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69 Cards in this Set

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image produced on retina
inverted and reversed
central 1-2 degrees of visual space
oval region that surrounds fovea and has relatively high visual acuity; central 5 degrees of visual space
optic disc location
15 degrees medial (nasal) to fovea; creates blind spot 15 degrees lateral and slightly inferior to central fixation point for each eye
more numerous than cones 20:1; poor spatial and temporal resolution of visual stimuli; do not detect colors; main fxn in low-level light
less numerous; more highly represented in fovea; high spatial and temporal resolution; detect colors
outmost layer of retina (farthest from lens)
photoreceptors; other layers in retina not represented in fovea preventing distortion here
receptive field of a neuron in the visual pathway
portion of visual field where light causes excitation or inhibition of cell
what do photorecepors form excitatory or inhibitory synapses onto
bipolar cells, which synapse onto ganglion cells, which send neurons into optic nerve
how do photoreceptors and bipolar cells convey information
passive electrical conduction via 'nontraditional' synapses that release neurotransmitter in a graded fashion that depends on membrane potential
horizontal and amacrine cells in retina
lateral inhibitory or excitatory connections with nearby bipolar and ganglion cells
On-center cells
excited by light in center of the receptive field and inhibited by light in surrounding area
Off-center cells
inhibited by light in center and excited by light in surrounding area
M cells of retinal ganglion cells
large receptive fields and respond best to gross stimulus features or movement; large-diameter fibers and porject to magnocellular layers of lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus
P cells of retinal ganglion cells
small receptive areas, more numerous, and are sensitive to fine visual detail and to colors; small-diameter and project to parvocellular layers of lateral geniculate
right optic tract carrier info from
right hemiretinas (medial retinal fibers for each eye cross at optic chiasm)
optic tracts go where
from optic chiasm, wrap around midbrain laterally and reach the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus
where do neurons project from the LGN
primary visual cortex
where else do a minority of optic tract travel
bypass LGN and enter brachium of superior colliculus; form extrageniculate visual pathways that project to pretectal area and superior colliculus
pretectal area is important in
pupillary light reflex and projects to parasympathetic nuclei controlling pupils
what are superior colliculus and pretectal area important for
directing visual attention and eye movements toward visual stimuli (retino-tecto-pulvinar-extrastriate cortex pathway of visual attention and orientation)
6 layers of LGN from ventral to dorsal
1&2) Magnocellular layers = relay info from M cells of retina 3-6) parvocellular layers = relay info from P cells
intralaminar neurons are important for
relaying info about color
on/off cells
detect changes and fire transiently to both on and off stimuli
Meyer's loop
fibers of the inferior optic radiations arc formard into the temporal lobe; carries info from inferior retina or superior visual field
what can temporal lobe lesions cause in vision
contralateral homonymous superior quadrantanopia (pie in the sky) due to Meyer loop disturbance
where do upper optic radiations pass under
parietal lobe; lesion can cause contralateral homonymous inferior quadrantanopia (pie on the floor)
where is the primary visual cortex
on banks of the calcarine fissure in the occipital lobe; upper portions project to superior bank and inferior optic radiations to lower bank
upper bank lesions of calcaine fissure cause
contralateral inferior quadrant defects
how is the primary visual cortex organized
retinotopically; fovea near occipital pole and more peripheral regions of ipsilateral retinas and contralateral visual fields more anteriorly along calcarine fissure
where is most input to primary cisual cortex
cortical layer 4=relatively thick and subdivided into sublaminae 4A, 4B, 4Calpha, and 4Cbeta
layer 4B
contains numerous myelinated axon collaterals resulting in pale-appearing stria of Gennaru
3 best characterized channels of processing in visual system
analyzing motion, form, and color
layer 4Calpha receives info from
magnocellular layers of LGN conveying info about movement and gross spatial features
layer 4Cbeta receives info from
parvocellular layers of LGN carrying spatial info
cortical layers 2 and 3 (called blobs) receive info from
parvocellular layers and interlaminar zones with color info
area 17
primary visual cortex
what projects from area 17
neurons to extrastriate regions of visual association cortex and other regions of parieto-occipital and occipitotemporal cortex
dorsal pathways of primary/secondary visual cortex project to
parieto-occipital association cortex; answer 'where?' by analyzing motion and spatial relationships
ventral pathways of primary/secondary visual cortex project to
occipitotemporal association cortex; answer 'what?' by analyzing form with specific regions identifying colors, faces, letters, and other visual stimuli
ocular dominance columns
contralateral and ipsilateral eye inputs terminate in alternating bands of cortex ~ 1mm wide
simple cells
respond to lines or edges that occur at a specific location and with a specific angular orientation within their receptive field
complex cells
activity from simple cells summates to generate receptive field properties; respond to lines or edges that occur at any location in their receptive field with a specific angular orientation
orientation columns
vertical columns of uniform orientation selectivity
functional units consisting of ocular dominance and orientation columns intersecting
visual field defects do not typically affect
visual acuity
negative phenomenon of visual changes
scotoma, homonymous visual field defect
lesions causing blind spot interpreted similar to the physiologic bind spot are generally caused by
lesion of central visual pathways
lesions causing black, dark brown, oe purplish scotomas are most often caused by
retinal lesions
simple visual phenomena examples and cause
lights, colors, geometric shapes; caused by disturbances anywhere from eye to primary visual cortex
important causes of positive phenomena
light flashes in retinal detachment; rainbow-colored halos around objects in acute glaucoma
fortification scotoma
scintillating appearance or consist of jagged alternating light and dark zigzag lines; migraine phenomena
what should be suspected when pusating colored lights or moving geometric shapes experienced
occipital seizure
what do formed visual hallucinations arise from and causes
inferior temporo-occipital visual association cortex; toxic or metabolic distubances, focal seizuress, complex migraine, neurodegenerative conditions, narcolepsy, midbrain ischemia, psychiatric disorders
release phenomenon
deprivation in part or all of visual field caused by either ocular or CNS may occasionally see objects/people/anomals in region of vision loss, especially in early stages of vision deficit
normal visual field
~60 degrees nasally and superiorly, and slightly further inferiorly and temporally
Goldmann perimetry
small lights of differnet sizes and intensities displayed on a screen in front of patient
scotomas of retina lesions
monocular with location, size, and shape depending on location and extent of lesion
retrochiasmal lesions generally cause
macular sparing
occurs in partial lesions of visual pathways due to large representation of fovea; may be due to colateral blood flow in occipital pole by MCA or PCA
blood supply of retina
branches of opthalmic artery
amaurosis fugax
transient ischemic attack (TIA) of retina; browning out or loss of vision in one eye for ~ 10 minutes
blood supply of primary visual cortex
what is bilateral altitudinal scotoma strongly suggestive of
vertebrobasilar insufficiency causing bilateral infarcts or TIAs
blood supply of inferior occipitotemporal association cortex (what?)
lateral parieto-occipital association cortex (where?)
MCA-PCA watershed territory
Optic neuritis
inflammatory demyelinating disorder of optic nerve; related to MS (50% dvlp); mean onset in 30s
usual clinical features of optic neuritis
eye pain, especially with movement and monocular central scotoma, decreased visual acuity, and impaired color vision
visual evoked potential test
shown shifting checkerboard pattern which elicits a voltage waveform that can be detected over occipital cortex via electrodes on scalp; normal latency 115 ms