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41 Cards in this Set

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Association pathways -- name some of them
- superior longitudinal fasciculus (includes arcuate fasciculus -- language areas)

- inferior longitudinal fasciculus

- cingulum

- superior occipitofrontal fasciculus

- uncinate fasciculus

- arcuate fibers (U-shaped)

- callosal radiations
Split Brain - history
- first subject 1961; used to treat epilepsy; initially clipped entire CC and anterior commisure (newer procedure spares splenium/posterior of CC)

After surgery, people appeared "normal" -- walk, read, talk, play sports, etc
Experiments with split brain subjects
-Words (objects) flashed to R field of vision could be read aloud, written and selected with R hand, but not left

- flashed to L field could not be read aloud or written, but could be selected with L hand -- not the R

--> language on L side, which is where R field of vision is processed. if flashed to R field, have language for it. if flashed to L field, processed by R field, and no language for it.
split brain subjects -- chimeric figure
woman on L vis field; man on R

- asked to choose face seen with L hand --> picks woman (L vis field processed by R hemi, which controls L hand)
- asked to NAME face seen --> says man (responding to R vis field stim - lang processed in L hemi)
- choosing vs. verbal will present diff responses
Hemispheric differences
R hemi: superior in spatial tasks

- ea hemi flashed a drawing and corresponding hand drew (L visfield flashed; L hand draw -- all R hemi processing; v/v)
- L hand (R hemi) consistently better -- even for R-handed subjects
Cortical divisions/functions
Motor/premotor (frontal): skeletal muscle movement;

Parietal: sensory info from skin, ms system, viscera, taste buds;

Prefrontal: coordination info from other association areas, controls some bxs, reasoning skills;

taste, smell

Temporal: hearing

Occip: vision

NONE of these areas alone controls anything in particular; control comes from interaction.

There are some primary reception areas by themselves theyonly receive the info. If impairment is in receptive area only, problem w/ receiving (e.g. blindness); but may still have visual reflexes
How do you test recognition?
MATCHING task. Recognition requres reception and association.

To test auditory recognition: use environ sounds, point to pic; but there is complication -- crossing modalities)
Cortical organization
1. Motor cortex (primary, premotor, supplementary, frontal eye fields)

2. Primary sensory cortex (auditory, visual, somatorsensory, gustatory, olfactory

3. Associational cortex (visual, auditory-visual, visual spatial...)
- any area of cortex (not sensory or motor) assoc with advanced stages of sensory info processing, multisensory integration, or sensorimotor integration.
- Cortical areas involved in higher mental fxn such as learning, remembering, thinking, speaking, perceptual judgment
Cortical motor areas -- name them
1. Primary Motor Cortex
2. Premotor Cortex
3. Supplemental Motor Area (wraps over longitudinal fissure)
Primary Motor Cortex
- lies along precentral gyrus
- activates specific groups of muscles (homunculus)
- consists of pyramidal shaped cells
Output of Primary Motor Cortex
- most efferents go to pyramidal tract (and 30% of CS tract comes from PrimMC)
- role is to activate specific muscle groups -- vol skilled acts

- tracts to thalamus (to activate basal ganglia -- motor control, stability, inhibition or excit, balance)

- tracts to cerebellum (via pons) -- coordination, assist timing of movements

- Opposite primary motor cortex (cross via CC -- activate for bilateral actions)
Input for Primary Motor Cortex
- premotor cortex
- opposite motor cortex
- somatosensory cortex (for proprioception)
- contralateral cerebellum (help time movements -- excitatory afferents. may see cerebellar problems that are because of lesions in tracts to/from cerebellum - not necessarily IN cerebellum)
- Thalamo-cortical projections (inhibitory loop from basal ganglia)
Premotor Cortex
- much larger than primary MC
- includes supplementary motor cortex
- essential for complex, sequential actions performed by sensory guidance
- controls proximal & trunk muscles -- need to have these stabilized in order to do anything w/ distal muscles
- active in bilateral aspects of motor patterns
Premotor Cortex - OUTPUT
- contributes 30% of axons in CS tract; requires more intense stimuli than primary MC to produce mvmts (more neurons needed to get actions)
- contributes to INDIRECT ACTIVATION PATHWAYS (e.g. reticulospinal) for movement preparation (postural adjustments that allow desired movements to take place)
Premotor Cortex -- INPUT
rostral frontal lobe fro planned movement and frontal eye fields

parietal lobe for tactile/visual-spatial information
Supplemental Motor Area
- activated by prefrontal planning areas for more complex motor plans
- essential for complex, sequential actions performed from memory
- lesions to SMA don't produce weakness, but rather APRAXIA
- the SMA sequences movements reuired to peform multistage tastks
Frontal Eye Fields
- controls voluntary saccadic eye movements (not pursuit, which is involuntary)
- R frontal eye field turns eyes to the LEFT, v/v
Prefrontal Cortex
- prefrontal uniquely large in humans
- connect with corresponding opposite hemi
- 2-way connections w/ associational cortex (focus visual attention, e.g.) throughout both hemis
- bilateral lesions may produce AKINETIC MUTISM (not a locked-in syndrome. also no dx significance, not localizing, just descriptive)

