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156 Cards in this Set

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What does the Alar plate contain?
Sensory nuclei
What does the Basal plate contain?
Motor nuclei (motor neurons and preganglionic parasympathetic neurons)
Which plate is located in the dorsolateral location?
Which plate is located in the ventromedial location?
Border between motor and sensory nuclei
Sulcus Limitans
What lie away from the sulcus limitans?
SOMATIC motor and sensory nuclei
What lie adjacent to the sulcus limitans?
VISCERAL motor and sensory nuclei
How many sensory nuclei in the BS?
How many motor nuclei in the BS?
Sensory nuclei in the BS are what order neurons?
Are there parasympathetics in the BS? Which nerves?
YES: 3,7,9,10
What nerve is associated with Edinger-Westphal nucleus?
Occulomotor 3
What nerve is associated with Superior salivatory and lacrimal nucleus?
Facial 7
What nerve is associated with Inferior salivatory nucleus?
Glossopharyngeal 9
What nerves are associated with nucleus ambiguous?
Glossopharyngeal 9 and Vagus 10
What nerves are associated with the general visceral portion of the solitary nucleus?
9 and 10
What nerves are associated with the gustatory portion of the solitary nucleus?
Is there sympathetic neurons in the BS?
No, but there is innervation to the head from the superior cervical ganglion
What nuclei of the vagus is involved in parasympathetics?
Ambiguous and Dorsal motor
What nuclei of the oculomotor is involved in parasympathetics?
What nuclei of the Facial is involved in parasympathetics?
Superior salivatory
What nuclei of the Glossopharyngeal is involved in parasympathetics?
Inferior salivatory
What cranial nerves are GSE?
3,4,6 (eye muscles)
What eye muscle does the Trochlear nerve innervate?
Superior oblique
What eye muscle does the abducens nerve innervate?
Lateral rectus
What muscles does the oculomotor nerve innervate?
All of the eye muscles except lateral rectus and superior oblique
Where is the LMN of 3 located?
Just below cerebral aqueduct at the level of the superior colliculus in MB
Where is the LMN (GSE) component of 4 located?
Just below the cerebral aqueduct at the inferior colliculus level of the MB
Where is the LMN (GSE) component of 6 located?
Floor of the 4th ventricle at the pons beneath the facial colliculus
What makes up the facial colliculus?
Formed by Abducens nucleus and overlying facial motor nerve fibers
What nerves travel between the posterior cerebral and superior cerebellar arteries?
3 and 4
What GSE nerves travel through the cavernous sinuses?
What is the only nerve to exit the DORSAL aspect of the brain stem?
Where do 3,4,6 leave the skull?
Superior orbital fissure
What is the laterality of the oculomotor innervation?
ipsilateral as the nerve
What is the laterality of the trochlear innervation?
Contralateral to nucleus
What is the laterality of the abducens innervation?
Ipsilateral to nucleus
What constitutes the efferent limb of the pupillary light reflex and accomodation reflex?
Oculomotor GVE/Parasympathetic of Edinger-Westphal nucleus
What ganglion do the preganglionic axons of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus synapse on?
Cilary Ganglion
What leaves the ciliary ganglion to innervate the ciliary muscle and pupillary constrictor?
Postgagnlionic axons as short ciliary nerves
What innervates the ciliary muscle and pupillary constrictor?
GVE/Parasympathetic portion of Occulomotor from Edinger-Westphal nucleus
Uncal herniation would cause problems to what first?
Parasympathetics of the occulomotor (Pupil constriction) --> Tend to be on outside and lateral part of 3
What symptoms would you see in an oculomotor lesion due to damage of the GSE fibers?
Lateral or external strabismus, diplopia and ptosis
What symptoms would you see in an occulomotor lesion due to damage of the GVE fibers?
fixed and dilated pupil
Laterality of LMN lesion of Oculomotor?
ipsilateral to nerve and usually bilateral
What is the eye unable to do due to a LMN lesion of the Trochlear?
Cannot move down and in --> Diplopia when looking down
Where would you see problems with reading and descending stairs?
LMN lesion of trochlear
Laterality of LMN lesion to trochlear?
contralateral to nucleus, ipsilateral to nerve after its decussation
What type of strabisumus would you see due to an abducens nerve lesion?
medial or internal and diplopia
Laterality of a LMN lesion of the abducens?
Ipsilateral to nerve and nucleus
Where may you see paralysis of lateral gaze?
Lesion of the abducens nucleus involving the nucleus itself
A UNILATERAL UMN lesion of the Corticobulbar tract would produce what?
no noticeable deficits involving tghe eye muscles because each 3,4 and 6 nerve receives CBT input from the cerebral cortex of BOTH hemispheres in the BS
What corrdinates activity of the eye muscles through connections with nuclei of 3,4,6 and vestibular nuclei?
