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35 Cards in this Set

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Define intra-axial and extra-axial.

Is ependymoma intraaxial or extraaxial?
intra-axial - inside the CNS parenchyma (arise from neurons or glial cells)

Extra-axial - outside the CNS parenchyma (e.g. meninges and ventricular lining)

Ependymoma is extra-axial.
What does synaptophysin stain? S100?
Synpatophysin - neurons and neuroendcorine tumors

S100 - stains Schwanommas and melanoma (stains neural crest derived cells)
An increase in ICP causes many types of herniation.

Describe 7 consequences of increased ICP discussed in lecture
1. flattened gyri
2. cingulate herniation
3. ventricular shift
4. uncal herniation
5. Kernohan's notch
6. Cerebellar tonsilar herniation
7. Duret hemorrhage
What is kernohan's notch?

Describe the Sxs due to this notch
Kernohan's notch is compression of cerebral peduncle on the contralateral side of uncal herniation

Causes ipsilateral hemiparesis (ipsilateral side of the mass)
What artery is compressed with cingulate herniation? with downward cerebellar tonsilar herniation?

What are Sxs due to this herniation
Cingulate herniation compresses anterior cerebral artery --> Lower extremity paresis and urinary incontinence

downward Cerebellar tonsilar herniation - compression of posterior cerebral artery
What is Duret Hemorrhage?
Hemorrhage in the pons.
What is the most common CNS tumor? 2nd most common? 3rd most common?
1st - astrocytoma
2nd - oligodendroglioma
3rd - ependymoma
Name 4 types of astrocytoma and indicate their grades.
Grade I - noninfiltrative (pilocytic) astrocytoma

Grade II - diffuse (fibrillary) astrocytoma

Grade III - anaplastic astrocytoma

Grade IV - Glioblastoma multiforme
Hemorrhagic, butterfly-shaped, intraparenchymal CNS tumor.

Name? grade?
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) grade IV
List 5 histologic features of GBM (glioblastoma multiforme).
1. Dense cellularity and anaplasia of tumor cells
2. vascular proliferation with endothelial proliferation (glomeruloid structures)
3. Presence of necrosis
4. Pseudopalisading tumor cells around necrotic area
5. high mitosis
A 20 YO pt with well-circumscribed cystic mass in the cerebellum.

Histology reveals:
very thin long cells
GFAP positive
Lots of Rosenthal fibers

What CNS tumor? grade?
non-infiltrating (pilocystic) astrocytoma

grade I
Name this CNS tumor and its grade.

Gross: hemorrhage, calcification of gray/white gel mass

Micro; uniform, round cells, fried egg looking cells, chicken wire vessels with calcification. no pleomorphism.
Oligodendroglioma grade II
What genetic alteration is associated with anaplastic oligodendroglioma?

Is this a good or poor prognosis?
Loss of heterozygosity of chromosomes 1p and 19q

Good prognosis
A 10 YO pt has following findings in the spinal cord

Presence of true rossettes and pseudorossettes.

what are true rossettes and pseudorossettes?
What CNS tumor? grade?
True rossette - tumor cells surrouding a lumen

Pseudo rosstte - tumor cells surruoding a vessel

Ependymoma grade II
A 5 YO pt has a lesion in the cerebellum. His clinical findings are:

Small blue cells, Homer Wright Rossettes.

What are Homer wright Rossette?
What CNS tumor is it?

If this tumor is not in the cerebellum, what is it called?
Homer Wright Rossette - tumor cells around a neuropil


PNET (primitive neuroectodermal tumor)
A firm, extra-axial mass noted. Its findings include:
Whorls of cells and psammoma bodies.

What tumor? grade?

Associated with what gene? what chromosome
Meningioma grade I

Associated with NF-2 on chrom 22.
Name 3 hemorrhagic metastatic CNS tumors.

Renal cell carcinoma
List 5 primary sites of CNS metastasizing tumors.
Lung, Breast, Melanoma, Kidney, GI tract
bilateral firm gray masses at the cerebello-pontine angle is noted.

The pt displays deafness and has no VOR.

What CNS tumor?
List 3 common histological features of this tumor.
What gene is implicated in this tumor?

Antoni A and B areas, verocay bodies

What is Von Recklinghasen's disease?

The gene for this disease is on which chromosomes?
What tumor is associated with disease?
NF-1 associated diseases

on chrom 17

All forms of neurofibroma
What 2 tumors are associated with central neurfibromatosis?

What is the gene called? what chromosome?
Schwannoma and meingiomas

NF2 and chromosome 22
What gene is associated with Bourneville's disease? what chromosomes?

What CNS tumor is associated with this disease?
Tuberous sclerosis

TSC1 gene on chrom 9 and TSC2 on chrom 16

Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma.
CNS hemangioblastoma is associated with what gene? on what chrom?
VHL (von-Hippel-Lindau) gene on chrom 3.
What is the most common tumor at conus medullaris/cauda equinna that causes chronic back pain?
Myxopapillary ependymoma
What type of hemorrhage is this?
What type of CNS tumor?

What stain is positive?
GBM (butterfly lesion and hemorrhagic)

This is a slide of GBM

The arrows are pointing at basophilic structures. What are they?
Pseudopalisading tumor cells
This is a slide of brain.

what is indicated inside the arrows?
Which CNS is associated with this feature?
Rosenthal fibers

noninfiltrating (pilocystic) astrocytoma (grade I)
A section of cerebrum is shown.

What 2 histological features are shown here?

What CNS tumor?
Chicken wire vessels and fried egg appearing cells

Oligodendroglioma, grade II
What histological features are shown on the Left picture? Right picture?

What CNS tumor is associated with above pictures?
Left - true rossettes

Right - Pseudo-rossettes

This is a section of cerebellum. In other region of the slide, many small blue cells were observed.

What is this histological structure?

What CNS tumor is associated with this?
Homer-Wright Rossette

Above section is taken from AID's pt's brain.

What histological feature is shown?

What CNS tumor do you suspect?

What is the cell origin of the tumor?

Which virus is commonly associated?
Angiocentric pattern of lymphocytes. (lymphocytes surrounding the vessel)

Primary brain lymphoma

B cells

What CNS tumor is indicated by above histological features?

What gene is associated with this?

What is the right picture called?
Meningioma (grade I)

NF-2 on chrom 22

Psamomma body
This is a section was taken from the cerebellopontine angle.

What structure is surrounded by arrows on the left picture?

What structure is surrounded by the arrows on the right picture?
Left picture - Antoni type B

Right picture - A verocay body
What CNS tumor is indicated by the blue arrows?

What gene is associated? what chromosome?
bilateral schwanomma

NF-2 gene on chrom 22