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353 Cards in this Set

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somatosensory info converges in ___ lobes of cortex

parietal lobe

primary somsethic area

(3,1,2); primary sensations

secondary somesthetic area

(40) bilateral connections - bimanual skills

sensory association area

(5,7) perceptual interpretive fxn

sensory info flow in brain

thalamus to primary somatosensory cortex to secondary somatosensory cortex, primary supplementary motor cortex (frontal lobe), posterior parietal cortex sensory association area

primary cortical receiving area

primary somatosensory cortex SI, includes post central gyrus (BA 312)

primary somatosensory cortex (SI) neurons are responsive to

somatosensory stimuli almost exclusively- proprioception, pain, tactile perception (texture, shape, size), vibration, thermal sensation, edge detection, stereognosis

how is primary somatosensory cortex organized

somatotopically organized- sensory homunculus

To appreciate the shape, texture, size, weight,and movement of a given object, the somatosensory cortex must integrate theparallel streams of information carried by the

medial leminiscal pathway

destruction of primary somatosensory cortex

severe deficits in discriminative touch and proprioception on contralesional side of body; deficits in ability to accurately localize and recognize objects by shape, texture and size, vibrating/moving stimuli; also deficits in fine motor coordination

secondary somatosensory area (SII) location

small area in ventral portion of post-central gyrus (40)

secondary somatosensory area receives extensive input from

primary somatosensory area and thalamus

function of secondary somatosensory area

shape and texture discrimination and bilateral secondary somatosensory areas strongly linked which could explain involvement in bilateral activities; processing for graphasthesia

BA of somatosensory association area

5, 7

highest degree of convergence of somatosensory info occurs in

posterior parietal cortex (receives axons of primary and secondary somatosensory association areas)

damage to neurons in somatosensory association area

affect ability to recognize objects even though objects can be felt (tactile agnosia)

perceptual deficits: unilateral neglect (non dominant hemisphere lesions), Pusher's syndrome (poor vertical orientation)

Pusher's syndrome

poor vertical orientation (damage to somatosensory association area)

contralateral cortical damage in somatosensory cortex

accurate for touch but unable to localize

lesions in somatosensory cortex

contralateral anesthesia, paresthesia, impaired sensory fxn

contralateral parietal lobe damage

tactile extinction

tactile extinction

ability to sense touch separately but not able to identify bilateral simultaneous touch

ability to sense specific touch but unable to identify graphing letters on hand or recognize objects on manipulation

parietal lobe damage

what is usually retained in somatosensory cortical lesions

vibration sense

loss of ability to sense pain (lesion locations)

damage to pain receptors, lateral spinothalamic tract, primary sensory cortex

damage to medial pain systems

changes in attention to pain modulation of pain sensations and affective response to pain

what would indicate that the DC-ML system from peripheral to somatosensory cortex is intact

awareness of touch and ability to locate; ability to discriminate 2 simultaneous points of contact

parietal lobe damage can result in

unilateral neglect, impaired vertical orientation, tactile agnosias

somatosensory system

elements of PNS and CNS that subserve sensory modalities of touch, vibration, temp, pain, proprioception; sensory info that comes from skin and MSK system

flow of somatosensory system (AP if stimulus is strong enough)

receptors to afferents to cell body in DRG to posterior horn of SC to ascending tracts to brainstem to thalamus to cortex

superficial or cutaneous sensation (exteroceptive)

info from skin and subcutaneous tissue

types of superficial/cutaneous sensation

touch (coarse, discriminative), temp (relative and delta temp), pain (fast and slow)

discriminative touch

light touch, tactile threshold, superficial vibration/flutter, pressure, skin stretch, form, texture

coarse touch

crudely localized touch, tickle, itch


any noxious sensation, sharp, dull, local, diffuse, burning, stabbing; fast or slow

deep sensations

pain and proprioception; info from MSK system

types of deep sensations

joint position sense, kinesthesia, vibration


awareness of position and mvm to limbs in relation to each other and the body; knowledge about position of our bodies in space

cortical fine touch sensations

higher order sensations dependent on intact cutaneous and deep sensory fxn

cortical final touch sensations types

2 point discrimination, bilateral simultaneous stimulation, graphesthesia, localization of touch

2 point discrimination

ability to discern that 2 nearby objects touching skin are truly 2 distinct points, not one

bilateral simultaneous stimulation

ability to determine 2 simultaneous stimulations are being applied to opposite sides of body, prox and distal on same side

tactile extinction

from unilateral cerebral damage; inability to recognize 2 simultaneous stimuli on opposite sides of body, or proximally and distally, though either one can be sensed alone


ability to recognize writing on skin purely by sensation of touch


ability to recognize form of objects by touch


ability to tell relative weights

combined cortical sensations

use info from touch and proprioception;

stereognosis and barognosis

receptor specificity

receptors respond to 1 type of energy and 1 type of stimulus

receptive field

of sensory neuron is region of space in which presence of stimulus will alter firing of that neuron

t/f: distal receptors tend to smaller than proximal + greater density of receptors


tonic receptors

respond as long as stimulus is applied- sustained

phasic receptors

adapt to constant stimulus and stop responding- brief


respond to mechanical deformation of receptor by touch, pressure, stretch, or vibration; mediate sense of touch, proprioceptive sensations


involved in senses of pain, itch, and respond to chemicals released by cells including damaged cells post-injury ... pain


in skin sense body temp and also changes in temp, temp of ambient air, objects that we touch


subset of each type of 3 receptors types that are specifically responsive to stimuli that threaten or damage tissue- noxious

receptors of touch


_____ receptors to skin deformation

superficial dermis receptors

merkel's discs

pressure, fine touch

meissner's corpuscles

respond to skin deformation and are sensitive to light touch and vibration

hair follicle receptors

respond to hair displacement

types of superficial dermis receptors

merkel's discs, meissner corpuscles, hair follicle receptors

deep dermis/subcutaneous fine touch receptors

info about larger surface areas

types of deep dermis/subcutaneous fine touch receptors

ruffini endings, pacinian corpuscles

ruffini endings

detect skin stretch; contribution to proprioception

pacinian corpuscles

info regarding touch and vibration; contribution to proprioception

course touch is mediated via ___ throughout skin

free nerve endings


ability to sense relative temp and temp changes but not absolute temp

adapt to maintained temp (types of nerves)

free nerve endings

specific nociceptors

free nerve endings which respond to one type of noxious stimulus; respond to high intensity noxious mechanical, thermal, and chemical stimuli; localized pain sensations which are transmitted rapidly via myelinated A-delta fibers- fast sharp pain

polymodal nociceptors

not specific and respond to any high-intensity mechanical stimuli, chemical stimuli, and thermal stimuli; slow transmission of poorly localized pain occurs via unmyelinated C fibers and pain sensation replaced w/ long lasting burning pain

receptors involved in proprioception

muscle spindles, GTOs, joint receptors

muscle spindles

sensory organs of muscles; mechanorecptors buried in skeletal muscle = intrafusal fibers + sensory endings + motor endings

respond to lengthening of muscle; muscle activation, rate of change in muscle length

muscle spindles

muscle spindle has what components

2 types muscle fibers: extrafusal and intrafusal

2 types sensory afferents: Ia, IIb

2 types motor efferent fibers: alpha (stimulate extrafusal fibers) and gamma (stimulate intrafusal fibers)

intrafusal fibers

fusiform, inside fleshy part of skeletal muscle; contractile only at ends; arrangement of nuclei defines 2 types of fibers: nuclear bag and nuclear chain

annulospiral sensory endings

endings of type Ia afferent neurons wrap around central region of each intrafusal fiber

flower spray sensory endings

endings of type II afferent neurons end on nuclear chain fibers

gamma motor neurons

fxn to maintain sensitivity of spindle stretch by firing and causing ends of intrafusal fibers to contract, allowing info to be generated even when muscle is slack

when muscle is lengthened and intrafusal fibers stretched

activity of Ia and II afferents to spinal cord where they branch

branch 1 = info about motion to higher centers via ascending tracts

branch 2 = interneuron to alpha motor neuron to extrafusal fibers to contract and prevent damage, and to antagonists to relax and allow contraction and to gamma motor neuron back to intrafusal fiber to keep it active and this sending signals continuously


proprioceptive mechanoreceptors in skeletal muscles at musculotendinous jxns and provides info about muscle tension and fxn to inhibit muscle in response to excessive tension

GTOs arranged in ___ btw muscle fibers and collagen of tendons


what type of afferents neurons in GTOs

Ib afferent

GTO records what info

change in tension and rate of change of tension and sends to post horn of SC

info to alpha motor... inhibitory to contracting muscle, excitatory to antagonist

types of joint receptors

ligament receptors

ruffini endings

pacinian corpuscles

free nerve endings

joint receptors

respond to mechanical deformation of ligs and capsules

ligament receptors

type Ib afferents respond to tension

ruffini endings (jt receptors)

in capsule respond to extremes of joint ROM; passive > active

pacinian corpuscles (jt receptors)

respond to mvmt

free nerve endings in jt receptors

responds to chemical stimulus in inflammation

proprioception especially helpful in detecting

size, shape, weight of object

all sensory systems convey what 4 basic types of info when stimulated

modality, location, intensity, timing

sensory neurons

afferent neurons; bringing info initiated in receptors in skin, skeletal muscles, tendons, joints; single myelinated or unmyelinated nerve fiber; made up of cell body and bifurcating axons

A-beta nerve fibers

carry info related to touch and conscious proprioception- large diameter myelinated fast conductors

