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807 Cards in this Set

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What does a neuron consists of?
Cell body (AKA soma or perikaryon) - contains cell's nucleus and organelles

Neurites - project from soma
What are the two types of neurites?
Dendrites and axons
What do dendrites contain?
Receptors to receive chemical signals from other neurons
How do dendrites increase area available for signal reception
By tapering distalling and branching extensively
What is a dendritic tree
The dendritic branches of a single neuron
What is the axon
Singular projection that may extend very far
Axon hillock?
Where axon forms

Small elevation from soma
What is the initial segment of axon?
Follows hillock

Uninsulated portion of axon that is rich in voltage-gated sodium channels
What is an axon terminal?
At end of axon

AKA terminal bouton

Form synapses with other neurons or effector structures
How is information transmitted within the neuron?
As an electrical signal
How is information transmitted between neurons (synaptic transmission)
As a chemical signal
How does the action potential travel?
Along the cell membrane from the initial segment to the axon terminal
What are glial cells?
AKA neuroglia

Supporting cells of CNS

More numerous than neurons
What do glial cells do, as a group?
Regulating chemical milieu in EC space

Maintain suitable environment for neuronal function

Myelinate neurons


Repair in the case of injury

Lining fluid filled ventricles of brain
What are the major divisions of the CNS?

Spinal cord
What is the CNS?
Primary processor of sensory info and executor of responses
How much cardiac output does the brain receive?
How much oxygen does the brain consume?
20% of body oxygen
What do rostral, caudal, ventral and dorsal mean, above the brainstem?
Rostral - toward front of brain

Caudal - toward back of brain

Ventral - toward bottom of brain

Dorsal - toward top of brain
What do rostral, caudal, ventral, and dorsal mean, in brainstem and spinal cord?
Rostral - toward cerebrum

Caudal - toward bottom of spinal cord

Ventral - toward front

Dorsal - toward back
How are tracts named?
According to their:

Origin (neuron cell body)
Where is the corticospinal tract?
Connects cerebral cortex with spinal cord
Conducting toward structure
Conducting away from structure
What does the cerebrum do?
Performs more complex processing of sensory information

Formulates volitional motor responses

Sensations must reach the cerebral cortex in order to be consciously perceived
What does the cerebrum consist of?

2 cerebral hemispheres containing:

Gyri (ridges)
Sulci (furrows)
What is the cerebral cortex?
Laminar structure forming outer surface of cerebrum
Ventricles of cerebrum?
Internal fluid filled spaces
What are groups of nuclei within the CNS called?
What is gray matter?
Gray color due to cortex and nuclei being rich in neuronal cell bodies
White matter
Areas under the cortex that is rich in myelinated axons

Collections of tracts/fasciculi
What are 2 primary white matter structures in the cerebrum
Corpus callosum - major pathway for axons crossing between the cerebral hemispheres

Internal capsule - major pathway between cerebral hemispheres and more caudal structures
What is the purpose of gyri and sulci
Increase surface area of cerebral cortex within cranium
What are fissures?
Deeper and more consistent sulci

Primary fissures divide cerebrum into lobes

Cortical areas of similar function are located near each other
Secreted within ventricles

Circulates out of the ventricles over surface of brain and spinal cord and empties into bloodstream through venous sinuses

Floats the brain within the cranial cavity and protects from trauma
Cerebrum major nuclear group

Key to regulation and processing of somatic information

Major relay and processing center for sensation and motor function

Switchboard for almost all brain activity

Is part of the diencephalon



Primary brain center for autonomic NS regulation
Basal ganglia

Group of nuclei involved in motor processing

Associated structures:
Caudate nucleus
Globus pallidus
Subthalamic nucleus
Substantia nigra
Hippocampal formation

Located in the medial temporal lobe on each side of the brain

Involved in consolidation of memory
Consists of:
2 hemispheres
vermis (midline structure)

Attached to posterior aspect of brainstem

More convoluted surface than cerebral cortex

Uses complex sensory information to unconsciously modulate motor activity
CNS interface for cranial nerves (PNS)

1st order processing of primary sensation, including special senses

Has tracts between spinal cord and brain

Neurons for both somatic motor and parasympathetic (autonomic) output

Acts like primitive brain - controls respiration, HR, other autonomic functions
Divisions of brainstem
Rostral most part of brainstem

Contains nuclei for eye movement control through:
Contains major nuclei for communication between cerebrum and cerebellum

Nuclei for:
Caudal most part of brainstem

Major nuclei for consciousness (reticular formation), autonomic control

Nuclei for:
Spinal cord
Primary point of interface for CNS with body via peripheral nerves

Sends and receives information from brain via collection of axons (tracts)

Contains neurons that:

Receive primary somatic sensory information

Directly and indirectly modulate motor activity of muscles

Modulate autonomic activity of viscera
What are the major nuclear groups in the cerebrum?


Basal ganglia

What do the meninges consist of?
CT membranes that surround the CNS
What are the meninges continuous with?
The CT of peripheral nerves
What are the primary layers from the skull inward to the brain?
What are the meningeal sinuses (dura) essential for?
Venous drainage of the cranial cavity
What does the circulation of CSF depend on
Meningeal structures
What form compartments in the cranial cavity
Meningeal septa
What do the meninges develop from?
The neural crest and mesoderm
When do they meninges surround the NS
Between 20-35 days of gestation
What becomes the dura?
What becomes the pia and arachnoid
When do the meninges have the adult pattern?
By the end of the 1st trimester
What is the term for the pia and arachnoid
Dermal sinus defect
Often associated with spina bifida

Usually in lumbar area, in congenital dermal sinus

Ectoderm fails to completely dissociate from neuroectoderm

Epithelium lined channel to surface of skin

Can result in recurrent meningitis
What does the ectomeninx around the brain do?
Stays attached to the periosteal CT layer
What does the ectomeninx in the spinal cord do?
Initially continuous with periosteum during development but later separates to leave epidural space
What is another name for the dura mater
What do the meninges consist of?
EC collagen
What is the arachnoid attached to?

Separated from pia by subarachnoid space

Attached to pia with arachnoid trabeculae (CT tissue strands)
What is in the subarachnoid space?
What layer is closely adherent to the surface of the brain and spinal cord tissue and surrounds surface vessels on the brain
Pia mater
What are the divisions of the dura mater?

What is the most distinct boundary?
Periosteal part
Meningeal part
Border cell part

Most distinct boundary is between dural border cells and meningeal dura
What does the dura contain large amounts of?
Collagen, in the periosteal and meningeal layers
What do patterns of collagen play a role in?
Cranial mechanics
Dura mater structure
Dural border cell layer with arachnoid mater contains matrix with no dense CT matrix of periosteal and meningeal layers
Where is there a plane of weakness in the meninges
Between dura mater and arachnoid mater
Subdural hematoma
Bleeding into plane of weakness dissects dura and arachnoid planes
What may happen when the brain is removed from a cadaver
the arachnoid may split away from the dura at the dural border
Dural septa (infoldings)
Consist of areas in which the meningeal portion of the dura folds in to separate cranial cavity into compartments

Compartments determine how displacements can occur with injury
Primary folds
Falx cerebri
Tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebelli
Diaphragma sella
Falx cerebri - where is it and what are its attachments
Lies in longitudinal fissure

Attaches anteriorly to crista gali

Attaches posteriorly to tentorium cerebelli
Tentorium cerebelli
Lies axially in the transverse fissure connecting to the anterior clinoid processes
Falx cerebelli
Lies in midline of cerebellar hemispheres to varying heights
Diaphragma sella
Forms roof of hypophyseal fossa encircling the infundibulum
Compartments formed by dural septa - what separates the lateral supratentorial and infratentorial compartments
Lateral supratentorial compartments separated by falx cerebri

Infratentorial compartment bordered by tentorium cerebelli
What do the rigid dural structures do
Limit expansion of cranial contents to compartments
What can an expanding mass do
Push contents betweeen compartments
What are dural sinuses
Venous structures formed by separation of meningeal and periosteal dura at edges of dural septa

Also form at the free edges of dural septa from 2 layers of meningeal dura
Where does the blood filling the dural sinuses collect from
Connecting veins from the cortical surface and internal structures
Vascular supply for dura?
Runs between periosteum and periosteal dura, often in grooves on skull
What can skull fractures cause
Disruption of dural arteries, producing dissection of the connective tissue layers and an epidural hematoma
What parts of the brain can feel pain
The dura can
What innervates the anterior and middle cranial fossa
Branches of the trigeminal nerve
What innervates the dura of the posterior fossa
Sensory branches from C2 and C3 (also C1 when present)

May have sensation through vagus
What innervates the tentorium
The tentorial nerve (a branch of the opthalmic)
Irritation of nerves in the dura
Produces pain appearing to originate in affected region according to afferent nerve innervation
Headache from dura above tentorium
Innervation by trigeminal nereve

Irritation referred to face
Headache from infratentorial dura
Innervation by cervical nerves

Irritation referred to back of head
Dural headaches and neck
Connection between dura and neck muscles

Muscle tension and dural stimulation by contraction
What is the arachnoid mater
More delicate membrane

Attached to the dura
Parts of arachnoid mater
Arachnoid barrier layer

Arachnoid trabeculae
What do the arachnoid trabeculae do
Suspend the brain in the subarachnoid space
What is the subarachnoid space
Where CSF flows

Between the arachnoid barrier layer and the pia on the surface of the brain
Arachnoid villi
Specializations of the dura arachnoid interface in dural sinuses

Allow drainage of CSF into venous system

Essential for CSF circulation and normal intracranial pressure
What are collections of arachnoid villi called
Arachnoid granulations

May calcify in old people and be called pacchionian bodies
What is the pia mater
Delicate covering that is closely adherent to the brain
What are the layers of the pia mater
External epipial layer

Intima pia layer
Intima pia layer
Close to glia limitans or glial basement membrane that forms the outermost layer of cerebral cortex
Where is the pia thicker
Spinal cord
What covers most surface vessels on the brain in the subarachnoid space
Pial or leptomeningeal cells
What is the small EC space that the pial layer may follow ***
Virchow-Robin space ***
What do the pial coverings and spaces allow
Better exchange of CSF
Where can leukemic cells enter brain parenchyma
Epidural space
In spinal cord

Epidural anasthetics
What does the absence of a dural attachment to the vertebrae allow
Allows the dura to stretch as vertebra move
What permits the neurological signs (Kernig and Brudzinski) that are used to indicate meningitis
Stretching of the spinal dura or resistance to stretch

Dura's attachments to nerve roots
What is the spinal cord dura anchored to
To the spinal column indirectly through the exits of the spinal roots and the filum terminale externum that connects the end of the dura to the coccyx
Specialized attachment elements in the spinal cord of the pia mater
Denticulate ligaments
Filum terminale internum
Filum terminale internum
Attaches to caudal end of dural sack that makes up lumbar cistern
Denticulate ligaments
Attach from the spinal cord pia arachnoid to the spinal dura at 21 pairs of points between the foramen magnum and the first lumbar spinal nerve

Consist of pia arachnoid

Attach to dura at points midway between nerve exits
What do the denticulate ligaments and the filum terminale do
Further help stabilize the spinal cord relative to the dura and spinal column
What is the primary subarachnoid cistern associated with the spinal cord meninges
The lumbar cistern
What is the lumbar cistern
The extension of spinal meninges (usually L1-L2) after the end of the spinal cord

Contains cauda equina and is the space commonly accessed in spinal taps (L3-L4)
What are meningiomas
Tumors of the meninges that can form space occupying lesions that compress the brain in dural compartments
What are meningiomas most likely to arise from
Clusters of arachnoid cells in the villi (arachnoid cap cells)
Where are meningiomas most likely to form
At points where cranial nerves or blood vessels transverse the dura, along the base of the skull and at the cribiform plate
Who is most likely to present with meningiomas
Women aged 55 - 70

