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181 Cards in this Set

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final output of the CNS to the effector muscles arises from...
alpha-motor neurons
alpha-motor neurons are located where?
ventral horn of spinal cord
alpha-motor neurons receive segmental inputs from...

via primary afferents
alpha-motor neurons receive descending inputs from...
supraspinal structures
two types of inputs alpha-motor neurons receive
segmental (from limbs)

descending (from brain)
two ways segmental and supraspinal inputs affect alpha-motor neuron activity

via inhibitory interneurons
corticospinal tract

formed from which projections?
corticospinal tract

aka: direct activation pathway
formed by cortical motor neurons projections
controls movements of the limbs
indirect activation pathways
descending pathways from the brainstem

primarily control postural and reflex movements
motor pathways regulated by which 2 control circuits
basal ganglia

function of basal ganglia and cerebellum control circuits
integrate voluntary and involuntary motor programs

essential to initiating and adjusting motor activity
cortical motor areas project to which two structures?
basal ganglia

basal ganglia and cerebellum send info back to cortical motor areas via...
thalamic relay nuclei
muscle tone

assessed as...

determined by...
muscle tone

assessed as resistance to passive movement

determined by the central state of motor unit excitability
increase in muscle tone

results from
- increase in alpha or gamma motor neuron excitation
- or lack of segmental inhibition
decreased muscle tone

results from
- decreased alpha motor neuron activity or
-decrease in afferent input from muscle spindles
Local feedback circuits for LMNs
gamma motor neurons & intrafusal muscle fibers
-activation of gamma loop increases muscle tone

Renshaw cells
-recurrent inhibition of alpha motor neurons

-inhibit gamma motor neurons & Renshaw cells
3 types of segmental reflexes


stretch segmental reflex

-effect on agonist
-effect on antagonist
Stretch reflex

receptor: muscle spindle
stimulus: change in length
afferent fiber: Ia
effect on agonist: monosynaptic excitation
effect on antoganois: disynaptic inhibition
results: muscle contraction
Golgi segmental reflex

-effect on agonist
-effect on antagonist
Golgi reflex

receptor: GTO
stimulus: tension
afferent fiber: Ib
effect on agonist: disynaptic inhibition
effect on antagonist: di/trisynaptic excitation
result: muscle relaxation
Flexor segmental reflex

-effect on agonist
-effect on antagonist
Flexor segmental reflex

receptor: touch, pressure, pain receptors
stimulus: noxious, tactile
afferent: II, III, IV
effect on agonist: interneuronal pool
effect on antagonist: excitation of ispilateral flexors
results: withdrawal
Signs of LMN lesion
Causes (examples) of LMN lesions
pinched nerve (decreased alpha motor neurons activity)
motor neuron disease (eg: ALS)
Direct activation pathway is comprised by which tracts?
pyramidal tracts
(corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts)
primary motor tract
corticospinal tracts
origin of corticospinal tract
primary motor cotex - precentral gyrus

supplementary area and premotor cortex

portion of fibers originate from primary sensory cortex and project to the posterior horn of the spinal cord to regulate sensory processing
In the cortex, the surface area taken up by a part of the body is proportional to its importance.

Which two body parts have the greatest surface areas?

Why will face and hand usually be involved in a cortical neuropathology, but the leg will be spared?
Because of the relative surface area of the cortex taken up by the head/hand compared to the leg.
Function of corticospinal tract
direct initiation and control of skilled volunttary activity
the corticospinal tract projects directly to which type of motor neurons?

alpha mortor neurons

excitatory - glutamate
where does corticospinal tract send COLLATERAL projections
motor nuclei in:
-basal ganglia
corticobulbar tracts

located where?
innervate what?
corticobulbar tracts

located in genu of internal capsule
innervate brainstem CN motor nuclei (III thru XII)
corticobulbar tracts innervate LMNs.

what type of innervation?

except for lower quadrant of face (CN VII) and tongue (XII), which are contralateral
For brainstem innervation, remember:

*B*rainstem is...
*B*rainstem is *B*ilateral (exc. 7&9)
Indirect activation pathways, aka:
extrapyramidal system
indirect activation pathways receive ...
collateral input from the direct activation pathway and the cerebellum
indirect activation pathways project to...
LMNs and inhibitiory spinal interneurons
2 indirect activation pathways
medial pathways

lateral pathways
Medial indirect activation pathways

vestibular nuclei
reticular formation
superior colliculus
Medial indirect activation pathways
- vestibulospinal, reticulospinal (ipsilateral, bilateral)

- tectospinal tracts (contralateral)
lateral part of the vestibulospinal tract descends _____ly to the _____ region
lateral part of the vestibulospinal tract descends IPSILATERALLY to the LUMBAR REGION.
function of lateral part of the vestibulospinal tract
helps maintain upright & balanced posture
by stimulating extensor motor neurons in the legs
medial part of vestibulospinal tract travels _____ly down to the _____
medial part of the vestibulospinal tract travels BILATERALLY down to the SPINAL CORD
function of medial part of vestibulospinal tract
triggers cervical spinal circuits

controls position of head and neck
function of tectospinal tracts
mediate reflex postural movements of the head in response to visual and auditory stimuli
tectospinal tract connects the ______ to the spinal cord _____ly
tectospinal tract connects the TECTUM to the spinal cord CONTRALATERALLY
4 functions of medial indirect activation pathways
control posture & antigravity muscles

coordinate head/neck movement with eye movement

synergistic whole limb extensory movements

inhibit segmental spinal cord reflexes via interneurons
Origin of lateral indirect activation pathways
red nucleus
lateral pathway of indirect activation
rubrospinal tract
function of rubrospinal tract
control synergistic flexor movements

parallel motor control for motor neurons of the arms (flexor movement of arms = antigravity)
which pathways - direct or indirect - do movement diseases usually originate in?
indirect activation (extrapyramidal)
Which muscles show weakness in the upper extremities due to UMN lesions?
which muscles show weakness in the lower extremities due to UMN lesions?
3 tracts in central motor feedback
vestibular tract

posterior spinocerebellar tract

anterior spinocerebellar tract
vestibular tract
- conveys sensory information from utricle, saccular and semicircular canals

- projects to the vestibular nuclei and the flocculondodular lobe of the cerebellum

- enters cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle
function of vestibular tract
controls equilibrium of trunk

coordinates movements of head and eyes
posterior spinocerebellar tract
conveys sensory information from GTOs and muscle spindles

projects into medial portions of cerebellum

enteres cerebellum via inferior cerebellar peduncle

cuneocerebellar tract - from upper limb
anterior spinocerebellar tract
conveys sensory information from GTs and flexor reflex afferents

projects into medial portions of the cerebellum

enters cerebellum via superior cerebellar peduncle

disorders --> gait ataxia
Decorticate posturing
removal of descending inhibitory input to lateral indirect pathway (rubrospinal tract)

red nucleus (superior colliculus) intact

flexor posturing in arms

extensor posturing in legs and trunks
Decerebellar posturing
lose flexion

removal of descending inhibitory input to medial pathway

destruction of red nucleus

extensor posturing
Parallel loops of control circuits
cerebral cortex --> basal ganglia --> thalamus --> cerebral cortex

cerebral cortex --> cerebellum --> thalamus --> cerebral cortex
Function of basal ganglia in the control circuit
selective activation and inhibition of specific motor programs
function of cerebellum in the control circuit
initiation and execution of motor programs

