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47 Cards in this Set

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what does the PCMLS sense
fine touch
vibration (pancinian)
conscious proprioception
when she refers to discriminative toush what is she referring to?
the info in PCMLS

fine touch, conscious proprioception, vibration
how many neurons are in teh PCMLS path

1: peripheral process with receptor, cell body in PRG, central process forms cunneate/gracilis fasciculus, synapse in caudal medulla

2. Cell body in caudal medulla, decusate to form contralateral medial lemniscus, synapse in thalamus VPL,

3. cell body in VPL, axon in post limb of int capsule, synapse in primary cortex
for the 1 neuron in the PCMLS system...

peripheral process
cell body
central process
cunneate/gracilis fasciculis
caudal medulla
where do fibers in PCMLS decusate
from gracilis/cunneate fasciculas, they synapse in caudal medulla. at caudal medulla they cross and form Medial lemniscus on contralateral side
what is the path of the PCMLS, start at receptor and end at cortex
1. receptor in periphery
2. Cell body in PRG
3. Central process travels up the SC in the gracilis/cuneate fasciculus in the caudal medulla in synapses with 2 neuron in cuneate/gracile nucleus

1. Synapse occurs in cuneate/gracile nucleus of caudal medulla (ie 2 neuron cell bodies are in the cuneate/gracile nucleus)
2. Axons DECUSATE and enter the medial Lemniscus
3. axons travel to the VPL of Thalamus

1. The cell bodies of hte 3 neuron are in the VPL of the thalamus, synapse occurs here
2. axons travel in post limb of internal capsule and then enter layer 4 of primary cortex
what are the types of receptors associated with the PCMLS
think fx: discriminitive touch, vibration, conscious proprioception

Encapsulated: meisner, pancinian, hair
NonEncapsulated: hair, ruffini, merkel

1. LOW THRESHOLD MECHANORECEPTORS: encapsulated, non encaprulated, slow and fast adapting.

2. Proprioceptors: MM spindle and GTP
what is carried in the Med Lemniscus
CONTRALTERAL fibers with fine touch, vibration, and conscious proprioception

**decusation occurs in the medulla when fibers cross from PC to MLS
classify the central fibers of the 1 neuron in the PCMLS. do any other tracts have this same fiber type in their prinary central neurons
Large diameter
Fast conduction
RAPID conduction

**Aa Ia Ib; Ab (II)

spinocerebellar (also proprioception but NON conscious)
we know that the 1 neuron in PCMLS has its cell body in the PRG, where do the fibers actually enter the SC
post root entry zone, medial division
what info enters at post root entry zone, medial? lateral?
MEDIAL: central processes from the 1 neuron in the PCMLS

LATERAL: ???????????
are the mechanoreceptors in the PCMLS low thresh or high thresh
LOW, not a huge stim is required for activation
large diameter, heavily myelinated fast conducting nerve fibers are associated with which tracts
2. TG
3. Spinocerebellar
what happens once the central process of 1 neurons of the PCMLS enter the SC at the medial post root entry zone
1. ascend in post funiculus

2. synapse in post horn for spinal reflexes
at the level of L4 are both the gracilis and cuneatues present
Gracilis: LE
Cuneatus: UE

**JUST gracilis at L4
the gracilis carries info from where? cuneatus? how does the location add to this story
Gracilis: LE, T6 and lower
Cuneattus: UE, T6 and higher

**as we ascend things add laterally, so gracilis (LE) is medial and as we get info from UE (cuneatus) it is added laterally
the post column refers to what
the 2 distinct fiber bundles in post funiculus
1. Gracile: LE, T6 and below
2. Cuneate: UE, T6 and above

**medial is the LE and as we ascend info is added laterally
fibers from what structures are represented medially in the post funiculus (post column). does this organization change as we ascend and the info is carried on the contralateral MLS?
medial: LE
lateral: UE

Ant: LE
Post: UE
the post column is supplied by what a, what about MLS
PC: post spinal A
MLS: Ant spinal A
where is info from the LE carries as we ascend the PCMLS
first in medial area of post funiculus- Gracile