Ia (A alpha) Ib (A beta) , and II (A beta) nerve fibers

carry info related to unconscious proprioception- large diameter myelinated fast conductors

A-delta nerve fibers

carry info related to fast pain and cool temp- medium myelinated rapid fibers

C-nerve fibers

carry info related to slow pain, warm temp and itch- small unmyelinated slow conductors

peripheral neuropathy damage to peripheral nerve

glove and stocking distribution

diabetic neuropathy

microvascular damage; insufficient supply to peripheral nerves

chemotoxic neuropathy

toxic damage to peripheral nerves

alcoholic neuropathy

toxic damage to peripheral nerves and nutritional deficits particularly thiamine deficiency

damage/trauma/disease to/of spinal nerve

sensory loss in dermatome distribution

primary/first order neurons

all sensory info travels in these neurons from periphery to spinal cord; cell bodies outside SC in DRG; enter SC posteriorally via dorsal roots and rootlets

grey matter of SC, dorsal horn

dorsal horn; sensory area

white matter

ascending tracts; sensory info from periphery to brain in dorsal and lateral white matter

grey matter in SC arranged in

lamina (Rexed lamina)

Rexed lamina

divisions by fxn and sensory info arrives at specific areas/laminae

rexed lamina II

substantia gelatinosa; important in modulation of pain sensation

rexed lamina III and IV

aka nucleus proprius; conscious proprioception and touch

unconscious proprioception route

spinal nerves entering at T1-L2 to dorsal horn to Clarke's nucleus to posterior spinocerebellar tract to cerebellum

t/f: While wefollow the large projection neurons from the periphery to the brain, there aremany interneurons at each level of the spinal cord for intercommunication


Within the CNS a bundle of axons with the sameorigin and a common termination is called a


projection neurons

The tracts (pathways) only describe thoseneurons with long axons connecting distant areas of the body.

conscious pathways

fine/discriminative touch and proprioception; pain and temp (anterolateral pathways); crude touch and pressure

fine/discriminative touch and proprioception pathway

dorsal columns to medial leminiscus to thalamus to cortex

pain and temp pathway

anterolateral pathways

fast pain pathway

spinothalamic pathway; thalamus and brain

slow pain pathway

multiple pathways: spinoreticular, spinolimbic, spinomesencephalic pathways to midbrain, reticular formation, amygdala, multiple cerebral cortical areas (divergent relay pathways)

crude touch and pressure pathway

venterolateral pathway; thalamus and brain

unconscious pathways

unconscious proprioception via spinocerebellar pathways to cerebellum

posterior column- medial leminiscal pathaway involved with

conscious proprioception, vibration sense and discriminative touch

medial leminiscal pathway

first order neurons A-beta to ipsilateral post columns to post column nuclei; medial portion (gracilis fasiculus), lateral portion (cuneatus fasiculus); first order neurons synapse w/ 2nd order neurons in nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus and cross to opposite side; fiber somatotopic representation reverses at entry to brainstem; fibers terminate in ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus then to internal capsule and corona radiate then to post central gyrus of cortex, primary sensory cortex, and secondary somatosensory cortex

gracile fasiculus

medial portion of post column nuclei (medulla); has info from LE and trunk these terminate on nucleus gracilis

cuneatus fasiculus

lateral portion of post column; has info from upper trunk (approx T6 arms and neck) and terminate in nucleus cuneatus

anterolateral pathways

several parallel tracts: lateral spinothalamic, spinolimbic, spinoreticular, spinomesencephalic

immediate pain- fast and localized: what pathway?

lateral pain system via lateral spinothalamic tract

lissauer's tracts

neurons travel 1 or 2 adjacent levels of SC before entering dorsal horn (in immediate pain)

lateral pain system via lateral spinothalamic tract

A-delta fibers bring info to post SC; Lissauer's tracts before entering dorsal horn; first order neurons enter dorsal horn synapse w/ interneurons (substantia gelatinosa); second order neurons cross SC in anterior white commissure; go to lateral spinothalamic tract; then to VPL thalamus; then synapse w/ 3rd order neurons to primary and secondary sensory cortex

slow pain pathway

less localized, more diffuse; medial pain system

medial pain system

emotional and visceral responses to pain, descending modulation of pain)

slow pain transmitted by what type of fibers

small unmyelinated C fibers

in slow pain, neurons enter posterior horn, synapse and cross midline and project to midbrain, reticular formation, limbic areas via 3 tracts.... what are these tracts?

spinomesencephalic, spinoreticular tract, and spinolimbic tract

spinomesencephalic tract

to midbrain periaqueductal grey; regulates pain and activating descending tracts that control pain; inhibits activation of 2nd order neuron responsible for transmitting pain signal up spinothalamic tract; first order neuron to post horn of SC; second order to PAG in midbrain

spinoreticular tract

reticular formation; arousal and attention to pain and sleep disruption; neurons from reticular formation project to many areas of the brain, including hypothalamus, thalamus and both directly and indirectly to limbic forebrain and neocortex; influences motor response to pain

spinolimbic tract

thalamic nuclei; affective response to pain

spinocerebellar pathways

provides unconscious proprioception and mvmt related info to cerebellum; info from proprioceptors to cerebellum via spinocerebellar tracts- postural and mvmt adjustments, provides smooth coordinated mvmts

posterior spinocerebellar pathway

infor from legs and lower body; T1-L2; nucleus dorsalis i.e. Clarkes nucleus in thoracic or upper lumbar SC; synapse there w/ 2nd order neurons which form posterior spinocerebellar tract to ipsilateral cerebellar peduncle to cerebellum; from L3-S2 input to dorsal horn to fascicles gracilis to Clarke's nucleus to spinocerebllar tract

cuneocerebellar pathway

primary afferents from arm and upper body C1-C8 to dorsal columns to lower medulla synapse in lateral cuneate nucleus to second order neurons = cuneocerebellar pathway to ipsilateral cerebellar peduncle to cortex

anterior spinocerebellar pathway

info from interneurons only and descending motor tracts; crosses on entry, ascends ipsilaterally and sends branches to both cerebellar; info from both legs to both cerebellar hemispheres

4 spinocerebellar pathways (unconscious proprioceptive info)

posterior spinocerebellar pathway, cuneocerebellar pathway, cuenocerebellar pathway, anterior spinocerebellar, rostro spinocerebellar tracts

rostro-spinocerebellar tracts

info from cervical SC to ipsilateral cerebellum; automatic coordination of motor activity

transection of SC

sensory loss in all modalities bilaterally below level of injury

hemicord lesions (brown sequard)

ipsilateral loss of touch and proprioceptionand conralateral loss of pain and temp

anterior cord lesion

bilateral loss of pain and temp

posterior cord lesion

bilateral loss of touch and proprioception

central cord lesion

more impact on upper than lower extremities

first stage of sensory integration and perceptual awareness occurs at level of


thalamocortical projections travel via internal capsule and corona radiata to

primary somesthetic area in parietal lobe

thalamus (general fxn)

gatekeeper to cortex; paired structure located on both sides of 3rd ventricle

fxns of thalamus

-critical processing station for all sensory info EXCEPT olfactory on its way to cortex

-subcortical structures project to cortex via thalamus (basal ganglia); influence on upper motor neurons

-connect cortical areas to each other influencing and integrating flow of info btw various cortical areas

-info (to and from thalamus to cortex), flows bi-directionally; additional layer of info processing

thalamic nuclei

medial and lateral, lateral-posterior, thalamic reticular; have bidirectional communication w/ cortex

relay nuclei

info from periphery to cortex (sensory, motor, and limbic); thalamus decides which info to relay to cortex

where is auditory info processed

medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus

where is visual info processed

lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus

motor nuclei

receive info from basal ganglia and cerebellum and project to motor cortex and provide FB to BG and cerebellum

limbic really nuclei

connect to limbic structures; consolidation of memories, motivation, attention to specific stimuli

association nuclei

connect areas of brain to each other; thalamus gates info traveling from 1 area of cortex to another; involved in exec control and olfactory processing


extensive reciprocal connections w/ association areas in each of 4 lobes; involved in visual and auditory processing

thalamic reticular nucleus

gate keeper of gate keeper; contains GABA neurons which can turn down activity of thalamus; selective attention; consciousness


anatomically part of diencephalon, functionally part of limbic system; small structure located inferior to thalamus; central regulator of autonomic and endocrine fxn

hypothalamus and pituitary gland connected by

pituitary stalk/infundibulum

input to hypothalamus

SC and brainstem (somatosensory, visceral, gustatory info, reticular formation (arousal/wakefulness); limbic system (hippo and amyg); olfactory info; frontal lobe; thalamus; retina

output from hypothalamus

reciprocal projections back to sources of input; brainstem; sympathetic and parasympathetic nuclei; forebrain

what does hypothalamus manage to maintain homeostasis

electrolyte and fluid balance, body temp, BP, satiety

hypothalamus hormones

thyrotropin releasing, gonadotropin releasing, growth hormone releasing, corticotropin releasing, somatostatin; produces oxytocin, ADH


childbirth, lactation, sexual arousal,mother-infant bonding, in men = ejaculation, conversion of testosterone todihydrotestosterone

t/f: hypothalamus regulates visceral fxn


t/f: hypothalamus regulates circadian rhythm and sleep wake cycles



-important player in BG fxn in modulating mvmt and muscle tone

-anatomically part of diencephalon

-fxnally works w/ BG

-linked w/ globus pallidus for mvmt

damage to subthalamus

hemiballismus: random flinging of extremity usually on 1 side


connects limbic system to other parts of brain; responds to olfactory stimulation and are involved in emotional and visceral response to odors; secretion of melatonin by pineal gland

