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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the portion of a "cranial Nerve" while in the brainstem called?
Damage to a cranial nerve after the nucleus is called what?
Infranuclear disorder
What pathways (general) coordinate yoke muscle movement by connecting EOM nuclei?
Internuclear pathway
Put in the correct order:
Gaze center
Supranuclear pthwy
Internuclear pthwy
Supranuclear > Interniclear > Gaze Center
Pursuits, saccades, vestibular ocular reflex, optokinetix reflex, vergence, and fixations are all part of what kind of systems?
Supranuclear ocular motility systems
While Dean is running from a rabid dog, he can still turn around and see the dog the that is chasing him. What systems allow him to see the dog while his head is bobbing up and down?
VOR and OKN compensate for head movements
(vestibular oc and optokinetic)
Lars is unable to move his eyes to look at a fixation bead to his left, but he can follow the bead from the center to his left. No EOM damage. What could be wrong with Lars?
Damage to frontal eye feilds.
Transitory unless Sup Colloculi are also damaged which is rare.
The frontal eye fields connect to where?
PPRF and superior colliculi
Lars would like to move his eyes to the left, what is the pathway starting from the frontal eye fields that will enable him to do so?
Left Frontal eye fields > PPRF (horiz gaze center) >
1. CN VI to LLR
2. CN III nuc to RMR
What is the function of the horizontal gaze center (PPRF)
Causes ipsilateral horizontal gaze
Lars cannot move his eyes to the a fixation bead in his left field or follow a bead to the left. What may Lars be suffering from assuming he has normal EOM's?
Gaze Palsy, PPRF lesion
Which Supranuclear nucleus controls upgaze?
contra or ipsi?
Lateral riMLF=rostral interstitual MLF
Which Supranuclear nucleus controls downgaze?
contra or ipsi?
Medial riMLF=rostral interstitual MLF
Val has trouble with her verical gaze, near light dissociation, and a convergence retraction nystagmus. What syndrome may Val have and what might have caused this syndrome?
Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome=Parinauds, sylvian aqueduct syndrome.
Caused by MS, pinealoma, stroke, aqueduct stenosis(narrow)
Skew deviation (Small vertical relatively comitant tropia) results from what?
Brainstem or cerebellar injury
If a pursuit and a saccade where in a race, who would you bet on?
The saccade!
Saccades are faster than pursuits
Define normometric
Single accurate movement
Define Hypometric
Undershoot (pulseless)
Define Hypermetric
Overshoot (think cerebellar disease
the peristriate cortex, association areas, posterior limb internal capsule, pons, and cerebellar flocculus are important to what type of eye movement?
To be a saccade, an eye movement may not move more than how many degrees?
15 degrees
Which eye movement moves with a "pulse-step" ?
What do burst cells do?
produce pulse to over come inertia to produce a saccade.
Why dont we see the background move during a saccade?
Corollary discharge signal, Efferent copy "will to effort"