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97 Cards in this Set

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Vagus nerve is motor supply to all of the muscles of the _____ except ____
pharynx except stylopharyngeus (Glossopharyngeal)
What supplies MOST motor innervation to the muscles of the pharynx (What is the exception?)
Vagus, exception is stylopharyngeus which is supplied by CN 9 (Glosso)
What nerve is sensory to the pharyngeal wall?
What supplies motor innervation to stylopharyngeus?
What nerve is sensory to muscles of the larynx?
From what nerves is the pharyngeal plexus fomed?
CN 9 and 10
What nerve is sensory to much of the pharynx?
9 (Glossopharyngeal)
Which nerve is afferent to the gag relfex?
Which nerve is efferent to the gag reflex?
What is the motor innervation to all constrictor muscles of the pharynx?
What muscles propel the blous of food down into the esophagus?
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles (Sup, middle and inferior)
Also known as the lowest fibers of the inferior constrictor muscle
Cricopharyngeus muscle
What prevents air from entering the stomach or regurgitation (except when vomiting)
Cricopharyngeus muscle
What innervates the cricopharyngeus muscle?
Vagus of pharyngeal plexus
All 3 constrictor muscles insert posteriorly into a fibrous median....
What muscle passes between the superior and middle constrictors?
What innervates the piriform rescess/fossa?
internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve of the vagus
What area is extremely sensitive to a foreign body?
Piriform fossa/recess
Sensory fibers of the what trigger the cough reflex in the piriform fossa?
Besides the piriform fossa, the rest of the mucous membrane of the laryngopharynx has sensory fibers that travel in what?
CN 9 (Glossopharyngeal)
What directs food down the laryngopharynx into the esophagus rather than the larynx when swallowing?
Which of the following nerves supplies the laryngeal mucosa in the area above the vocal cords?
Internal branch of the superior laryngeal
What is found in the roof of the nasopharynx?
Pharyngeal recess
What is in the pharyngeal recess?
Pharyngeal tonsil or adenoids and lymphoid tissue continues to auditory opening
What connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx?
Auditory tube
Mucosal fold the overlies the salphingopharyngeus muscle and the cartilagionus portion of the auditory tube?
Salpingopharyngeal fold
What becomes closed off with elevation of the soft palate?
What supplies the salpingopharyngeal muscle?
What nerve supplies the levator veli palatini?
What is the function of the levator veli palatini?
Raises the soft palate in swallowing
What innervates the tensor veli palatini?
What is the function of the tensor veli palatini?
Opens auditory tube during swallowing by tensing the soft palate
What lies between the palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch?
Palatine tonsils
What arch of the oropharynx is more anterior?
Sensory fibers to the oropharynx that innervate the gag reflex
What is the motor innervation to palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus?
What forms the anterior part of the nasal septum?
Septal cartilage
What forms the posterior part of the nasal septum?
Ethmoid and Vomer
What serves as a passageway for the sphenopalantine artery (a terminal branch of the maxillary)?
Sphenopalatine foramen
What type of epithelial cells are located in the maxillary sinus?
Ciliated epithelial
The ostium of the maxillary sinus opens into the:
middle meatus
Where do the ethmoidal, frontal and maxillary sinuses drain?
middle meatus
Fracture to what bone could cause a leak of CSF from the nose?
The opening from the nasal cavity into the nasopharynx.
What increase the total respirartory surface of the nose?
Passageways lateral and inferior to the conchae
nasal meatuses
Where does the nasolacrimal duct open into?
inferior meatus
Where does the sphenoid sinus drain?
Sphenoethmoidal recess
Where do you find the ethmoidal bulla?
beneath the middle conchae
What connects the frontal sinus with the nasal cavity?
Semilunar hiatus
Where do the anterior ethmoidal sinuses open into?
Infundibulum (Frontonasal duct)
What does the semilunar hiatus receive?
Opening of the maxillary sinus
What does the nasolacrimal duct drain into?
Inferior meatus (below inferior choncae)
The lateral-dorsal and lateral nasal wall mucosa receives innervation from what?
