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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the regions of the spinal cord?
-cervical enlargement (inferior part of cervical part), supplies innervation to the upper limb
-lumbar enlargement (in lumbosacral part), supplies motor innervation to lower limb
- conus medullaris, caudal end of spinal cord
- cauda equina, a collection of nerve roots located in the inferior vertebral canal
- filum terminale, a thin central fibrous strand of pia mater, connects to coccyx
List the spinal nerve plexuses
1. Cervical plexus (paired), formed by anterior rami of cervical spinal nerves 1-4
2. Brachial plexus (paired), formed by ant rami of C 5-8,
3. Lumbar plexus (paired), formed by ant rami of L 1-4
4. Sacral plexus (paired), formed by ant rami of S 1-4
What spinal nerve plexus innervates the lower limb?
- The lumbar plexus innervates the anterior & medial thigh
- The sacral plexus innervates the rest of the lower limb
List the meninges of the spinal cord (from external to internal)
1. Dura mater - extends into each intervertebral foramen
2. Arachnoid mater - middle meninx, attaches to dura mater & extends into intervertebral foramen
3. Pia mater - Directly attaches to the spinal cord, has paired denticulate ligaments to suspend and anchor spinal cord to dura mater, extends into intervertebral foramen.
List the spaces (true or potential) of the spinal cord meninges
1. Epidural space, separates the dura mater from the periosteal lining of the vertebral canal. Contains epidural fat & the internal vertebral venous plexus.
2. Subdural space - potential space between the dura mater and arachnoid mater.
3. Subarachnoid space - wide interval between arachnoid mater and pia mater. Contains CSF & spinal blood vessels.
Where is the white matter of the spinal cord and what is it?
It forms the superficial region of the spinal cord. It is organized into masses called nerve tracts (ascending or descending from the brain).
Where is the grey matter of the spinal cord and what is it composed of?
It forms the deep "H" region of the spinal cord. Composed of cell bodies and synapses of neurons. Shape varies depending of the region of the spinal cord.
Describe the horns of grey matter in the spinal cord.
2 dorsal/post horns - contain terminal ends of sensory neurons;
2 ventral/ant horns - variable size depending on region, contains cell bodies of motor neurons;
2 lateral horns, only located in thoracic & superior lumbar regions, contain cell bodies of sympathetic neurons
Where is the central canal in the spinal cord?
In the centre of the grey matter.
What is the posterior root of a spinal nerve?
It contains a dorsal root ganglion (which contains the neuronal cell bodies of sensory neurones - pseudounipolar), and contains the the axons of sensory neurones. Rootlets pass into the spinal cord
What is in the anterior root of a spinal nerve?
It contains the axons of motor & autonomic neurons. Unites with the posterior root to form the body of a spinal nerve.
What are the branches of a spinal nerve body?
Posterior/dorsal - small branch, supplies organs of the back
Anterior/ventral - largest branch, supplies most regions of the body anterior to the vertebral column
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there in each region?
Cervical - 8
Thoracic - 12
Lumbar - 5
Sacral - 5
Coccygeal - 1
TOTAL - 31 pairs
How are spinal nerves named?
By the vertebral level above the nerve (except for cervical, in which C1 lies above the axis, C2 above the atlas, etc)
What nerve innervates the thoracic diaphragm and where does it arise from?
The phrenic nerve, which descends down the neck anterior to the scalenus anterior muscle. Arises from the cervical plexus.
What major nerve is located in the arm and where does it arise? Also what medical condition is it related to?
Median nerve, arises from the brachial plexus, located in the median part of antebrachium and cubital regions. Related to carpal tunnel problems.
What major nerves are located in the leg and where do they arise?
Femoral nerve - located in pelvic cavity & anterior thigh; Arises from lumbar plexus.
Sciatic nerve - passes through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the posterior thigh; arises from the sacral plexus.
List the pairs of cranial nerves from the most anteriorly to posteriorly located.
I. Olfactory, II. Optic, III. Oculomotor, IV. Trochlear, V. Trigeminal, VI. Abducens, VII. Facial, VIII. Vestibulocochlear, IX. Glossopharyngeal, X. Vagus, XI. Accessory, XII. Hypoglossal
Which cranial nerves are parasympathetic?
III. Oculomotor, VII. Facial, IX. Glossopharyngeal, X. Vagus
State whether the cranial nerves have sensory (S), Motor (M), or both (B) functions.
I. S,
II. S,
IV. M,
V. B,
X. B
What cranial nerves control them muscles of the eye?
IV. Trochlear = Superior oblique,
VI. Abducens = Lateral rectus,
III. Oculomotor = all other muscles
What are the parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
1. Parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest)
2. Sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response)
What is the parasympathetic system also called and where are the cell bodies of their preganglionic neurones located?
- Craniosacral part/outflow
- Located in the brainstem & travel w/ cranial nerves or in the sacral part of the spinal cord.
What is the sympathetic system also called and where are the cell bodies of their preganglionic neurones located?
- Thoracolumbar part/outflow
- Located in the thoracic & upper lumbar parts of the spinal cord
Where do the sympathetic neurones travel?
There is a chain of sympathetic ganglia on either side of the vertebral column = sympathetic trunk/chain (20-24 ganglia in each chain).
What are the organs controlled ONLY by the sympathetic system?
Sweat glands
Suprarenal glands