3 meninges

dura mater, arachnoid mater, pia mater

dura mater

strong w/ 2 layers that are generally fused by contain sinuses were they're separated; cerebral blood drains into these venous sinuses and drains into internal jugular; 2 layers = periosteal layer (attaches to skull) and meningeal layer; pain sensitive receiving innervation from branches of trigeminal and vagal cranial nerves; gets blood from meningeal arteries

dural reflections

contain sinuses; protect anchor and insulate brain to reduce risk of injury

falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli

falx cerebri

reflection of dura mater extends into longitudinal fissure and partially separates hemispheres

tentorium cerebelli

reflection of dura mater that extends into transverse fissure and separates cerebrum from cerebellum

falx cerebelli

separates 2 cerebellar hemispheres

epidural space

potential space btw skull and periosteal dura mater

epidural hematoma

arterial bleed from meningeal arteries into epidural space; often caused by trauma/skull fx

subdural space

potential space btw arachnoid and dura

subdural hematoma

bleed in subdural space; caused by shearing of veins in shaken baby sx and traumatic injury w/ shearing forces

arachnoid mater

middle layer of meninges; can project into sinuses via arachnoid granulation/arachnoid villi; connected to pia mater by arachnoid trabeculae

arachnoid granulation/arachnoid villi

transfer CSF from ventricles back to bloodstream

subarachnoid space

only real space btw layers of meninges btw arachnoid and pia mater; filled w/ CSF cerebral arteries and veins

subarachnoid hemorrhage

occurs w/ ruptured aneurysm, fills subarachnoid space

pia mater

adheres tightly to brain parenchyma; follows ilci and gyri; separates brain tissue from CSF

dura mater of SC

attached to skull and upper C vertebra but not below that

epidural space in SC

btw vertebrae and dura; allows caudal analgesia to sacral area

arachnoid mater of SC

continuous w/ cerebral arachnoid above extends to S2; access can be gained at L2 where spinal cord ends for lumbar puncture (allows pressure of CSF to be measured)

whichallows the pressure of the CSF to be measured, the fluid can be withdrawn and analyzed,and spinal anesthetic can be applied, or fluid can be replaced by a contrastmedium for radiography (myelography). During lumbar puncture, a needle is insertedbetween two lumbar vertebrae to remove a sample of cerebrospinal fluid; can help dx meningitis, MS, guillaine barre

lumbar puncture

pia mater of SC

covers spinal cord closely, covers anterior spinal artery, and enters anterior median fissure; laterally denticulate lig penetrates arachnoid and attaches to dura


produced from arterial blood by choroid plexuses of lateral and 4th ventricles; small amount produced by ependymal cells

2 lateral ventricles

telencephalon; span all 4 lobes of brain

lateral ventricles connected to third via

intraventricular foramen

third ventricle


third ventricle connected to 4th via

cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of sylvius)

4th ventricle

btw BS and cerebellum

CSFfills the ventricles and passes through what three openings to circulate in the sub-arachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord?

2 foramina of Luschka and 1 foramen of megendie

Absorptionof the CSF into the blood stream takes place in the

superior sagittal sinus through structures called arachnoid villi

functions of CSF

protection, buoyancy, excretion of wast, continuous exchange btw CSF and brain can give us info about brain and useful in admin of drugs, maintain stable intracranial pressure, periventricular neurons secrete NT into CSF for widespread impact

draw circle of willis


where is brainstem located?

posterior cranial fossa; merges w/ diencephalon rostrally and SC caudally

brainstem consists of (major players)

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

components of brainstem

-nuclei for 9 of 12 CNs (III-X, XII)

-all ascending and descending tracts

-some descending pathways

-respiratory center

small lesions in brainstem

sig damage w/ deficits in motor, sensory, regulatory systems

most rostral aspect of brainstem


periaqueductal gray (PAG)

gray matter around cerebral aqueduct that deals w/ pain; control center for pain modulation; has enkephalin-producing cells that suppress pain

anterior surface of midbrain

cerebral peduncles, CN III, tegmentum, substantia nigra, red nucleus

cerebral peduncles

peduncle = stem-like connector; prominent bundles of descending motor fibers- most anterior structures of midbrain


occulomotor n; emerges btw cerebral peduncles; eye mvmts


"cover"; all tissue anterior to cerebral aqueduct except for cerebral peduncles; region ventral to ventricular system; extends throughout brainstem; makes up bulk of BS nuclei and reticular formation

substantia nigra

posterior to cerebral peduncles; deep sub-cortical grey matter; stains black; produces DA for motor circuit of BG

