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15 Cards in this Set

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SCM innervation:

Posterior(Lateral) triangle borders?

Subclavian vein and phrenic nerve are ______ to the ant. scalene m.

muscle with ant./post parts, fascial sling, innervated by ansa cervicalis:
spinal accessory (XI)

middle 1/3 clavicle


Anterior triangle borders?

Carotid triangle borders?

What major vessels and nerves are in the carotid triangle?
apex of chin, mastoid process
anterior midline of neck, anterior SCM

posterior digastric, superior omohyoid, SCM

carotid branches, internal jugular vein, ansa cervicalis, CN IX, X, XII
Submandibular triangle borders?

Innervation for:
A. ant. digastric
B. post. digastric
C. stylohyoid
D. mylohyoid
E. hypoglossus

What nerve is between inf. post. digastric and tip of hyoid bone?
mandible, anterior/posterior digastric

A. mylohyoid
B. VII (facial)
D. mylohyoid
E. XII (hypoglossal)

What nerve wraps around the submandibular duct?

Describe SNS and PNS innervation of the submandibular gland.
Lingual n.

PNS: superior salivatory nucleus c facial nerve --> chorda tympani --> join lingual n. --> subm. ganglion

SNS: superior cervical ganglion --> external carotid, facial plexus --> gland
Nerve that supplies GSA fibers to ant. 2/3 of tongue:

What happens in chorda tympani?

Nerve that supplies GSE fibers to all the intrinsic muscles of the tongue:
Lingual n.

SVA (taste) and GVE PNS fibers get added

Nerve medial to lobes of the thyroid, innervates all muscles of larynx except cricothyroid:

Superior thyroid a. is branch of:

Inferior thyroid a. is branch of:

Tracheotomy is an emergency airway cut at what level?

Penetrating wounds to base of the neck may cause what pulmonary problem?

common/external carotid a.

thyrocervical trunk

trachea rings 2-4

Describe subclavian steal syndrome:

Which artery courses with the phrenic nerve?

Which artery enters the larynx with the RLN?

What nerve runs between the ant. scalene and TCA, SS aa.?
subclavian gets blocked prox. to vertebral a., blood is shunted from vertebral system to distal subclavian --> decreased blood flow to brain --> coma, CN changes

ascending cervical a.

inferior laryngeal a.

phrenic n.
Which carotid a. comes off the aorta by itself?

Which carotid artery has branches and which one doesn't?

8 branches of ECA? (Some Anatomists Like Freaking Out Poor Medical Students)
L common carotid a.

ICA has no branches, ECA has 8 branches (SAL OF PMS)

Superior thyroid, ascending pharyngeal, lingual, occipital, facial, posterior auricular, maxillary, superficial temporal
Artery that may be ruptured with head trauma, causes epidural hematoma:

ansa cervicalis is derived from what cervical rami?

ansa cervicalis innervates what muscles?

Which nerve does the nerve to thyrohyoid travel with?
middle meningeal a.


all the infrahyoid muscles except for thyrohyoid

XII - hypoglossal
effect of unilateral/bilat phrenic n. paralysis?

What are some causes of phrenic neuralgia?
unilateral - little to no sx
bilat - DOE, scaphoid abd, respiratory muscle hyperactivity, difficulty coughing, sneezing

neck tumors, aortic aneurysms, pericardial/mediastinal infections, inflammation
anterior scalene syndromes, paralysis?:

GSA, GVA fibers convey what type of pain?

Which CN?
A. primarily GSA:
D. SVA (taste, smell):
upper plexus, - Erb-Duchenne, lower - Klumpke

GSA - sharp, temp, tactile, pressure
GVA - dull, visceral, stretch, ischemia

A. GSA - trigeminal (V)
B. GVA - vagus (X)
D. I, VII, IX, X
E. V, VII, X
Which sensory complex is *the* sensory nucleus for all sensations from the face?

Which nucleus is *the* sensory nucleus for general sensations from the post. 1/3 tongue to transverse colon?
Trigeminal Sensory Nuclei

Solitary nucleus
GSE motor nuclei controlling muscles of the eye:

GVE PNS, causes iris constriction, lens accomodation:

Sends preganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion --> parotid gland:

preganglionic to sphenopalatine/submandibular ganglia --> subman/sublingual glands:
Oculomotor - sup/med/inf rectus
Trochlear - sup oblique
Abducens - lat rectus

Edinger-Westphal nucleus

Inferior salivatory

Superior salivatory
Which nerve innervates:
A. muscles of mastication:
B. facial expression:
C. stylopharyngeus m.:
D. pharyngeal/laryngeal m.:
E. SCM, trapezius:

basilar skull fx --> ipsilateral IX, X, XI paralysis:

retroparotid space injury, ipsilateral paralysis, IX-XII:
A. trigeminal (V)
B. facial (VII)
C. glossopharyngeal (IX)
D. vagus (X)
E. spinal accessory (XI)

Vernet's syndrome

Collet's, Sicard's syndrome
Destruction of cervical sympathetic trunk:
Horner's syndrome