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25 Cards in this Set

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What does Anisocoria mean?
unequal pupil size, caused by lesion, injury, or ICP in the mid-brain.
What does Agnosia mean?
inability to determine meaning or significance of sensory stimulus.
What does Apraxia mean?
inability to perform learned movements, defect in motor planning.
What does Aphasia mean?
loss of language faculty (language comprehension, language expression, or both)
What is Analgesia?
Loss of pain sensation.
What does Anesthesia mean?
absence of sensation.
Hyperesthesia-increased sensation.
Hypoesthesia- decreased sensation.
What does Anosognosia mean?
Inability to recognize bodily defect or disease.
(common in Rt. brain stroke)
What does Astereognosis mean?
Inability to recognize form of object by touch.
(e.g. unable to idintify a coin if put in the palm of hand with eyes closed)
What does Ataxia mean?
lack of coordination of movement
(due to lesions of sensory or motor pathways; antiseizure drugs, sedatives, alcohol)
What is Atonic?
absence of muscle tone and contractility, enlarged capacity of bladder with lrg. residual. Inability to voluntarily empty.
(spinal cord injury)
What is Hypotonic bladder dysfunction?
more ability than atonic bladder but less than normal.
(interruped afferent pathways from the bladder)
What is Hypertonic bladder dysfunction?
increase in muscle tone, diminished capacity, reflex emptying, dribbling, incontinence. (lesions in the pyramidal tract;(efferent)
What does Diplopia mean?
double vision.
(lesions affecting nerves of extraocular muscles).
What does Dysarthria mean?
lack of coordination in articulating speech. (lesions in cerebellum or CN's; antisezure drugs, sedatives, alcohol)
What does Dyskinesia mean?
impairment of the power of voluntary movement. (disorders of the basal ganglia, reaction to psychotropic drugs)
What does Dysphagia mean?
difficulty swallowing.
(lesions involving motor pathways of CN 9 and 10, including the brain stem).
What is Extensor plantar response (Babinski's sign)?
upgoing toes with plantar stimulation means (positive Babinski's sign).
What does Homonymous hemianopsia mean?
loss of vision in one side of visual field.
What does Hemiplegia mean?
paralysis on one side.
What does Nystagmus mean?
jerking or bobbing of eyes as they track moving object. (lesions in the cerebellum, brainstem, vestibular system; antiseizure,sedatives,alcohol).
What does Ophthalmoplegia mean?
paralysis of eye muscles.
(lesions in brainstem or
CN 3,4,6).
What does Opisthotonus mean?
extreme arching of back with retraction of head.
(meningitis, tonic phase of grand mal-seizure)
What does Papilledema mean?
"choked disc," swelling of optic nerve head. (IICP)
What does Paraplegia mean?
paralysis of lower extremities.
What does Tetraplegia (quadriplegia) mean?
paralysis of all extremities.