CN I (Olfactory)and CN V1 (Opthalamic) and V2 (Maxillary)
What nerve supplies sensory innervation to the bridge of the nose?
Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (V1)
What two arteries does the maxillary terminate into?
terminates by dividing into the sphenopalatine artery and the descending palatine artery.
The pterygopalatine ganglion is found where?
in the medial portion of the pterygomaxillary fissure.
What are the descending branches of the pteryopalatine ganglion?
Greater and Lesser palatine nerves
Where does the pterygopalatine ganglion receives pre-ganglionic neurons from? (pre-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers and post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers).
CN VII via the greater petrosal nerve and the nerve of the pterygoid canal
Ganglionic branches of the ptergopalatine ganglion connect it to which nerve?
V2 (Maxillary) of Trigeminal
All muscles to the soft palate are innevated by what? EXCEPT the what?
Vagus, except the tensor veli palatini which is innervated by the trigeminal nerve (CNV)
What kind of nerves are found in the pyteygoid canal?
Post-ganglionic sympathetic neurons and pre-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons.
Parasympathetic neurons innervating the nasal mucosal glands have their cell bodies in the:
pterygopalatine ganglion
Parasympathetic neurons innervating the secretory cells of the lacrimal gland have their cell bodies in the:
pterygopalatine ganglion.
What is the sensory nerve to the hard palate?
Greater Palatine (Of V2)
What is the sensory nerve of the soft palate and tonsillar region?
Lesser palatine (Of V2)
What is the nasopalatine nerve a branch of?
Maxillary V2
V2 branches of the pterygopalatine ganglion are what kind of fibers?
General sensory
Where do the special sensory (taste) fibers of the pterygopalatine ganglion come from?
Facial (CN 7)
the post-ganglionic parasympathetic neurons leave the pterygopalatine ganglion and accompany what?
the sensory branches of CN V2.
What 2 nerves make up the nerve of pterygoid canal?
Greater and Deep petrosal
What nerve carries preganglionic parasympathetic nerves from CN 7 to the nerve of pteryoid canal?
Greater Petrosal
What nerve carries postganglionic sympatetic nerves from the greater cervical ganglion
Deep petrosal
What nerve passes through the incisive foramen?
Nasopalatine nerve
What artery supplies much of the nasal mucosa
The sphenopalatine artery
What arteries supply the hard and soft palate?
The descending palatine artery via the greater and lesser palatine arteries
What artery supplies the hard palate?
Greater palatine artery
What arteries supply the soft palate?
lesser palatine and ascending palatine branch of the facial artery
Sensory neurons to the roof of the hard and soft palate have their cell bodies in the:
Trigeminal ganglion
Palatine arteries are branches of what?
From what arch is the glossopharyngeal nerve derived?
Where do the SVE of CN 9 have their cell bodies?
Nucleus ambiguous
What SVA funciton does the glossopharyngeal nerve have?
Taste to posterior 1/3 of tongue
What nerve is afferent to the pharynx?
CN 9 is efferent to what?
What nerve is afferent to carotid sinus and body?
What nerve is sensory to palatine tonsils?
What nerve is afferent to posterior 1/3 of tongue (GAG)?
From what arches is the vagus nerve derived?
4 and 6
Where does the vagus nerve motor component have its cell bodies?
Nucleus ambiguous
What nerve is sensory to the larynx above the VC?
Superior laryngeal of Vagus
What nerve is sensory to larynx below the VC?
Recurrent/Inferior laryngeal
Where are the post-ganglionic cell bodies of parasympathetic neurons that innervate the secretory cells of the maxillary sinus located?
Pterygopalatine ganglion
Where are the post-ganglionic cell bodies of parasympathetic neurons that innervate the submandibular, sublingual and mucosal glands of the oral cavity located?
Submandibular ganglion
What fascia is the pharyngeal plexus of nerves and vessels located in?
Buccopharyngeal fascia
What innervates the salpingopharyngeus?
What arteries supply the pharynx?
Maxillary, facial and lingual (all of external carotid)