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156 Cards in this Set

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Functions of CSF include
a) protection of brain
b) nutrition
c) control of chemical environment
d) excretion of metabolites
e) transport neurotransmitters
protection of brain
control of chemical environment
excretion of metabolites
transport neurotransmitters
The majority of CSF is produced
a) Epindymal cells
b) Pia
c) Choroid Plexus
d) Foramina of Monroe
Choroid Plexus (70%)
Another name for the 3rd Ventricle is
a) Foramina of Monroe
b) Aquaduct of Sylvius
c) Choroid Plexus
d) Arachnoid villi
Aquaduct of Sylvius
Intracranial absorption of CSF occurs via arachnoid villi at
a) Dorsal Nerve Root
b) Superior Sagittal Sinus
c) Foramina of Monroe
Superior Sagittal Sinus
Spinal cord absorption of CSF occurs via spinal veins at
a) Dorsal Nerve Root
b) Superior Sagittal Sinus
c) Foramina of Monroe
Dorsal Nerve Root
(spinal dural sinusoids)
T/F absorption of CSF occurs thru fenestrations in the villi epithelium when CSF pressure exceeds that of the sinus pressure
Which of the following substances found in both the plasma & CSF has the same concentration in both areas
a) K
b) Glucose
c) Na
d) Mg
All of the following is true regarding CSF production except
a) 0.35 - 0.40 ml/min
b) totally replaced every 5 -7 hours
c) 500 - 600 ml/day
d) replaced on an as needed basis
replaced on an as needed basis
Total CSF is
a) 300ml
b) 150ml
c) 500 ml
CSF concentration is about ____% of plasma concentration
a) 30%
b) 6%
c) 60%
d) 10%
T/F Glucose in CSF is autoregulated
True between 270 - 360 ml/dl

Requires active or passive transport process
CSF concentration of protein is ____% of plasma concentration
a) 60%
b) 6%
c) 30%
d) 70%
If ICP < 20mmHg and
CPP > 70 mmHg, CSF formation is
a) decreased
b) increased
c) no change
No change
If ICP increased OR
CPP < 70 mmHg, CSF formation is
a) decreased
b) increased
c) no change
If ICP increased AND
CPP < 70 mmHg, CSF formation is
a) decreased
b) increased
c) no change
If ICP > 30 what happens to reabsorption of CSF
a) increases
b) decreases
c) no change
increases (decreased resistance to reabsorption)
Trace the pathway of CSF
Lateral ventricles (2 – Foramina of Monroe) → 3rd ventricle (Aquaduct of Sylvius) → 4th ventricle (Aquaduct)
through Foramina of Luschka and Magendie→ subarachnoid space → Reabsorbed via arachnoid villi
(superior sagital sinus or spinal dural sinusoids)
a) decreases CMRO2
b) increases CMRO2
c) has a variable effect on ICP
d) all of the above
decreases CMRO2
has a variable effect on ICP
(can dec. ICP with hyperventilation, MAC 0.5)
Which of the following should not be used on a pt with increased ICP
a) N2O
b) Desflurane
c) Isoflurane
d) a & b
The ions in the CSF influence
a) HR, BP
b) CBF
c) cerebral metabolism
d) autonomic & vasomotor reflexes
HR, BP, autonomic & vasomotor reflexes

as well as RR , emotional states
Acid- base balance of CSF & neural tissue influences
a) BP, HR
b) Respiration
c) autoregulation
d) cerebral metabolism & CBF
cerebral metabolism & CBF
T/F Isoflurane inhibits excitatory neurotransmission
With a mild increase of CBF there is a pronounced ___________in CMRO2
a) increase
b) decrease
decrease in CMRO2
a) increase CBF
b) decrease CBF
c) increase cerebral resistance
d) decrease cerebral resistance
decrease CBF