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MLF)
What is the afferent limb of the VOR?
Vestibular nerve
What are the efferent limbs of the VOR?
3,4,6 nerves
What may result from damage to the MLF and may be seen as the first deficit in MS?
Internuclear opthalmoplegia
What is an important source of info about gravity, rotation and accelaeration?
Vestibular nerve
What is used for maintaining posture and equilibrium and coordinating head and eye movements?
Vestibular nerve (Vestibulospinal tract and MLF)
Where does the vestibular nerve enter the BS?
pons/medulla junction (cerebellopontine angle)
Where are the 1st order or primary afferents of the vestibular nerve located?
Bipolar neuron CB located in vestibular (Scarpa's) ganglion
Where does the Vestibular or Scarpa's ganglion lie?
within the internal auditory meatus
Where are the second order CB of the vestibular nerve located?
Vestibular nuclei in the floor of the 4th ventricle
Where does the vestibulocerebellar tract travel?
Inferior Cerebellar peduncle
Where does the vestibulocerebellar tract terminate?
Flocculonodular lobe
What tract facilitates antigravity muscles (extensors) important in maintaining posture?
Damage to what may cause dizziness, falling, abnormal eye movements, nausea and vomiting?
Vestibular nerve or nuclei
Acoustic neuroma in the cerebellopontine angle is the most common cause of damage to what?
Vestibular nerve/nuclei
Lateral gaze center
Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation (PPRF)
Damage to the left MLF would present as what when asking the patient to look to the opposite side of the lesion (right)?
Left eye (ipsilateral to lesion) cannot move past midline due to damaged III and Medial Rectus. --> Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Where is the PPRF located?
Near the abducens nuclei
What does the PPRF coordinate?
Medial and lateral rectus muscles via III and VI
Damage to the Paramedian Pontine Reticular Formation would present as what?
Paralysis of lateral gaze (medial strabismus of ipsilateral eye, cannot move contralateral eye medially past the midpoint even though the III on contralateral side is intact)
Paralysis of the lateral gaze would be caused by what?
Damage to abducens nuclei and PPRF
Where is the center for vertical gaze located?
Periaqueductal gray of MB at level of the superior colliculus
What can be damaged by pressure from a pineal tumor?
Center for vertical gaze
Voluntary, conjugate eye movements (Frontal eye field = 8)
Where is area 8?
Caudal aspect of middle/superior frontal gyri
If a seizure or stimulation to area 8, where do the eyes look?
Away or opposite of lesion
If a stroke or destruction in area 8, where do the eyes look?
AT the lesion
What area is the frontal eye field?
What area is the occipital eye field?
18 and 19
A lesion in areas 18 and 19 would cause what?
visual agnosia (do not recognize what is seen) and disruption of reflexes such as fixation and accomodation/convergence
Where does the cochlear nerve enter the BS?
Pons/medulla junction (cerebellopontine angle) same as vestibular nerve but they enter as separate roots
Where is the peripheral process of the primary afferent cochlear nerve?
associated with receptors (hair cells) of the cochlea
Where are the CB of the primary afferent cochlear nerve?
Cochlear or spiral ganglion
Where are the second order CB of the cochlear nerve?
Dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei
Where will the cochlear nerve always synapse?
Cochlear or spiral ganglion, dorsal or ventral cochlear nuclei, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate nucleus, Transverse Temporal Gyri
Areas 41 and 42
Transverse Temporal Gyri
Damage to the cochlear nuclei or cochlear or spiral ganglion would cause what?
Deafness in ipsilateral ear
Damage to anything above the cochlear nuclei would cause what? (if lesion is unilateral)
minimal hearing loss in contralateral ear
What Nucleus contains 2nd CB which carry input from discrimitive touch and propriocetion of the head?
Main trigeminal nucleus
Which is more lateral in the pons, the tirgeminal main sensory nucleus or the Tigeminal Motor nucleus?
Main sensory nucleus is more lateral
Which tract is the Main trigeminal nucleus analagous to?
What nucleus carries pain and temperature information from the head?
Spinal V
What nucleus is coextensive with Lissauer's tract of the SC?
Spinal V
Where do the 3 CB of the TTT terminate?
VPM of Thalamus
Where do the TTT have their 1 CB?
Trigeminal ganglion
Specifically where do the neurons of the VPM terminate?
Postcentral gyrus nearest the lateral fissure
What is the only nucleus to have its first order neurons inside the CNS?
Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus (GSA)
What nucleus carries proprioception from muscle spindles in muscles of mastication?
Mesencephalic Trigeminal
What is the afferent limb of the jaw jerk?
Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus
What is the efferent limb of the jaw jerk reflex?
SVE motor component of Trigeminal
The SVE component of Trigeminal innervates muscles from which arch?
