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20 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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what does the central nervous system consist of
spinal cord
what does the peripheral nervous system consist of
-how many of each
cranial nerves (12)
spinal nerves (31)
what does the autonomic nervous system consist of
what are the three sections of the brain above the spinal cord in order from top to bottom
mesencephalon (mid-brain)
what does the prosencephalon and rhombencephalon consist of
prosencephalon: telencephalon, diencephalon
rhombencephalon: metencephalon, myelencephalon
parts of telencephalon
-telencephalon is also known as
-cerebral cortex (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital)
-basal ganglia
-limbic system

parts of diencephalon
-epithalamus (pineal gland)
parts of metencephalon
parts of myelencephalon
medulla oblangata
layers of brain from skin down
dura matter
arachnoid matter
pia matter
what does the meninges consist of from top to bottom
dura matter
arachnoid matter
pia matter
what is the gyrus; what are sulcus
-gyrus is the ridge on the cerebral cortex
-sulcus are the grooves in the gyrus of the cerebral cortex
on the spinal cord, what side are the sensory and motor nuerons located on
sensory = dorsal
motor = ventral
define gray matter
nerve cells, their processes, and synapses between nerve cells; glial cells
white matter
myelinated axons grouped in bundles
what functions do the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lopes have
frontal - motor, intellectual function
parietal - sensory functions, taste
temporal - hearing, speech, smell, memory
occipital - vision
what does the basal ganglia do
motor areas of cortex and cerebellum; muscle tone, posture
what does the limbic system do
emotional behavior
what do the pons and cerebellum do
pons - alertness; function of cerebellum and motor control
cerebellum - movement, muscle tone, coordination
what does the medulla oblongata do
"vegetative functions" - respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive