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16 Cards in this Set

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T/F: There are no preganglionic sympathetic fibers in the head.

What is the most prominent sympathetic ganglia in the head and neck?

What is nerve structure is located just posterior to the common carotid a?

superior cervical ganglion

sympathetic trunk
Where do the preganglionic sympathetic fibers to the head and neck originate?

Branches of this are the perivascular plexus, sympathetic branch to ciliary ganglion, deep petrosal n, carotico-tympanic n:

Which branch associated with a pathologic eyelid droop?
sympathetic cell bodies located in the intermediolateral cell column, T1-2 level of spinal cord

internal carotid plexus

sympathetic branch to ciliary ganglion
Symptoms of Horner's syndrome?

Preganglionic PNS axons course with which CN's?

With nucleus sends pre-ganglionic fibers to the ciliary ganglion?
unilateral ptosis, pupillary constriction, anhidrosis/blushing, enopthalmos


Which ganglion sends fibers to the lacrimal gland?

What sends pre-g fibers to the sphenopalatine ganglion?

Lesser petrosal n. is a branch of what?

Where do pre-g SNS neurons originate?
sphenopalatine ganglion

Superior salivatory nucleus

Inferior salivatory nucleus

Which nerve provides SNS post-g fibers to the parotid gland?

What 2 nerves join to form the vidian nerve?
caroticotympanic n.

deep petrosal, greater petrosal
Layers of scalp from outer to inner?

Which layer usually bleeds profusely with scalp lacs?

Which branch of the trigeminal nerve innervates skin in the temporal region?

Which layer can get loose in a depressed skull fx?
Skin, close SQ tissue layer, aponeurotic layer, loose subapaneurotic layer, periosteum

close SQ layer

auriculotemporal nerve

aponeurotic layer
Which artery supplies the temporal region?

Which arteries come off the external carotid?

Which arteries come off the internal carotid via the opthalmic artery?
superficial temporal a.

Occipital, posterior auricular, superficial temporal

supraorbital, supratrochlear
Which nerve runs with the posterior auricular a.?

Which nerve runs with the superficial temporal a.?

Scalp drains venously into the dural venous sinuses via
lesser occipital n.


emissary veins
Where is the parotid duct located?

Which nerve is embedded in the parotid gland?

Describe SNS, PNS of the parotid gland:
1 finger width below the zygomatic arch

facial n.

SNS - internal carotid plexus, carotico-tympanic n, lesser petrosal n, otic ganglion, auriculotemporal n.

PNS - interior salivatory nucleus, glossopharyngeal n, tympanic n, lesser petrosal, otic ganglion
Innervation, fxn, clinical sign for:
Orbicularis oculi
Zygomatic major
Orbicularis oris
Frontalis: temporal, raise eyebrows
O. oculi: temporal/zygomatic, blinking/winking, drooping eyelid, corneal drying
Z. major: zygomatic, smiling, can't smile
O. oris: buccal, lip puckering, drooling
Platysma: cervical, neck flaring
Sx of Bell's palsy?

Which O. oculi muscle involved in protective closing of eye/winking?
drooping of lower lid, spilling of tears from eye, corneal drying, can't wink, unequal smile, drooling

orbital portion
Branches of facial artery for:
upper/lower lip
medial aspect of orbit

Three major cutaneous divisions of the trigeminal n and branches?
upper/lower: sup/inf labial a.
medial orbit: angular a.

Ophthalmic (V1): supraorbital, supratrochlear
Maxillary (V2): infraorbital, zygomaticofacial
Mandibular (V3): auriculotemporal, buccinator, mental
What connects at the pharyngeal isthmus?

What connects the nasal cavity and nasopharynx?

Describe newborn differences in this area:

Borders of oropharynx?
naso and oropharynx


newborns - obligate nasal breathing, separate eating/breathing

oropharynx: oral cavity to hyoid
Which muscle is more prone to diverticula in the pharynx?

What innervates the stylopharyngeus m?

Pharynx: sensory/motor innervations?

Where do the SVE motor to the pharynx/larynx originate?


sensory - glossopharyngeal, motor - vagus

nucleus ambiguus
Gag reflex: input, output?

Three phases of swallowing?

Where does saliva pool in the pharynx?
input IX, output X

oral - chewing, oropharyngeal - mouth floor/tongue elevates, pharyngo-esophageal - oropharynx elevates, pushes bolus down

piriform recesses
Which nerve passes right behind the cricoid cartilage?

What attaches to the vocal ligament of the vocal fold?

What structural cartilage attaches to the arytenoid cartilage? What is embedded in the aryepiglottic folds/quadrangular membranes?

arytenoid cartilage, vocal process

corniculate cartilage
cuneiform cartilage