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64 Cards in this Set

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If Gustation and olfaction both detect chemicals from the environment, why do we need both?
None of the above
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Information from the temporal retinas does or does not cross over to the opposite side of the brain.
does not
A single photon of green light would cause the greatest response if it strikes...
A rod
The pupillary light reflex causes what?
Changes in lighting intensity to be perceived as less than what is actually occurring
If you tilted the head to the left what would happen?
As the head is tilted to the left, the eyes would rotate in their sockets to the right
Which refracts light first the cornea or the lens?
The cornea refracts light before the light is refracted by the lens
The fovea..... list 3 things
Does not work in low light conditions.
has ganglion cells w/ very SMALL receptive fields
Is NOT in the center of the optic disc, its off to the side.
If a Jasmine wanted to focus on a near object she would have to...
contract her ciliary muscles to allow her lens to become round.
Do axons of ganglion cells pass through the optic disc?
Yes! Its True
Potoreceptors are the only cells that can respond to light that can be consciously perceived. T or F
Ganglion cells are the only cells that can carry?
Visual information out of the eye
Rods are more sensitive to light than are cones. T or F
In the dark, ON-bipolar cells are inhibited by photoreceptors T or F
A simple cell which responds most to a vertical bar of light...
does not respond as well to a horizontal bar of light because of less spatial summation.
Are there more than 4 basic tastes?
T or F?
Taste receptor cells don't have axons.
Taste receptor cells release neurotransmitter when excited.
Taste receptor cells respond to more than one basic taste.


Olfactory receptor cells have dendrites in the nasal cavity and axon terminals in the brain cavity. T or F
Odorants must diffuse through a mucus layer before being detected. T or F
cGMP is broken down in the transduction pathway for olfaction? T or F
False, ATP is changed to cAMP
Umami taste is the perception of glutamate in the saliva. T or F
Olfactory receptor cells are derived from basal cells? T or F
It is possible for a primary gustatory afferent neuron to respond to more than one basic taste. T or F
True, the gustatory afferent neuron is responding to all the glutamate that is being made my the taste receptor cells, wether it is salty or sweet.
Where is the Fovea located?
its a dimple just beside the optical nerve
The Vagus nerve carries taste information from the back of the throat. T or F
True or False? The periphery of your visual field is more sensitive to light than is the center of your vision.
True or False? Ganglion cells are closer to incoming light than are bipolar cells of the retina.
The ganglion cell that responds to light in the center is a?
On center recepterfield cell
The ganglion cell that responds to dark in the center is a?
Off Center recepterfield cell.
All taste information must pass through the Gustatory Nucleus before it can be perceived. T or F
T or F?
The glossopharyngel nerve carries taste information from the front 1/3 of the tongue?
The facial nerve carries taste information from the middle 1/3 of the tongue?
The vagus nerve carries taste info from the back 1/3 of the tongue?
F from the back
F 2/3 from the front
F from the throat
T or F?
Taste buds are hollow cavities that contain taste receptor cells.
A single odorant receptor cannot bind to all types of odorant molecules. T or F?
Olfactory receptor cells do not produce mucus. T or F?
T or F?
To smell an object it is not necessary for a molecule from that object to be in contact with you.
False, it needs to touch olfactory receptors cells
T or F? A molecule detected through gustation will always be detected through olfaction as well.
While olfaction make use of population coding, gustation does not. T or F?
False, it does as well
Umami taste is sensing of?
The cornea bends light to help focus an image on the retina. T or F?
T or F?
Cerebral spinal fluid normally flows between the pia and arachnoid mater.
T or F?
A subdural hematoma is when blood accumulates between the dura mater and the skull.
False it is between the dura and the arachnoid.
T or F?
A rod can respond to more colors of visible light than can a green cone.
True, were talking about visible light, rods detect all light, cones detect spacific light.
T or F?
In the light, photoreceptors are hyperpolarized, and OFF-bipolar cells are depolarized.
What would happen if a person's photoreceptors could not produce any cGMP?
They could not detect any darkness because everything would appear light.
A person born with no blue or red cones....
Would detect a limited range of colors.
Bitter 2 is the only taste transduction pathway that does not use Ca2+ channels. T or F
True, it uses vessicles in the cell
Visual stimuli is sent to which part of the brain through the hypothalymus?
The Occipital lobe, located at the back of the brain
What is the part of the brain that deals with vital autonomic functions?
Pons located just below the brain and just above the spinal cord
Motor functions are sent from what part of the brain?
Frontal lobe
Auditory information is received by what part of the brain?
The Temporal Lobe
Sensory information will enter the dorsal part of the spinal cord. T or F?
Afferent (info into) neurons have their cell bodies just outside the spinal cord. T or F?
Blood accumulating between the dura and the arachnoid mater is a?
Subdural hematoma
If voltage gated Ca2+ channels in taste cells were all destroyed you would?
lose all but some bitter taste sensation.
Olfactory receptors are true neurons with axons extending through the bottom of the skull. T or F?
Are olfactory receptor cells replaced and if so how often and by what?
Yes they are replaced every 4 to 8 weeks and basal cells are made into these cells.
What do olfactory support cells do?
secret mucus which is replaced every 10 min.
The optic disc is the only way for visual information to leave the eye. T or F?
True, the optic disk is the "black hole" your vision fills in since there is no rods or cones in this area for vision.
Does the fovea have cones or rods?
Where is the fovea located?
a small dimple in the center of the retina.
The fovea has bipolar and ganglion cells pushed out of the way to create a clearer path for light. T or F
True, they are slanted
A person with an elongated eyeball would...
be far sighted and would see things easier that were far away.
In the light, photoreceptors ______ and ON center bipolar cells are _________.
hyperpolerized, depolarized
Typically light must first pass through ganglion and bipolar cells before hitting photoreceptors. T or F
False, light will hit them first but they don't function until the photoreceptors send them information.
If a person has a stroke which destroys their thalamus which sense would be left most intact?
Touch because vision, smell, and taste all come from the thalamus.