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27 Cards in this Set

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How does info travel for sensory(afferent)

1st order-from periphery to SC

2nd order-SC to the thalamus

3rd order- thalamus to SC

How does info travel for motor neuron (efferent)

UMN- cortex to SC

LMN-SC to the muscle or organ

What does the frontal lobe control? And what aphasia

Controls personality

Motor movement

Expressive speech

Brocas aphasia(cant produce speech, can understand you)

What does the occipital lobe do

Controls vision

Allows recognition of size,shape, and color

Parietal lobe?

Controls gross sensation, touch and pressure

Controls fine sensation(determination of texture,wt,size, shape)

Allows reading

Temporal lobe ?

Contains centers for behavior, hearing language reception and understanding

Wernickes area-cant understand your speech, can speak

what does the thalamus do?

Is the relay station for the brain for sensation

What are the 3 levels of brain protection




What structures make up the brainstem

Midbrain, pons and medulla

Name the levels of meninges from superficial to deep




Where does the spinal cord start and stop?

Foramen magnum to conus medullaris at L2

What are the UMN injuries

SC injuries

Multiple sclerosis



What are some LMN injuries

Muscular dystrophy


Mysinia gravis

Peripheal nerve injuries

What bony landmarks are in the Dermatome of C8,C7 and C6

Medial epicondyle &5th digit

3rd digit


What bony landmarks are in the Dermatome of C8,C7 and C6

Medial epicondyle &5th digit

3rd digit


What bony landmarks are in the dermatome of L3,4,5 & S1&2

Greater trochanter

Patella and MM

great toe

LM, prox lateral leg

Plantar foot

Rowdy Therapist Drink Cold Beer

Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches

Erbs palsy

A traction injury to the upper brachial plexus

Burner or stinger syndrome

A hard blow to the head or shoulder, usually temorary

Scapular winging

Injury to the long thoracic nerve that innervates the serratus anterior

Wrist drop

Radial nerve injury

Wrist drop

Radial nerve injury

Ape hand

Loss of thumb opposition from a median nerve injury

Wrist drop

Radial nerve injury

Ape hand

Loss of thumb opposition from a median nerve injury

Claw hand

Loss of intrinsic hand muscles due to ulnar nerve damage

Foot drop

Due to common peroneal nerve damage