-motor planning
-adjustments during performance
-learning of new motor tasks
2 things both basal ganglia and cerebellum are involved in
cognitive function - projections to cortical association areas

eye movements - projections to PPRF
Which control circuit has direct spinal input?
Cell bodies of output neurons from cerebellum control circuit are found where?
cerebellar nuclei
cell bodies of output neurons from basal ganglia are found where?
globus pallidus interna
receptor in cerebellum for control circuit
cerebellar cortex (Purkinje cells)
receptor in basal ganglia for control circuit
striatum (medium spiny neurons)
regulator of cerebellum control circuit
inferior olivary nucleus
regulator of basal ganlia control circuit
substantia nigra pars compacta
thalamic relay nucleus targeted by cerebellum control circuit
ventral lateral nucleus
thalamic relay nucleus targeted by basal ganglia control circuit
ventral anterior nucleus
major cortical target of cerebellum control circuit
primary motor
major cortical target of basal ganglia control circuit
supplementary and premotor
brainstem target of cerebellum control circuit
red nucleus
vestibular nucleus
reticular nucleus
brainstem target of basal ganglia control circuit
pedunculopontine nucleus and superior colliculus
function of cerebellum control circuit
intiation, execution and maintenance of motor act
function of basal ganglia control circuit
selective activation or inhibition of motor program
disruptions of cerebellum control circuit may result in (4 things)...
action/terminal tremor
disruptions of basal ganglia control circuit may result in (5 things)
rest tremor
postural instability
involuntary movements
localization of lesion in cerebellar control circuit
ipsilateral to lesion
localizationof lesion in basal ganglia control circuit
contralateral to lesion
Input to basal ganglia
from premotor and primary motor neurons

NT = glutamate (excitatory)
receptor of input to basal ganglia
striatum (caudate nucleus + putamen)

NT = GABA (inhibitory)
Output from basal ganglia
globus pallidus interna (GABA) to thalamus (ventral anterior nucleus)

substantia nigra - pars reticulata
substantia nigra - pars reticulata

as output from basal ganglia
functionally similar to globus pallidus interna

non-DA neurons that project into PPRF and superior colliculus to modulate eye movements
paramedial pontine reticular formation
internal nuclei of basal ganglia
subthalamic nucleus

substantia nigra - pars compacta
subthalamic nucleus
internal nucleus of basal ganglia
receives inhibitory input from globus pallidus externa and cortex
excitatory projections to globus pallidus interna
tonically active
tonically active
firing away under most conditions (i.e.: unless stopped)
substantia nigra - pars compacta
projects into striatum (DA)

DA regulates activity of striatal output neurons (medium spiny neurons) (GABA)
what structure in cross section indicates you're looking at the MIDBRAIN?
cerebral aqueduct
Anterior basal ganglia blood supply
internal carotid, MCA
-anterior choroidal artery
-lenticulostriate arteries
posterior basal ganglia blood supply
posterior cerebral artery
-thalamoperforating arteries
- thalamogeniculate arteries
Excitatory inputs to striatum
glutamate from cortex
Modulatory inputs to striatum
DA from substantia nigra compacta

D1 - stimulatory to direct pathway
D2 - inhibitory to indirect pathway
Intrinsic neurons of striatum

output neurons in striatum
medium spiny GABA neurons

direct pathway projections to globus pallidus interna (substance P)

indirect pathway projections to globus pallidus externa (enkephalin)
Inhibitory outputs of globus pallidus interna

- thalamus (ventral anterior nuclei)
- superior colliculus (fast eye movements)
- pedunculopontine nucleus (locomotion)
Globus pallidus interna inputs
indirect pathway via subthalamic nucleus
- glutamate - tonic excitatory

direct pathway via striatum
- GABA - intermittent inhibitory
basal ganglia output exerts a _____ ______ effect on thalamocortical circuits
basal ganglia output exerts a TONIC INHIBITORY EFFECT on thalamocortical circuits
describe tonic inhibitory effect of basal ganglia on thalamocortical circuits
"brake" on motor program selection

transient removal of inhibition removes "brake" on subset of neurons and allows slection of specific motor program

simultaneous reinforcement of inhibition of remaining neurons allows suppression of competing motor programs
what determines control within basal ganglia control circuits
patterns (not overall amount) of activity in the output neurons of the globus pallidus externa
ability of basal ganglia to modulate movement is based on what?
differential eregulation of basal ganglia output neurons in the globus pallidus interna
basal ganglia control circuit modulation via dopamine
DA originates from substantia nigra compacta

