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61 Cards in this Set

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Tension Headache

Most common HA type which effect women more often then men and is identified by constant, daily bilateral pain

S/S Tension Headache

Vice-like pressure that waxes and wanes. Excacerbated by emotional stress, fatigue, noise, glare, or concentration, neck or back of head sore.

Tx Tension Headache

Motrin 6-800mg PO tid, Tylenol 325-650mg PO qid. Trial anti Migraine, massages, hot bath

Cluster Headache

More common in Middle aged men

S/S Cluster Headache

nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, lacrimations, redness of eyes, Horner's Syndrome, remain active, awaken at night, last 30min-3hrs, weeks or months between bouts, triggered by alcohol, foods, stress, glare

Tx Cluster Headache

SQ Sumatriptan 4-6mg, 100% O2, Prophylactic given by MO


build up, throbbing, last several hrs.

S/S Migraines

Aura, visual disturbances, numbness, tingling, aphasia, Fam Hx, triggered by emotional/physical stress, lack of sleep, missed meals, alcohol, foods, menstruation, contraceptives

Tx Migraines

avoid precipitating factors, rest in quiet darkened room, analgesics or vasoconstrictors, antiemetic's, HA cocktail, steroids

Post-Concussive HA

After Head Injury

S/S Post-Concussive HA

Symptoms occur 1-2 days after injury, and subside 7-10 days . Impaired memory, poor concentration, increased irritability, and emotional instability

Tx Post-Concussive HA

No special treatment, simple analgesics as first line

Cough HA

cough, sneezing, straining, and laughing, can cause severe head pain

S/S Cough HA

distinction that pain last a few min, if not consider ruptured vessel and intracranial bleed

Tx Cough HA

No treatment, resolves itself

Med Overuse HA

50% of patients with chronic daily HA

S/S Med Overuse HA

chronic pain unrelieved by medication, Hx reveals overuse of analgesics

Tx Med Overuse HA

withdrawal meds, results in months not days

Partial Seizures

limited to one hemisphere of the brain, classified if consciousness was impaired

S/S Partial Seizures

MOTOR SIGNS: right primary motor cortex, involuntary movement of the left hand. SENSORY SIGNS: paresthesia, flashing lights, hallucinations, vertigo, unusual odors, or sounds. AUTONOMIC FUNCTIONS: flushing, sweating, piloerection. HIGHER CORTICAL FUNCTION: fear, sense of impending change, detachment, depersonalization

Tx/Dispo Partial Seizures

FIRST AID- clear room, maintain airway, redirect gently, IV dextrose(25-50mL) for hypoglycemia. MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

Generalized Seizures

arise from both hemispheres, LOC is the hallmark

S/S Generalized Seizures

MOTOR SIGNS: right primary motor cortex, involuntary movement of the left hand. SENSORY SIGNS: paresthesia, flashing lights, hallucinations, vertigo, unusual odors, or sounds. AUTONOMIC FUNCTIONS: flushing, sweating, piloerection. HIGHER CORTICAL FUNCTION: fear, sense of impending change, detachment, depersonalization

Tx/Dispo Generalized Seizures

FIRST AID- clear room, maintain airway, redirect gently, IV dextrose(25-50mL) for hypoglycemia. MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

S/S Abscense Seizure

brief loss of consciousness, lasts only seconds, no postictal confusion, accompanied with automatisms

Tx/Dispo Abscense Seizure

FIRST AID- clear room, maintain airway, redirect gently, IV dextrose(25-50mL) for hypoglycemia. MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

S/S Tonic-Clonic Seizure

common in adults, abruptly without warning, tonic contractions of muscles, respirations impaired, increased HR, B/P, and pupillary size, last 10-20s then evolves to clonic phase, muscles relax last 1m

Tx/Dispo Tonic-Clonic Seizure

FIRST AID- clear room, maintain airway, redirect gently, IV dextrose(25-50mL) for hypoglycemia. MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

S/S Myoclonic Seizure

Sudden brief contraction of the body or body part, pathologic myoclonus,

Tx/Dispo Myoclonic Seizure

FIRST AID- clear room, maintain airway, redirect gently, IV dextrose(25-50mL) for hypoglycemia. MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

S/S Status Epilepticus

continuous seizures >10 min

Tx/Dispo Status Epilepticus

diazepam 10mg IV over 10 min. Phenytoin 18-20mg/kg @ 50mg/min, watch for arrhythmias MEDEVAC, MO evaluation, Neuro referral

Hemorrhagic Stroke

Rupture of a blood vessel bleeding into the brain, lack of blood flow leading to ischemia

