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62 Cards in this Set

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What 4 structures are located in the superficial fascia of the anterior triangle?
Platysma muscle, Transverse cervical nerve (C2-C3), Cervical branch of CN 7, Anterior Jugular Vein
3 Boundaries of the anterior triangle?
inferior border of the mandible, midline of the neck, anterior border of sternocleidomastoid
What three muscles subdivide the anterior triangle into 4 triangles?
Anterior border of the digastric, posterior border of the digastric, superior belly of the omohyoid
Name the 4 small triangles?
submental, muscular, carotid, digastric
Hyoid bone, anterior digastric and midline form what triangle?
What forms the floor of the submental triangle?
Mylohyoid muscle
What vein is formed in the submental triangle?
Anterior Jugular Vein
Where does the anterior jugular drain?
External Jugular (after communicating with the contralateral AJV)
Borders of the muscular triangle?
Midline, Sternocleidomastoid, Superior Belly of the Omohyoid
Sternohyoid and Superior Omohyoid lie in which triangle?
Muscular (In Parallel)
Thyrohyoid and sternothyroid lie in which triangle?
Muscular (in series, deep to the superficials)
What is the general function of the "strap muscles"?
fix and steady the hyoid bone, swallowing and phonation
What innervates the Thyrohyoid?
Nerve to the thyrohyoid (C1)
Where does the superior root of the Ansa Cervicalis come off?
Off CN 12 (not part of the nerve)
Where does the inferior root of the ansa cervicalis come from?
What innervates the sternohyoid, sternothyroid, and omohyoid?
Ansa Cervicalis
What innervates the thyrohyoid and Geniohyoid?
C1 fibers
Ansa cervicalis is usually behind the carotid sheath (true or False)?
False (in front)
What are the boundaries of the Carotid triangle?
Sternocleidomastoid, Posteriro belly of digasrtric, superior belly of omohyoid
Common carotid artery is located in which triangle?
What bifurcates into two arteries at the upper level of the thyroid cartilage?
Common carotid (ext an int)
What does the carotid body do?
Sensitive to reduced oxygen tension in the blood, or increased carbon dioxide tension - receptors reflexly increase pulse rate, blood pressure, and deapth and rate of respiration
What innervates the carotid body?
CN X, and Sympathetic fibers
What does the Carotid Sinus do?
Baroreceptors sense arterial blood pressure
Innervation of the Carotid Sinus?
Primarily CN IX, also X and sympathetics
Which branch of the CCA gives branches to the Brain and Orbit?
Internal CA
How many arterial branches come off the ECA?
Name the three anterior branches of the ECA?
Superior thyroid, Lingual, Facial
Which artery courses in part with the external laryngeal nerve of CN X?
Superior Thyroid Artery
What artery does the superior laryngeal branch off?
Superior Thyroid
What nerve does the superior laryngeal artery course with?
Internal Laryngeal Nerve of CN X
Which artery supplies the thyroid gland?
Superior Thyroid
Which artery supplies the larynx at and above the vocal cords?
Superior laryngeal
This artery courses deep to the posterior digastric and hyoglossus and supplies the tongue?
Lingual Artery
The facial artery runs posterior or anterior to the digastric (posterior belly)?
Posterior (sigmoid course)
Which aspect of the ECA does the Ascending Pharyngeal come off from?
Medial Aspect
Which nerve crosses in front of the occipital artery?
CN 12
Which nerve does the occipital artery accompany?
Greater occipital nerve
What are the two terminal branches of the ECA?
Superficial Temporal Artery, Maxillary Artery
What are the two sensory ganglion of the vagus nerve?
Superior ganglion (above the jugular foramen) and Inferior (nodose) ganglion (below the jugular foramen)
What are the vagal branches from the supeior ganglion?
Meningeal and auricular
What are the vagal branches from the inferior ganglion?
Pharyngeal branches, Carotid body nerve, and superior laryngeal nerve
What nerve combines with the pharyngeal branches of CN X to form the pharyngeal plexus?
CN 9 and Cervical Sympathetics
Pharyngeal plexus is motor to what?
muscles of the pharynx and palate (except stylopharyngeus and tensor veli palatini
Which nerve is often anesthetized to allow tracheal tube intubation?
Internal laryngeal nerve
What kind of reflex does the internal laryngeal play a role in?
Afferent limb of the coughing reflex
What nerve is damaged when the quality of voice is changed?
External laryngeal nerve
In the neck what course does the ascendign R and L recurrent laryngeal nerves take?
B/w trachea and esophagus and under the lower border of the inferior constrictor
Recurrent laryngeal nerve provides sensory information (above or below) vocal cords?
Where does the recurrent laryngeal originate from?
Cranial nerve 11 (which becomes 10)
What are the boundaries of the digastric triangle?
inferior border of the mandible, anterior belly of digastric, posterior belly of digastric
Which part of the submandibular gland is located in the digastric triangle (superficial or deep)?
Superficial (sideways U around the mylohyoid)
What is the relation ship of the facial artery/vein with the submandibular gland?
Vein = superficial, artery = deep
What is the relationship of CN12 and its course with the hyoglosus and mylohyoid muscles?
Deep to the mylohyoid and superficial to the hyoglossus
What does the hypoglossal nerve supply?
muscles of the tongue that end in "glossus" except palatoglossus
The hyoglossus muscle seperates CN 12 from this artery?
Lingual artery (deep to the hyoglossus)
What layer fo the deep cervical fascia splits to enclose the submandibular and parotid glands?
Investing layer
Why will swelling of the parotid gland with mumps produce pain?
The gland is enclosed by the investing fascia
Which fascia surrounds the thyroid and is located behind the infrahyoid muscles?
pretracheal fascia
This fascia forms the floor of the posterior triangle?
Prevertebral fascia
What nerve innervates the cricothyroid muscle?
External Laryngeal Nerve
Recurrent laryngeal nerve originates in the (Neck, Thorax, Abdomen)