam
2) Speech Exam
3) Reflexes
4) Motor Programming Exam (if applicable, based on 1-3)
The nonspeech exam largely involves observations of speech structures at:
1) At Rest
2) During sustained postures
3) During movement
4) Reflexes
If there is significant groping, you may want to do a:
Motor Programming Exam
Is intelligibility or comprehensibility the more functional measure?
When doing reading activities, it's important to read things the:
Patient is interested in. Will read more like they talk.
Kind of a grunt
Coup de glotte
The thalamus takes in sensory info and:
Filters what info goes where.
Function of this is a supportive role for the DAP.
This pathway regulates reflexes.
If the laryngeal valve is affected, there will be:
If the velopharyngeal valve is affected, you will have:
If the articulatory valve is affected, you will have:
Imprecise articulation
Fasciculations that you can't see:
Articulatory motion rates
Sequential motion rates
Dystonias occur during:
Contraction movements
This involuntary movement occurs during voluntary movement:
This is a type of chorea:
Ataxic dysarthria and AOS can:
Result from damage to the motor units of cranial or spinal nerves that serve the speech muscles.
Flaccid Dysarthrias
The lesion in flaccid dysarthria will always be:
somewhere between the
brain stem or spinal cord and the muscles used in speaking.
Flaccid dysarthria results from final common pathway involvement and the key characteristic is:
Flaccid dysarthria is associated with damage to the motor units of:
Cranial nerves or spinal nerves that serve speech muscles.
Lesions that cause dysarthria can occur from vascular problems in the:
Vertebrobasilar System
Flaccid dysarthria can be caused by any process that damages the:
Motor Unit
Refers to any disease involving the nerve, regardless of cause, but usually of an inflammatory etiology.
Flaccid dysarthria results from damage to this pathway.
Final Common Pathway
With flaccid dysarthria, these types of movements are ffected.
1) Reflexive
2) Automatic
3) Voluntary
Most often, however, flaccid dysarthria (when non-progressive) results from strokes and trauma affecting the posterior fossa level structures (brain stem, medulla, pons) damaging several cranial nerves, resulting in a condition called:
Bulbar Palsy.
When non-progressive, flaccid dysarthria can range from very severe (all cranial nerves affected) to very mild (a single cranial nerve affected). In the former case augmentative communication may be required; in the latter case, treatment may be:
Rehabilitative, behavioral, compensatory, or prosthetic.
Primary finding and nearly everything we hear in flaccid dysarthria can be traced to:
Weakness or reduced strength or force of muscle contraction.
Produced by damage to the direct and indirect
activation pathways of the CNS, bilaterally.
Spastic Dysarthria
A unilateral CVA cannot cause this type of dysarthria.
Spastic Dysarthria
Most people with this reflect decreased skilled movement and weakness from direct activation pathway damage and increased muscle tone and spasticity from indirect activation pathway damage.
Spastic paralysis
A combination of hyperactivity of stretch reflexes and increased muscles tone.
Repetitive reflex contraction when mm. is under tension
Clinical features associated with DAP damage:
1) weakness: more pronounced in distal then proximal mm; positive Babinski reflex = extension of great toe; fanning of other toes reflecting release of reflex from inhibition of CNS (normal in infants);
2) pathological oral reflexes: suck, snout, jaw jerk
Clinical features associated with IAP damage:
1) In general “positive signs” or over activity such as increased m. tone, spasticity, and hyperactive reflexes. Positive sign is something that appears that is not supposed to be there after a lesion. Negative sign is something that is supposed to be there disappears after a lesion.
2) Spasticity = a combination of hyperactivity of stretch reflexes and increased muscles tone.
3) Clonus: repetitive reflex contraction when mm. is under tension
Patient complains that my speech is slow and it's effortful to talk.