facilitate direct (D1) - stimulatory
inhibits indirect (D2) - inhibitiory

Net result = easier selection of motor programs
basal ganglia control circuit modulation via acetylcholine
from intrinsic neurons

inhibits direct
facilitates indirect
net result - more difficult selection of motor program
2 ways to select motor program
activate direct pathway

inhibit indirect pathway
relative decrease in direct pathway &
increase in indirect pathway activity

results in...
hypokinetic-rigid state
if indirect pathway is decreased, relative to direct pathway...
motor program selection will be excessive and
hyperkinetic state will ensure
example of hypokinetic-rigid syndrome
Parkinson's disease
Parkinson's disease
degeneration of DA neurons in substantia nigra compacta
Effects of lack of dopamine in Parkinson's
decrease activity of direct pathway (brake lifters)

increase activity of indirect pathway (brake pressors)

results in inability to select motor program due to excessive inhibitory output from globus pallidus interna (too much break)
mechanism by which the lack of DA in Parkinson's decreases activity of the direct pathway
loss of stimulatory effects of DA on D1 receptors of medium spiny neurons
mechanism by which the lack of DA causes increased activity of indirect pathway in Parkinson's
loss of inhibitory effects of DA on D2 receptors located on medium spiny neurons
Clinical symptoms of Parkinson's
resting tremor
postural instability
tx for Parkinson's
replacement of DA (Levodopa)

or activation of receptors (agonists)
biochemistry of DA neurons
CP p. 326
Hyperkinetic movement disorders

nonrhythmic, jerky, rapid, involuntary movements

mostly of distal muscles or the face
dance-like motions of hands/feet
sustained muscle contractions cause twisting, repetitive motions or abnormal postures
brief involuntary twitching of a muscle
example of hyhperkinetic movement disorder
Huntington's disease
Huntington's disease
degeneration of medium spiny neurons projecting to globus pallidus externa

results in decreased inhibitory output from globus pallidus interna
--> excessive activation of compteting motor programs (i.e.: no brake)
treatment of Huntington's
dopamine blocking drugs
neurohistology of Parkingson's
substantial loss of pigmented neurons in SN-PC
role of cerebellum
receives input from regions of CNS assoicated with motor function

send feedback to these regions about performance
how does cerebellum perform its role?
compares intended and actual movements

then sends out corrective efferent signals to modify motor execution
cerebellum's 3 main roles in controlling motor system
control the synergy of coordinated muscle group activation

maintain upright posture

maintain muscle tone via indirect pathways of motor control
Relationship of cerebellum to other neural structures (3)
controls ipsilateral motor function

processes ipsilateral information from SC and vestibular nuclei

processes information from CONTRALATERAL cerebral hemisphere and red nucleus
What landmark divides cerebellum's anterior and posterior lobes?
primary fissure
midline of all three cerebellar lobes
paravermis of cerebellum
territory between vermis and hemispheres
most inferior portions of posterior cerebellar lobes
deep cerebellar nuclei
located deep within the white matter
(white matter is internal to grey matter)

fastigial nuclei
interposed nuclei (globose & emboliform)
dentate nuclei
cerebellum is connected to the brainstem by the _____
cerebellar peduncles
which peduncle contains only afferent corticopontocerebellar fibers?
middle cerebellar peduncle
afferent fibers of the inferior cerebellar peduncle
efferent fibers of the inferior cerebellar peduncle
afferent fibers of the middle cerebellar peduncle
efferent fibers of the middle cerebellar peduncle
afferent fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle

efferent fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle

Outer region of cerebellum

-cell types
Outer region of cerebellum

molecular layer
stellate & basket cells
Middle region of cerebellum

-cell types
Middle region of cerebellum

Purkinje layer
Purkinje cells
Inner region of cerebellum

-cell types
Inner region of cerebellum

Granular layer
Granule cells, Golgi cells
mossy fibers
axons that feed cerebellum afferent information
mossy fibers - main point of origin
pontine nuclei
how do mossy fibers get from pons to cerebellum?
middle cerebellar peduncle
feedback information about actual movement from the _____ nuclei and _____ tract enters the cerebellum via the _____ and _____ peduncles
feedback information about actual movement from the VESTIBULAR NUCLEI and SPINOCEREBELLAR TRACTS