Patients with neurofibromatosis
What kind of meningioma is most common
Benign or atypical
Benign or atypical meningiomas
Located outside the brain parenchyma

Rarely penetrate brain tissue

Neurological signs are generally due to compression or edema

May become large before detection (b/c usually in anterior fossa)
Bacterial meningitis - initial location
Usually initially located in and spread through subarachnoid space
What does bacterial meningitis usually involve
arachnoid and pia
What does the CSF look like with bacterial meningititis
Cloudy with many WBCs, increased protein, and bacteria
Symptoms of acute bacterial meningitis

Alternating chills and fever


Depressed consciousness
What happens due to thickening of the meninges in bacterial meningitist
Partial obstruction of CSF return flow

Signs of increased intracranial pressure
Viral meningitis
Caused by a variety of agents

Younger patients

Usually only supportive treatment
What are examples of electrical synapses
Gap junctions


Electrotonic synapses

Ephaptic connection
What are electrical synapses
Modifications of membranes between 2 adjacent cells that allow a direct transfer of small molecules

Not specific to nervous tissue or electrically excitable cells

In NS - most common b/w glial cells
What are the 2 primary types of electrical synapses
Ephaptic connections

Gap junctions
Ephaptic connections
area of low resistance (ion channel) contact can allow exchange of ions between cells

In NS - most common among astrocytes
Gap junctions
AKA electrotonic synapses

Small regions closely apposed cell membranes containing channels comprised of 1 connexon from each cell
What is a connexon
Symmetric component - mirror image of the other

Comprised of hexamers of connexin subunit molecules
What are gap junctions formed by connexons permeable to
Ions (Na, K, Ca) and small metabolites up to 1,000 MW
What does a short half life of connexons suggest
Functional plasticity
What selectivity to gap junctions show
Ionic and directional selectivity in some cases (cations versus anions) and may also open and close in response to large voltage differences between cells
What can gap junctions create
Regions of cells of similar electric potential or other metabolic characteristics (syncytium)
Where do typical gap junctions occur
Between astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells in PNS, cells of meninges, ependymal cells lining ventricles, and between cell types

Also participate in control of capillary beds
What pathological conditions might gap junctions participate in
Cerebral edema
What is the role of gap junctions in embryonic development
Help define synchronous development of groups of cells
What do gap junctions allow in neurons
IC electrical coupling - may accompany chemical synapses

Allows very rapid transmission of information

Appears to contribute to organized oscillatory or rhythmic activity of nuclei such as inferior olive, phrenic nucleus, eye movement nuclei
What are other arreas with gap junctions
Olfactory bulb and hypothalamus
Some pathologies with gap junction role

Spreading depression

Charcot-marie-tooth disease
Related to mutations in gene for connexons

Results in demyelination and slowing conduction in peripheral axons with subsequent muscle weakness, atrophy, and sensory loss
Chemical synapses
Use of chemical substance to convey electrical activity and sometimes other info

Require electrical signal (AP) to be converted to chemical signal (neurotransmitter releasE) and then back to an electrical signal (post synaptic potential)

Slower, less reliable than electrical and more susceptible to toxins, but allows more complex processing
3 primary elements of chemical synapses
1. presynaptic element (bouton)
2. synaptic cleft
3. postsynaptic element
Polarity of transmission
Seen in chemical synapses

From the presynaptic specialization to the postsynaptic membrane
Sequence of neurotransmission
1. Presynaptic bouton -
Vesicle synthesis and loading with transmitter and the transport to the synaptic terminal
Depolarization of the terminal and release of NT into synaptic cleft

2. postsynaptic membrane -
binding of the transmitter to and activation of a receptor
Transduction of the signal by the postsynaptic cell

3. Pre and post synaptic -
Reuptake or degradation of NT
Electrical to chemical transduction
In presynaptic terminal - accomplished by vesicular release of neurotransmitter

Incoming AP or depol. opens voltage sensitive calcium channels
Vesicle fusion and transmitter release
Increase in Ca initiates vesicle release through mechanism involing docking of synaptic vesicles to protein complexes ( t&v snares)

Fusion of vesicle membrane with active zone on presynaptic terminal (fusion proteins - synaptophysin, docking proteins)
Electrical to chemical transmitter release
Release of NT into synaptic cleft is controlled through calmodulin and Ca sensitive protein, synaptotagmin

Transmitter then diffuses across the synaptic cleft to bind to receptors on post synaptic membrane
Vesicle recycling - what proteins are involve
Vesicle membranes are recycled through a process involving dynamin and clatharin
What kinds of NTs can be released from varicosities through axons and how
Catecholamines and neuropeptides

Through diffusion and into EC space

Autonomic axons (usually symp) can use this or it can be non-synaptic
Processing of small molecule neurotransmitters within presynaptic terminals
E.g. AAs, biogenic amines

Undergo extensive recylcling and synthesis within presynaptic terminal

Makes them potentially sensitive to agents that interfere with synthetic or recycling enzymes within the temrinal

E.g. ACh
Processing of large molecule NTs
E.g. neuropeptids (> 10 C atoms, substance P)

synthesized in GA and transported via fast axoplasmic transport to nerve terminal

Released and degraded but not usually recycled
Chemical to electrical diffusion and receptor binding
After release into the synaptic cleft, NTs diffuse across the synaptic cleft and contact receptors on the post synaptic membrane

Receptors and their reaction define the nature of the transduction back to electrical signal
Receptor activation in chemical synapses - reactions
Direct opening of ion channesl

Cascade of biochemical reactions
Classification of receptor activation and postsynaptic response by function
Ligated channels - open or close transmembrane pores or channels

G protein coupled and other second messenger receptors

Transmembrane receptors with modifiable enzymatic activity

Ligand dependent regulators of nuclear transcription

Sequestration of IC ions
Ionotropic synapses
Usually includes small molecule synapses, fast synapses, single messenger synapses

Activate primarily ionotropic receptors
Metabotropic synapses
Usually includes larger neuropeptide synapses, slow synapses, 2nd messenger synapses

Activate primarily metabotropic receptors

Can also be mixed as more than 1 NT that can be released or a single transmitter may activate multiple types of receptors
Activation and result of ionotropic synapses
Easily activated (NT releaseD)

Their binding to ionotropic receptors (ligated ion channels) in postsyn membrane opens an ion channel to depolarize or hyperpolarize the postsyn membrane
Metabotropic synapses
The post synaptic receptors activate an enzymatic cascade to produce a 2nd messenger that produces an actual transduction event

Result may include opening of ion channels and depol of cell but can include induction of broad ranging metabolic changes in post syn cell that can alter its sensitivity or activity
What is the advantage of the metabotropic synapses
Ability to magnify the transduction and regulate postsynaptic cell
What do 75% of metabotropic receptors initiate transduction through
G proteins:

NT binding to receptor allows coupling of the receptor to a G protein

Forms complex with enzyme system that generates 2nd messenger
What can G proteins act as
2nd messengers, and can do things such as opening ion channels
Most common 2nd messenger systems
Adenylyl cyclase - produces cAMP as 2nd messenger --> phosphorylates proteins

Phospholipase C - produces phosphoinositol and DAG as 2nd messengers --> release Ca stores

Phospholipase A - initiates arachidonic acid cascade

All can amplify a postsyn response by enzymatic means depending on cell sensitivity
NT inactivation
After NT is bound to receptor it must be inactivated in some manner to prepare for the next signal

Binding of NT to receptors is reversible and NT is released to diffuse away

Then the NT is rapidly removed from synaptic cleft by 2 primary mechanisms: inactivation and reuptake
Inactivation mechanism
Molecule is destroyed or modified by membrane bound enzymes around cleft (can be on postsyn membrane, adjacent astrocytes, or presynaptic membrane) that typically cleave the transmitter into smaller inactive but recycleable parts
Reuptake mechanism
Most NTs or their products are directly taken up by transporter proteins on presyn membrane and on adjacent neuroglial cells

Some can be taken up by pinocytosis in which vesicles with the contents of the cleft are formed from the presyn membrane
Catecholamine reuptake
dopamine and norepi are inactivated by MAO and catechol-o-methyl trandferase
Non neuronal receptors and transmitter metabolism
receptors are on neuroglial cells too and they can modulate the neuroglial control of the synaptic environment including neuroglial inactivation and recylcing of NTs and balance of ions

Astrocytes active for GABA and glutamate
Other forms of synaptic communication
Presynaptic receptor - mediated autoregulation (autoreceptors and heteroreceptors)

Retrograde transmission
Retrograde transmission (neuromodulation)
Process of feedback from postsynaptic cell

Postsyn cell responds to synaptic activation by releasing a 2nd chemical messenger capable of affecting the presyn nerve terminal or neuron

Ex: NO
Presynaptic autoregulation
Receptors are on presynaptic membrane for same NTs that it releases or other substances that are released from vesicle at same time (ionotropic or metabotropic)

Receptors can modulate NT synth, release, reuptake and package

Usually inhibitory

May be retrogradely transported to produce metabolic effects

Ex: Autonomic regulation of SA node
Receptor regulation
Receptors can be regulated through a number of mechanisms that can act over time

Changes in receptors will regulate the responsiveness of the cell to subsequent exposure to the NT of agonist substance

Generally metabotropic
Receptor densensitization
Sensitivity of receptors may be affected over short period of time by chemical mod.

Binding of NTs may make receptor vulnerable to actions of IC enzymes that will modify the receptor

Phosphorylation may either change the binding or transduction properties of the receptor to make it less efficient
Homologous desens.
Desensitization produced directly from process of receptor activation
Denervation supersensitivity
Ex of upregulation

Loss of neuronal contact with a cell --> cell synthesizing and exposing more receptors

cell becomes supersensitive


Biogenic amine NTs

monoamines - catecholamines (dopamine, epi, norepi)


Neuropeptide NTs

Substance P





Purine NTs

Gaseous NTs

Most prevalent excitatory NT in CNS

Derived from aKG by GABA transaminase

Recycled by direct transporter into presyn terminals for reuse and indirectly through astrocytes where it is degraded to glutamine and then reconverted to glutamate
Primary inhibitory NT in brain

Found in high amounts in striatum and lentiform nuclei, hypothalamus, hippocampus, periaqueductal gray

Transmitter for purkinje fibers in cerebellum

Synth from glutamate by glutamic acid decarb.

Similar recycling to glutamate
Inhibitory NT mainly in brainstem and spinal cord

Associated with mechanisms of recurrent inhibition (in spinal cord renshaw cells)

Part of inhibitory mechanism common to motor neuron pools to limit activity

Recycled through active transporter
Important NT in both CNS and PNS

Both excitatory and inhibitory with both metabotropic and ionotropic receptors

Synth from choline and acetyl CoA by choline acetylase

Broken down by acetylcholineesterase to choline nd acetic acid which are both recycled into terminal and recycled
Catecholamines as NTs
Both excitatory and inhibitory

Synthesized from tyr ins teps to create dopamine, epi, norepi

Most enzymes of synth are modifiable

Diverse functions - motor function (dopamine), reward/addiction behavior and sleep/waking cycles

Bind to numerous receptors (CNS and PNS) both presyn and post.

Major inactivation enzymes are COMT in postsyn membrane and MAO in presyn terminal cytoplasm
excitatory and inhibitory

Synth from trp by trp hydroxylase and 5 HT decarb.

