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51 Cards in this Set

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What marks the rostral limit of the brainstem?
the midbrain-diencephalic junction
This is where the brainstem meets thalamus and hypothalamus at the level of the tentorium cerebelli
What marks the caudal limit of the brainstem?
The cervicomedullary junction
At the level of the foramen magnum and pyramidal decussation
What are the attachment points of the cerebellum to the brainstem?
The cerebellum is attached to the dorsal surface of the pons and upper medulla
What forms the tectum of the midbrain?
On the dorsal surface of the midbrain are two pairs of bumps called the superior colliculi and inferior colliculi
Specifically, what attaches the pons to the cerebellum?
Dorsoaterally, the pons is attached to the cerebellum by large white matter tracts called the superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles
On the ventral side of the medulla, what structures are clearly visible?
The pyramids can be seen descending from the pontomedullary junction to the pyramidal descussation
In the rostral medulla, what is immediately lateral to the pyramids ?
The prominent bulges of the inferior olivary nuclei can be seen just lateral to the pyramids
What composes the facial colliculi?
The facial colliculi is formed by the abducens nuclei and fibers of the facial nerve
What is located along the floor of the 4th ventricle?
The facial colliculi
The hypoglossal trigone
The vagal trigone
Caudally, what structures receive drainage from the 4th ventricle?
The 4th ventricle drains into the subarachnoid space via the foramina of Luschka (laterally) and the foramen of Magendie ( midline)
Which two cranial nerves emerge directly from the forebrain?
The olfactory nerves
The optic nerves
Where specifically does the CNII enter the forebrain?
The optic tracts wrap laterally around the midbrain to enter the lateral geniculate nuclei of the thalamus
What is the only cranial nerve to exit the dorsal midbrain?
CN IV- Trochlear
What nerve exits from the interpeduncular fossa of the midbrain?
The oculomotor nerves lie in between what two arteries?
The oculomotor nerve lies in between the posterior cerebral artery and the superior cerebellar artery
From medial to lateral what are the cranial nerves that exit at the pontomedullary junction?
Most medial -Abducens (CN VI)
Facial nerve (CN VII)
Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Most lateral - Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
What nerves exit from the cerebellopontine angle?
The region where CN VII, VIII, and IX
What nerve arises from the upper cervical spinal cord?
The accessory nerve ( CNXI )
Where does the hypoglossal nerve exit the medulla?
Between the pyramids and inferior olivary nuclei
Which cranial nerves exit the superior orbital fissure?
The superior orbital fissure transmits CN 3, 4, 6, V1
How does CN V2 exit the skull?
Foramen rotundum
How does CN V3 exit the skull?
Foramen ovale
How does CN 7 exits the skull?
Both CN 7 and CN 8 exit the cranial cavity via the internal auditory meatus to enter the auditory canal
How does CN 7 exits the cranial cavity?
CN 7 exits the skull to reach the muscles of facial expression via the stylomastoid foramen
What nerves exit through the jugular foramen?
CN 9,10,11
Motor cranial nerve nuclei are located more ______, while sensory cranial nerve nuclei are located more ________.
What nuclei are classified as the somatic motor nuclei?
What is the embryological origin of the somatic motor nuclei?
Occipital somites
What are the two divisions of the visceral motor nuclei?
Branchial motor nuclei
Parasympathetic nuclei
What muscles are derived from the branchial arches?
muscles of mastication
facial expression
middle ear
What classification of nuclei is located closest to the midline?
the somatic motor nuclei
What nuclei are classified as branchial motor nuclei?
Trigeminal motor nucleus
Facial motor nucleus
Nucleus Ambiguus (CN IX, X)
Spinal Accessory (CN XI)
What nuclei are included in the parasympathetic nuclei?
Edinger-Westphal nuclei ( CN 3)
Inferior (CN 9) and Superior (CN 7) Salivatory nuclei
Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus ( CN 10)
What nucleus is contained in the visceral sensory column?
The nucleus solitarius
Which part of the nucleus solitarius receives taste?
The rostral nucleus solitarius receives taste inputs primarily from CN 7
What part of the nucleus solitarius recieves inputs for cardiac, respiratory and GI?
The caudal nucleus solitarius receives from CN 9, 10
What senses are mediated by the special somatic sensory nuclei?
Hearing - cochlear nuclie
Positiional equilibrium- vestibular nuclei
Where do the short olfactory nerves synapse?
In the olfactory bulbs
What is the path of the olfactory tracts?
They run in the olfactory sinus between the gyrus rectus and orbital frontal gyri to reach the olfactory processing area
What is anosmia?
Olfactory loss
What neurodegenerative diseases can result in bilateral anosmia?
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
What intracranial lesions can interfere with olfaction?
Intracranial lesions that occur at the base of the frontal lobes near the olfactory sulci
What is Foster Kennedy syndrome?
This can be caused by large lesions of the olfactory sulcus
This is characterized by :
Optic Atrophy in one eye (ipsilateral compression)
Papilledema in the other eye (caused by elevated intracranial pressure)
Where do the parasympathetics to the pupillary constrictor and to the ciliary muscle of the lens orginate?
Where do they synapse?
The preganglionis parasympathetic neurons are located in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the midbrain and they synapse in the ciliary ganglion
Describe the action of the trochlear muscle?
It rotates the top of the eye medially and move it downward
Where does the trigeminal nerve exit the brainstem?
Ventrolateral pons
trace the root of the trigeminal nerve from the brainstem
1. The trigeminal nerve exits the brainstem from the ventrolateral pons
2. It enters a small fossa called Meckel's cave ( here it is called the trigeminal ganglion)
3. V1 travels through the inferior part of the cavernous sinus to exit the skull via the superior orbital fissure
V2 exits via the foramen rotundum
V3 exits the foramen ovale
Besides the face, what else trigeminal nerve provide touch and pain sensation for?
The nasal sinuses
Inside of the nose
anterior 2/3 of the tongue
What cranial nerves give small inputs to the trigeminal nuclei?
Sensation to the external ear --> CN 7 , CN 9, CN 10
Sensation to the middle ear, posterior 1/3 of the tongue, and pharynx --> CN 9
Sensation for the infratentorial dura --> CN 10
Where can we find the trigeminal nuclear complex?
From the midbrain to the upper cervical spinal cord
Name the three nuclei that make up the trigeminal nuclear complex
Chief Sensory