red nucleus

motor nucleus containing motor neuron cell bodies of motor tract that begins w/ red nucleus = rubrospinal tract

posterior surface of midbrain

tectum, superior colliculi, inferior colliculi, CN IV (trochlear), sensory tracts


all tissue dorsal to cerbral aqueduct; dorsal surface of midbrain and is made up of superior and inferior colliculi

superior colliculi

top part, controls visual reflexes; receive info from enviro and initiates behavioral response appropriate to current enviro; following baseball flying across stadium

inferior colliculi

bottom part, controls auditory reflexes like turning your eyes and ears and/or head towards stimulus e.g. when someone slams door e.g. startle reflex


trochlear; eye mvmt emerges caudal to inferior colliculus


located btw midbrain and MO; ventral part = basilar pons, dorsal part = tegmentum

anterior surface of pons (basal pons) contains

pontine nuclei, transverse fibers, pontine nuclei, descending motor tracts, ascending afferent tracts

pontine nuclei

conveying info from motor cortex to cerebellum regarding intended mvmts of contralateral arm and leg

transverse fibers

pontocerebellar fibers (signals from pons to opposite cerebellum) via middle cerebellar peduncles originate from pontine nuclei

pontine nuclei

deal w/ sleep, respiration, swallowing, bladder control, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye mvmt, facial expressions, facial sensation, posture

CN V- trigeminal; CN VI- abducens; CN VII-facial; CN VII- vestibulocochlear

cortex to spinal cord and to cortex to brainstem travel through pons

descending motor tracts

posterior surface of pons

floor of midbrain; superior cerebellar peduncles, middle cerebellar peduncles, pneumotaxic center

superior cerebellar peduncles

arise from cerebellum and enter BS from dorsolateral position at level of rostral pons near inferior colliculus of midbrain; they are the only efferents from cerebellum

middle cerebellar peduncles

carrying afferent pontocerebellar fibers that come from cortex to pons and to cerebellum

pneumotaxic center

regulates change from inhalation to exhalation

apneustic centers

sends signals to dorsal respiratory center in medulla to delay switch off signal of inspiratory ramp provided by pneumotaxic center of pons; controls intensity of breathing

medulla oblongata

most caudal element of BS; merges w/ SC


anterior medulla; conduit for descending corticospinal tracts; from cortex to internal capsule through midbrain and pons = main motor tracts for voluntary mvmt of limbs; cross at medullary decussation

pyramids cross at

medullary decussation- signals to opp side of body


lateral to pyramids in medulla; oval swellings overlying olivary complex- modulates motor activity as major source of input to cerebellum

CNs in medulla

CN IX- XII except for accessory

what lies posterior to pyramids

fasiculus gracilis (LE) and cuneatus (UE)

respiratory center

located in medulla; receives controlling signals of neural, chemical, and hormonal nature and controls rate and depth of respiratory mvmts of diaphragm and other respiratory muscles

injury to respiratory center

may lead to center respiratory failure, which necessitates mechanical ventilation; poor px

inspiratory center

located w/in dorsal of medulla and appears to be physiologically most important brainstem center responsible for coordinating respiration

pneumotaxic center

located in upper portion of pons and primarily acts to raise respiratory rate but reducing inspiratory volume

expiratory center

located in ventrum of medulla and appears to primarily activate rectus abdominis and other expiratory muscles detailed in breathing biomechanics

reticular formation

set of interconnected nuclei that are located throughout BS; not anatomically well defined; crucial role in maintain behavioral arousal and consciousness

ascending reticular formation/reticular activating system

sleep-wake cycle, alertness

descending reticular formation

involved in posture and equilibrium as well as ANS activity; receives info from hypothalamus; plays role in motor mvmt; gives rise to reticulospinal tract

neurotransmitter systems in brainstem

neurons using specific NTs that project to widespread areas in CNS and play role in wakefulness, consciousness, play, reward, addiction, motivation, emotion

locus coerulus is nucleus

in pons; principal site for brain synthesis of NE; important in attention and w/ physiological responses to stress and pain

serotonergic system has neurons located in

raphe nuclei; regulation of mood, appetite, sleep, wakefulness, aggression, memory/learning

SC extends from

foramen magnum to L1/L2

SC contains cell bodies of ____ nerves that send signals to skeletal muscles (lower motor neurons) and signals to visceral smooth muscle


3 major fxns of SC

-conduit for motor info to periphery

-conduit for sensory info from periphery

-center for coordinating reflexes

upper motor neurons

do not leave CNS; descending white matter tracts that originate in motor nuclei in motor cortex or BS

lower motor neurons

tracts carry info to motor nuclei in grey matter of SC; innervate skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, visceral organs

central pattern generators (CPGs)

neural networks that can produce rhythmic patterned outputs w/o rhythmic sensory or central input; underlie production of most rhythmic motor patterns e.g. locomotion and breathing

