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39 Cards in this Set

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In the patient with a disease that affects the myelin sheath of nerves, such as multiple sclerosis, the glial celss that are affected are the ______?
A state of hypoxia alters the repeated action potentials neccessary for transmission of nerve impulses because energy is required for _____?
maintenance of the resting membrane potential
Drugs or disease that impair the function of the extrapyramidal system may cause loss of _____?
automatic movements associated with skeletal
An obstruction of the anterior cerebral arteries will affect funtions of ____?
judgement, insight, and resoning.
Paralysis of lateral gaze indicates a lesion of cranial nerve ______?
A result of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system is ________?
increase secretion of insulin.
Assesment of muscle strength of older adults cannot be compared with that of younger adults because _______?
aging leads to a decrease in muscle bulk and strength.
Data regarding mobility, strength, coordination, and activity tolerance are important for the nurse to obtain because ______?
many neurologic diseases affect one or more of these areas.
During neurologic testing the patient is able to perceive pain elicted to pinprick. Based on this finding, the nurse may omit testing for ____?
temperature perception
A patient's eyes jerk as they follow the nurse's moving finger. The nurse records this findings as _____?
Of the following patients, the nurse recognizes that the one with the highest risk for a stroke is ____?
a 65 year old African American man with hypertension.
The factor related to cerebral blood flow that most often determines the extent of cerebral damage from a stroke is the ______?
degree of collateral circulation.
Information provided by the patient that would help differentiate a hemorrhagic stroke from a thrombotic stroke includes ______?
sudden onset of severe headache.
A patient with right sided hemiplegia and asphasia resulting from a stroke most likely has involvement of the ______?
left middle cerebral artery.
The nurse explains to the patient with a stroke who is scheduled for angiography that this test is used to determine the ______?
patency of the cerebral blood vessels.
A patient experiencing TIAs is scheduled for a carotid endarterectomy. The nurse explains that this procedure is done to _____?
prevent a stroke by removing atheroslerotic plaques blocking cerebral blood flow.
Nursing management of the patient with hemiplegia during the acute phase of a stroke includes _______?
positioning each joint higher than the proximal joint.
Bladder training in a male patient who has urinary incontinence after a stroke includes ______?
assisting the patient to stand to void.
The most common response of the stroke patient to change in body image is ______?
The nurse plans care for the patient with a migraine headache based on the knowledge that during a migraine the patient is most likely to _____?
withdraw from stimuli.
The triad of symptoms the nurse would expect to find during assessment of the patient with parkinson's disease is ______?
tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia.
During assessment of the patient with ALS, the nurse would expect to find ______?
Muscle weakness and wasting.
The emotional response of the patient with a chronic neurologic disease is often ______?
a result of physical disability and changes in body image.
A major goal of treatment for the patient with a chronic, progressive neurologic disease is ______?
adaption by patient and family to the disease.
Which of the following patients is most at risk for developing delirium _____?
A 78 year old man admitted to the medical unit with complications related to congestive heart failure.
Dementia is defined as a ______?
syndrome characterized by cognitive dysfuntion and loss of memory
Vascular dementia is associated with ____?
cognitive changes secondary to cerebral ischemia.
The clinical diagnosis of dementia is based on ______?
patient history and cognitive assessment.
The early stage of AD is characterized by ______?
memory problems and mild confusion.
A major goal of treatment for the patient with AD is to ______?
maintain patient saftey.
Cretzfeldt-Jakob disease is characterized by _______?
Memory impairment, muscle jerks, and blindness.
During assessment of the patient with trigeminal neuralgia, the nurse should _____?
ask the patient to describe factors that initiate an episode.
During routine assessment of a patient with Guillain-Barre syndrome, the nurse finds the patient to be shor of breath. The patients respiratory distress is caused by ______?
paralysis ascending to the nerves that stimulate the thoracic area.
A patiend is admitted to the ICU with a C7 spinal cord injury and diagnosed with Brown-Sequard syndrome. On physical examination, the nurse would most likely find _______?
ipsilateral motor loss and contralateral sensory loss below C7
A patient is admitted to the hospital with a spinal cord injury following an automoile accident. The nurse recognizes that the pathophysiology of secondary spinal cord injury involves ______?
necrotic destruction of the cord from hemorrhage and edema.
A rehabilitation goal for the patient with an injury at the C5 level includes ______?
driving an electric wheelchair.
A patient with a C7 spinal cord injury undergoing rehabilitiation tells the nurse he must have the flu because he has a bad headache and nausea. The initial action of the nurse is to ______?
take the patient's blood pressure.
For a 65 year old female patient who has lived with a T1 spinal cord injury for 20 years, the nurse would emphasize the following health teaching information: ______?
A mammogram is needed every year.
The most common early symptom of spinal cord tumor is ________?
back pain that worsens with activity