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161 Cards in this Set

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The telencephalon refers to _
cerebral hemispheres
Cerebral cortex is highly folded and convoluted. It has 2 basic features: _ and _
gyrus (gyri)
sulcus (sulci)
gyrus (gyri)
crest of a single convolution
sulcus (sulci)
the grooves that separate each gyrus
Is the convolution pattern constant among individuals
yes, fairly constant
5 lobes of cerebrum
(is it a lobe?, buried in _)
sometimes considered to be a 6th lobe, but not a true lobe
insular cortex lies buried in the depths of the lateral sulcus
Basic position of each lobe of the brain:
Frontal Lobe
largest lobe
Extends anteriorly from the *central sulcus* and lies superior to the *lateral sulcus*
Basic position of each lobe of the brain:
Temporal Lobe
lies inferior to the lateral sulcus
Basic position of each lobe of the brain:
Parietal Lobe
less precise boundaries
lies posterior to central sulcus and
anterior to the parieto-occipital fissure
Basic position of each lobe of the brain:
Occipital Lobe
anterior boundary extends from line drawn from parieto-occipital sulcus to preoccipital notch
Basic position of each lobe of the brain:
Limbic Lobe
forms inner ring surrounding corpus callosum and diencephalon
on the medial surface of the brain
Important landmarks
Frontal Lobe
precentral sulcus
precentral gyrus
superior, middle, inferior frontal gyrus
superior frontal sulcus
inferior frontal sulcus
gyrus rectus
orbital gyrus
olfactory groove
Important landmarks
Temporal Lobe
superior, middle, inferior temporal gyrus
superior temporal sulcus
inferior temporal sulcus (sometimes called middle)
Important landmarks
Parietal Lobe
postcentral gyrus
postcentral sulcus
superior parietal lobule
inferior parietal lobule:
-supramarginal gyrus
-angular gyrus
intraparietal sulcus
Medial Wall
Frontal, Temporal, Parietal, Occipital Lobes
Frontal: superior frontal gyrus
Temporal: medial occipitotemporal gyrus, collateral sulcus, rhinal sulcus
Parietal: paracentral lobule, precuneate gyrus
Occipital Lobe: cuneate gyrus, lingual gyrus, calcarine fissure
Important landmarks
Limbic Lobe
cingulate gyrus
cingulate sulcus
parahippocampal gyrus
callosal sulcus
(buried in _, only seen when)
buried in depths of lateral sulcus
only seen when frontal and temporal separated
Frontal, Temporal, Parietal Operculum
infoldings of these lobes deep in the lateral fissure and
they overlie the insular cortex
3 components
long insular gyri (gyri longus)
short insular gyri (gyri breves, more anterior)
limen insula - near the stem of the lateral sulcus, it is a surface opening leading to the insula
Cerebral Cortex is generally made of an outer layer of _ and underlying _
outer layer of cortical gray matter
underlying cortical white matter
Cortical Gray is composed of
6 layers of neuronal cell bodies
Are all layers equally developed everywhere?
