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76 Cards in this Set

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What is the "normal" time it should take someone from 60-69 years old to perform the TUG?
8.1 seconds
What is the "normal" time it should take someone from 70-79 years old to perform the TUG?
9.2 seconds
What is the "normal" time it should take someone from 80-99 years old to perform the TUG?
11.3 seconds
A TUG time of greater than 14 seconds indicates what?
14 seconds
In Post Hip Fracture patients, what does a TUG of >24 seconds indicate?
Fall risk within 6 months.
What does a TUG score of >30 seconds indicate in frail older adults?
Needing an assistive device
A score of 0-20 on the BERG is indicative of what?
Wheelchair bound
A score of 21-40 on the BERG is indicative of what?
Walking with assistance
A score of 41-56 on the BERG is indicative of what?
Independent Gait
A score of <19 on the Tinetti's is indicative of what?
High fall risk
A score of 19-24 on the Tinetti's is indicative of what?
Medium Fall Risk
A score of 25-28 on the Tinetti's is indicative of what?
Low Fall Risk
What is the test for cranial nerve I
Coffee and Cinnamon
What is the test for cranial nerve II
Visual Acuity
What is the test for cranial nerve III
Follow pen up and down, constrict pupil
What is the test for cranial nerve IV
Follow pen in and down
What is the test for cranial nerve V
Light touch on forehead, clench jaws, corneal reflex
What is the test for cranial nerve VI
Follow pen outward
What is the test for cranial nerve VII
Raise eyebrows, frown, smile, puff cheeks
What is the test for cranial nerve VIII
VOR, VSR, Balance, tuning fork to mastoid and on top of head
What is the test for cranial nerve IX?
Gag Reflex
What is the test for cranial nerve X?
What is the test for cranial nerve XI?
Shrug shoulders
What is the test for cranial nerve XII?
Stick out tongue
How do you test for kinesthesia?
Move joint and have patient tell you which direction you are moving it.
How do you test for proprioception?
Move a joint and have the patient tell where the limb is in space.
How do you test stereognosis?
Give a patient various objects that they have to identify with their eyes closed.
How do you test tactile location (topognosis)?
Have the patient tell you where you are touching them
How do you test 2 point discrimination
Use a paper clip and determine the distance needed between the two points before the patient can feel both distinctly
How do you test double point discrimination
Touch two different areas of the body and see if the patient can feel both of them
How do you test graphesthesia?
Draw a letter on the patient's hand using your finger and see if they can identify which letter you drew
How do you test for barognosis?
Have patient lift items of different weight and sort them according to weight
What are 6 non-equilibrium coordination tests?
Nose to finger
Finger Opposition
Heel on Shin
C2 Dermatome
Behind Ear
C3 Dermatome
Supraclavicular Fossa
C4 Dermatome
Shoulder Tip
C5 Dermatome
Lateral elbow just above joint
C6 Dermatome
Proximal phalanx of thumb
C7 Dermatome
Proximal phalanx of middle finger
C8 Dermatome
Proximal phalanx of little finger
T1 Dermatome
Medial elbow just above joint
T2 Dermatome
Apex of axilla
T3 Dermatome
3rd intercostal space MC line
T4 Dermatome
T5 Dermatome
Between Nipple and xiphoid process
T6 Dermatome
Xiphoid Process
T10 Dermatome
L1 Dermatome
Mid inguinal point
L3 Dermatome
Medial Side of knee
L2 Dermatome
Medial Thigh
L4 Dermatome
Medial Ankle
L5 Dermatome
5th metatarsal
S1 Dermatome
Lateral Heel
S2 Dermatome
Behind Knee Joint
S3 Dermatome
Ischial Tuberosity
S4/S5 Dermatome
C4 Myotome
Shoulder Shrug
C5 Myotome
Elbow Flexion
C6 Mytome
Wrist Extension
C7 Myotome
Elbow Extension
C8 Myotome
Finger Flexion
T1 Myotome
Finger Abduction
L2 Myotome
Hip Flexion
L3 Myotome
Knee Extension
L4 Myotome
Ankle Dorsiflexion
L5 Myotome
Big Toe Extension
S1 Myotome
Ankle Plantarflexion
What is Asia "A"
Complete Impairment
What is Asia "B"
Sensory Incomplete. Sensory is preserved below the neurological level and includes S4-S5
What is Asia "C"
Motor Incomplete. More than half of key muscle functions below neurological level have muscle grade < 3
What is Asia "D"
Motor Incomplete. At least half of key muscle functions below the neurological level have muscle grade >3
What is Asia "E"
Prior deficits, but patient now has normal function
If there is a left beating nystagmus which side is the lesion on?
Do paretic lesions cause same side or opposite side nystagmus?
Opposite side
Do irritative lesions cause same side or opposite side nystagmus?
Same Side
During VOR is the saccade corrective to the deficit or unaffected side?