Functions in sleep/wake, emotional behavioral states and vasoconstriction

ASsociated with actions of many hallucinogens

Broken down by MAO or transported back into presyn terminal

Synth from histidine by histidine decarb

Also component of mast cells and basophils (vasodilation) and involved in gastric secretion

Associated with sleep/wake cycles and maintenance of consciousness

Broken down by histamine N methyltransferase and diamine oxidase
Neuropeptides as NTs
Ex: substance P, enkephalins, VIP

All metabotropic and G protein coupled

Release is often non synaptic or as co transmitter

Prominent in hypothalamus, centrally (oxytocin, vasopressin) with major roles in autonomic function

Also found in basal ganglia and brainstem

Substance P, enkephalin, b-endorphin are all involved in transmission of pain and pleasure sensations, their regulation and central affect
What is the longitudinal fissure
Separates the L and R cerebral hemispheres

Contains falx cerebri
What is the lateral fissure
Sylvian fissure

Separates temporal lobe from frontal and parietal lobes
What is the transverse fissure
Between cerebrum and cerebellum

Tentorium is here
What is the central sulcus
fissure of rolando

Separates frontal and parietal lobes, specifically the precentral and postcentral gyri
What is the parieto-occipital sulcus/fissure
Divides the parietal and occipital lobes on the medial surface of the hemisphere from the upper end of this fissure to a small depression called the preoccipital (parieto) notch defines the border laterally
Frontal lobes

Motor and cognitive functions

primary motor cortex is here

Front of brain, anterior to central sulcus, above lateral fissure
Parietal lobes
Sensory - associative function

INcludes primary sensory cortex

Behind central sulcus, above lateral fissure, and in front of occipital lobe
Occipital lobes
Visual and visual association function

Back of cerebrum, behind parieto-occipital fissure and imaginary line between top of this fissure and the preoccipital notch
Temporal lobes
Integrative sensory, some functions of memory, audition and olfaction

Inferior to lateral fissure, rostral to occipital lobe
Insular lobe
triangular shaped, invaginated cortical area hidden in the depths of the lateral fissure

Mixed function, sensory and motor
Limbic lobe
Synthetic lobe on the medial aspect of the hemisphere which encircles corpus callosum and medial part of the temporal lobe

Involved in emotion

Primary processor of memory
What is the main function of the spinal cord
Forms the primary interface between the PNS and the CNS
Where is the spinal cord
Within the vertebral canal extending from foramen magnum to L1-L2 disc
Relationship between spinal cord and vertebral column during development
Vertebral column outgrows spinal cord during development

During 3rd month of dev. the cord fills the vertebral canal

Caudal end of the spinal cord is located at L3 in the newborn
What is white matter and how does it stain
Collections of axons


Appears black b/c myelin stains
What is gray matter
Cell bodies - unstained

Surrounded by white mattee
What is the spinal cord formed from
Caudal portion of neural plate with formation of neural tube
What happens after neural tube closure
Neuroepithelial cells in ventricular zone begin to divide and form neuroblasts and glioblasts
What cells form the future neurons and neuroglial cells of spinal cord
Neuroblasts and glioblasts
What happens to the proliferating neuroblasts
Migrate to form a layer that contains most of the neuronal cell bodies of the spinal cord, the intermediate or mantle zone
What becomes spinal cord gray matter
Intermediate, or mantle zone
What does the mantle zone develop into
Under the influence of special secreted proteins, it becomes 4 distinct dorsoventral columns of cells on each side, the alar and basal plates
What separates the alar and basal plates
Sulcus limitans
Where does white matter develop
In marginal zone
What is the marginal zone
A layer of neuroblast processes that forms outside of the mantle zone of the neural tube

Processes of neurons formed in brainstem and forebrain also contribute
What else does the marginal zone contain
Developing glial cells (Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes) that will form the structure of the spinal white matter and eventually myelinate the long tracts of the spinal cord in pre and post natal dev.
What becomes the dorsal horns
Dorsal horns are sensory associated spinal neurons

ARise from alar lamina
What becomes ventral horns
Ventral horns are motor associated neurons

Arise from basal lamina
What do the 4 columns of cells do
Estbalish basic sensory-dorsal/motor-ventral organization of neurons in the adult spinal cord
What forms between the alar and basal plates
An intermediate zone

Originates from components of both alar and basal plates and evenetually contains neurons that have both motor and sensory neurons (Clark's column, origin of spincerebellar tracts)
What is the central area between the horns
Intermediate gray commisure
Ventricular zone
Cells lining ventricular zone that persist into later dev. form ependymal cells that line central canal
What is the central canal
Begins at 4th ventricle in lower brainstem

May or may not have a patent lumen over the entire length of the spinal cord
What are the enlargements of the spinal cord
Cervical - C4-T1
Lumbosacral - L1-S2
What extend longitudinally along the surface of the spinal cord
Anterior median fissure
Penetrates deeply into the cord, extending almost to the middle

Contains sulcal branches of anterior spinal artery
Anterolateral sulcus
Where ventral roots leave the cord
Posterolateral sulcus
Marks site of entry of dorsal roots (dorsal root entry zone)
Posterior median sulcus
In midline on dorsal aspect of cord

Contains delicate pial partitiion - posterior median septum
Posterior intermediate sulcus
In upper thoracic and cervical spinal cord

Lies between the psoterior median and psoterior lateral sulci

Partially divides the dorsal columns
What accompanies the entry and exit ofaxons into and out of the spinal cord
Change in the type of cell myelinating the axon
Where do oligodendrocytes myelinate
myelinate axons up to their exit from or entry into the spinal cord
What does myelination outside of the spinal cord
Schwann cells

Peripheral myelination

Has important effects on the ability of these axons to regenerate after lesions
What forms each spinal nerve
Merger of dorsal adn ventral roots at particular spinal level
What is the portion of the spinal cord that gives rise to a spinal nerve
Which nerves may lack a dorsal root contribution
C1 and CO1
How are spinal cord segments and nerves identified
According to the intervertebral foramen through which the spinal nerve (dorsal and ventral roots) exit the vertebral canal
Where do spinal nerves C1-C7 pass
Above the same numbered vertb
Where does spinal nerve C8 emerge
between C7 and T1 vert
Where do spinal nerves below C8 pass
Below the same numbered vert
What is a dermatome
An area of skin that is innervated by dorsal roots arisng from a single spinal cord segment
What is a myotome
The skeletal muscle that is inenrvated by motor fibers arising from a single spinal cord segment
How does the spinal nerve carry information
Bidirectionally - between spinal cord and body
Neurons in DRG convey info from receptors in skin, muscle, tendons, and joints
These nerve fibers are from mechanoreceptors and nociceptors within the viscera. Cell bodies within DRG as well
axons arise from motor neurons within the spinal cord (ventral horn) and innervate body musculature involved in volitional motor activity

Single neuron pathway from spinal cord to muscle
Axons of neurons within the spinal cord that terminate in autonomic ganglia ie sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia

Postganglionic neurons then innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.

2 neuron pathway
Where does the dura mater extend
From foramen magnum down to S2
what separates the dura mater from bone of the vertebral canal
Epidural space - contains fat, loose CT, and internal venous plexuses.
Where and why are local anesthetics injuected
Injected into epidural space to anesthetize the lumbar and sacral spinal nerves during operative procedures and for post op pain control
What is the arachnoid mater (spinal cord)
delicate, avascular

Conforms to inner aspect of dura (unless pathology - then subdural space)

Contains cells joined by tight junctions that serve to form a barrier against fluid and substances crossing the membrane
What do arachnoid trabeculae do
Extend through CSF filled subarachnoid space to pia mater below
What are the 2 specializations of the pia mater
Denticulate ligs and filum terminale

Both stabilize spinal cord
Where are denticulate ligs
Fibrous band of pia on each side of the spinal cord between ventral and dorsal spinal roots

Usually 21 on each side
What is the filum terminale internum
thin thread of pia mater that arises from the caudal end of the spinal cord, the conus medullaris and travels inferiorly to caudal tip of thecal sac at S2
Lumbar cistern
Expansion of the spinal subarachnoid space caudal to conus medullaris
Filum terminal externum
Continuation of pial thread that pierces through thecal sac and extends caudally

Pia becomes enclosed by dura which attaches to coccyx
What is the subdivision of the gray matter
Divided into rexed laminae based on size, shape and distribution of neurons

10 laminae in all
What laminae is the dorsal horn composed of
Laminae I-VI
Wwhat is the intermediate zone composed of - what lamina
Lamina VII
What is the ventral horn composed of - which laminae
Laminae VIII-IX
What lamina surrounds the central canal
Lamina X
Lamina I and Lamina V
Lamina I (posteromarginal nucleus) and lamina V receive nociceptive input via lightly or unmyelinated small diameter afferents
Laminae III and IV
Laminaee III and IV (nucleus propruis) receiive non-noxious input via myelinated, large diameter afferents
Lamina II
Lamina II (substantia gelatinosa) receives input from nociceptive afferents (C fibers) and collaterals from large diameter afferents

Site of 1st order processing

Contains interneurons that can modulate pain transmissoin
Lamina VI
Lamina VI (base of dorsal horn) receives input from descending motor pathways and proprioceptive input from the periphery
Nucleus dorsalis of Clarke
AKA clarke's column

FOund in dorsal medial part of lamina VII at spinal segments C8-L2
What does the nucleus of the intermediate zone do
Receives proprioceptive input from muscle and sends axonal projections to the ipsilateral cerebellum (dorsal spinocerebellar tract)
Found in spinal segments T1-L2 in small lateral horn of intermed zone

These neurons give rise to pregan sympath efferent fibers
Sacral autonomic nuclei
Found laterally in lamina VII in segments S2-S4

No lateral horn here. These neurons give rise to pregang parasymp fibers that exit the spinal cord via ventral roots to form pelvic nerves
what does the ventral horn contain
Groups of interneurons that coordinate the activation of motor nueron pools
Lamina VIII
Contains primarily interneurons although some found in lamina IX
what do motor interneurons do
Relay and integrate segmental and descending inputs to motor neurons
Lamina IX
Main somatic motor area of spinal grey matter

Contains large alpha motorneurons and smaller gamma motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle and associated intrafusal fibers and muscle spindle organs, respectively

Largest in cervical and lumbar spinal cord
Phrenic nucleus
Located centrally in ventral horn of C3-5

Provide motor innnervation to diaphragm via phrenic n

Respiration may be affected if this motor nucleus is disturbed with spinal cord injury
Spinal accessory nucleus
Contains motor neurons that innervate the SCM and trap

IN ventral horn from C1-C5
Neurons that innervate flexor mm
Locate dorsally
Neurons that innervate extensor mm
Found ventrally
Neurons that innervate trunk mm
Found medially
neurons that innervate extremity mm - where are they in the gray matter
Laterally within ventral horn
What are the motor neurons and interneurons of the ventral horn innvervated by
Descending motor pathways

Involved in local reflex ciecuits
Area-lamina X
receives afferents conveying visceral pain related info

Neurons from this lamina project to higher center via dorsal columns
What are reflexes
Automatic motor responses to sensory stimuli applied to the periphery and transmitted to CNS

Stimulus connects centrally through dorsal roots to activate some muscles and inhibit others - occurs through innervation of excitatory or inhibitory interneurons that then innervate motor neuron pools to supply the muscles
Simple spinal reflexes in spinal cord
Can operate in absence of higher centers
Crossed extensor reflex
Reflexes that cross the midline

Activation of extensors contrallateraly to support the body on other side when leg is removed
Intersegmental reflexes
Reflexes may be modulated across spinal segments rostro-caudal
Muscle spindles
Attached parallel to skeletal muscles (extrafusal)

Contain specialized muscle fibers (intrafusal) that detect static and dynamic properties of stretch in extrafusal m
What do muscle spindles do
Detect change in muscle length and rate of stretching of muscle

Output travels through dorsal roots into the spinal cord, where activation or inhibition of groups of motor neurons that control muscle activity may occur
Nuclear bag fibers
Detect dynamic aspects of stretch (Speed, rate of change in muscle length) and action potential discharges increase as a muscle is stretched
Nuclear chain fibers
Produce increased action potentials primarily with changes in muscle length
Tendon reflex
A rapid stretch of the muscle by tapping a tendon will activate both dynamic and static aspects of muscle spindles