different layers more or less well developed in different areas of the cortex
and related to the function of that area of cortex
Cortical White Matter
3 types
Projection fibers
Association fibers
Commissural fibers
Projection fibers
interconnect cortex and lower brain regions
Association fibers
interconnect different cortical areas of the same hemisphere
Commissural fibers
interconnect similar areas of one hemisphere with the other
Projection Fibers
Corona Radiata
Cortical axons collect and ascend or descend between the cortex and the brain stem forming the fan shaped corona radiata
Damage to _, particularly from _ , is common and often has devastating effects because this massive pathway is squeezed into a narrow band
internal capsule
Association Fibers
(2 types)
short association fibers
long association fibers
Short association fibers
connect adjacent convolutions
Long association fibers
connect different lobes within the same hemisphere
Commissural Fibers
3 main commissural pathways
Corpus callosum
Anterior commissure
Posterior commissure
Commissural Fibers
Corpus callosum
(size, connects)
the largest
reciprocally connects cortical regions of all lobes of one hemisphere
with corresponding regions of the opposite hemisphere
Commissural Fibers
Anterior commissure
connects the temporal lobe with the temporal lobe of the opposite hemisphere, and
the olfactory bulbs of the two sides
Commissural Fibers
Posterior commissure
(marks, location)
the transition from the midbrain to the diencephalon
is marked posteriorly by this commissure
it lies anterior to and below the pineal gland
3 distinct types of cortex
neocortex (isocortex)
paleocortex (olfactory cortex)
archicortex (hippocampus)
Neocortex (isocortex)
6 layers
90% of all cortex
Paleocortex (olfactory cortex) and Archicortex (hippocampus)
(# of of layers and name)
3 layers - older, paleo, archi = allocortex
Layers of Neocortex
molecular layer
external granular layer
external pyramidal layer
internal granular layer
internal pyramidal layer
multiform layer
Molecular layer
most superficial
few cell bodies
made up of axonal and dendritic processes
has many glial cells
External Granular layer
composed of small closely packed granule cells
External Pyramidal layer
medium sized pyramidal cells
*well developed in association cortex
Internal Granular layer
closely packed stellate cells
*well developed in sensory cortex
Internal Pyramidal Layer
contains pyramidal neurons which are the largest cell type of the cerebral cortex -
they are also called Betz cells, they contribute to the corticospinal tract
*well developed in motor cortex
Multiform layer
variety of cell types
Different regions of cortex vary in _ of different layers
relative thickness
visual cortex is (thickness)
well developed _
1.5 mm total
well developed IV
motor cortex is (thickness)
well developed _
4.5 mm
well developed Internal pyramidal layer (V)
Each of 5 lobes has a subdivision or area dedicated to one basic function- these are called _
primary areas
Primary motor cortex
(name lobe)
Primary somatosensory cx
(name lobe)
parietal lobe
Primary visual cx
(name lobe)
occipital lobe
Primary auditory cx
(name lobe)
temporal lobe
Primary olfactory cx
(name lobe)
limbic lobe
Within each lobe, the cortex located _ from the primary areas have a more _ function
farther away
integrative function
Primary association cortex
(info about)
info about a specific modality
Multimodal association cortex
integrates info on more than one modality
The general flow of info in the cortex is:
Primary <--> Primary Association <--> Multimodal assoc
Adjacent regions of cortex are generally _
Multimodal association cortex of one lobe is interconnected with _
This allows for _
multimodal cortex of another lobe
this allows for higher-order integration
Association fiber pathways
interconnect different areas of same hemisphere
Association fiber pathways
6 major pathways
superior longitudinal fasciculus
inferior frontooccipital fasciculus
inferior longitudinal fasciculus
uncinate fasciculus
superior frontooccipital fasciculus
Association fiber pathways
superior longitudinal fasciculus
(projects, interconnects)
projects lateral to putamen
interconnects parietal, occipital, and frontal lobes
Association fiber pathways
inferior frontooccipital fasciculus
interconnects frontal lobe with occipital lobe
Association fiber pathways
inferior longitudinal fasciculus
connects occipital and temporal lobes
Association fiber pathways
uncinate fasciculus
connects uncus and anterior temporal areas with frontal lobe
(uncinate means hook)
Association fiber pathways
(deep to, interconnects)
deep to cingulate gyrus
interconnects frontal, parietal and occipital cortices
Association fiber pathways
superior frontooccipital fasciculus
(medial to, connects)
medial to internal capsule
connects occipital and temporal cortex with frontal and insular cortex
Brodmann's Map
discovered 51 regions based on cytoarchitecture (differences in cellular lamination)
numbered the different areas
(not very systematic, still used)
Important Brodmann's Areas:
primary somatosensory cx
Important Brodmann's Areas:
somatosensory association cx
Important Brodmann's Areas:
primary motor cx
Important Brodmann's Areas:
premotor & supplementary motor cx
Important Brodmann's Areas:
frontal eye field (FEF)
(projects to sup. colliculus to control conjugate eye mvments)
Important Brodmann's Areas:
Broca's Area (expressive speech)
Important Brodmann's Areas:
Wernicke's Area (receptive speech),
this functional region extends down into areas 21 and 22
Important Brodmann's Areas:
auditory cx
(41 - primary auditory; 42 - primary association)
Important Brodmann's Areas:
(17 - primary visual;
18,19 - primary association)
Primary Somatosensory Cx
(Areas _, aka)
Areas 3,1,2
Primary Somatosensory Cx
(occupies, inputs from _ and _; these relay info from _ _ _)
occupies postcentral gyrus
inputs from thalamic relay projections VPLc and VPM
these relay from the
dorsal column-medial lemniscus, spinothalamic, and trigeminothalamic tracts
Primary Somatosensory Cx
somatotopically organized = ?
