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10 Cards in this Set

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3 divisions of Trigeminal Nerve - CN V
V1 - Ophthalmic nerve
V2 - Maxillary Nerve
V3 - Mandibular Nerve
Orofacial Fine Touch and Vibration pathway
Trigeminal ganglion - chief sensory nucleus - ipsilateral side rises through dorsal trigeminal tract - contralateral through medial lemniscus - both sides end in Ventral Posterior Medial Thalamic Nucleus - posterior limb of internal capsule -somatosensory cortex
Orofacial Pain and Temp Pathway
Trigeminal ganglion - spinal trigeminal tract - spinal trigeminal nucleus - decussates to ventral trigeminal tract - VPM - posterior limb of internal capsule - somatosensory cortex
Orofacial Proprioceptive pathway
Mesencephalic nucleus - bilaterally to Trigeminal Motor Nucleus - V3 to muscles of mastication
Corneal Reflex
Trigeminal ganglion - spinal trigeminal tract - spinal trigeminal nucleus - reticular formation - bilaterally to the facial motor nucleus (CN VII) - blink both eyes
Cell bodies in the ventral horn are arranged loosely - but generally...
Lateral = flexors
Medial = Extensors
Ventral = distal muscles
Corticobulbar tract
Motor cortex - genu of internal capsule - medial crus cerebri - synapse on red nucleus - motor CNs - reticular formation
Corticobulbar tract synapse on red nucleus (ipsilaterally or bilaterally)
CNs that don't get corticobulbar synapses:
Only CNs to get only contralateral synapses from the corticobulbar tract
XI and XII