Through spindle connections, muscle spindle output is used to cause a reflex contraction of the same muscle, while the opposing muscle groups are inhibited via interneuron connections
Monosynaptic reflexd
Direct connections to motor neurons (alpha motor neurons)
Gamma motor innervation
Contractile portions of muscle spindles are innervated by gamma motor neurons and can beused to adjust the tension or sensitivity of the muscle spindle as the muscle shortens during contraction
Gamma activation
Activation of muscle spindles by gamma motor neuron contraction of the spindle can be used to control contraction of extrafusal muscle
What might contact gamma motor neurons and how is it useful
Descending tracts such as corticospinal tract might

useful in control of muscle tone (tension) in postural mm (mostly unconscious)
form inhibitory counterpart to muscle spindles

are nerve endings near MT junction
What activates a GTO
Strong stretch of a tendon during contraction activates GTOs of DRG neurons
What do GTO DRG neurons do
Activate inhibitory interneurons that in turn inhibit alpha motor neurons

Effect is to prevent strong contractions that could damage the muscle
What are tracts (fasciculi)
How the white matter is organizeed
Gross subdivision of white matter
3 paired regions called funiculi
Dorsal funiliculus
Between dorsal root entry zone (posterolateral sulcus) and posterior median septum
Lateral funiculus
Between dorsal root entry zone and site where ventral roots emerge from spinal cord (anterolateral sulcus)
Ventral funiculus
Between anterolateral sulcus and anterior median fissure
Anterior white commisure
At dorsal end of anterior median fissure

Major pain pathway - neurons that contribute to anterolateral system cross here
Blood supply of spinal cord
Anterior and posterior spinal aa
Ant spinal - what does it originate from
Originates from vertebral aa
Post spinal artery - what does it originate from
Originates from posterior inferior cerebellar aa
What supplements the anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Segmental arteries that include radicular aa that follow the dorsal and ventral roots and spinal medullary aa that directly and indirectly join the ant and post spinal arteries from the aorta
Arterial vasocorona
Formed by the anastomosis of arteries around the spinal cord
What supplies spinal grey matter
Central branches of the anterior spinal artery

Includes most areas of the ventral and intermediate horns
What supplies the posterior sections of the dorsal horn
Posterior spinal artery
What do most vascular lesions that directly affect motor neurons involve
Anterior spinal artery
Why are deficits from posterior spinal artery infarcts lesions less likely
Because there is more collateral cirulcation from redicular and medullary arteries
Ascending tracks
Carry information from spinal cord to brainstem and forebrain
Descending tracks
Carry information from forebrain and brainstem to spinal cord
Propriospinal axons
Form the local circuitry for the spinal cord (intersegmental reflexes, etc)
Long trracts
Tracts that carry information between the spinal cord and the cerebrum or brainstem

Primary ones:
Posterior column - medial lemn
Corticospinal tract
part of pyramidal system

Includes corticobulbar fibers

volitional motor
Posterior (dorsal) column medial lemniscal system
Discriminative (epicritic) touch
Vibration sense
Anterolateral system

crude (protopathic) touch
Spinocerebellar tracts
Anterior and psoterior

Unconscious proprioception
Info from muscles to cerebellum
Hypothalamospinal system
Central control of preganglionc autonomic neurons in spinal cord
Pyramidal system
Major source of volitional motor control

Neurons of origin in cerebral cortex including primary motor cortex and related areas in frontal lobe but also some sensory areas

Sends projections to brainstem (corticobulbar, aka corticonuclear) and spinal cord (corticospinal)
How is motor control via the corticospinal tract accomplished
Through 2 types of neurons:
Those in motor cortex of brain
Motor neurons in spinal cord
What are the motor neurons of the pyramidal tract called
Upper motor neurons - have their origin and termination within the CNS
What are the spinal cord and brainstem motor neurons called
Lower motor neurons

Originate in CNS but terminate in periphery
Which component of the pyramidal system projects to the spinal cord
corticospinal tract
What is the major descending pathway from the brain to the spinal cord
Corticospinal tract
Where do axons of the corticospinal tract originate
2/3 of them originate from neurons in motor cortex (frontal cortex and precentral gyrus)

1/3 originate from sensory areas (primary sensory cortex and parietal areas) - modulate sensory input and terminate in dorsal horn of spinal cord
What do most corticospinal axons do
Cross midline at level of foramen magnum to descend in dorsal part of lateral funiculus on the contralateral side (LSCT)
What happens if one side of brain's motor control is injured
The opposite side of the body is affected
What do the minority of corticospinal axons do
Do not cross - form anterior corticospinal tract which descends ipsilaterally in spinal cord in ant funiculus

Axons partilally cross the midline at spinal level at which they innervate motor neurons and interneurons
What tract primarily innervates axial musculature
Anterior corticospinal tract
Corticospinal tract innervation
Most of innervation is via interneurons

Generally excitatory to flexors and inhibitory to extensors

Primary function is control of fine skilled movements in extremities
How is the corticospinal pathway organized

Axons for leg areas are generally lateral in the tract to those that innervate the trunk or arm, which will be medial
Other descending motor tracts
Arise from neurons in brainstem

Rubrospinal tract
originates in red nucleus of rostral midbrain crossing midline near its origin

primary function is facilitaiton of flexor activity in arm and forearm and some inhibition of extensors
Extensor biased descending systems
Reticulospinal tracts
Originate from nuclei in brainstem reticular formation and travel in ventral and ventral lateral funiculus

Influence primarily motor neurons supplying paravertebral and limb extensor mm

Involved in less conscious activitie like muscle tone related to posture
Vestibulospinal tracts
Originate from the complex of vestibular nuclei that receive the input of the vestibular portion of the vestibulocochlear nerve in the brainstem

Facilitate extensor mm and act to maintain posture
Primary input for vestibulospinal tracts
Vestibular apparatus

Cerebellum uses info conveyed by spinocerebellar tracts and vestibular sensory inputs to control posture partly through vestibulospinal tracts
Upper motor neuron influences for visceromotor activity
In a Free Speech Essay question, what do you do if the speech the statute is regulating is Content Neutral (Time, Place, Manner Regulation – statute exists regardless of the message)?
In a Free Speech Essay question, what do you do if the speech the statute is regulating is Content Neutral (Time, Place, Manner Regulation – statute exists regardless of the message)?

If content neutral regulation of time, place, manner –then apply a 3-party test. The regulation must: [1] further a significant government interest (noise, crowd, or litter control; traffic safety); [2] Be narrowly tailored (no more restrictive than necessary), and [3] leave open alternative channels of communication (commercial door-to-door solicitation w/o invitation of the homeowner may be restricted b/c other avenues of communication exist such as the mail, newspaper advertisements, radio, and television)
Major pathway for viscermotor pathway
Hypothalamospinal tract - ipsilateral pathway
Ascending systems
Primary ascending divisions:
Dorsal columns
Anterolateral system
spinocerebellar tracts
Dorsal columns
Consist primarily of central processes of DRG neurons

Carry discriminative (2 pt, fine, epicritic) touch, vibration, position sense and kinesthesis

Axons are myelinated, fast conducting (type Ia, Ib, II, and A-beta) and enter spinal cord in medial division of DR entry zone
How is dorsal column info carried

Fasciculus gracilis (medial)
Fasciculus cuneatus (lateral)
What separates the fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus
Posterior intermediate sulcus
Fasciculus gracilis
Consists of axons of DRG neurons below T6
Fasciculus cuneatus
Contains axons of DRG neurons above T6
How are the axons in the dorsal columns organized

Afferents from foot and leg are medial while arm and neck are laterally (trunk in betwene)
Where do dorsal column axons synapse
In nucleus gracilis and cuneatus
What is the medial lemniscus
A tract formed by axons from nucleus gracilis and cuneatus when they cross the midline at the level of the obex (medulla)

Continues through brainstem to thalamus then thalamic neurons project to sensroy areas of cerebral cortex
Anterolateral system
A collection of tracts including:

Carry protopathic sensation (pain, temp, crude touch)

Sensations are conveyed by unmyelinated and finely myelinated axons (type III, IV, A-delta, and C) that enter the spinal cord in the lateral division of the DR entry zone

Tracts run largely in the lateral and partly in ant funiculi of spinal cord
Sensory info in anterolateral system
Arrives primarily in lateral division of DR entry zone
Where do axons of anterolateral system synapse
Mostly in lamina IV of dorsal horn
How does anterolateral system reach somatosensory cortex
Through more direct route with thalamus as its 1st major connection and indirect route through reticular formation collaterals
How are sensations carried by anterolateral system affected by lesions
They are resistant to disruptions by lesions because collaterals are given off to some local areas
Anterior spinothalamic tract
Carries protopathic touch
Lateral spinothalamic tract
Carries pain and temp
What do the spinocerebellar tracts carry
Unconscious sensation from receptors (muscle spindles, joint capsule receptors, skin)

Info used by cerebellum to program coordinated muscle activity
How is sensory info condducted in spinocerebellar tracts
Through DRG to cell nuclei in intermediate zone of spinal grey matter or adjacent areas and then to cerebellum
Major divisions of spinocerebellar tracs
Anterior and posterior spinocerebellar

Cuneocerebellar tract at cervical and brainstem levels
What do the anterior and posterior spinocerebellar tracts do
Carry sensroy info from lower limb to cerebellum
What does the cuneocerebellar tract do
Carries information from upper limb to cerebellum
Paths of spinocerebellar tracts
Posterior and cuneocerebellar ascend to cerebellum iipsilaterally and carry info from individual mm

Anterior crossses in spinal crod and ascends to cerebellum contralaterally but eventually recrosses in cerebellum. Carries info integrated for whole lower limb
What blood supply for funiculi of spinal cord
Posterior and anterior spinal arteries
What is the blood supply to the dorsal columns
Posterior spinal artery
What is the blood supply to the ventral and alteral funiculi
More medial regions by anterior spinal a

Lateral regions around border by posterior spinal artery and arterial vasocorona
What is the basic principle of neuromodulation
To either change the frequency or amplitude of synaptic transmission

Endogenous/physiological neuromodulation


Exogenous/therapeutic neuromodulation
Examples of endogenous/physiological neuromodulation
Regulation of NT release at nerve endings: autoreceptors and heteroreceptors
Regulation of NT release at nerve endings: autoreceptors and heteroreceptors
Too much norepi
Too little norepi
Too much dopamine
Too little dopamine
Too much ACh
Too little ACh
Too much serotonin
Decreased appetite
Too little serotonin
Pain sensitivity
Too much glutamate
Neuronal degeneration
Too little glutamate
Cognitive impairment
Too much GABA
CNS depression
resp depression
Too little GABA
Movement disorders
Goal of exogenous or therapeutic neurmodulation
Restore/correct any chemical inbalances that cause clinical symptoms
NTs that act via ionotropic receptors
Glutamate (AMPA/K)
ACh (nicotinic)
Serotonin (5-HT3)
NTs that act via metabotropic receptors
Glutamate (mGluRs)
ACh (muscarininc)
Dopamine (D1 and D2)
Serotonin (5HT1, 5HT2)
Norep, Epi (alpha and beta adr)
All neuropeptides
Adenosine (A1, A2)
Post synaptic effects of ACh

Short term memory
Postsynaptic effects of norepi

CV regulation
Post synaptic effects of dopamine

Reward systems
Post synaptic effects of serotonin

Feeding behavior
Control of body temp

Modulation of sensory pathways, including:
Regulation of mood/emotion
Postsynaptic effects of GABA

Mediates majority of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
Post synaptic effects of glycine

Increases Cl- flux into postsynaptic neuron, resulting in hyperpolarization
Post synaptic effects of glutamate

Mediates excitatory Na+ influx into postsynaptic neuron
Post synaptic effects of substance P