31 segments of SC

8 C, 12 T, 5 L, 5 S, 1 Co

in thoracic and upper lumbar regions, difference btw veterbrae and SC level

3 segments

conus medullaris

most distal bulbous part of SC

filum terminale

pia mater continues as extension, which anchors SC to coccyx

anterior median fissure

divides anterior SC in 1/2

anterior commissure

some motor and sensory fibers cross midline

posterior median fissure

separates post cord into 2 halves

posterolateral sulcus

marks entry of posterior rootlets carrying sensory info from periphery

anterolateral sulcus

marks exit of anterior rootlets carrying motor commands

anterior (ventral) horn SC

motor; contains cell bodies of lower motor neurons + renshaw cells; large in C and L regions since have lower motor neurons for muscles in UE and LE

Renshaw cells

regulate activity of motor neurons that supply fibers of skeletal muscle

cervical enlargement


lumbar enlargement


posterior (dorsal) horn SC

sensory; gray matter consists of interneurons that are responsible for first level integration of sensory info primarily related to pain

rexed laminae

info coming into grey matter of SC is arranged in lamina

lateral horn of SC

visceral motor cells of ANS; only pronounced in T spine

T1-L2 = sympathetic

S2-S4 = para

white matter of SC

contain tracts which are composed of axons of neurons

dorsal columns

posterior white matter of SC; afferent sensory info about touch and conscious proprioception

fasiculus gracilis

carries info from LE

fasiculus cuneatus

carries info from UE

spinothalamic tracts

afferent info about pain and temp; lateral white matter of SC

lateral corticospinal tract

conveys efferent motor command to LMNs; lateral white matter SC

spinocerebrellar tracts

conveying unconscious proprioceptive info to cerebellum; lateral white matter SC

anterior corticospinal tract

anterior white matter SC; motor commands

ratio of grey and white matter by level in SC

upper segments = large amount of white matter

lower segments = less white matter

spinal nerve

consists of posterior and anterior roots which come together in IV foramen to form spinal nerve; contains sensory and motor and ANS info

sensory info enters SC via dorsal rootlets to post horn at

posterolateral sulcus

cell bodies of all sensory nerves located in

dorsal root ganglion

motor info leaves SC via ventral rootlets at

anterolateral sulcus

cauda equina syndrome

loss of fxn of lumbar plexus of spinal canal below conus medullaris of SC; lower motor neuron lesion; reveals characteristic pattern of NM and urogenital sx's resulting from simultaneous compression of multiple lumbosacral nerve roots below level of conus medullaris; LBP, sciatica, saddle sensory loss, bladder and bowel dysfxn; LE motor and sensory loss

epidural anesthesia

applied in epidural space; nerve roots entering or exiting SC have to pass thru this space and can be anesthetized by local anesthetic that blocks Na channels

spinal anesthesia

drugs admin into subarachnoid space and also block nerve rootlets entering SC

limbic system composed of

limbic lobe + limbic structures

limbic system comprised of neural structures for

reward, emotions and memory and learning

t/f: most psych conditions involve dysfxn of limbic system


limbic cortex

located on medial surface of frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes and consists of cingulate gyrus

cingulate gyrus

receives info from thalamus and has 3 areas: rostral, middle portion, and posterior portion

rostral portion of cingulate gyrus

emotions; emotional responses to pain

middle portion of cingulate gyrus

aspects of mvmt control drive by emotions and reward

posterior portion of cingulate gyrus


what area of cingulate gyrus associated w/ depression is target area of therapeutic brain stimulation?


parahippocampal gyrus

inferior temporal lobe; provides info to hippocampal formation; encodes new memory and recall of visual scenes

entorhinal cortex

anterior parahippocampal gyrus adjacent to hippocampal formation; delivers sensory and cognitive info from association cortices to hippocampal formation


bulge on surface of parahippocampal gyrus; seizures often begin here and brain can herniate here

orbitofrontal gyrus

central to reward and decision making; receives info from all sensory modalities and from subcortical reward centers (limbic and BG) and integrates them for decision making

lesions in orbitofrontal gyrus

personality changes like social withdrawal

hippocampal formation

continuation of parahippocampal gyrus and extends s C shaped structure = fornix; coordinates info from variety of sources and connects to fornix and from there to many areas of brain; long term consolidation of explicit memories (facts and ongoing events), spatial navigation

posterior hippocampal formation

memory, cognition, spatial memory

anterior hippocampal formation

stress and emotions

output neurons from hippocampal formation collect to form this contact bundle of fibers on surface that project to other subcortical telencephalic (BG and amygdala) and diencephalic structures (thalamic)


mammillary bodies

terminals of anterior arches of fornix

injury to mammillary bodies

amnesia, from thiamine deficiency

Wernicke korsakoff syndrome

impaired memory, thiamine deficiency from alcoholism, damage to mammillary bodies