Laterality of trigeminal motor nucleus?
Damage to the sensory components of Trigeminal nerve?
Disturbed discriminative touch, proprioception, pain or temp, Trigeminal neuralgia (Tic Douloreux)
Laterality of a sensory defecit to Trigeminal?
Depends upon whether the lesion is above or below the decussation of the trigeminothalamic tract
Damage to the LMN motor component of V?
Ipsilateral paralysis of muscles of mastication, atrophy
Unilateral UMN (CBT) lesion of motor component of Trigeminal?
Usually little deficit, but may be SOME contralateral weakness
Where are the first order CB of sensory components of VII located?
Geniculate ganglion
GSA of facial?
Skin of external ear, wall of auditory tube and outer surface of tympanic membrane
What contains the processes of the 1st order neurons of the GSA of the facial nerve?
Nervus intermedius
Where are the 2 CB found of the GSA of the facial?
Spinal V!
Where are the 3 CB of the sensory portions of the facial nerve located?
VPM of thalamus
What supplies taste to the anterior two thirds of the tongue?
SVA of facial
What portion of the solitary nucleus does the SVA of the facial synapse?
What contains the 2 CB of the SVA portion of the facial?
Solitary nucleus (rostral portion)
Rostral part of the solitary nucleus AKA
Gustatory nucleus
Damage to the sensory portion of the facial?
Loss of taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue, plus minimal loss of general sensation from ear, auditory tube and outer surface of tympanic membrane
The SVE component of the facial innervates muscles from which arch?
What is located in the Facial motor nucleus?
Laterality of motor component of facial nerve?
What serves as the efferent limb of the blink or corneal reflex?
Motor component of facial nerve
What nerve loops of the abducens nucleus/facial colliculus?
Motor component of facial
CBT (UMN) input to facial neurons innervating the face is ______ while those innervating the lower face is ______
bilateral to upper face, but contralateral to lower face
Unilateral UMN (CBT) lesion to facial motor nerve would cause what?
Contralateral lower face paralysis (Upper face OK!)
Unilateral LMN lesion to motor facial nerve?
Ipsilateral upper AND lower face paralysis (Bell Palsy)
Lesions within the pons produce deficits to which nerves?
6 and 7
Leision in the cerebellopontine angle produces defeicits in which nerves?
7 and 8
What nerve is associated with the superior salivatory nucleus and lacrimal nucleus?
Facial (GVE) Parasympathetic component
What provides general sensation to the skin of the external ear, internal surface of the tympanic membrane and the posterior 1/3 of the tongue and upper pharynx?
GSA of 9
Where do the 1 CB of GSA 9 synapse?
Spinal V nucleus
What forms the afferent limb of the gag reflex?
GSA of 9
What receives input of the carotid sinus (baroreceptors) and carotid bodies (chemoreceptors)?
GVA of 9
Where are the 1 CB of the SVA and GVA of 9 located?
Inferior glossopharyngeal (petrosal) ganglion
What portion of the solitary nucleus does the SVA of 9 synapse?
Where does the 1 order neuron of the SVA of 9 synapse?
Rostral portion of Solitary nucleus
What portion of the solitary nucleus does the GVA of 9 synapse?
9 innervates the stylopharyngeus which is derived from which arch?
LMN of the SVE of 9 are located where?
nucleus ambiguous
Where are the 1 CB of the GVE (Parasympathetic) of 9 located?
Inferior salivatory nucleus
What serves as parasympathetic innervation to the parotid gland?
GVE of 9
2nd order CB of the GSA component of the Vagus are located where?
Spinal V
What part of the Vagus has little significance in the adult?
SVA (rostral solitary nucleus)
Where does the GVA of 10 have its 2 CB?
Caudal portion of solitary nucleus
Is there cortical projection of the GVA component of 10?
The SVE motor component of 10 innervates muscles from which arch?
4 and 6 (larynx and pharynx)
Where are the LMN of the SVE of 10 lcoated?
Nucleus ambiguus
What is the efferent limb of the gag reflex?
SVE of 10
Unilateral LMN lesion of nucleus ambiguus
9 and 10: absent gag reflex, ipsilateral paralysis, hoarseness and uvula deviates to NORMAL side (away from lesion)
Bilateral LMN lesion of nucleus ambiguus
Unilateral UMN of Vagus
no deficit
The LMN of 11 are located where?
Spinal accessory nucleus at C1-C5
LMN lesions of 11
shoulder drop, downward and lateral rotation of scapula, weakness in turning head to side contralateral to lesion
UMN lesion of 11?
transietn contralateral paresis or paralysis in trap and SCM
LMN of the GSE hypoglossal?
Hypoglossal nucleus
LMN or UMN of 12?
tongue deviates to side of lesion (weak side)