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51 Cards in this Set

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What is the function/organization of the somatic system?

Movement of voluntary muscles

What is the function/organization of the autonomic system?

Responsible for movement of internal organs such as heart rate, digestion, pupillary response, etc.

What is the function/organization of the sympathetic system?

Division of autonomic system; stimulates fight-or-flight response

What is the function/organization of the parasympathetic system?

Division of autonomic system; stimulates feed-and-breed, slower response

NEURONS (you know this)

What is the function of the cerebrum?

Sophisticated integration, memory, speech, emotions, complex behavioural response

What is the function of the cerebellum?

Coordination, learning and muscle memory

What is the function of the pons?

Controls breathing

What is the function of the medulla oblongata?

Controls breathing, circulation, swallowing, digestion

What is the function of the hypothalamus?

Homeostatic center, controls pituitary, circadian rhythms

How does one identify unmyelinated and myelinated neurons?

Unmyelinated: grey matter

Myelinated: white matter

What occurs during a reflex arc?

Signals pass directly from a sensory neuron to an interneuron in the spinal chord to a motor neuron without being integrated by the brain

What is the function of the sclera?
Tough outer coat of eye

What is the function of the cornea?

Functions as a window to the iris/pupil, shares protective characteristics with sclera

What is the function of the iris?

Controls light levels inside the eye by contracting or relaxing

What is the function of the pupil?

Hole in center of iris that allows light to pass into eye

What is the function of the lens?

bends to change focal distance

If a person is far-sighted, what type of lens will their glasses need?


Farsighted: Convex (thicker in middle)

Nearsighted: Concave (thinner in middle)

What is the function of the choroid?

Lies between retina and sclera, composed of blood vessels that nourish the eye

What is the function of the ciliary muscle?

Relaxes or tightens to change the shape of the lens

Contracts: moves toward center, relaxes lens to be more spherical for short-distance sight

Relaxes: moves further from center, pulls lens to be flatter for long-distance sight

What is the function of the retina?

Contains rods and cones for light interpretation

What is the function of the fovea centralis?

Center of vision, where the lens focuses the light

What is the function of the optic nerve?

To bring signals from rods and cones to occipital lobe for interpretation

What is the pathway of light through the eye?

Cornea, aqueous humour, pupil, lens, vitreous humour, rods and cones, optic nerve, occipital lobe

What is the function of the pinna?

Directs soundwaves into auditory canal

What is the function of the auditory canal?

brings sound toward middle ear

What is the function of the tympanum?

Causes vibrations in middle ear; separates outer and middle ear

What is the function of the ossicles and what are their names in order?

Converts vibrations into solid vibrations; hammer, anvil, stirrup

What is the function of the cochlea?

Contains organ of Corti, allows for vibrations to convert to electrical signal

What is the function of the organ of Corti?

Contain sensory hair cells that convert vibrations into electrical signal

What is the function of the auditory nerve?

Sends nerve signals to temporal lobe for interpretation

What is the function of the semi circular canals?

Controls balance

What is the function of the Eustachian tube?

Maintains equal pressure within ear

What is the pathway of sound through the ear?

Pinna, auditory canal, ear drum, stapes, oval window, cochlea, auditory nerve

What is the function of the occipital lobe?


What is the function of the temporal lobe?

Smell, hearing, auditory association

What is the function of the frontal lobe?

Speech, emotions, logic, higher-level thinking

What is the function of the parietal lobe?

Speech, taste, somatosensory cortex, reading

In what are the following endocrine glands placed from top to bottom on a diagram?

Hypothalamus, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands, parathyroid, pituitary gland

Hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas

What is the function of TSH?

Causes thyroid to secrete T3 and T4 to reuglate metabolism

What is the function of thyroxine?

Controls metabolism, heart and digestive function, muscle control, bone maintanance

What is the function of calcitonin?

Lowers calcium levels by stimulating deposition in bones and reducing uptake by kidneys

What is the function of parathyroid hormone?

Raises calcium levels by stimulating release from bones and uptake in kidneys and intestines

What is the function of ACTH?

Stimulates the adrenal cortes to secrete corticosteroids

What is the function of cortisol?

regulates blood sugar levels, responds to stress levels

What is the function of insulin?

Lowers glucose levels

What is the function of glucagon?

Raises glucose levels

What is the function of hGH?

Stimulates mitosis and growth

What is the function of ADH?

Retains water by promoting retention in kidneys

What is the function of epinephrine?


Increase heart rate, raises blood pressure, reduces swelling

The opposite :)

What is the function of aldosterone?

Causes retention of water and sodium, increasing blood volume