increase cerebral resistance
What dose of Lidocaine prevents and increase in ICP & SNS
a) 5 mg/kg
b) 3 mg/kg
c) 1.5 mg/kg
d) Lidocaine doesn't have any effect on ICP
1.5 mg/kg
An intracranial mass causes
a) initial increase in ICP
b) decrease in CBV
c) decrease in CSF
d) decrease in brain tissue volume
initial increase in ICP
decrease in CBV
decrease in CSF
decrease in brain tissue volume
T/F The initial increase in ICP with an intracranial mass is a compensatory mech that is diverting ICP thru Foraman Magnum down the spinal cord
What is the gold standard for monitoring & treating ICP? _________
Which of the following components determines ICP
a) Blood
b) Brain
c) CSF
d) all of the above
Acid- base balance of CSF & neural tissue influences
a) BP, HR
b) Respiration
c) autoregulation
d) cerebral metabolism & CBF
cerebral metabolism & CBF
a) increases CBF
b) decreases CBF
c) increases ICP
d) decreases ICP
increases CBF

increases ICP
An intracranial mass causes
a) initial increase in ICP
b) decrease in CBV
c) decrease in CSF
d) decrease in brain tissue volume
initial increase in ICP
decrease in CBV
decrease in CSF
decrease in brain tissue volume
T/F The initial increase in ICP with an intracranial mass is a compensatory mech that is diverting ICP thru Foraman Magnum down the spinal cord
What is the gold standard for monitoring & treating ICP? _________
The initial response to an increased ICP is to _________________
Shift CSF into the spinal arachnoid villi
The most rapid maneuver to lower ICP is_________________________
Hyperventilation to a PaCO2 25 mmHg

DO NOT go below 25!!
Intracranial HTN defined as
a) sustained ICP > 20 mmHg
b) sustained ICP > 30 mmHg
c) sustained ICP > 15 mmHg
sustained ICP > 20 mmHg
T/F It is the ambient pressure within the skull that that causes symptomatic increases in ICP

It is the interaction with other pathology that causes the increase
Which of the following area will recover from ischemia no matter how long the ischemia is for
a) penlucida
b) penumbra
The reflex response to intracranial HTN (IC HTN) is
a) increased cerebrovascular resistance
b) decreased cerebrovascular resistance
c) increase in CBV
d) increased ICP
decreased cerebrovascular resistance (when this decreases there will be more volume of blood & CSF)
increase in CBV
increased ICP
T/F With systemic HTN, the baroreceptor mediated bradycardia leads to "cushings reflex" which eventually worsens IC HTN
Describe Cushings Reflex
MAP < ICP (loss of perfusion)

HYPOTHALAMUS ↑ SNS stimulation
Vasoconstriction = ↑ contractility, and CO
↑ BP detected by baroreceptors in carotids
Triggers PSNS → Bradycardia
Irregular Resp. pattern (eventually depressed) d/t ↑ pressure on brainstem
T/F Cushings Reflex often precedes herniation
T/F During autoregulatory failure CBF & vessel size are dependent upon CPP
AutoRegulation is impaired by
a) Traumatic Brain injury
b) Tumor tissue
c) high dose inhalation agents
d) vasodilators
Traumatic Brain injury
Tumor tissue
high dose inhalation agents
T/F Vasogenic edema is a result of
impairment of BBB function & translocation of fluid
Auto Regulation
a) determines cerebral blood flow
b) occurs at MAP 50 -150 mmHg
c) requires a normal ICP
d) accomplished via compensatory changes in cerebral vascular resistance
Determines cerebral blood flow
occurs at MAP 50 -150 mmHg
requires a normal ICP
accomplished via compensatory changes in cerebral vascular resistance
Decreasing PaCO2
a) vasoconstriction
b) decreased CBV
c) increased CBV
d) vasodilation