enters the cerebellum via the INFERIOR and SUPERIOR CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLES
mossy fibers convey information about...
intended movement

and actual movement
mossy fibers synapse on which three target cell types?
deep cerebellar nuclei

golgi cells

granule cells
when mossy fibers synapse on granule cells, what do granule cells do?
provide a diffuse network of excitatory (glutamate) parallel fibers

parallel fibers interact with target Purkinje cells
when mossy fibers synapse on golgi cells, what do golgi cells do?
golgi cells provide short-loop stimulation from mossy fiber pathway
when mossy fibers synapse on basket cells, what do basket cells do?
basket cells provide spatial limitation by inhibiting Purkinje cells adjacent to the area intended for stimulation
Purkinje cell provides inhibitory stimulus to which nucleus?
deep cerebellar nucleus
deep cerebellar nuclei receive excitatory stimulation via _____
mossy fiber collaterals
output of deep cerebellar nuclei is determined by what?
balance of inhibitory stimuli from Purkinje cell and excitation provided by mossy fiber collaterals
what happens if significance mismatch between intended and actual movement is detected by the cerebellum?
inferior olivary nucleus is activated

via a loop passing through the dentate nucleus and red nucleus
how does inferior olivary nucleus correct deviations between intended and actual movements?
inferior olivary nucleus sends powerful and discrete corrective excitatory signals

to specific, individual Purkinje cells

through the climbing fibers
inputs to cerebellum

-type of innervation
-tracts and nuclei
inputs to cerebellum

mossy fibers --> granule cells --> parallel fibers

excitatory and diffuse

spinorcerebellar tracts
vestibular nuclei
pontine nuclei
reticular formation
Functions of Purkinje cell
receives signals from parallel fibers

sends inhibitory signals (GABA) to deep cerebellar nuclei
cerebellar output is mediated by which structures?
deep cerebellar nuclei

3 fungional subdivisions of cerebellum
vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum)

spinocerebellum (paleocerebellum)

cerebrocerebellum (neocerebellum)


input: vestibular nuclei
receptor: flocculonodular lobe
output: vestibular nuclei
functions of vestibulocerebellum
control of equilibrium and eye movements

controls axial muscles via vestibulospinal tract

controls vestibulo-ocular reflex
dysfunction of vestibulocerebellum casues what?
spinocerebellum - 2 parts



-spinocerebellar tracts
-corticopontine fibers
-brainstem vestibular and reticular neurons

receptor: vermis

output: fastigial nucleus (to vestibulospinal & reticulospinal tracts)
function of vermis
control of axial muscles (posture)

and gait
dysfunction of vermis causes...
gat and leg ataxia


-spinocerebellar tracts
-corticopontine fibers
-brainstem vestibular & reticular neurons

receptor: paravermis

output: interposed nuclei (to red nucleus and thalamus)
function of paravermis
control of proximal limb movement
dysfunction of paravermis causes...
gait and limb ataxia


input: pontocerebellar fibers (from contralateral pontine nuclei)

receptor: cerebellar hemispheres

output: dentate nucleus
outgoing signals from the cerebellum that pass through the dentate nucleus go where or where?
dentate nucleus -->

--> ventral lateral thalamus --> motor and premotor cortex

--> red nucleus --> inferior olivary nucleus (feedback loop)
function of cerebrocerebellum
initiation, planning and timing of motor acts
dysfunction of cerebrocerebellum leads to..
limb ataxia


intention tremor
inability to perform rapid, alternating movements
Mollaret's triangle
Red Nucleus
Inferior Olivary Nucleus
Dentate Nucleus
Lesionof mollaret's triangle produces what?
myoclonic tremor of the soft palate