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36 Cards in this Set

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This property of a soundwave is the number of oscillations occuring at a particular point in space per unit time?
This is the distance between two consecutive pressure peaks on the waveform?
This is the difference between the mean pressure and the peak pressure?
The ear is most sensitive in what range of frequencies?
3 - 5 kHz
Sound travles faster or slower in water than in air?
Faster (4 times)
Loss of the auricle can result in what defecits?
Compromised sound localization and some hearing loss at the frequency between 2-5 kHz
Is there a loss of neergy during the transfer between the external and middle ears?
No loss of energy
Vibration of the tympanic membrane is transmitted to the (oval window or round window)
Directly to the oval window through the three bony ossicles
What two factors contribute to the pressure amplification seen in the middle ear?
Reduction of surface area from the tympanic membrane to the oval window; Lever and piston action of ossicles (malleus and incus = lever, stapes = piston)
What is the final pressure amplification in the middle ear?
What is the purpose of the stapedius and tensor tympani in sound recognition?
Attenuate ossicle movement to decrease the loudness of sound
Why gunshots still incredible loud, even though the stapedius and tensor tympani are attenuating the ossicles?
Due to the reflex latency being long
Otosclerosis is a result of what?
Bony accumulations around the stapes which limits ossicle movement
A normal response in a Webers Test would be percieved as what?
No lateralization, sound coming from the center of the head
In unilateral conductive hearing loss, sound is perceived as lateralized to which ear (deaf, non-deaf)
Deaf Ear
In Uniateral sensorineural loss (hair cells or auditory nerve damage) tone will be hear in the (deaf ear, non deaf ear)
Non-deaf ear
Frequency and loudness discrimination is a process that begins in what part of the ear?
Inner ear
What is the order of pressure wave transmission in the internal ear?
Oval window > scala vestibuli> scala tympani > round window
The movement of this membrane results in the stimulation of the hair cells of the organ of Corti?
Basilar membrane
Where (base/apex) is the basilar membrane more narrow and stiff?
In the cochlear duct, the location of the basilar membrane that is displaced the greatest due to the traveling wave is a result of what PROPERTY of the sound?
its frequency
Increased firing of action potentials for a high frequency sound is found at the (base/apex) of the cochlear duct?
What are the two mechanisms of HIGH freqeuncy discrimination?
The place theory and the tuning process
The tuning process is mediated by the (inner hair cells, outer hair cells, both, neither)?
Outer hair cells
In the temporal theory of frequency discrimination, how does the CNS determine frequency?
Using the time between bursts of action potentials in inner hair cells
What two ways is amplitude encoded (loudness)
increasing the firing rate of the stimulated hair cells, and increaseing recruitment of surroinding hair cells
People with shooter notch have what kind of defecit?
Defecit at specific frequency due to hair cell damage, clinically difficult to recognize speech of certain sounds
What are psychoacoustics?
subjective experiences described by a listener related to measurable physical properties of sound (Loudness, Pitch, Timbre)
The minimum sound pressure level necessary for perception is termed what?
Detection level
The human ear has the (lowest/highest) detection threshold between sounds of 3-5kHZ?
Lowest (easier to detect, more sensitive)
What frequency of sounds has the lowest detection level?
This is the subjective experience of the amount of energy in a sound?
Percieved loudness varies depending on what aspect of sound?
What is the subjective experience of the frequency of the sound?
This is the quality of sound that distinguishes one sound from another of the SAME pitch and volume?
Striking the A key of the piano is a sound composed of a SINGLE frequency (T/F)?
False(it is made up of many frequencies)