You learn the most about SD from these tasks:
1) Conversation
2) AMRs
3) Vowel prolongation
Characteristics of SD
1) Slow speech
2) Effortful speech
3) Fatigue with speaking
4) "Nasal" speech
5) Intelligibility is a problem
6) Deviant speech characteristics are not described by going through the cranial nerves because SD is associated with impaired movement patterns rather than weakness of individual mm.
Non-speech characteristics of SD:
1) Difficulty controlling emotional expression
2) Dysphagia -- careful swallowing, trouble chewing meat, drooling
3) Pseudobulbar affect -- emotional state doesn’t match expression
4) Weak face, tongue ROM reduced with weakness, AMRs are slow
with reduced range but usually rhythmic
5) Hyperactive gag
6) Pathologic oral reflexes – sucking, snout and jaw jerk
Emotional state doesn't match expression.
Pseudobulbar affect
Pathologic oral reflexes:
1) Sucking
2) Snout
(also absence of jaw jerk)
Spastic dysarthria is often accompanied by cognitive disturbances that may include:
1) Dementia
2) Cognitive-communication deficits associated with RHD, TBI, and aphasia.
Therapy for SD:
1) Address posture, breath control
2) Evaluation for palatal lift 3) Therapy for easy onset, voice control
4) Muscle tone reduction, strength training, phonemic practice
Pseudobulbar affect and drooling are associated more with:
Phonation typically has a tight, strained strangled vocal quality.
The hypernasality that may be present in spastic dysarthria is usually not as severe as that heard in:
Flaccid dysarthria
Two features of SD help distinguish it from other MSDs:
1) Strained-harsh/strangled voice quality
2) Slow speech rate -- slow, yet regular AMRs
Abnormal speech characteristics clusters:
DAB Clusters
DAB Clusters related to SD:
1) Prosodic excess (relates to slowness of individual and repetitive movements)
2) Articulatory-resonatory incompetence (effects of reduced range and force of articulatory movements of lips tongue, jaw, and face) and velopharyngeal movements.
3) Prosodic insufficiency (attributable to reduced vocal
4) Phonatory stenosis (trying to produce voice through a narrowed glottis)
DAB Cluster
1) Excess and equal stress (excess stress on unstressed parts of speech)
2) Slow rate (rate of speech abnormally slow)
Prosodic Excess
DAB Cluster
1) imprecise consonants (consonants lack precision; slurring, inadequate sharpness, distortions, and lack of crispness; clumsiness going from one consonant sound to another. THIS is a common characteristic of the dysarthrias.
2) Distorted vowels (vowels sound distorted throughout their duration)
3) Hypernasality
Articulatory-resonatory incompetence (effects of reduced range and force of articulatory movements of lips tongue, jaw, and face) and velopharyngeal movements.
DAB Cluster
1) monopitch
2) monoloudness
3) reduced stress (reduction of proper stress or emphasis
4) short phrases
Prosodic insufficiency (attributable to reduced vocal
DAB Cluster
1). low pitch
2) harshness
3) strained-strangled voice  4) pitch breaks
5) short phrases
6) slow rate
Phonatory stenosis (trying to produce voice through a narrowed glottis)
This type of dysarthria is often seen with hypotonia and reduced or absent reflexes.
DAB Clusters
1) Phonatory Incompetence (incompetence at laryngeal valve including inadequate VF adduction and abduction)
2) Resonatory Incompetence (weakness at the laryngeal valve)
3) Phonatory-Prosodic Insufficiency (hypotonia in all laryngeal muscles)
This DAB cluster involves:
1) breathy voice
2) audible inspiration
3) short phrases
Phonatory Incompetence
This DAB cluster involves:
1) hypernasality
2) nasal emission
3) Imprecise consonants
4) short phrases
Resonatory Incompetence
This DAB cluster involves:
1) harsh voice
2) monopitch
3) monoloudness
Phonatory-Prosodic Insufficiency
How does a brainstem stroke cause dysarthria?
Disrupts bloodflow to cell bodies in the LMN
How does a tumor cause dysarthria?
Compresses a cranial nerve
How would a viral/bacterial infection cause dysarthria?