Mediates nociception within spinal cord
Post synaptic effects of met-enkephalin
Inhibitory (generally)

Mediates analgesia as well as other CNS effects
Common mechanisms by which neurotransmission can be altered
Alter NT synthesis

Alter NT reuptake and recycling

Alter NT degradation

Alter NT release

Activate or block NT receptors

Alter postsynaptic signal transduction
Drugs that target ionotropic receptors
Drugs that target metabotropic receptors
Drugs that target NT transporters
Tricyclic antidepressants
Drugs that target enzymes
Strategies used for increasing NT synthesis
Increase the availability of NT precursors
Strategies used for decreasing NT synthesis
Block one or more of enzymes involved in synth of the NT

Provide false precursor leading to formation of inactive or dummy NTs
Catecholamines and modifying synthesis
Synthesis promotion dopamiine
By providing a precursor, L-dopa that can enter the brain and get converted to dopamine, the levels of dopamine in nerve terminals and its release can be enhanced
Disruption of NE synthesis
Inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase (e.g. Metrysoline)

False precursor leading to formation of dummy transmitters (e.g. methyldopa)

Blockage of vesicular transporter (e.g. reserpine inhibits dopamine uptake into vesicle)
Inhibition of NT reuptake
Tends to increase the levels of NT in synaptic cleft and prolong the effect of the NT
What is the fastest way to end the NT action in the synaptic cleft
Reuptake process
Reuptake I inhibitors
Cocaine and amphetamine have general effects of inhibiting the reuptake of monoamines
In diseases like depression there is a functional deficit of monoamines like serotonin and NE

SSRIs block serotonin reuptake, thereby prolonging its action
TCAs and SNRIs
Inhibition of NT degradation
Increases synaptic concentrations of NTs

MAOIs for monoamines

COMT inhibitors

Cholinesterase inhibitors for ACh
MAOs and COMTs
slide 26
Metabolic degradation of catecholamines
After being taken up into the presynaptic terminal, NE, dopamine and serotonin are degraded by MAO (mt enzyme)
What do MAOIs do
Prevent degradation of NTs in cytoplasm and promote their transport into synaptic vesicles for subsequent release
What do COMTs do
Inactivate NE, epi, dopamine, in extrasynaptic tissue
Non-selective MAOIs
Inhibit both MAO-A and MAO-B

Increase availability of all monoamines

Ex: tranylcypromine, phenelzine
Selective MAOIs
MAO-B inhibitor Selgeline treats Parkinson's disease
COMT inhibitors (ex)
Entcapone (used in Parkinson's disease)
What do Selgeline and entacapone do
Increase availability of dopamine at synapse
Synthesis, release and degradation of ACh
1. synthesis of ACh
2. uptake into storage vesicles
3. release of ACh
4. Binding to the receptor
5. degradation of ACh
6. Recycling of choline
What inhibits transport of choline
What inhibits release of ACh
Botulinum toxin
What can cause release of ACh
Spider venom
Consumer Law: When are plaintiff's attorneys fees awarded? How much?
DTPA mandates that a prevailing consumer be awarded court costs and rsbl and necessary atty fees. The award is mandatory, but the amount is discretionary.

DTPA attorney fees must be awarded in a dollar amount based on amount of work performed by attorney (i.e. hourly basis), regardless of fee agreement (% contingency fee is valid, but the amount of attorney fees awarded will be applied to the % the attorney is entitled to recover under the agreement).
Used in treatment of myasthenia gravis

Prolongs the life of ACh in the synaptic cleft to compensate for the reduced number of ACh receptors at the NM junction
Irreversible inhibitors of cholinesterase

ACh accumulates in synaptic cleft and causes prolonged depolarization of skeletal muescle making it less sensitive to additional ACh release

Death from respiratory paralysis
What can decrease NT release
Blocking calcium entry into depolarized presynaptic nerve terminal via N-type Ca channels

Block synaptic vesicle fusion with presynaptic membrane
What can block synaptic vesicle fusion with presynaptic membrane
Tetanus toxin
Botulinum toxin
What do conotoxins do
Directly block Ca channel pore
Botulinum toxin
Irreversibly blocks release of ACh at NM junctions and at autonomic terminals

Affects both smooth and skeletal muscle

Patients have weakness initially in muscles innervated by cranial nerves and then in limbs

Dry mouth, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea b/c of absence of peristalsis
Chemical denervation

Nerve terminals fully disrupted by Botox must regrow or sprout locally for function to be restored
Activation or blockade of receptors
In presynaptic receptors - NT release properties may be affected

Postsynaptic receptors - will affect the responses of the postsynaptic cell alone
Receptor agonists
Mimic the action of a NT at a receptor
Receptor antagonist
block the action of the NT at the receptor level
Excitatory AAs
Glutamic acid or Glutamate
Inhibitory AAs
Ionotropic glutamate receptors
Essentially ligand gated channels

Metabotropic glutamate receptors
G protein coupled receptors

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group I mGluRs
mGluR 1,5 activates PLC
Group II mGluRs
mGluR 2, 3 inhibits adenylate cyclase
Group III mGluRs
mGluR 4,6,7,8 inhibit AC
Ionotropic glutamate receptors
slide 38
Overstimulation of NMDA receptors
Thought to cause degeneration of neurons (high levels of intracellular Ca)
NMDA antagonist

Slows the rate of memory loss in Alzheimers
Modulation of excitatory neurotransmission by GABA
slide 40
Drugs that act at GABA(a) receptor
Drugs that act at GABA(b) receptor
Baclofen (lioresal) a muscle relaxant (GABAb agonist)
Alteration of signal transduction
Very few drugs

Viagra is 1
How does viagra work (sildenafil)
Prolongs the duration of NO via indirect mechanism that inhibits phosphodiesterase5 to block the breakdown of cGMP
Blockers of action potential propagation
Voltage gated sodium channel blockers can be blocked and thus AP propagation blocked

Ex: lidocaine, antiepileptics - carbamazepine, phenytoin, valproic acid
What kind of drug is lidocaine
Voltage gated Na channel blocker
What kind of drugs are antiepileptics
Voltage gated Na channel blocker
What are common antiepileptics that act as voltage gated Na channel blockers
Valproic acid
Synthesis of catecholamines
Basic functions of brainstem
Control of respiration


contains nuclei for most CNs

contains tracts cerebrum and all caudal structures and major connections for cerebellum
Where is the brainstem
Extends from caudal diencephalon (primarily thalamus) to the spinal cord at level of foramen magnum
Divisions of brain stem
Medulla oblongata
Ventricular systemw
Series of interconnected ependyma-lined cavities in CNS

contains CSF
Ventricular structures in the brain stem
Cerebral aqueduct

Fourth ventricle
Where is the cerebral aqueduct
In midbrain
Where is the fourth ventricle
Between the pons/medulla and the cerebellum
Where is CSF secreted
primarily in lateral ventricles (also in 3rd and 4th) by choroid plexus and circulates into 3rd ventricle
How does CSF flow
Through cerebral aqueduct to midline 4th vntricle and subsequently into subarachnoid space through 3 foramina leading out of 4th ventricle
What surface of the brainstem is associated with the 4th ventricle
rhomboid fossa
What are the primary surface markings of the rhomboid fossa
Median sulcus

What is the obex
Site of 4th ventricle closure and beginning of central canal of spinal cord
Where is the midbrain
extends from pons (superior pontine sulcus) to the mamillary bodies of the diencephalon anteriorly
Anatomical boundaries of the midbrain
Dorsally bounded by tectum, from posterior commisure rostrally to the caudal inferior colliculus
A. Tectum
Consists of 2 pairs of bumps, the superior colliculli and inferior colliculi that are together called the quadrigeminal plate

a division of the midbrain
Superior colliculus
laminated structure (7 layers) related to visual pathways

coordinates reflexes to visual stimuli and contributes to the control of eye movements
Inferior colliculus
major nucleus forming a relay station of the auditory pathways from the cochlea to cerebral cortex

coordinates reflexes to auditory stimuli
B tegmentum
area containing nuclei and fiber tracts ventral to the cerebral aqueduct, including periaqueductal gray, CN nuclei for CN III and IV, and the red nucleus

many major pathways b/w the brain and brainstem or spinal cord pass through

division of midbrain
basilar area - what does it contain
contains crus cerebri, a major efferent pathway from cerebral cortex to brainstem and spinal cord
crus cerebri
bundle of descending tracts originating from the cerebrum
What is the interpeduncular fossa
Space between peduncles on the ventral surface of the midbrain
What does cerebral peduncle mean
All of the midbrain on each side, exclusive of the tectum
What separates the crus cerebri from the midbrain teguntum
the substantia nigra
What forms the only path of communication between the 3rd and 4th ventricles
the cerebral aqueduct

common site for bloackage of CSF
What cell bodies are contained in the midbrain
cell bodies for CN III and IV which both modulate contraction of extraocular muscles
Where does CN III emerge
from interpeduncular fossa
Where does CN IV emerge
dorsally, just below the inferior colliculus
What is the pons dervied from
the rhomencephalon
Where is the pons
Ventrally - between superior and inferior pontine sulci

dorsally - contributes to floor of 4th ventricle where the rostral border is the quadrigeminal plate

caudal border is the striae medullares
pontine tegmentum - what does it contain
Division of pons

contains part of reticular formation (consciousness, etc) and pontine CN nuclei (V)

Forms part of floor of 4th ventricle
Basilar pons
A division of the pons

Bulbous ventral portion contains:

cortically dervied axons (corticobulbar, corticospinal, corticopontine)

pontine nuclei

axonal projections of pontine nuclei to cerebellum
CN in pons
nuclei for CN V, VI, VII, and part of VIII
Where does CN V emerge
from substance of pons (pons and middle cerebellar peduncle)
Where do CN VI, VII, and VIII emerge
from pontomedullary junction (inferior pontine sulcus)
medulla oblongata
most caudal division of brainstem

derived from rhomboencephalon

primary nuclei for autonomic control of respiration, HR, BP, reticular formation connected with the spinal cord
Where is the medulla
On the dorsal surface (containing the 4th ventricle)

no definitive caudal boundary

rostral boundary is striae medullares

on ventral surface of brainstem, caudal boundary is pyramidal decussation, while rostral is inferior pontine sulcus
Upper medulla
open portion of medulla containing the caudal half of the 4th ventricle

on dorsal surface, its caudal boundary is the obex, and the rostral boundary is the striae medullares

no definitive caudal boundary on ventral surface, but rostral boundary is inferior pontine sulcus
lower medulla
closed portion of medulla containing central canal

caudal ventral boundary is pyramidal decussation

no definitive rostral ventral boundary'

dorsally, no definitive caudal boundary, but rostral boundary is obex
where does the corticospinal tract cross
midline at the pyramidal decussation
anterior (ventral) median fissure
midline furrows between the pyramids extending up from spinal cord
olive (olivary eminence)
oval prominence formed by underlying inferior olivary complex, a group of nuclei that send efferents to cerebellum

on medulla
preolivary sulci
separate olives from pyramids
post-olivary (retro) sulci
lie behind olives
posterior (dorsal) median sulcus (fissure)
divides the medulla in the mid-sagittal plane
gracile tubercle
receives dorsal column info (leg regions, T6 down) from the spinal cord via fasciculis gracilis

in medulla
cuneate tubercle
receives dorsal column info (areas of upper limb, T6 up)via fasciculis cuneatus

in medulla
CN in medulla
nuclei for CN IX, X, XI, and XII, with some of VIII
Where do CN IX and X emerge
from postolivary sulcus
Where does CN XI emerge
partly from postolivary sulcus
where does CN XII emerge
from preolivary sulcus
What kind of injury results in more complex deficits
Higher level CNS injuries (sensory perception, motor control, programming)
Peripheral nerve injuries
Damage to dorsal and ventral roots or a spinal nerve