decreased CBV
When treating IC HTN
a) need to reduce cerebral blood flow
b) promote venous outflow
c) promote vasoconstriction
d) Position with head above heart
need to reduce cerebral blood flow
promote venous outflow (no inc. in CVP)
promote vasoconstriction ( maintain CPP)
Position with head above heart
T/F Prolonged hyperventilation > 48 hrs causes a loss in CSF buffering capacity
a) potent vasodilator
b) potent vasoconstrictor
c) has no effect on vessels
potent vasodilator
Mannitol + Lasix
a) decrease CSF production
b) decrease brain H2O content
c) decrease blood viscosity
d) promotes diuresis
decrease CSF production
decrease brain H2O content
decrease blood viscosity
promotes diuresis
Minimum CPP for tissue perfusion
a) 20 mmHg
b) 50 mmHg
c) 90 mmHg
d) 100 mmHg
50 mmHg
Formula for CPP

or MAP - CVP = CPP
If CPP is too high what could result?
Cerebral Edema
Treatment of a herniation includes
a) hyperventilate
b) mannitol (after dura open)
c) 3% Na
d) all of the above
mannitol (after dura open)
3% Na
all of the above
The brain compensates for increased ICP 1st by
a) CSF displacement
b) Compression of intracranial blood volume
CSF displacement

2nd is Compression of intracranial blood volume
Changes in volume of one of the following parenchyma, blood, CSF will require compensatory changes in the volume in one or more of the other components to keep ICP constant
a) Mickey O'Rourke Hypothesis
b) Monte Python Hypothesis
c) Monro - Kellie Hypothesis
d) Michael Landon Hypothesis
Monro - Kellie Hypothesis
Vasogenic Edema caused by
a) trauma/ infection
b) disruption in BBB
c) Hydrocephalus
d) abscess/tumor
disruption in BBB


there will be an inc. in ECF (IV & interstitial fluid)
Cytotoxic Edema
a) trauma/ infection
b) disruption in BBB
c) Hydrocephalus
d) abscess/tumor
trauma/ infection

increased intracellular volume
Which type of tumor is more dangerous
a) slow growing large tumor
b) fast growing small tumor
fast growing small tumor
b/c brain doesn't have time to adjust to the changes in pressure
Cerebral Capacitance
a) stiffness of brain tissue
b) rate that brain accommodates changes in intracranial volume
c) brain can get only so big before it herniates
rate that brain accommodates changes in intracranial volume

brain can get only so big before it herniates
Cerebral Compliance
a) stiffness of brain tissue
b) rate that brain accommodates changes in intracranial volume
c) brain can get only so big before it herniates
stiffness of brain tissue
How well brain responds to changes caused by tumor etc
Treatment of a herniation includes
a) hyperventilate
b) mannitol (after dura open)
c) 3% Na
d) all of the above
mannitol (after dura open)
3% Na
all of the above
The brain compensates for increased ICP 1st by
a) CSF displacement
b) Compression of intracranial blood volume
CSF displacement

2nd is Compression of intracranial blood volume
Cytotoxic Edema
a) trauma/ infection
b) disruption in BBB
c) Hydrocephalus
d) abscess/tumor
trauma/ infection

increased intracellular volume
Uncal herniation
a) upward pressure thru tentorium
b) downward pressure thru tentorium
c) displacement thru the foramen magnum
d) brain protruding thru open skull
downward pressure thru tentorium
Transcalvarial herniation
a) upward pressure thru tentorium
b) downward pressure thru tentorium
c) displacement thru the foramen magnum
d) brain protruding thru open skull
brain protruding thru open skull
Sublacine herniation
a) upward pressure thru tentorium
b) downward pressure thru tentorium
c) brain is pushed into other hemisphere
d) brain protruding thru open skull
brain is pushed into other hemisphere
The two infratentorial herniations are
a) Uncal
b) "upward"
c) tonsillar
d) central

Where is the Ventriculostomy places in the brain?
Frontal Horn in lateral ventricles near Foramen of Monro
T/F Lumbar Subarachnoid monitoring should not be done on pt with increased ICP
True, there is a risk of downward herniation
Movement of plasma components between peripheral IVF & ECF is based on
a) oncotic gradient
b) osmolar gradient
c) passively
oncotic gradient
In the BBB movement of plasma components between IVF & ECF is based on
a) oncotic gradient
b) osmolar gradient
c) passively
osmolar gradient
T/F Large amounts of iso-osmolar crystalloids will cause peripheral edema d/t dilution but not cause cerebral edema or inc. ICP
Examples of hyperosmolar fluids
a) Mannitol
b) LR
c) 3% Na
d) 0.9% NS
e) D5LR