Damage the tissue of the nerve
How would physical trauma cause dysarthria?
Fractured bone compresses or cuts the nerve
How would a surgical accident cause dysarthria?
Slip of scalpel, sever or nick a nerve
Types of neuromuscular junction disease:
1) Myasthenia Gravis
2) Botulism
Types of vascular disorders:
1) Brainstem Stroke
2) Sarcoidosis
Types of infectious processes:
1) Polio
2) Herpes Zoster
3) Collet-Sicard Syndrome
Demyelinating disease
Muscle Disease
Muscular Dystrophy
Anatomic anomalies example
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Degenerative diseases
1) Progressive bulbar palsy
2) ALS
Etiologies of Flaccid Dysarthria
1) Neuromuscular junction disease
2) Vascular disorders
3) Infectious processes
4) Demyelinating
5) Anatomic Anomalies
6) Degenerative Disease
7) Other (radiation therapy, cranial mononeuropathyies)
8) Surgical trauma
5) Muscle Disease
A chronic auto-immune disease that affects the neuromuscular junction.
Myasthenia Gravis
Its major characteristic is an abnormally rapid weakening of voluntary muscles with use and especially during stress testing and improvement with rest.
Myasthenia Gravis
Its thought that antibodies destroy ACh receptors on muscle, making it less responsive to the ACh that triggers m. contraction.
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis occurs most often after age 50 and is often accompanied by:
1) Ptosis (drooping of the eyelid)
2) weakness of the facial muscles of mastication
3) Flaccid dysarthria
4) Dysphagia
How is MG treated?
Surgery and hormone replacement
A disorder of unknown cause often preceded by a
viral infection. Characterized by acute or subacute onset of PNS dysfunction and felt to result from demyleninzation of peripheral and cranial nerves. Proximal muscles of mastication are affected more severely than distal muscles.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Facial, oropharyngeal, and ocular muscles are affected first and more than half of these patients have facial weakness, dysphagia, and flaccid dysarthria. Recovery is rapid and complete sometimes,but some patients are left with permanent weakness.
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
A viral disease that affects LMN cell bodies in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spinal cord.
Those who developed polio before the vaccine was invented are showing signs of developing insidious onset of progressive weakness in later life. This is called:
Post-polio syndrome. Can affect speech and swallowing.
A disorder of volitional movement involving errors in rate, range, force and direction of movement
Ataxic Dysarthria
Overshoots spatial targets
Ataxic Dysarthria
Rhythmic ataxic movement
Intention tremor
Associated with damage to the cerebellar control circuit.
Ataxic Dysarthria
Ataxic dysarthria is evident in:
1) Articulation
2) Prosody
Ataxic dysarthria reflects a breakdown in:
1) Motor organization
2) Motor control
When you listen to a person with ataxic dysarthria, the impression is NOT one of underlying weakness, but an activity that is:
Poorly coordinated.
With this, you can sometimes hear explosive loudness and poorly modulated pitch.
Ataxic dysarthria
Located in the posterior fossa of the brain behind the pons and the medulla.
Lesions in ataxic dysarthria are usually:
1) Bilateral
2) In the vermis
3) Diffuse or generalized
The cerebellum makes sure that movement occurs in a:
Smooth and coordinated fashion
The cerebellum receives info from the cortex about:
Intended movements that it wishes to accomplish.
This type of dysarthria occurs from damage to cerebellar control circuit.
Ataxic dysarthria
Rhythmic tremor of body or head
Decreased resistance of passive movement
Movement errors can be seen in:
1) Force
2) Speed
3) Range
4) Direction
5) Timing
Disturbance in controlling aim or range of movement
Decomposition of movement
Ataxic movements are:
Halting, imprecise, jerky, poorly coordinated, reduced speed and lacking fluidity of movement
Clinical findings of ataxic dysarthria:
1) Difficulties with standing or walking
2) Titubations
3) Nystagmus
4) Hypotonia
5) Movement Errors
6) Dysmetria
7) Dysdiadochokinesis
8) Ataxic movements
9) Intention or kinetic tremor, typically seen as target is approximated.