whole contralateral body representation of the face, arm and leg on the cortical surface,
this little human representation is known as a homunculus
Second Somatic Sensory Area
Second Somatic Sensory Area
(located, receives input from, _ organized, receives info from)
located on superior bank of the lateral sulcus and buried deep in the lateral sulcus
receives inputs from thalamus (VP), S1 of both hemispheres
also somatotopically organized
receives info from both sides of the body (contralat predominates) unlike S1
S1 send info along two main pathways:
dorsal stream that projects to Areas 5 & 7 --> multisensory integration
ventral stream that projects to S2 --> size and shape recognition
Lesions of S1
hypesthesia and hypalgesia - contralat
but crude awareness remains (from intact S2)
poor localization
S1 must be intact for interpretation of discriminative sensations of touch, pressure, proprioception
Lesions of S2
the behavioral deficits are unclear and no clinical disorder has been ascribed to damage of this region
somatosensory association cortex
(input from)
somatosensory association cortex
if S1 intact, lesions of this association cortex involve a deficit in understanding the signif of sensory info called astereognosia
tactile agnosia
cortical neglect
Motor cortex:
(3 principal motor areas)
Primary motor area
Premotor area
Supplementary motor area
(2 problems)
unable to interpret the shape, size or weight of objects
also includes loss of awareness of spatial relations of parts of the body on the contralateral side - most extreme form is cortical neglect, when the patient ignores one side of the body and the corresponding visual field, indeed they don't exist for this patient - often due to large lesions of the parietal lobule
tactile agnosia
unable to ID an object placed in the hand when the eyes are closed
cortical neglect
ignores one side of the body and corresponding visual field, indeed they don't exist
most often due to large lesions of the parietal lobule
Primary motor area (aka, contains)
M1 (area 4) contains Betz cells in layer V (an example of agranular cortex, it has an absence or reduction of layer IV)
Supplementary motor area ---> _
M2 (medial bank of Area 6)
Features of the motor cortex
(major inputs)
major inputs to motor cortex are from VLo, VLc and VPLo of the thalamus and the primary somatosensory cortex
Features of the motor cortex
Areas 4 and 6 are the main origin of the _ _ and _
corticospinal, corticopontine, corticonuclear tracts
somatosensory and motor cortices are interconnected
see picture pg. 11
Effects of damage to primary motor cortex
paresis/paralysis of body on contralat side
restricted damage to Area 4 under experimental conditions results in
flaccid paralysis, hypotonia, areflexia immediately following injury but only temporary
usually areas 4 and 6 involved - this leads to
Babinski reflex (or Wartenberg's reflex for hand)
all hallmarks of motor cortical lesions***
Lesions of premotor and supplementary motor areas
general rule = primary motor cortex is involved in executing mvments, while
the premotor and supplementary motor areas are involved in planning mvmts - thus they direct the primary motor cortex
damage to these regions may result in complex loss of behavior:
inability to perform familiar tasks in the absence of paralysis,
can be due to a sensory or motor deficit, or a deficit in comprehension
(ex. can't tie shoe)
a disability in writing and a form of apraxia
frontal eye field (FEF)
(located, controls)
located anterior to Area 6, in Area 8, and is a specialized part of the motor cortex
controls voluntary conjugate mvments of the eyes
frontal eye field (FEF)
damage to Area 8 causes conjugate deviation of the eyes toward the side of the lesion and the patient cannot voluntarily move the eyes in the oppo direction, however, the mvment can occur invol when the eyes follow or track an object
Visual Cortex
Visual Cortex
Primary Visual Cortex
(area, aka, location)
Area 17
striate cortex or V1
mainly located on walls and floor of calcarine fissure
Visual Cortex
Primary association cortex for vision
Areas 18,19
Visual Cortex
Area 17
(input from)
geniculocalcarine tract
geniculocalcarine tract
(arises from, passes thru, forms)
arises from LGN
passes thru retrolenticular part of internal capsule
forms optic radiations
Columnar organization of the cortex
primary visual cortex receives projections from both eyes
input arranged into parallel alternating columns
with one column receiving input from left eye, and
the other from right eye
thus inputs are segregated
columns are called *ocular dominance columns*
Ocular dominance columns
input to primary visual cortex arranged in parallel alternating columns (left eye, right eye)
appear as stripes 0.5 mm width
inputs from each eye segregated
best visualized in layer IV, but extend thru all cortical
layer IV = monocular
other layers = binocular but dominance from one eye
Ocular dominance columns are further divided into _.