- working with other areas, concerned with higher brain functions: abstract thinking, decision making, anticipation, social behavior, personality, executive functions
Frontal Lobe Syndromes
often associate with:
- short temper
- irritability
- poor impulse control
- sociopathic personality (no associations to - what are the consequences of what i do right now)
all have to do with inability to inhibit

Examples of various syndromes:
1. Orbitofrontal syndrome -- DISINHIBITED
2. Frontal convexity syndrome -- APATHETIC
3. Medial frontal syndrome (AKINETIC)
4. Dorsolateral frontal cortex -- impaired planning, strategy, exec fxn; apathy, abulia (lack of will) personality changes -- Phinneas Gage
Frontal Lobe Signs and Tests
- inappropriate social bx (observe dress)

- poor decision making (history)

- akinesia/abulia (observe lack of vol mvmt, loss of will power, akinetic mutism, flat affect)

- impaired shifting of sets - (antisaccade)

-decreased generation of ideas (word fluency)

- frontal release signs (suck, root, grasp)
Summary: Frontal Lobe
- motor
- willful eye mvmt
- planning, executive fxns
Parietal Lobe -- Somesthetic cortex
Areas 3, 1, 2:
Slow adapting receptors (pain, temp)
rapid adapting cutaneous receptors (fine discrim touch)
movement receptors
Input for Somesthetic cortex
- Thalamic projections (somatosensory receptors)
- Callosal fibers (between hemis)
- motor cortex collaterals (e.g. sense of weight)
Output from Somesthetic cortex
- to motor cortex
- opposite somesthetic cortex
- posterior parietal associational cortex
- thalamus (modulate input)
- posterior gray horn of SC (incorporated into pyramidal tract) -- modulates incoming sensory info
Somesthetic ASSOCIATION area
- functions in stereognosis -- making sense; IDing qualities
Angular gyrus
- functionally part of Wernicke's Area
- Projections from visual association areas
- projections ot temporal lobe -- fxn in visual imagery
Posterior parietal
- receives visual associational input
- projects to frontal eye fields and pre-motor
- fxn in covert attention (right more active than left -- perception & spatial awareness)
Inferior parietal
- receives visual assoc and limbic input (emotion, memory)
-fxn in body schema awareness -- lesions may cause neglect or anosognosia
Two functions of parietal association regions
1. serves sensations and perceptions, form a single perception

2. Integrates somatosensory input, usually with visual system -- orient us to our world, spatial surroundings

R parietal predominates for these functions

e.g. old/young woman
Left parietal function
not as imp in spatial relations as RH, for most people
Left parietal fxn -- Gerstmann's syndrome
- Right-Left confusion, agraphia, acalculuia, finger agnosia
(don't memorize!!)
Contralateral Neglect
- damage to R parietal lobe:

- neglect part of body or space (all senses except hearing)
-impaired self0care skills
-diff in making things (constructional apraxia)
- denial of deficits (anosagnosia)
- impaired drawing ability

What patient says does not necessarily indicate how they'll actually perform.

Locus of lesion is not precise.
Parietal Lobe Tests
- optokinetic nystagmus
- double-simultaneous stim (extinction)
- drawing, block designs
- cross-outs
Occipital Lobe
Primary Visual Cortex

- unilateral lesion cause CL hemianopsia
- bilateral lesions cause cortical blindness

Visual assoc cortex
-fxn in visual analysis
- lesions may cause visual agnosia -- impairment in recognizing. Test for recognition by matching.

- Alexia w/o agraphia -- inability to xfer info between hemis. L occipital infarct involving splenium of corpus callosum.
Temporal Lobe: Primary auditory cortex (Heschl's gyrus)
- upper surface of temporal lobe
- tonotopic organization
- each hemisphere responds to stimuli from BOTH ears
Auditory association cortex
Wernicke's area!

- relates to language perception
- R temporal area relatively quiet (mostly in L). R may fxn in NV memory and music appreciation
Seven Components of Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Brocas Area

Primary Motor Cortex

Arcuate fasciculus

Primary auditory cortex

Wernicke's area

Angular gyrus

Primary visual cortex
Conduction Aphasia
Can't repeat back.

Damage to arcuate fasciculus disrupts repetition of speech sounds.
Sensory receptors
- mechanoreceptive (touch, pressure, vibration, position)
- thermoreceptive (hot and cold)
- nociceptive (pain)

Meissners, Ruffini's, Golgi, Pacinian, etc
Pain nerves -- nonadapting (free nerve ending)

Pressure -- slowly adapting (merkel discs,ruffini corpuscles)

Vibration -- rapidly adapting (Pacinian corpuscles)
Two systems of somatosensory pathways
1. Dorsal columns -- FINE DISCRIM TOUCH, position, vibration

2. Ventral-Lateral system -- pain, temp, general touch
(pain and temp - lateral; touch - anterior