Deficits are usually mononeuropathy
Restricted to particular muscles or groups that can be attributed to the functions of a single nerve

Trauma is most common cause
What results from damage to dorsal or ventral roots
Dorsal - sensory
Ventral - motor

Isolated sensory or motor defects with interruption of local reflexes
What is usually associated with motor axon injury
Weakness (partial paralysis) and muscular atrophy
What is indicative of damage to a peripheral nerve
mixed sensory/motor deficits along with localized sympathetic dysfunction (e.g. sweating)
What is a typical cause of isolated sensory or motor deficits
Compression of nerve roots as they leave the spinal cord
What are the symptoms of compression of sensory roots
Pain or paresthesias
What are the symptoms of compression of motor roots
What is the term for more widely distributed axon injury
What does the stocking or glove deficits indicate
Both motor and sensory problems, e.g. diabetes
What kind of axons are affected first in diabetic neuropathy
Distal smaller axons are affected first (small unmyelinated pain associated)

followed by large diameter (epicritic touch) later

usually feet are affected first
Upper motor lesions - where
all motor system lesions that involve neurons or tracts that are not directly connected to muscles
Lower motor lesions - where
Involve neurons or their axons that directly contact muscle (e.g. alpha, and gamma, peripheral nerveS)
Characteristics of lower motor lesions
Flaccid paralysis followed relatively rapidly by atrophy of muscle

Fasciculations or fibrillations of motor units as a result of denervation


hypotreflexia, areflexia (weakening or absence of tendon reflexes)
Causes death of lower motor neurons in ventral horn

Varying degree of lower motor neuron deficits that can progress to upper spinal cord and phrenic nucleus and cause death
progressive and selective degenration of both upper (corticospinal) and lower (anterior horn) motor neurons

Symptoms are progressive weakness, fasciculations, problems with coordination, then problems with speech, breathing, and swallowing
What kind of neurons are brainstem nuclei
Lower motor neurons
What is upper motor neuron syndrome primarily the result of
Denervation of motor neurons and/or interneurons that contact them
What is a lesion of the pyramidal system an example of
Upper motor lesion
Where are upper motor lesions
Neurons in cerebral cortex, or anywhere along the axonal course of the tract

Axons caudal to the lesions degenerate and their influence is lost
Upper motor neuron syndrome
Includes muscles that are initially weak and flaccid followed by spasticity, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, and altered cut. reflexes, including the Babinski sign; clonus or clasp knife response may also be present
Spastic weakness

increased resistance to passive movement or manipulation that is velocity dependent
increased muscle tone (resting contraction activity)
increased responsiveness to sensory reflex
What are symptoms related to increased muscle tone the result of
Net loss of overall inhibitory effect on muscle stretch and muscle stretch reflexes
may be present in patients with hyperactive muscle stretch reflexes

characterized by rapid successive reflex contractions and relaxations of agonists and antagonists mostly observed at the knee and ankle joints
Clasp knife response
passive stretch of a hypertonic muscle results in a sudden release

believed to be a result of enhanced GTO activation (loss of inhibition by upper motor neurons) but may also involve joint nociceptors
Babinski sign
Normally tows flex in response to plantar cutaneous stimulation

With upper motor neuron lesions (pyramidal tract) this changes to extension of the great toe and fanning of the other toes

Is normal in infants until the upper motor neurons are myelinated

May be normal in adults awakening from sleep, in runners after long distance run and in patients with epilepsy
Hoffman's sign
Upper limb equivalent of Babinski sign

stimulation of middle digit of hand produces reflex flexion of adjacent fingers
Is muscle atrophy slower in upper motor neurons or lower
It is slower in upper motor neuron lesions and can be attenuated with PT
Isolated pyramidal tract lesions
Do not produce all of the disturbances of muscle tone associated with upper motor neuron lesiosn
Symptoms of more isolated corticospinal lesions
Positive Babinski sign

Loss of performance of fine skilled voluntary movements, particularly digits

Superficial ab reflexes (contraction of abs when scratched) and cremasteric reflexes are absent
Which side are symptoms of pyramidal lesions
Ipsilateral to a lesion in the spinal cord

Contralateral to a lesion above the medulla
How do upper motor neuron lesions present in the brainstem
Symptoms may not be as apparent, depending on the extent to which bilateral innervation of the nucleus is present

Usually weakness is greater on contralateral side followed by recovery

Some disturbance of reflexes (hyperreflexia) will be present (jaw jerk reflex, for ex)
Lesions of what areas are considered upper motor
Lesions of what areas are considered lower motor
What can produce the equivalent of an upper motor lesion for visceromotor functions
Interruption of axons descending from hypothalamus to brainstem and spinal cord

Preganglionic symp and parasymp neurons lose central control

Can result in initial overall reduction of primarily symp activity

Clinical signs: low BP, orthostatic hypotension, and bradycardia
Autonomic dysreflexia
Hyperactivity of autonomic systems
Lesions of hypothalamospinal axons
Increased sensitivity and hyperacitivty of autonomic motor neurons

Hypertension, urinary retention, piloerection, profuse sweating and reduction of blood flow to extremities

Reflexes can be produced in response to wide variety of stimuli below the level of the lesion
Lesions of dorsal columns
Epicritic touch, vibration, position sense

measurable and defined deficits
Lesions of anterolateral system
Pain, temp, protopathic touch

Measurable and defined deficits
What will lesions of the long ascending tract disrupt if the DRG entry zone is included
Only disrupts local reflexes
What will lesions of medial lemniscal system in brainstem or dorsal columns in spinal cord produce
Loss or reduction in 2 pt discrimation, the ability to feel vibration, and the ability to tell the position of a body part in the absence of visual confirmation
Where will deficits be seen from lesions of the dorsal column
In the spinal cord - loss is ipsilateral to lesion

Above the medulla - loss is contralateral to lesion
Epicritic touch
Uusually measured by 2 pt discrimation with dull pts

Can vary markedly over body - less on tongue, more on back
How is vibration sense evaluated
Using 128 Hz tuning fork on a joint or extremity
Position sense
Measured by asking pt to relate whether an extremity has been placed up or down by examiner

Usually use toes to check lower limb function
Tabes dorsalis

Can produce B/L degeneration of the large diameter dorsal root axons and their cell bodies resulting in degeneration of dorsal columns

Results in altered gait, paresthesias, frequent bladder emptying, repressed muscle stretch reflexes
What do lesions of the anterolateral system produce
Loss of protopathic touch, pain, temp.

If division into ant and lat spinothalamic tracts - pain and temp are more lateral and protopathic touch is more anterior
Where is sensory loss in lesion of anterolateral system and why
1-2 segments below lesion due to area of dorsal root entry

Contralateral loss of pain and temp at all levels relative to lesion
Where do dorsal roots carrying ALS info synapse
In dorsal horn, ipsilaterally and the 2ndary neurons send their axons across the midline and ascend in contralateral anterolateral tract
When is protopathic touch more difficult to detect
When dorsal columns are intact
How is pain and temp deteced
Pain via a pin by asking if it's sharp or dull

temp by using test tubes with warm and cold water
an ALS lesion

results from cavitation of central canal of spinal cord usually in cervical spine

symptoms: B/L loss of pain and temp at or below the level (cloak like sensory loss); as lesion expands to comrpess ventral horns, lower motor neuron symptoms appear
Spinocerebellar tract lesions
Usually do not occur in isolation and not associated with particular symptoms

with lesions nearer to cerebellum, cerebellar signs may be better distinguished
Paralysis of one side of the body (upper limb, one side of trunk, and lowe limb)

AKA Brown-Sequard syndrome
paralysis of 1 limb only
a paralysis of 2 corresponding limbs (arms or legs)
paralysis of the 2 lower limbs
quadriplegia with loss of breathing control
Horner syndrome
Produces miosis, ptosis, anhidrosis, all due to loss of sympathetic input to the eye
How can a spinal cord lesion produce Horner syndrom
Lesion of descending sympathetic input in the spinal cord to the sympathetic chain, ipsilateral to the affected eye
What may cause Brown Sequard syndrome and what are the symptoms
loss of all sensation and flaccid weakness in the segments;

ipsilateral and below the lesion, there is impairment of proprioception, vibration, 2 pt discrimation, joint and position sensation, spastic weakness and loss of motor control;

contralateral and below lesion, impaired pain and temp sensation begins 1-2 segments below lesion
Divisions of chronic compression of spinal cord
Extradural and intradural

Intradural causes can be divided into intramedullary (within spinal cord) and extramedullary (outside)
Causes of extradural spinal injury
Disc herniation
Vertebral disease
Intradural injuries
intramedullary causes are usually primary tumors (gliomas)

extramedullary compression is most commonly from meningiomas and nerve fibromas
What are the results of chronic compression of the spinal cord
Chronic compression usually affects circulation within the spinal cord, both arteries and veins

Compression of arteries can produce slow ischemic injury, vein compression can produce edema

With greater pressure, some direct effects on nerve tissue can result
Symptoms of chronic compression
Pain is one of the earliest signs of chronic compression, usually radiating along the affected distribution of spinal roots; exacerbated by coughing and sneezing and usually worst at night in recumbent position

loss of sensation and motor function depend on source and direction of progression
Watershed areas
Areas of spinal cord that do not have collateral circulation, particularly in lower thoracic and upper lumbar area

Particularly susceptible to ischemia if blood supply is partially compromised - blockage of single radicular artery can damage spinal cord
Damage to artery of adamkiewicz
usually on L at L2

damage to it can cause an infarct of lower thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord
Anterior spinal artery syndrome
B/L lower motor neuron paralysis in the segments affected (ant horn and n roots), B/L spastic paresis below level of lesion, B/L loss of pain, temp and protopathic touch below the lesion
central cord syndrome
Typical cause is mechanical injury as spinal cord is compressed ant by vert bodies and post by lig flavum

microvascular reactions to mechanical injury produce a central core of necrosis, while a rim of white matter may be preserved from the larger vessels of the arterial vasocorona
Sacral sparing in central cord syndrome - when is it likely to occur
sacral functions likely to be spared in corticospinal tract or ALS injuries but not dorsal column injuries
Cauda equina lesions

loss of fecal and urinary incontinence

sensory and motor deficits along the back of thighs and butt
Spinal shock
usually with spinal hemisection or complete transection

may be intial period with following symptoms:
flaccid paralysis
loss of cut. and tendon reflexes
compleete anesthesia
no sweating
B/L Horners in high lesions
retention of urine/feces
priapsim if upper level
hypotension if uper level

may be due to vascular contraction and partial ischemia

presence of spinal shock is determined by anal sphincter reflex
structure of a peripheral nerve
Myelinating, schwann cells
vascular supply
What does the neuronal cell body reaction to injury include
Both neurons in sensory and autonomic ganglia and motor innervation within the spinal cord
What is retrograde neuronal reaction
Axon retraction proximal to site of injury, to 1st node of Ranvier

Then cell body that axon comes from undergoes rxn to prepare for axonal regeneration - dispersion of rRNA in Nissl substance (chromatolysis) and movement of nucleus to 1 side of cell
When does retrograde reaction occur
2-3 days after injury, reaching peak 2 wks after
When is retrograd neuronal rxn most severe
when injury is close to cell body

neuron may die
WHy is the loss of the axon a severe injury
B/c it may contain up to 95% of the cytoplasm of neuron
Anterograde (Wallerian) degeneration
Axon distal to injury degenerates

Process involves disruption of axon and phagocytosis of axon by macrophages
Schwann cell role in Wallerian degeneration
In nerve distal to injury, Schwann cells in distal nerve resorb their myelin and remain in CT tubes, forming bands of bungner

synthesize trophic factors that can act to attract and support the growth of axons
Initial axonal regeneration
From proximal stump, tip of lesioned axons form sprouts that grow out to find distal stump and enter columns of Schwann cells