3% Na

Examples of hypo-osmolar fluids include
a) Mannitol
b) LR
c) 3% Na
d) 0.9% NS
e) 0.45% NS

0.45% NS
Example(s) of iso-osmolar fluids a) Mannitol
b) LR
c) 3% Na
d) 0.9% NS
e) 0.45% NS
0.9% NS
Hyperosmolar fluids
a) improve CO, dec periph vasc. resist
b) osmotic shift of H2O from interstitial and intracellular spaces to intravasc.
c) allow for rapid resuscitation with smaller volumes
d) do not cause a fluid shift
improve CO, dec periph vasc. resist
osmotic shift of H2O from interstitial and intracellular spaces to intravasc.
allow for rapid resuscitation with smaller volumes
T/F Na levels < 120 or > 170 can cause seizures & decreased LOC
with infusion of 3% Na or Mannitol need to look at serum Na levels before giving!
a) hyperosmolar
b) given just before dura open
c) transient increase in ICP
d) dec. brain volume for surgical exposure
a) hyperosmolar
b) given just before dura open
c) transient increase in ICP
d) dec. brain volume for surgical exposure
Hypercapnia, vasodilators, obstruction of venous outflow all _____________
cause Brain Swelling
Does Albumin contain clotting factors?
T/F When given PRBC's it is important to only give them to keep Hct at a "safe" level
True keep about 30 promotes max O2 delivery to tissue
A Hct > 30
a) viscous blood
b) decreased O2 delivery to tissue
c) both of the above
viscous blood
decreased O2 delivery to tissue

a Hct < 25 will also dec. O2 delivery to tissue but because of dec. carrying ability
Cerebral Aneurism
a) 60 - 80 % of all pts have vasospasm
b) incidence of vasospasm occurs 4 - 10 days after rupture
c) vasospasm can cause ischemia & infarction
60 - 80 % of all pts have vasospasm
incidence of vasospasm occurs 4 - 10 days after rupture
vasospasm can cause ischemia & infarction
Diabetes Insipidus
a) Lack of ADH release
b) increase ADH release
c) hypernatremia
d) hyponatremia
Lack of ADH release

Diabetes Insipidus
a) treat with 0.9% NS
b) treat with 0.45% NS
c) treat with Vasopressin or DDAVP
d) causes hypovolemia, HOTN
e) causes increased plasma osmolarity
treat with 0.45% NS
treat with Vasopressin or DDAVP
causes hypovolemia, HOTN
causes increased plasma osmolarity
Ideal fluid to treat Trauma pt with head injury
a) Whole Blood
b) Iso-tonic crystalloids
c) hypertonic crystalloids
Whole Blood (requires less volume)
BUT usually not available
So next best choice is isotonic (9%NS)
Glascow Coma Scale
a) easy
b) reliable
c) helps with diagnosis & therapy choices
d) has prognostic value
helps with diagnosis & therapy choices
has prognostic value
Your pt opens their eyes to speech, is inappropriate, localizes pain
Glascow coma score
T/F Lateral cervical spine films detect 80% of cervical spine fx in adults
T/F 5% of all spinal cord injuries are Children, who are more prone to high cervical injuries, which will unfortunately be undetected on X-ray
When treating a pt with an acute head injury and HTN what drugs would be the best choice
a) Nipride
b) Esmolol
c) Labetolol
d) all of the above

