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19 Cards in this Set

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Dorsal Column Pathway

Travels ipsalaterally (crosses at medulla), position sense, vibration and point discrimination, gracilis (T5 up) and coneatus (T6 down)

Spinothalamic Pathway

Travels contralaterally (crosses at ventral white commissary - 2nd order neuron sits in dorsal horn of spinal cord), pain and temp,

Spinal Reticular Pathway

Deals with emotional affect of pain - multisynaptic

Referred pain

Visceral afferents conducting pain can collateralize and synapse also with somatic pain 2nd neuron

Other ascending pathways traveling ipsalaterally

Ventral spinocerebellar pathway, cuneocerebellar, dorsal column pathway. End in the cerebellum

Corticospinal and pic of 3 long tracts

Voluntary fine movement. Upper and lower motor neuron. Upper - cell body in cerebral cortex (injury = in cortex, brainstem or spinal cord
Lower - cell body in ventral horn
85% - cross at medulla, 15% cross at level they innervate

Voluntary fine movement. Upper and lower motor neuron. Upper - cell body in cerebral cortex (injury = in cortex, brainstem or spinal cord

Lower - cell body in ventral horn

85% - cross at medulla, 15% cross at level they innervate

Upper motor neuron lesion

Hyperreflexia, spastic paralysis, increased muscle tone, clasp knife reflex, clonus, Babinski, large area of body affected

Lower motor neuron lesion

Decreased reflexes and muscle tone, flaccid paralysis, atrophy, segmental distribution of deficit

Lower motor neurons (ventral horn) - segmented, flaccid paralysis, decreased reflex and muscle tone, segmented, etc

Corticospinal - this level and below affected ipsalaterally - see exaggerated reflexes, clonus, Babinski sign, spastic paralysis, large affected area

Corticospinal (UMN), and Spinothalamic (contralateral pain and temp loss)

Lower motor neurons of corticospinal (flaccid paralysis, fasciculations, decreased muscle tone and reflexes, etc (polio)

Dorsal column (position, vibration ipsa) and spinothalamic (pain and temp contra) - (MS)

Upper and lower motor neurons of corticospinal tract (sensory NOT affected) - (ALS)

Brown-Sequard syndrome (hemisection)

All 3 pathways affected -- must be in spinal cord

Spinal artery cut off - everything but Dorsal column pathway affected

Dorsal column and corticospinal lesions (position etc; UMN - spastic, clasp knife, clonus)

LMN of corticospinal tract (flaccid paralysis, fasciculations), and ventral white commissure (band of no pain and temp)

Tabes dorsalis - gracilis affected, will have Romberg sign