Ability of these axons to reach their original destination will depend upon number of variables, including extent of damage and distance to distal stupmp
Function of axon is disrupted but no physical injury to it

e.g. compression during intoxication
axons within nerve are disrupted but CT scaffold (endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium) is intact

Can happen via nerve traction, crush injuries, compression
Axons and CT are disrupted

VIa cutting injuries, other severe trauma
Denervation rxns of peripheral tissues
Muscle tissue and sensory peripheral tissues lose innervation

Muscles - flaccid paralysis, loss muscle mass, denervation supersensitivity and spread of receptors over surface
Muscle atrophy in nerve injuries
Due to loss of trophic factors

As it is lost, partially replaced by fibrotic tissue
What txs may act like trophic factors
Electrical stimulation
Injection of substances

May delay atrophy
Sensory loss from denervation
Over area exclusively supplied by nerve, surrounded by zone of partial sensory loss where dermatomes overlap

Light and discrimative touch lost over larger area than pain
What may impede sensory recovery
Degeneration of Pacinian corpuscles, Merkel endings

Regeneration of sensory axons can be faster than motor
Autonomic loss
Loss of postgan symp axons in peripheral n resulting in loss of vascular control (skin red and hot at early time, blue and cold later)

sudomotor control is also lost - dry scaly skin

denervation of large area can result in bone decalcification from disuse and loss of circulatory control
Recovery if axons are not lost (neuropraxia)
Faster recovery, unless chronic edema or swelling
Recovery if axons are disrupted (axonotmesis, neurotmesis)
Axons must grow back to their targets from site of injury

Axonal regeneration is about 1 inch/month (approx rate of slow axonal transport)
What kind of nerve injuries have poor prognosis
What tends to recover first

Deep sensation such as pain usually returns first followed by poorly localizeed superficial cut. pain and vasomotor control
What recovers 2nd
Heat and cold
What recovers last
Light touch and discriminative touch, if at all
Tinel's sign
Used to test progress of sensory regeneration

Tapping on distal nerve trunk produces tingling sensation in area of cut. sense
Peripheral nerve repair
In full interruption of peripheral nerve, surgical reapposition of cut ends of divided nerve

2 methods:
epineurial nerve suture
nerve grafting
Epineurial suture
Epineurium acts as anchor for sutures

When CT blocks growth of axons, nerve is realigned to fascicles as much as possible, and sutures join nerves
Group fascicular repairs
Repairing nerves on basis of individual fascicles

mismatching may occur between motor and sensory
What may happen if nerves are severely injured
Gap between ends of cut nerve, nerve retract as result of CT elasticity

Nerves may form neuroma which can prevent regeneration

large gaps, usually use graft
knot of tissue consisting of combo of axons and CT
Nerve grafting
Strip of nerve is harvested from sensory n (e.g. sural) and graft is used to bridge the gap and to try to match fascicular

larger repairs, vascular pedicle may be included
Nerve grafts of fascicles

need immunosuppresion to avoid rejection
are CNS axons traveling in tracts accompanied by CT sheaths

They are myelinated by oligodendrocytes instead of Schwann cells
What isolates CNS tissue from peripheral tissue
astrocytes and blood brain barrier
Cellular responses to CNS injury
Glial barrier and blood brain barrier disrupted

Activation of microglia that phagocytose necrotic tissue

disruption of local blood vessels allow peripheral macrophages to invade brain tissue and these gitter cells dissolve necrotic tissue
What do astrocytes do in CNS injury
Wall off damaged areas from intact tissue by creating dense barrier of astrocytic end feet
Glial scar formation
With liquefaction, cystic masses replace tissue and astrocytic barrier is supplemented by collagenous tissue from meninges and blood vessels (glial-pial) scar
What might happen due to factors secreted by macrophages
Factors - cytokines, glutamate and others injure tissue (called autolysis)

supress with prednisone, lowering body temp, drug induced coma
What is the result of autolytic rxns
Can't connect ends of severed spinal cord and joined surfaces will degenerate back, leaving cavity and scar
Retrograde neuronal rxns in CNS neurons
Do occur, but do not appear to produce metabolic stimulation associated with axonal regeneration

Slow neuronal atrophy and eventually neuronal loss
Abortive regeneration
in CNS

axons in areas proximal to lesion site may undergo transient small outgrowth at 2-4 wks after injury, then retract
What may happen to other neurons that are directly innervated by injured neuron (CNS)
They may also degenerate

ex: visual system, where lesions of optic nerve or retina may induce neuronal loss in lateral geniculate and eventually in visual cortex
Factors limiting regeneration of CNS axons
Appropriate terrain for axons

Presence of neede trophic and tropic factors

presence of glial/pial scar between axons and their targets

proteins associated with oligodendrocytes may inhibit axonal growth
What does the cranial cavity contain
Meningeal coverings of brain
cerebral vascul.
What bones make up the anterior cranial fossa
What does the frontal bone form
Bulk of anterior cranial fossa including its anterior wall
What does the orbital plate do
Contributes to anterior cranial fossa and is roof of orbit
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
Centrally in ACF

its crista galli provides attachment for falx cerebri
Posterior border of ACF
lesser wing of sphenoid
sphenoid limbus
What bounds sphenoid limbus
Prechiasmic groove posteriorly
Anterior clinoid process
At medial end of lesser wing of sphenoid

forms attachment pt for free end of tentorium cerebelli
Foramina of ACF
foramen cecum
ant. ethmoidal foramen
foramina of cribiform plate
post. ethmoidal foramen
Foramen cecum
B/w crista galli and frontal crest

may contain nasal emissary vein connecting nasal cavity with superior sagittal sinus
ant ethmoidal foramen
midway along frontoethmoidal suture

provides passage for ant ethmoidal nerve (and vessels) which travels forward along crista galli and descending into nasal cavity
foramina of cribiform plate
passage of olfactory nerve fibers traveling from olfactory mucosa to olfactory bulbs that overlie plate
post ethmoidal foramen
posterior end of frontoethmoidal suture

passage for posterior ethmoidal vessels to enter nasal cavity
What fossa are frontal lobes associated with
What accomodates olfactory bulbs
Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
3 bones of middle cranial fossa
What does the MCF consist of
sella turcica in midline with a deep concavity on each side
what bounds the deep concavities of MCF
lesser wings of sphenoid anteriorly

posteriorly by superior borders of petrous temporal bones
What forms depressions of MCF
greater wing of sphenoid ant

squamous temporal bone and sphenoidal angle of parietal bone laterally

petrous temporal bone post
boundaries of hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica
ant - tuberculum sellae

post - dorsum sellae
carotid groove
lies on either side of sella turcica and marks path of internal carotid artery through cavernous sinus
Foramina of MCF
Optic canal
SO fissure
Foramen rotundum
foramen spinosum
foramen lacerum
hiatus of greater petrosal n
hiatus of lesser petrosal n
Optic canal
anteriorly at lateral end of chiasmatic groove

transmits optic nerve and ophthalmic artery
Superior orbital fissure
passage for CNs III, IV, VI, and brs of V1; sympathetic fibers and sup., inf. ophthalmic vv

contains orbital br of middle meningeal a and recurrent br of lacrimal a
foramen rotundum
behind medial end of SOF in greater wing of sphenoid

contains maxillary div
foramen ovale
behind and lateral to foramen rotundum in greater wing of sphenoid

contains mandibular div, lesser petrosal n, accessory meningeal a
foramen spinosum
posterolateral to FO in greater wing of sphenoid

transmits middle meningeal a and v and meningeal br of V3
foramen lacerum
opening at posterior end of carotid groove, inferior aspect filled with fibrocart

internal carotid a and its symp plexus travels horizontally across superior part of foramen lacerum from carotid canal to carotid groove

ant wall contains opening for pterygoid canal
hiatus of greater petrosal n
posterolat to int opening of carotid canal on ant surface of petrous temporal bone

greater petrosal n enters MCF via slit called hiatus of facial canal

groove for greater petrosal n traveling toward hiatus anteromedially toward foramen lacerum where it is joined by the deep petrosal n (int carotid plexus) to form n of pterygoid canal which enters canal below ant edge of foramen lacerum
hiatus of lesser petrosal n
lesser petrosal n leaves its hiatus lateral and inf to hiatus of greater petrosal n
trigeminal depression
accomodates trigeminal ganglion

behind foramen lacerum near apex of petrous temporal bone
tegmen tympani
thin osseus plate that serves dual purpose of forming ant surface of petrous temporal bone within cranial cavity and roof of tympanic cavity and mastoid antrum
What cradles the temporal lobes of the brain
laterally located concavities of MCF
Where does the diaphragma sellae attach
Attaches ant and post clinoid processes of sella turcica

in combo with bony hypophyseal fossa encapsulates pit. gland with central opening for pit. stalk
bones of posterior cranial fossa
ant border of PCF
superior border of petrous temporal bones and dorsum sellae
posterior border of PCF
groove for transverse sinus and midline internal occipital protuberance
internal occipital crest
descending from internal occipital protuberance to divide the cerebellar fossa in midline

provides attachment site for falx cerebelli
Foramina of PCF
jugular foramen
internal acoustic meatus
hypoglossal canal
foramen magnum
jugular foramen
at post. end of petro-occipital fissure

contains CNs IX, X (and its meningeal br) and XI; inferior petrosal sinus, int jugular v, meningeal br of occipital a (from ext carotid)
internal acoustic meatus - what CNs does it contain
above jugular foramen

contains CN VII and VIII as well as labyrinthine a (from AICA or basilar a)
hypoglossal canal
medial and inf to jugular foramen

contains CN XII, its meningeal br and meningeal br of asc pharyngeal a (from ext carotid)
foramen magnum
centrally in flood of PCT

passage for accessory nn (CN XI) anterior and post spinal aa and vertebral aa

site of jxn b/w spinal cord and medulla oblongata
what cradles the cerebellum
cerebellar fossa of occipital bone

in PCF
pons and medulla in PCF
anteriorly in PCF

resting on shelf formed by clivus (basilar part of occipit), post pt of sphenoidal body to which it is attached and dorsum sellae
What forms tentorial notch
ant concave free edge of tentorium cerebelli
Where is the midbrain positioned and why
At opening bw supratentorial and infratentorial compartments of cranial cavity

bc free edge of tentorium encircles midbrain
position of rostral medial temporal lobe (uncus)
relative to free edge of tentorium

close to midbrain, can herniate midbrain into tentorial notch
attachments of tentorium
it twists outwardly as it attaches anteriorly with it free edge attachhing to ant clinoid process and its fixed edge attaching to posterior clinoid process
oculomotor nerve exit
exits midbrain and travels anteriorly to enter ant edge of tentorium cerebelli

susceptible to injury with increased intracranial pressure as it stretches over this barrier
What happens in areas of the brain in which lesioned axons alone are present
Wallerian degeneration, at slow rate

accomplished by astrocytes and microglia

oligodendrocytes left in place do not proliferate and form bands of bungner like schwann cells do
long term degeneration of tissue and tracts
microglial cells and astrocytes will phagocytose the degenerating myelin and axons

astrocytes and their processes will replace the degenerating tracts to form a continuous mass of glial processes rather than cavitation

detectable in MRI
What has inhibited astrocyte and CT scar
Antimitotic agents and protein synth inhibitors

could not really help axonal regernation
What has been regenerated from transplantation
central processes of DRG axons in transplants of peripheral nn
Will CNS axons regenerate in CNS tissue
ensheathing cells of olfactory epithelium
many properties of schwann cells but can also enter CNS tissue
Fetal brain transplant
CNS repair

Parkinsons - fetal substantia nigra transplanted into putamen and to some extent, dopaminergic reinnervation
What is in the tectum
Superior colliculus

Inferior colliculus

Crus cerebri

Interpeduncular fossa
Where does CN III emerge
interpeduncular fossa
Where does CN IV emerge
Dorsally just below the inferior colliculus