Decusation into the anterior part of MLS (CONTRALATERAL MLS)

then takes a more lateral position in the upper pons/midbrain/thalamus (VPL)

synapse in superior part of postcentral gyrus
where is info from the UE carried as we ascend the
UE is added laterally at T6 and above. Lateral position in cuneatus

Decusation, Fibers are carried in the POSTERIOR position of the contralateral MLS

In the upper pons/midbrain it is more medial (weird to cross)

in the thalamus its medial (in VPL)

enters the primary cortex in a more inferior location on the post central gyrus
at what part in the PCMLS is info being carried ipsilaterally
in SC

crossing does not occur until the caudal medulla, fibers go from cunneate (lateral) to contralateral MLC (post). Gracile (medial) fibers go to the contralateral anterior position of MLS
does synapse of the 1 neuron in the PCMLS occur ipsilateral or contralateral

**its usually the 2 neuron that crosses so the synapse MUST be ipsilateral
the fibers of the PCMLS that decusate are called what?`
internal arcruate

**from PC to MLS in caudal medulla, after synapse in the gracile and cunneate nuclei


**info from one side of the body entering the brainstem on opposite side
what is a good way to remeber where LE and UE info is in the MLS
pretend like the little man is the MLS, the bottom is the LE and the top is the UE (**BV is Ant spinal A)

**then as we get into the pons/midbrain the man does the splits adn the legs are lateral
what structure has a major shape change as we go from medulla to pons and up to midbrain
the MLS

Caudal Medulla: MLS is vertical, LE is bottom UE is TOP

PONS/MIDBRAIN: LE is lateral, UE is medial

**total switch from where the info was in the SC
in the PCMLS where does the R thalamus go to
R cortex, info from L body is carried here
what is the blood supply for info from PCMLS in the thalamus
talamogeniculate a

**recall medial is UE and lateral is LE
where do axons from 3 neuron in the PCMLS system travel
post limb of internal capsule
the post central gyrus what info is there
info from PCMLS (fine touch, vibration, conscious proprioception)

superior and post paracentral lobule: LE

Inferior: UE
what vessel supplies LE info in cortex, UE
LE info is medial and superior: ACA

UE is lateral adn inferior: MCA
what fissures are the MCA and ACA in the cortex
MCA: longitidinal fissure, supplies medial hemisphere

ACA: lateral fissure
what are 4 terms to describe the primary somatosensory cortex
1. S1
2. Broadman areas 123
3. postcentral gyrus
4. posterior paracentral gyrus
what are the broadman areas of the primary somatosensory cortex
3: 3a and 3b

**post central gyrus
when looking at a medial slice of the brain hemisphere, where is primary somatosensory cortex
posterior paracentral gryus
what is the organization within the primary somatosensory cortex
3a/2: proprioception (outer limits)

3b/1: cutaneous mechanoreceptors (inner)
where in the cortex does proprioception end up? cutaneous mechanoreceptors
outer layers, 3a and 2
inner layers, 3b and 1

**layer 4 of cortex just like ALL sensory input :)
what does heterogranular mean
sensory, large layer 4 of cortex

what structures in the somatosesnsory cortex are analogous to occular dominance columsn
tall vertical columns in layer 4 of cortex

**cells in a single column have a simliar receptive field, Slow and rapid adapting from same area of skin
an electrode placed perpendicular to the somatosensory cotrex would be sampling what
all neurons responsive to same type of stimulus

**vertical column, same receptive field, different type of stimulus
we know that the superior postcental gryus has LE and the inferior has UE, how is the distribution from a medial to lateral view
UE lateral
LE Medial
where does info from S1 go for further processing,
post into broadman areas 5 7 called parietal accosiation area
what are 2 areas of secondary cortical processing areas for somatosensory info
1. Broadmen 5,7. parietal assoc cortex

2. secondary somatosensory cortex (SII)
what has happened if you cant identify objects by touch
damage in secondary/association areas (parietal association-broadman 5,7 or SII)

what is astereognosis
cant ID objects by touch, leision in association cortex (S2 or broadman 5,7)
in the primary cortex the MCA is where, what does it supply
UE, supplies lateral hemisphere
ACA supplies what part of cortex, what info ehre
medial hemisphere,