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29 Cards in this Set

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ALS patho
overstimulation of glutamate leads to cell injury is the current theory
hallmark signs of ALS
weakess of upper extremities
dysarthria - difficulty w/ speech
dysphagia - difficulty w/ swallowing
deep tendon reflexes brisk/overactive
post op nursing for crainiotomy patients
monitor respiratory status q1hr
permissive hypercapnia may be necessary
assess for Cushing's Triad
monitor for hypothermia
management of cerebral edema - post op
IV Decadron
osmotic diuretics
avoid excessive stimulation
monitor these post op for crainiotomy
urine/serum osmolality daily
urine specific gravity q2h
standard fluids post op for crainiotomy
D5 1/2 NS @ 75 mL/hr
watch for SIADH
results from vasodilation
tension headache
skeletal muscle tension
Tx for migraine & cluster headache
serotonin receptor antagonist
Stages of a seizure
prodromal - signs & activity preceding a seizure
aural - any sensory warning
ictal - full seizure
postictal - recovery
Partial seizure types
focal - one area or hemisphere
jacksonian - no loss of consciousness
complex partial - altered LOC
Generalized seizure types
tonic-clonic - grand mal
absence - petit mal; staring spells
myoclonic - "drop attack"
most common side effect of dilantin (anti-seizure med)
gingival hypertrophy
patho for Multiple Sclerosis
destruction of myelin sheath leading to poor nerve transmission
primary progressive MS
continual decline with development of quadreparesis, cognitive dysfunction & vision loss
S/S of Multiple Sclerosis
coordination problems - loss of balance
vision difficulties - diplopia, patchy or total blindness
bowel/bladder dysfunction
symptoms improve during pregnancy
med's for Multiple Sclerosis
Avonex, Betaseron, Copaxone, Rebif
nursing interventions for MS patients
mobility exercises
teach wide gait stance
don't raise body temp too much
ROM exercises
myasthenia gravis patho
autoimmune disorder of the myoneural junction; characterized by weakness of voluntary muscles
S/S of myasthenia gravis
diplopia & ptosis
weakness of facial, throat, ocular muscles
respiratory muscle effect - decreased vital capacity
purely motor - no affect on sensation or coordination
Tensilon Test
anticholinesterase test
facial muscle weakness resolves for about 5 min
positive test for MG
myasthenia gravis med's
pyridostimine bromide
plan meals around med admin time
med's that can worsen MG
CV med's (b-blockers)
antisezure med's
S/S of myasthenia crisis
respiratory muscle fatigue
inadequate cough
impaired gag reflex
decreased vital capacity
S/S of cholinergic crisis
mimic myasthenic crisis
respiratory muscle fatigue
inadequate cough
decreased vital capacity & decreased inspiratory force
from overmedication; tx is to hold all med's and give atropine
used to control side effects of Tensilon
keep at bedside
interventions for myasthenia gravis
mobility:plan adequate rest during the day
time activity with peak med effects
conserve energy
Communication: allow pt time to speak, yes/no questions
Eye care: patch 1 eye if diplopia, sunglasses
secondary progressive pattern of MS
progresses between relapses
relapse-remission pattern of MS
periods of symptoms followed by periods of complete recovery