Degenerative etiologies of ataxic dysarthria:
1) Friedrichs Ataxia
2) Olivopontinecerebellar atrophy (OPCA)
3) Paroxysmal ataxic dysarthria (PAD)
Types of etiologies of ataxic dysarthria.
1) Degenerative
2) Vascular
3) Neoplastic Disorders
4) Trauma
Broad based stance and instability, frequent falls.
Inborn error of metabolism; starts before adolescence and evolves to incapacitation and death over a course of about 20 years.
Friedrichs Ataxia
Falls into a group of heterogeneous conditions involving multiple systems atrophy.
A condition reflected by brief episodes of ataxic dysarthria.
It's primarily spinocerebellar in characteristics. (However, often extrapyramidal and LMN problems can be observed;
2) Associated with skeletal deformities).
3) There is no medical treatment.
Friedrichs ataxia
Associated with degeneration of the pontine and olivary nuclei in the pons, the middle cerebellar peduncles, and the cerebellum.
1) Can have few to hundreds of episodes per day lasting 5-30 seconds.
2) Medical treatment: Tegretol
Therapy for Ataxic Dysarthria
1) Increase breath control, slow and controlled respiration, speak immediately on exhalation, stop phonation early
2) reciting syllables to a metronome, finger or hand tapping, cued reading material, chunking of phrases
3) Increase volume control, medical evaluation & intervention for vocal tremor
4) Muscle force training, phonemic practice, intelligibility drills, exaggerated consonants
5) contrastive stress drills, pitch range exercises, intonation profiles, chunking utterances into syntactic units
DAB Clusters involved in Ataxic Dysarthria
1) Articulatory Inaccuracy
2) Prosodic Excess
3) Phonatory-prosodic insufficiency
DAB cluster marked by harshness, monopitch, monoloudness.
Phonatory-prosodic insufficiency
DAB cluster marked by excess and equal stress, prolonged phonemes, prolonged intervals, slow rate.
Prosodic excess
DAB cluster marked by imprecise consonants, irregular articulatory breakdowns, vowel
Articulatory inaccuracy
Best tasks to hear ataxic dysarthria:
1) Conversational speech/reading/speech AMRs
2) Repetition of sentences with multisyllabic words may promote prosodic and irregular articulatory breakdowns.
3) Irregular speech AMRs are a distinguishing characteristic of ataxic dysarthria.
Patient complains of slurred speech (drunken quality), difficulty coordinating breathing with speech, bite cheeks or tongue while talking, stumble over words.
Ataxic Dysarthria
Tumors within the cerebellum or those exerting mass effects of the cerebellum can lead to cerebellar signs, including ataxic dysarthria.
Neoplastic disorders
Lesions secondary to aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) hemorrhage, or blockages in the vertebrobasilar system, particularly its lateral regions.
Vascular etiologies of ataxic dysarhtira
1) TBI associated with limb ataxia and dysarthria.
2) Punch drunk encephalopathy - dementia puglistica seen in boxers who have sustained repeated blows to the head and cerebral injuries.
Trauma that cause ataxic dysarthria
Clinical findings of ataxic dysarthria:
1) Oral-mech exam is often normal (non-speech AMRS jaw, lips, and tongue may be irregular (lateral wiggling of tongue or retraction and pursing).
2) Irregular speech AMRs
3) May have associated cognitive deficits
With ataxic dysarthria, impaired prosody reflects the decomposition of movement and timing associated with:
Cerebellar movement
Where we see trouble with prosody in ataxic dysarthria:
1) Stress patterns (convict vs. convict), phrase stress (hot dog vs. hot dog)
2) Sentence stress "The Couple came to the Party"
3) emphatic or contrastive stress: Jay in not involved in the Red Zinger bicycle race (factual) versus Jay is not ...... (but somebody is).
Paths are:
Tracts are:
Based on location