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18 Cards in this Set

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muscle tone is regulated by (alpha/gamma)


why do we stretch in the morning

resets muscle spindles and re calibrates gamma system

what is golgi tendon organ used for and what axon class is used?

muscle tension and Ib

what do inhibitory interneurons do and where is it located

they inhibit alpha motor neurons when there is golgi tendon organ activity. Located on spinal cord

what is the the reverse myotatic reflex

when golgi tendon organ activity inhibits alpha neurons

when there is too much force, alpha activity is (high/low)


when Ib activity is low, alpha activity is (high/low)


where do alpha neurons get their inputs

1. primary sensory axons 2. upper motor neurons from motor cortex 3. spinal internuerons

describe agonist and antagonist stretch reflex

contraction of agonist is accompanied by relaxation of antagonist

describes multi segment reflex and another name for this

coordinated contraction of multiple muscles across multiple spinal segments. Reflex when you step on like a tack; flexor reflex

describe bilateral reflex and another name for this

crossed-extensor reflex; activation of extensor muscles and inhibition of flexors on opposite side of body

what are CPGs and what are they used for

central pattern generators; rhythmic aspect of walking

in constant glutamate, cycle will (walk/stop)

walk; activates NMDA mech

during NMDA mechanism, when Mg block is added, Ca (goes in/cant go in)

cant go in

what is reciprocal inhibition when pacemakers are involved

mechanism for alternating flexor extensor activity

what is going on duchenne muscular dystrophy

mutgation in dystrophin- protein that binds actin filaments to plasma membrane. X linked

What is going on in myasthenia gravis

immune system attachs ACh receptors. Treated by AChE inhibitors; increasing duration of ACh

whats going on in ALS and whats an alt name for it

lou gehrig's disease; degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons. Unknown cause.