bundle of axons that runt through cingulate gyrus from cortical association areas to hippocampal formation


emotions and emotional memory and overt behavioral expressions; almond shaped; visceral response to emotional stimuli; fear conditioning; contribute to substance abuse by organizing drug seeking behaviors through reward circuits; olfactory perception

damage to amygdala

-loss of ability to recognize affective meaning of facial expressions

-loss of ability to recognize emotional content of speech

-decreased emotional regulation particularly in relation to fear


potion of cerebral cortex folded deep w/in lateral fissure; involved in consciousness and play role in diverse function linked to emotion or regulation of homeostasis; processes info relating to pain perception and contributes to emotional response to pain

complex pathways connecting limbic system to what 3 effector organ systems responsible for behavioral expression of emotion?

endocrine (hypothalamus), autonomic system (visceral response of emotion), somatic motor (flight/fight)

damage to hippocampus/amygdala

changes in memory fxn, changes in emotional behavior, seizures

3 important circuits of BG

mvmt, cognitive, emotional (reward)

NT produced in BG


delivery of blood to brain is fxn of

SBP and CO

reductions in brain O2 beyond critical minimum results in

immediate behavioral changes, lethargy, coma

entire brain gets its blood from what 2 paired sets of arteries

vertebral arteries (post), internal carotid arteries (anterior)

vertebral arteries and internal carotid arteries joint together on inferior surface of brain to form

Circle of willis

vertebral arteries arise from

subclavian arteries that arise from aorta and brachiocephalic trunk; travel in foramen in C transverse processes and enter cranium though foramen magnum; joint to form basilar artery

most common site for large vessel occlusion

Carotid T-jxn (where internal carotid branches into anterior and middle cerebral arteries)

branches from vertebro basilar system

anterior spinal a, post inferior cerebellar a, pontine arteries, anterior inferior cerebellar a, superior inferior cerebellar a, posterior cerebral a

branches from internal carotid system

anterior cerebral a, opthalamic a, middle cerebral a, anterior communicating a, posterior communicating a

posterior cerebral artery supplies

inferior temporal lobe to occipital mpole

anterior cerebral artery supplies

medial surface of hemispheres to about level of corpus callosum

middle cerebral artery supplies

pre-sylvian cortex

damage to middle cerebral artery

inability to repeat words and phrases; clot came from ICA

diencephalon, BG, internal capsule receive blood from

internal carotid, 3 cerebral arteries, posterior communicating artery

thrombi tend to develop in

heart, aorta, just distal to common carotid artery bifurcations, in vertebral arteries just before they join as basilar a, prox half of basilar a, perforating micro vessels of cerebrum and brainstem

emboli from heart tend to lodge where

bifurcation points (external and internal carotids), or tend to move into largest and least angled branch (e.g. almost always MCA)

lacunar infarct

when small or penetrating blood vessel develops atheroma, there is poor connection btw various microvasculature networks, and this small infarct develops

what structures do vertebrobasilar system perfuse

medulla, cerebellum, pons, midbrain, thalamus, occipital cortex

t/f: occlusion of large vessels in vertebrobasilar arterial system usually lead to major disability or death

true; vetebrobasial stroke = 85% mortality rate

what provides primary vascularization of SC?

vertebral arteries and ten medullary arteries that arise from segmental branches of aorta

ten medullary arteries joint to form

anterior and posterior spinal arteries

loss of posterior supply to SC results in

loss of sensory fxns

loss of anterior supply to SC results in

impaired motor functions

at level of medulla, vertebral arteries give off 10-12 branches that merge to form the anterior spinal artery... what are they called

medullary arteries

artery of adamkiewicz (aka artery radicularis magna)

largest anterior segmental medullary artery; provides major blood supply to lumbar and sacral cord

damage to artery of adamkiewicz

anterior spinal artery syndrome, w/ loss of urinary and fecal continence and impaired motor fxn of legs; sensory fxn often preserved to a degree

Rexed lamina II

substantia gelatinosa; important in modulation of pain and sensation

Rexed lamina III and IV

aka nucleus proprius; conscious proprioception and touch

clarke's nucleus involved with

unconscious proprioception

afferents of fine touch

A- beta

afferents of course touch


afferents of fast pain


afferents of slow pain

C fibers

afferents of warm temp

C fibers

afferents of cold temp


afferents of muscle spindles

Ia, II

afferents of GTOs


afferents of joint receptors


crude touch follows what pathway?

ventrolateral pathway (anterior spinothalamic tract)

3 projection pathways of slow pain

spinomesencephalic (PAG, pain mod), spinoreticular (awareness), spinolimbic (emotional)

pain and temp follow what pathways

anterolateral systems

unconscious proprioception follows what pathway

spinocerebellar (LE = post spinocerebellar, UE = cuneocerebellar)