these drugs don't increase ICP like Nipride
Treatment for elevated ICP d/t an acute head injury includes
a) increasing venous outflow
b) hyperventilation
c) hyperosmolar fluids
d) iso-osmolar fluids
e) Hypothermia
increasing venous outflow (HOB 30 degrees, no neck flexion)
hyperventilation (brief periods)
hyperosmolar fluids
Airway management in acute head injury
a) sedation
b) assume c-spine fx
c) avoiding nasal intubation
d) all of the above
sedation (but only if intubated)
assume c-spine fx
avoiding nasal intubation (Fiberoptic intubation is gold standard)
Induction of acute head injury pt with HTN
a) RSI/with cricoid pressure
b) defasiculate/Sux
c) STP
d) Etomidate
e) Lidocaine
RSI/with cricoid pressure
Lidocaine (dec ICP, blunts DL)
NO ETOMIDATE it decreases seizure threshold
Induction of acute head injury pt with HOTN
a) RSI/with cricoid pressure
b) defasiculate/Sux
c) STP
d) Etomidate
e) Lidocaine
RSI/with cricoid pressure
Lidocaine (dec ICP, blunts DL)
T/F with acute head injury the ANS is activated which will elev. BP, HR, CO and also cause ST changes in EKG which mimic cardiac ischemia
Preventing Hypoxemia in acute head injury pt
a) keep PaO2 > 60
b) Treat pulmonary conditions
c) Consider PEEP 10 cm or less
d) all of the above
keep PaO2 > 60 (or SaO2 > 90)

Treat pulmonary conditions (r/t neurogenic pulm edema caused by SNS activation which increases pulm capillary permeability)

Consider PEEP 10 cm or less
Your pt has (1) dilated pupil it is probably caused by
a) contralateral Uncal herniation
b) ipsilateral Uncal herniation
ipsilateral Uncal herniation
HOTN in acute head injury
a) SBP < 90 mmHg
b) long duration assoc. with poor outcome
c) tx with vasopressors only
d) tx with fluids/blood
SBP < 90 mmHg
long duration assoc. with poor outcome
tx with fluids/blood
(vasopressors will not be used alone! treat with fluids 1st)
T/F A decrease in SBP > 10mmHg with + pressure ventilation = 10% in blood volume
True This is a better indicator than CVP
T/F HTN in acute head injury impairs autoregulation
The best way to treat HTN in the acute head injury pt
a) Nipride
b) Hydralazine
c) Metoprolol
d) Esmolol
e) Labetolol

These drugs are NOT vasodilators so won't increase ICP like the others
Do blood glucose levels match brain glucose levels in ischemia?
Hyperventilation can cause
a) cerebral vasoconstriction
b) cerebral vasodilation
c) ischemia
d) decreased CBF
e) extracellular alkalosis
cerebral vasoconstriction
decreased CBF
extracellular alkalosis

Hyperventilation should be avoided the first 24hrs
The temperature that decreases CMRO2?
32- 33 degrees Celcius
T/F If you raise the HOB in a pt with acute head injury too high the MAP & CPP will decrease and cause ischemia
Hyperventilation can
a) lower systemic BP
b) increase systemic BP
c) leftward shift of oxyheme dissoc. curve
d) inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
lowers systemic BP
leftward shift of oxyheme dissoc. curve
inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction leading to bronchoconstriction
Jugular desaturation is common after head injury, when would you be concerned
a) SJO2 < 90%
b) SJO2 < 50%
c) SJO2 < 80%
d) SJO2 < 75%
MOA of Mannitol
a) decrease brain H2O by increasing plasma osmolarity
b) decreases ICP
c) thru osmotic gradient created with INTACT BBB
d) all of the above
decrease brain H2O by increasing plasma osmolarity
decreases ICP
thru osmotic gradient created with INTACT BBB
a) decrease CMRO2
b) decrease CBF
c) decrease CB Volume
d) decrease ICP
decrease CMRO2
decrease CBF
decrease CB Volume
decrease ICP
T/F Barbiturates are the gold standard for sedating pts with refractory IC HTN
Describe the "triphasic hemodynamic response" to Mannitol
Transient HOTN (1-2 minutes after rapid infusion)
Increase in blood volume, CI, PCWP
Transient increase in ICP
30 minutes later blood volume returns to normal AND PCWP & CI DROP BELOW NORMAL
Burst suppression dose of Propofol
a) 50 mcg/kg/min
b) 100 mcg/kg/min
c) 150 mch/kg/min
d) 200 mcg/kg/min
200 mcg/kg/min
Propofol Infusion Syndrome signs
a) Acidosis
b) Rhabdomylysis
c) Renal faliure
d) Fatty liver
e) Cardiac Failure
Renal faliure
Fatty liver
Cardiac Failure
a) decreases CMRO2
b) decreases CBF
c) decreases CB Volume
d) all of the above
decreases CMRO2
decreases CBF
decreases CB Volume
You have given your acute head injury pt just a little too much Versed, why do you need to be cautious about giving Flumazenil?
Because Flumazenil increases ICP
An Extention Spinal Cord injury
a) Posterior column
b) Anterior column
c) r/t whiplash
d) r/t diving accident
Posterior column C5 - C7

