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74 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 parts of the Pharyngeal Apparatus?
Arches, Clefts, Pouches and Membranes
surrounds the developing pharynx and is the source of mesenchymal tissue that will form the head & neck, face, palate & nasal cavity structures.
Pharyngeal Apparatus
The pharynx forms _____ to the brain.
Of the pharyngeal apparatus, what completely regresses in the human?
Arch and Pouch #5
Surface ectoderm-lined invaginations
How many clefts?
How many arches?
Form between the pharyngeal arches.
Arches are bars of what?
How many pouches?
Endoderm-lined pouches along the lateral walls of the pharyngeal gut.
Opposite of clefts
Pouches (INSIDE) of embryo
Separate the ‘pouches’ from the ‘clefts’
Do clefts and pouches communicate in humans?
What makes up the facial prominences?
One frontonasal prominence, 2 maxillary, 2 mandibular
What facial prominence is a proliferation of mesenchyme ventral to brain vesicles?
Frontonasal Prominence
The maxillary prominences are extensions of which arch?
The mandibular prominences are mesenchyme from which arch?
When do the two mandibular prominences merge ventrallyto form the lower lip and jaw plus the inferior part of face?
Week 4
What type of mesoderm forms the initial shape of the pharyngeal arches?
Lateral Plate
Where does mesoderm migrate from into the pharyngeal arches?
Somitomeres and Somites
Eye muscle precursors from?
Tongue precursors from?
Occipital Somites
What forms most of the skeletal muscle in the head plus parts of the skull?
What two things migrate into the pharangeal arches?
Neural crest cells and mesoderm
What form skeletal elements of the head & parts of the PNS?
Neural crest cells
Neural crest cells are what in origin?
How are the cranial nerves formed?
Neurons from the brain and central ganglia grow into the arches
What arch is the trigeminal nerve derived from?
What arch is the facial nerve derived from?
What arch is the glossopharyngeal nerve derived from?
What arch is the vagus nerve derived from?
4th and 6th
Motor innervation to those muscles originating in the pharyngeal arches is classified as what?
Special VE
What is mandibular cartilage?
Meckel's cartilage
What does Meckel's cartilage form?
Incus, malleus and mandible (but cartilage dissapears)
What type of ossification do the incus and malleus undergo?
What type of ossification does the mandible undergo?
What innervates the muscles of mastication and what is it a derivative of?
Trigeminal (5), 1st Arch
What is First Arch Syndrome (Treacher Collins)?
Deficiency of neural crest cells migrating into the arch.
Mandibulofacial dysostosis
Treacher Collins Syndrome (1st Arch)
What is First Arch Syndrome (Pierre Robin Syndrome)?
Deficiency of neural crest cells migrating into the arch.
Micrognathia + large, posteriorly placed tongue > airway obstruction; may be ear and palate problems as well.
Pierre Robin Syndrome
Reichert’s cartilage
2nd arch
What forms the stapes and styloid process? (inner ear)
2nd arch; Reicherts cartilage
What forms the thyroid and circoid process?
4th and 6th
What innervates Muscles of the soft palate (except tensor veli palatini)
Muscles of the pharynx (except stylopharyngeus)?
Superior laryngeal branch Vagus (4th and 6th)
What innervates the Intrinsic muscles of larynx (except cricothyroid)
Striated (upper) muscle of esophagus?
Recurrent laryngeal branch of Vagus
What pouch forms the tubotympanic recess? (Auditory tube, tympanic cavity)
What pouch forms the palantine tonisls?
What pouch forms the Thymus?
Ventral 3rd pouch
What pouch forms the inferior parathyroid glands?
3rd pouch (dorsal)
What pouch forms the superior parathyroid glands?
Dorsal 4th pouch
What pouch forms the ultimobranchial bodies (parofollicular or C cells of thyroid)?
Ventral 4th pouch
What pouch derivative travels the farthest?
Inferior parathyroids (Dorsal 3rd)
No thymus or parathyroids plus…
Failure of neural crest migration into arches --> 3rd & 4th pouch failure & hypoplasia of 1st arch.
DiGeroge Syndrome
What should happen to the clefts in normal circumstances?
1st cleft develops into external auditory meatus while 2,3,4 overgrown by the 2nd arch producing cervical sinus which normally disappears
What cleft produces the external auditory meatus?
1st cleft
What would be the consequence of incomplete overgrowth of the 2,3,4 clefts by 2nd arch?
Lateral cervical or Branchial cyst
What is the only membrane that persists in adults and what does it persist as?
1st membrane as tympanic membrane
What type of envagination is the thyroid?
Between what arches is the thyroid formed?
1st and 2nd
What is the first endocrine gland to appear, around 4th week?
What is the site of origin of the thyroid?
Foramen cecum of tongue
When the thyroid fails to descend
Lingual thyroid
What arches does the tongue involve?
Oral portion of the tongue is derived form where?
1st arch
Where is the posterior or pharyngeal part of the tongue formed?
3rd arch
Most of the tongue muscles are derived from what that migrate from the occipital myotomes with the hypoglossal nerve.?
What is the site of origin of the throoid?
Foramen cecum in the tongue
What connects thyroid to tongue during development?
Thyroglossal duct
What is the first endocrine gland to appear at 24 days?
Where do the tongue muscle originate?
myotomes of occipital somites NOT mesenchyme of the arches
The upward evagination from the roof of the pharynx forms what part of the pituitary?
Glandular portion
The downward evagination toward the pharynx forms what portion of the pituitary?
Neural region