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40 Cards in this Set

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Bundles of peripheral nerve fibers held together by several layers of connective tissues
Surrounding each nerve fiber is a delicate layer of fibrous CT
Bundles of fiber called fasicles held together by CT
Within the central nervous system bundles of nerves fibers are called
Bundles of mylelinated fibers make-up the so-called
White matter or white substance
Cell bodies and unmylelinated fibers make up the darker
Gray matter or gray substance
In peripheral nerves, similar regions of gray matter are more often called
Mixed nerves contain
Sensory -afferent and motor-efferent
Name the step to repair peripheral nerve fiber
There is a slight excess of positive ions on the outside of the membrane and a slight excess of negative ions on th inside of the membrane. This results in a difference in electrical charges called
Membrane Potential
The magnitude of potential difference between 2 sides of polarized membrane is measured in
Volts (V) or millivolts (mV)
The membrane potential maintained by a nonconducting neuron's plasma membrane is called
Resting membrane potential (RMP)
Sodium Potassium Pump
It moves 3 sodium ions out of a neuron for every 2 potassium ions it moves into it.
Because more positive ions are pumped out than brought in what type of charge develops inside the cell?
Negative charge
A slight shift away from the RMP in a specific region of the plasma membrane is often called
Local Potential
Movement of the membrane potential toward zero is called
Movement of the membrane potential away from zero
Because the magnitude of deviation from the RMP is proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus local potential are called
Graded Potential
The membrane potentail of an active neuron one that is conducting and impulse is called
Action Potential
Action Potential is often called
Nerve impulse
Name 5 steps in Action Potential
Depolarization occurs when
Na+ channels open allowing Na+ to move in an area of lower concentration
Repolarization occurs when
K+ channels then open allowing K+ to move toa an area of lower concentratrion outside the cell
Resting membrane Typi9cal Voltage
-70 mV
Threshold Potential Typical Voltage
-59 mV
Action Potentail Typical Voltage
+30 mV
Speed of nerve conduction depends on diameter and on the presense or absence of
Myelin sheath
Brief peroid lasting approx half a millisecond during whicdh a local area of a neurons membrane resist restimulation and will not respond to a stimulus no matter how strong
Absolute Refractory Peroid
Time during which the membrane is repolarized and is restoring the resting membrane potential: the few milliseconds after the absolute refractoru peroid membrane will respond to a very strong stimulus
Relative Refractory Peroid
Place where signals are transmitted from one neuron called the
Presynaptic Neuron
Two types of Synapses
Electrial Synapses and chemical synapses
Occur where cells joined by gap junctions allow an action potential to simply continue along the postsynaptic membrane and they are found in cardiac muscle and single-unit smooth muscle
Electrical synapse
Chemical transmitter called a neurotransmitter to send a signal from the presynaptic cell to the postsynaptic cell is called
Chemical Synapse
Tiny bulge at the end of a terminal brance pf a resynaptic neuron axon is called
Synaptic Knob
The space between a synaptic knob and the plasma membrane of a postsynaptic neuron is called
Synaptic Cleft
Postsynaptic can only be found
Muscle, gland or another neuron
Adding together the effects of several knobs being activated simultaneously and stimulating different locations on the postsynaptic membrane producing an action potential is what type of summation
When synaptic knobs stimulate a postsymptic neuron in rapid succession their effects can summate over a brief period to produce an action potential
Temporal Summation
Function is determined by the postsynaptic receptors not the neurotransmitters themselves are called
Neurotransmitters are known as
Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, Dopamine & Serotonin