r/t whiplash
A Flexion Spinal Cord injury
a) Posterior column
b) Anterior column
c) r/t whiplash
d) r/t diving accident
Anterior column

r/t diving accident
Anterior Column injury will have effect on which
a) motor
b) sensory
Posterior Column injury will have effect on which
a) motor
b) sensory
Posterior Column injury will have effect on which
a) motor
b) sensory
Spinal Cord injury in CENTRAL cord
a) Ipsilateral paralysis, proprioception, touch, vibration & contralateral loss of pain & temperature
b) Motor loss (arms>legs) bladder dysfunction
c) Bilateral motor , pain & temperature loss
d) Loss of touch & temperature
Motor loss (arms>legs) bladder dysfunction
Brown-Sequard Spinal Cord injury
a) Ipsilateral paralysis, proprioception, touch, vibration & contralateral loss of pain & temperature
b) Motor loss (arms>legs) bladder dysfunction
c) Bilateral motor , pain & temperature loss
d) Loss of touch & temperature
Ipsilateral paralysis, proprioception, touch, vibration & contralateral loss of pain & temperature
a) Ipsilateral paralysis, proprioception, touch, vibration and contralateral loss of pain and temperature
b) Motor loss (arms>legs) bladder dysfunction
c) Bilateral motor , pain and temperature loss
d) Loss of touch and temperature
Bilateral motor , pain and temperature loss
a) Ipsilateral paralysis, proprioception, touch, vibration & contralateral loss of pain & temperature
b) Motor loss (arms>legs) bladder dysfunction
c) Bilateral motor, pain & temperature loss
d) Loss of touch & temperature
Loss of touch & temperature
Soft cervical collar / Philly cervical collar
decreases flexion, extension and rotation
Philly cervical collar
In spinal cord injury Respiratory complications are the most common if injury is above C5 which muscles are effected
a) intercostal
b) abdominal
c) diaphragm
In spinal cord injury Respiratory complications are the most common if injury is below C6 which muscles are effected
a) intercostal
b) abdominal
c) diaphragm
Spinal Shock happens in 4 phases, Phase I is
a) Lasts about 1 week, with some return of initial reflexes
b) Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia
c) Takes about 1 month, recurrence of initial hypereflexia
d) Final hypereflexia
Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia

Spinal Shock happens in 4 phases, Phase II is
a) Lasts about 1 week, with some return of initial reflexes
b) Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia
c) Takes about 1 month, recurrence of initial hypereflexia
d) Final hypereflexia
Lasts about 1 week, with some return of initial reflexes
Spinal Shock happens in 4 phases, Phase III is
a) Lasts about 1 week, with some return of initial reflexes
b) Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia
c) Takes about 1 month, recurrence of initial hypereflexia
d) Final hypereflexia
Takes about 1 month, recurrence of initial hypereflexia
Spinal Shock happens in 4 phases, Phase IV is
a) Lasts about 1 week, with some return of initial reflexes
b) Flaccid paralysis, hyporeflexia
c) Takes about 1 month, recurrence of initial hypereflexia
d) Final hypereflexia
Final hypereflexia
Neurogenic Shock happens during which phase of Spinal shock
a) Phase I
b) Phase II
c) Phase III
d) Phase IV
Phase I
Neurogenic Shock
a) peripheral vasodilation, HOTN
b) loss of SNS tone
c) increased venous capacitance
d) venous pooling
peripheral vasodilation, HOTN
loss of SNS tone
increased venous capacitance
venous pooling
At what level do you lose cardioaccelerator fibers?
T2 - T5 (according to Diane, other's have told us T1 - T4)
In spinal cord injury loss of temperature control happens
a) above injury
b) below injury
below injury