Only one to exit from dorsal aspect of brainstem
What CNs is the pons the origin for
What outlines the pons
Superior and inferior pontine sulci
ventral pons
basilar pons
basilar sulcus
dorsal pons
4th ventricle
striae medullares
median fissure
What is the basilar sulcus for
basilar artery
where is the dorsal pons
upper part of rhmoboid fossa
what is the striae medullares
axons connecting the pons and cerebellum
Where does CN V emerge
from substance of pons
Where do CN VI-VIII emerge
from pontomedullary junction
what is the part of the medulla with the ventricle open and closed
What CNs emerge from the midbrain
What landmarks does the medulla contain
Anterior median fissure
preolivary sulcus, olive, post olivary sulcus

posterior median sulcus, median sulcus, obex

gracile and cuneate tubercles, gracile and cuneate fasciculi, tuberculum cinereum
upper medulla
ventricular surface - dorsally

obex is caudal boundary

striae medullares is rostral boundary
interior pontine sulcus
is rostral boundary of ventral surface of upper medulla
lower medulla
contains closed extension of spinal canal

pyrimidal is ventral caudal boundary

rostral dorsal boundary is obex
pyramids of medulla - what kind of axons
corticospinal and corticobulbar axons
anterior median fissure of medulla
midline furrows extending between the pyramids extending up from the spinal cord
olive (olivary eminence) of medulla
oval prominence formed by underlying inferior olivary complex that sends efferents to cerebellum
preolivary sulci
separate olive from pyramids
posterior median sulcus of lower medulla
divides it in sagittal plane
gracile tubercle and fasciculus gracilis
external bumps on lower medulla that receive dorsal column info from T6 down
cuneate tubercle and fasciculus cuneatus
receive dorsal column info from T6 up
tuberculum cinereum
lateral to cuneate tubercle and fasciculus
Where do CN IX and X emerge
From postolivary sulcus
Where does CN XII emerge
from preolivary sulcus
Where does CN XI emerge
partly from postolivary sulcus
What structures are on the floor of the 4th ventricle
Striae medullares
Sulcus limitans
facial colliculus
hypoglossal trigone
vagal trigone
Major structures of cerebellum
flocculonodular lobe
4th ventricle
Where are the tonsils of the cerebellum
above the foramen magnum
What are the layers of neocortex (isocortex)
Molecular (plexiform layer)
Outer granular layer
outer pyramidal layer
inner granular layer
inenr pyramidal laer
multiform layer
What is primary motor cortex dominated by
Agranular cortex

dominated by pyramidal projection neurons
what is primary sensory cortex dominated by
granular cortex

dominated by smaller cells, most notably stellate cells
Pyramidal neurons
in all layers except layer I

prominent in layers II, III, V

large apical dendrite - extends toward molecular layer

basal dendrites - projecting horizontally

major output pathway of cerebral cortex

giant pyramidal neurons
Where are giant pyramidal neurons of Betz
Only in motor cortex - layer V
Intrinsic neurons
stellate (aspiny and spiny)
Cells of Martinotti
Stellate neurons - where are they most numerous, what kind of projections do they receive
Chandelier cells - what layer
in layer III

dendrites in layer IV
Basket cells - what layers
Layer III and V

dendrites in all layers
Cells of Martinotti
Found in deeper layers

multipolar neurons with short branching dendrites
Intrahemispheric (association fibers)
Long association - connect lobes together more distant regions)

short assocation - connect gyri together
interhemispheric (callosal fibers)
connect L and R hemispheres (corpus callosum) and temporal poles (anterior commissure)
Local intrinsic axon
connect different layers together
go to subcortical areas, brainstem, and spinal cord

what types?
from the thalamus (thalamocortical) to layer IV (some to layers III and VI)
What are the structure and function of the cerebral cortex
heterogenous, although it appears as homogenous sheet
What are structural differences of cerebra cortex base don
cortical thickness
width of indivudal layers
number of cells per layer
What do Brodmanns areas describe
Functional areas of cortex
Area 4
primary cortex
Area 6
premotor cortex and supplementary motor area
areas 45, 44
broca's area on left (pars triangularis and opercularis of interior frontal gyrus)
areas 3, 1, 2
primary somatosensory cortex
areas 5, 7
somatosensory association areas
area 17
primary visual cortex
areas 18, 19
visual association cortex
areas 41, 42
primary auditory cortex
area 22
auditory association cortex (L posterior - Wernicke's area)
Major functional components of frontal lobes
Primary motor cortex

Supplemental motor areas

Frontal eye fields

Prefrontal cortex
What separates the frontal lobes from the parietal lobes
central sulcus
What separates the frontal lobes from the temporal lobe
proximal part of lateral fissure
What are the primary gyri of the frontal lobe
precentral gyrus (primary motor corteX)

superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri

separated by precentral sulcus and superior and inferior frontal sulci
What does the precentral gyrus continue within the longitudinal fissure as
Anterior paracentral gyrus
What does the superior frontal gyrus extend on the medial surface as
Down to cingulate sulcus
What is the paracentral lobule
a medial extension of both the pre and post central gyri

contains both primary motor (anterior) and primary sensory (posterior) functional areas
What is the precentral gyrus
Brodmann area 4

primary motor cortex

major motor output to spinal cord and brainstem

somatotopically organized - areas that represent legs are located in anterior paracentral gyrus

trunk, hand, head, and tongue are represented more inferiorly and laterally with the tongue represented near the lateral fissure
Supplementary motor and premotor areas
In front of precentral gyrus

related to planning of motor activities (Area 6)

these areas communicate with area 4 and subcortical structures (basal ganglia, cerebellum, etc) in the planning of movements
frontal eye fields - what area
anterior to premotor cortex

area 8

facilitate the cortical (conscious) control of eye movements through connections to eye movement centers in the brainstem
parts of inferior frontal gyrus
pars opercularis near lateral fissure

pars trangularis

pars orbitalis
pars trangularis and pars opercularis
Broca's areas 45, 44, motor area for speech in the dominant (usually L) hemisphere

connect to brainstem nuclei for cranial nerves that control the motor output for speech
Prefrontal cortex
much of it is classified as mutlimodal associational with diverse cognitive functions including jusgement, foresight, a sense of purpose, responsibility and social propriety

contains 25% of entire cortex of the human brain - primarily Brodmann areas 9-12
What do the prefrontal areas extend into ventrally
Orbitofrontal gyri
Where are the olfactory bulb and tract
In olfactory sulcus, forming a medial boundary of the orbitofrontal gyri
Grus rectus
most medially, next to longitudinal fissure

essentially an extension of the medial aspect of the superior frontal gyrus
Parietal lobes
sensory and multimodal function

primary somatosensory cortex

sensory association areas
Primary somatosensory cortex
postcentral gyrus
sensory association areas of parietal lobes
functions include understanding spoken and written language (usually L hemisphere)
Lateral boundaries of parietal lobes
posterior to central sulcus

anterior to extension of parieto-occipital sulcus to preoccipital notch
parietal lobe boundaries from temporal lobe
above lateral fissure and a line between approx the middle of the lateral fissure and the extension of the parieto occipital sulcus
what do the parietal lobes contain medially
posterior part of paracentral lobule
what separates the parietal lobe from the occipital lobe
parieto-occipital sulcus
what is the precuneous
between boundaries of parietal lobes

bordered inferiorly by an indistinct boundary with the cingulate gyrus
primary components of parietal obes
primary somatosensory cortex (postcentral gyrus)

superior parietal lobule

inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus)
What separates the superior and inferior parrietal lobules
Intraparietal sulcus
Where is the postcentral gyrus
behind the central sulcus and anterior to postcentral sulcus
What does the postcentral gyrus contain
primary somatosensory cortex (brodmann areas 3,1,2) on lateral surface of hemisphere

posterrior paracentral lobule on the medial surface of the hemisphere
Organization of postcentral gyrus
somatotopically organized similarly to motor cortex

sensory areas from the genitals, foot, and leg are on the medial hemispere in the posterior paracentral gyrus

tongue is most laterally
What do neurons in the postcentral gyrus respond to
modality specific stimuli of disciminative touch, vibration, position, pain, and temperature
secondary somatosensory cortex (SII)
on medial surface of the parietal operculum

contains additional sensory somatotopic map, although somewhat more crude than SI
What do SII areas project to
Insular cortex, which distributes to limbic areas, presumably for the memory of tactile stimuli

viscerosensory input also projects to adjacent areas in this region
Contains long and short insular gyri surrounded by the border of lateral fissure (circular sulcus)
What might the anteiror insula do
coordinate articulatory movements necessary for speech
What does the superior parietal lobe so
Brodmann areas 5 and 7

integrates somatosensory input from multiple modalities that are used in motor planning (kinesthetic sense, hand eye coordination)

project to supplementary motor areas in frontal lobe
inferior parietal lobule
contains the angular gyrus (Area 39) and supramaringal gyrus (Area 40)

functions differ with hemisphere involved - in dominant hemispehere, the angular gyrus is a center for comprehension of written language
Suprmarginal gyrus
Areas of it and posterior superior temporal gyrus (wernicke's area, brodmann area 22) is the areas for comprehension of spoken language
What does the infeioer parietal lobule do in the nondominatn hemisphere
modulates attention to stimuli both on the body and in the visual field

lesions to this area are associated with hemineglect syndrome - failure to recognize the L side of the body as self
What do the occipital lobes contain
Funciton: visual

primary visual cortex and visual association (extrastriate) cortex
What separates the parietal and occiptial lobes
parieto occipital sulcus
What does the calcarine sulcus do
divides the medial occipital lobe into the cuneus above and lingual gyrus below
Extrastriate cortex (areas 18,19)
Involved in processing of visual data leading to perception of motion, depth, color, position of object
primary visual cortex
Area 17

on medial ide of occipital lobe on either side of the calcarine sulcus
What represents the retinal surface
topographic (retinotopic) fashion of org around the calcarine sulcus
temporal lobes
integrative sensory, some memory, auditory and olfactory functions

contrains primary auditory cortex and nearby wernicke's area that coordinates the understanding of spoken language

also contains limbic areas, including hippocampus
What is the temporal lobe composed of on its lateral surface
superior, middle and inferor temporal gyri, separated by superior and inferior temporal sulci
What may the inferior temporal gyrus become ventrally if folded over to the inferior surface
latera occipitotemporal gyrus (fusiform gyrus)
medial occipitotemporal gyrus
may be present and if so is separated from the lateral by the occipitotemporal sulcus
What are the later occipitotemporal and medial occipitotemporal gyrus involved in
recognition of objects and faces

along with adjacent areas of occipital lobe
what does the superior surface of the the temporal lobe contain within the lateral fissure
transverse temporal gyri (of heschl, areas 41, 42)
Primary auditory cortex
Audition, receiving info from both ears

with surrounding association cortex, is involved in processing of assocation and recognition of sounds
Limbic lobe functions
primary processor of memory

emotion behavior, integration of homeostatic responses, motivation, and sexual behavior
What does the limbic lobe contain
major divisions:
subcallosal area
cingulate gyrus
parrahippocampal gyrus

primary olfactory cortex
multimodal assocation cortex
Cingulate sulcus of limbic lobe
separates the limbic lobe from anterior and dorsal structures
callosal sulcus of limibic lobe
separates corpus callosum from limbic lobe
What does the cingulate gyrus continue as ventrally
parahippocampal gyrus
what does the collateral sulcus do
separates the parahippocampal gyrus from the occipitotemporal gyri
What do the anterior regions of the parahippocampal gyrus contain
primary olfactory cortex (AKA entorhinal, prifirom)
What are the hippocampus and cingulate gyrus necessary for
Incorporaiton of short term to long term memory
What do the hippocampal formation and adjacent areas of parahippocampal gyrus have interconnections with
cingulate gyrus