S/S Hemorrhagic Stroke

sudden onset focal neurologic deficit, diffuse finding for systemic hypoperfusion etiology

Tx/ Dispo Hemorrhagic Stroke and Ischemic Stroke

look for causes and treat accordingly, diff for bilateral B/P, Manage B/P if over 220, Labetalol 10-20mg IV every 10-20m max dose 150mg, Fundoscopic exam for papilledemia, Exam head for trauma. MEDEVAC ASAP

Ischemic Stroke

blockage of a blood vessel, lack of blood flow to the brain leading to ischemia

S/S Ischemic Stroke and TIA

intracerebral hemorrhage usually gradual onset as blood builds, Subaracnoid Hemorrhage has maximal impact right away

S/S Transient Ischemic Attack

focal neurologic symptoms lasting less than 24 hrs

Concussion/Cranial Trauma

cognitive impairment brought on by diffuse brain injury after exposure to impact factors

S/S Concussion

HA, dizziness, vertigo, imbalance, N&V, Mood/ cognitive disturbances, light noise sensitivity, sleep disturbance, vacant stare, slow verbal, disorientation, inability to focus, slurred speech, emotional out of proportion, memory deficits, LOC

Tx/Dispo Concussion

24 hr observation, LLD x24, Awaken every 2 hrs to check A&Ox3, NO ALCOHOL, meds other then Tylenol for 48 hrs. MEDEVAC for inability to waken, worsening HA, confusion, restlessness or seizures, vision problems, vomiting, fever or stiff neck, incontinence, weakness or numbness

S/S Cranial Trauma

penetrating trauma, LOC, soft-tissue swelling, hematoma, palpable fracture, crepitus, battle signs, raccoon eyes, hemotympanum, CSF, CN deficits

Tx/Dispo Cranial Trauma

O2, C-spine, maintain airway, elevate head, IV fluid, Head CT, X-ray, if suspected orbital or nasal fracture DO NOT use NG tube. Neurosurgeon MEDEVAC

Epidural Hemorrhage

bleeding into the potential space between the cranium and the dura matter

S/S Epidural Hemorrhage

head injury with brief LOC, lucid interval, increasing HA, decreasing neurological exam,

Tx/Dispo Epidural Hemorrhage

complete and serial neuro exam, check eyes for papilledemia, O2 prepare to intubate, neuro consult, . MEDEVAC

Subdural Hemorrhage

bleeding into the actual space between the surface of the brain and the dura matter

S/S Subdural Hemorrhage

ETOH abusers, can occur without injury

Tx/Dispo Subdural Hemorrhage

O2 prepare to intubate, C-spine, monitor neuro signs, MEDEVAC ASAP for Head CT

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

bleeding is high in the subarachnoid space which normally only has CSF

S/S Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

sudden severe HA, MSC, LOC, seizure, nausea, meningeal signs

Tx/Dispo Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

bed rest, O2, analgesia, control B/P, stop anticoagulation, treat systematically, consult MO, MEDEVAC

S/S Traumatic Spinal Injury

direct damage, swelling, inflammation, of the spinal cord after injury

Tx/Dispo Traumatic Spinal Injury

ABC, C-spine, O2 prepare to intubate, maintain BP, Foley cath, sedate pt if necessary, MEDADVICE, MEDEVAC

S/S Bacterial Meningitis

CLASSIC TRIAD-Fever, Nochal rigidity, MSC. Other Common Symptoms- HA, Photophobia, Neurologic complications, skin findings, arthritis

Tx Bacterial Meningitis

Empiric treatment- ceftriaxone 2g IV q12 hrs, chloramphenicol 12.5mg/kg IV q6h for PCN all. Acyclovir 10mg/kg IV/PO treat for 7-10 days. Maintain hydration.

S/S Viral Encephalitis

Impaired mental status, motor or sensory deficits, altered behavior and personality changes, hemiparesis, flaccid paralysis, paresthesias, and speech or movement disorders may be present, May be spontaneous infection or arthropod-borne, altered mental status, photophobia

Tx/Dispo Viral Encephalitis

no specific therapy guidelines, Acyclovir 10mg/kg IV/PO. MEDEVAC

Bells' Palsy

Acute facial paralysis of a specific pattern

S/S Bell's Palsy

abrupt onset paresis, pain and weakness, face feels stiff, restriction of eye closure, disturbance of taste, tearing or drying of eyes, frequent blinking, Bell's Phenomenon, numbness, hyperacusis, Viral prodrome

Tx/Dispo Bell's Palsy

R/O stroke, look for abnormalities in neurological deficits. MEDEVAC