If injury is above T6 pt will become POIKILOTHERMIC (take on temp of environment)
Evoked Potential
a) response of nervous system to external event
b) response of nervous system to internal event
response of nervous system to external event
Visual, Auditory, Somatosensory
When doing Somatosensory evoked potential why would you place a lead on the unaffected side?
To act as a control
T/F The more synapses a stimulus must pass thru the more anesthetic drugs will effect the response
When using upper extremities for Somatosensory evoked potentials where do you place the leads?
Median nerve

Erbs point (clavicle)
When using lower extremities for Somatosensory evoked potentials where do you place the leads?
Post tibial nerve

Popliteal Fossa
If patient had a tumor at T1 where would you place the leads?
on both upper and lower extremities
The risk for injury however is below the injury/tumor
What effects Latency of SEP
a) pt height
b) pt weight
c) temp of extremity or cortex
d) drugs (barbs, propofol)
e) conduction velocity/ # of synapses
f) presence of CNS dz
pt height
temp of extremity or cortex
drugs (barbs, propofol)
conduction velocity/ # of synapses
presence of CNS dz
Operative variables that effect Latency of SEP
a) physiologic (temp)
b) drugs
c) pressure/retraction
d) changes in CBF & CSF
e) stretching of spine
physiologic (temp)
changes in CBF & CSF
stretching of spine
SEP's are being done during your spinal surgery case, your pts blood pressure has just sky rocketed would you choose Nipride or Inhalation agent to help decrease the BP
Nipride, the gas will interfere with the SEP monitoring
Normal CBF
a) 20 ml/100g/min
b) 50 ml/100g/min
c) 15 ml/100g/min
d) 25 ml/100g/min
50 ml/100g/min
When CBF is 20 - 25 ml/100g/min
a) EEG is Isoelectric
b) Evoked potentials are suppressed
c) EEG slowing is noted
d) Irreversible damage occurs
e) Cell death with massive efflux K
EEG slowing is noted
When CBF is 15 - 20 ml/100g/min
a) EEG is Isoelectric
b) Evoked potentials are suppressed
c) EEG slowing is noted
d) Irreversible damage occurs
e) Cell death with massive efflux K
EEG is Isoelectric
When CBF is <15 ml/100g/min
a) EEG is Isoelectric
b) Evoked potentials are suppressed
c) EEG slowing is noted
d) Irreversible damage occurs
e) Cell death with massive efflux K
Evoked potentials are suppressed
When CBF is <10 ml/100g/min
a) EEG is Isoelectric
b) Evoked potentials are suppressed
c) EEG slowing is noted
d) Irreversible damage occurs
e) Cell death with massive efflux K
Irreversible damage occurs
When CBF is <6 ml/100g/min
a) EEG is Isoelectric
b) Evoked potentials are suppressed
c) EEG slowing is noted
d) Irreversible damage occurs
e) Cell death with massive efflux K
Cell death with massive efflux K
metabolic cascade
Which of the following areas is most susceptible to effects of anesthesia when doing evoked potentials
a) peripheral nerves
b) subcortical area
c) lumbar spine
d) sensory cortex
sensory cortex
the other areas are somewhat resistant
T/F Opioids cause major depression of all responses during evoked potentials
False they cause only a mild depression and in fact are quite often used during recording of cortical sensory responses and motor evoked potentials