They are sensitive to _
orientation columns
sensitive to a line segment at a specific axis of rotation thru 180 degress.
Cortical columns in striate cortex are a structural expression of _.
Visual field broken down into component parts in visual cortex in terms of _.
Info is passed forward into other visual regions where it is recombined to produce a perception of _.
visual info processing
angles, lines, edges
form, color, depth, ect.
Auditory Cortex
41 and 42
Primary Auditory Cortex
(area, location)
located on transverse gyrus of Heschl
Primary association cortex for audition
Area 41
(input from)
geniculotemporal tract
geniculotemporal tract
(arises from _ which projects through _ and passes to cortex as _)
arises from MGN
which projects thru sublenticular part of IC and
passes to cortex as auditory radiations
Auditory cortex is _ organized
high frequencies ----> _
low frequencies ----> _
tonotopically organized
high > medial
low > lateral
auditory cortex receives bilateral sensory info from _ but _ is dominant
contralat dominant
unilateral lesions of auditory cortex cause _
only partial deafness but
greatest loss on contra side
Cortical Area for Taste
(location, Area, impulses ascend to _ which projects to _)
gustatory area located next to sensory area for tongue and is represented in parietal operculum (Area 43) and extends to insula
impulses for taste ascend to parts of the solitary nucleus which
projects to VPM of thalamus
Cortical Area for Olfaction
Most fibers from olfactory tract terminate in _ _ _ _
Intimately linked with _ system
info ascends thru _
*pyriform cortex (considered primary olfactory area)*
limen insula and uncus (Area 34)
and entorhinal cortex (Area 28)
(olfaction diminished in humans)
limbic system
ascends thru MD nucleus of thalamus
Vestibular representation
(possible area)
superior temporal gyrus, posterior to auditory area
Insular Cortex
(appears to integrate input from _ and relay this info to _)
all sensory modalities
limbic system
Anterior Insula
(integrates what functions)
olfactory-gustatory-autonomic functions
Anterior Insula
(stimulation produces)
visceral sensation
Responses from:
salivatory and
Anterior Insula
(extensive interconnections with _, reciprocally connected with _)
limbic system
Posterior Insula
(integrates what functions, receives input from, linked with _ via _)
integrates auditory-somesthetic-skeletomotor functions
input from all 5 sensory modalities
linked with limbic system via amygdala
Anterior Insula may be involved in _, while
posterior insula involved with _.
Anterior may be neuroanatomical substrate for _
anterior - perception of internal enviro
posterior - extrapersonal space
Anterior - perception of self
Two cortical areas specialized for language
Broca's Area (44,45)
Wernicke's Area (39,40 and into 21,22)
Broca's Area
(area, function)
motor speech area (speaking)
Wernicke's Area
(area, function)
39,40 and into 21,22
receptive, or sensory, speech area (understanding speech)
The two cortical language areas are connected by _
superior longitudinal fasciculus
Language areas are located in the _ hemisphere
(right-handed people = 98% in left, left-handed people = 70% in left)
Damage to cortical language areas (usually stroke) results in a number of different types of loss of function
receptive aphasia
expressive aphasia
jargon aphasia
global aphasia
**Often recovery of function**
general term for loss of language function resulting from
damage to cortical language areas
(there are a number of special forms of aphasia)
receptive aphasia
(aka, what)
Wernicke's aphasia
inability to *understand* language
patients have trouble understanding speech and reading,
they can't recall names of objects
have good sentence structure but poor use of nouns
expressive aphasia
(aka, what)
Broca's aphasia
patients have no trouble understanding speech, but
have difficulty generating speech
their speech is hesitant and distorted
can't make proper grammatical sentences
jargon aphasia
fluent but unintelligible speech
loss of ability to read
can occur without other aspects of aphasia
incomplete alexia
problem with single word decoding
global aphasia
complete loss of language function
usually follows large areas of cortical damage
one consequence of damage to MCA
Damage to cortical language areas
*often recovery of function*
may be associated with assumption of language function by right hemisphere
or reorganization of damaged area
functional reorganization
cortex can undergo signif functional reorgan in adults in response to variety of damage
impo clinical consequences for recovery in patients that have damage to nervous system
Reorganization of Cortical Maps
(2 examples)
reorganization of somatosensory cortex following peripheral nerve injury
cortical reorganization after limb amputation in humans: relation to phantom limbs
Hemisphere Dominance
two hemispheres communicate via corpus callosum
dominance discovered after callosectomy
language is example of function usually associated with left hemisphere; handedness is another
Hemisphere Dominance
Left hemisphere
Dominant in the West?
specialized for _ _ _
the "dominant" hemisphere
specialized for:
analytical functions
Hemisphere Dominance
Right hemisphere
(specialized for)
spatial abilities such as:
recognition of faces
Cortical Pathology
Deficits are _ (which side)
_ functions are involved such as: _ _ _ _.
May also include _ and _
Some "cortical syndromes" can be caused by _ damage
Common causes of cortical lesions are _ _ _
contralateral deficits (unlike cerebellar which are ipsi)
higher order functions:
aphasia, agnosia, apraxia, paralysis
may include personality/behavioral disorders and memory dysfunction
(exact nature depends on which cortical area involved)
some "cortical syndromes" caused by subcortical damage
(lesions of association, commissural, or projections fibers, or damage to basal ganglia or limbic system)
Common causes:
vascular insult
5 signs of motor cortical damage
Cortical Pathology
only the _ or _ may be affected unless large lesion
**loss of _ function**
_ field deficits
only arm or leg may be affected (somatotopic organization)
*loss of higher order function*
visual field deficits
Lesions of Internal capsule
May still see _ spasticity but _
which side
DO NOT get _ _ _
may still get upper motorneuron spasticity but both arms and legs involved
DO NOT get hyperalgesia, aphasia, agnosia
Lesions of Thalamus
(deficits, hallmark sign)
both sensory and motor deficits
(definition, two components)
difficult to define
two components:
-arousal (wakefulness)
-awareness (of self and enviro)
Disorders of Consciousness
Vegetative state
Minimally conscious state
Locked-in syndrome
Disorders of consciousness
acute brain state of unconsciousness immediately after brain injury during which the patient exhibits no evidence of arousal or awareness
Disorders of consciousness
Vegetative State
condition of wakefulness w/o answers
patients may open their eyes or show sleep-wake patterns but no purposeful response to stimulation
Disorders of consciousness
Minimally conscious state
condition in which patient demonstrates sleep-wake patterns but inconsistent evidence of self or the environment
Disorders of consciousness
Locked-in syndrome
patient fully aware but unable to move or speak (except vertical eye movement)
Any assessment of awareness is based on patient's ability to _
new approach is _
Any assessment of awareness is based on the patient's ability to communicate thru a recognizable behavioral response
New approach is fMRI as a behavioral response