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44 Cards in this Set

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Workup for AG metabolic acidosis
-Check for Ketonuria
-If negative ketones check for lactate: lactic acidosis
uremia: renal failure
tox screen: Methanol, ethylene glycol,(OG greater than 10) salicylates, paraldehyde(OG less than 10)
Causes of anion gap metabolic acidosis
DKA, alcohol
Lactic Acid in shock, infection, hypoxia
Renal Failure
Salicylates, ethylene glycol, methanol
Causes of non anion gap metabolic acidosis
Renal Tubular Acidosis
Addison's Disease
Pancreatic Fistulae
Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis
Type 1 RTA pathophysiology
Defective Distal H+ secretion
Type 2 RTA
Decreased Proximal Reabsorption of HCO3
Fanconi's Multiple Myeloma Amyloidosis, Acetazolamide
Type 4 RTA
Decreased Renin -Diabetic Nephropathy, NSAIDs, Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
Decreased Aldosterone Synthesis
ACEI, ARB, Heparin, Adrenal Disorders

Decreased response to Aldosterone
Potassium Sparing Diuretics, TMP-SMX, Tacrolimus
Etiology of Non anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
Addison's Disease
Pancreatic Fistulae
Etiology of Metabolic Alkalosis
K depletion
Base Ingestion
Anion Gap
Unmeasured Anions- Unmeasured Cations
Normal is 10-18
Treatment of Hyponatremia
Free Water Restrict
Remove Stimulus for ADH: Volume Replete,
Treat Pulmonary Pathology
Normal Saline useful only to Rx volume depletion
Tx of Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
Normal Saline
Tx of Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
Free water restrict +/- diuresis
Free water restrict+ rx underlying cause
If symptomatic hyponatremia or failure to increase Na
Hypertonic Saline plus loop diuretic
Consider Demeclocycline
Causes of SIADH
Pulmonary Pathology: pneumonia, asthma, COPD, SCLC, positive pressure ventilation
Intracranial Pathology: Trauma, stroke, hemorrhage, tumors, infection
Drugs: Carbamazepine, Chlorpropramide, TCA, Cyclophosphamide, Opiates
Miscellaneous: Pain, Nausea, post op state
Hypovolemic Hypernatremia
Uncontrolled DM, Mannitol
Diarrhea, Insensible
Euvolemic Hypernatremia
Diabetes Insipidus
Hypervolemic Hypernatremia
Hypertonic Saline Administration
Workup in Hypernatremia
Volume Status :
If hypovolemic determine whether renal(Uosm 300-600; Una >20) or extrarenal(Uosm>600; Una<20) losses
If Euvolemic check Uosm to evaluate for complete or partial DI
Treatment of Hypernatremia
Replete free H20 deficit(formula)
Recheck sodium frequently
Restore access to H20
Correct Volume Status
-Hypovolemic hypernatremia: 1/4 or 1/2 NS
-Hypervolemic hypernatremia: D5W plus loop diuretic
Treat central DI with Desmopressin
Treat Nephrogenic DI by treating underlying cause if possible
ADH deficiency(central) or renal ADH resistance(nephrogenic)
Causes of Central DI
Trauma, surgery, hemorrhage, infection, tumour, hypoxia
Causes of Nephrogenic DI
Drugs: Lithium, amphotericin, demeclocycline, foscarnet
Metabolic: Hypercalcemia, Severe Hypokalemia
Tubulointerstitial: Polycystic, sickle cell, sjogren's
Treatment of Central DI
Treatment of Nephrogenic DI
Treat underlying cause if possible; salt restriction+thiazide diuretics
Greater than 3 L urine output per day
Causes of polyuria
Osmotic diuresis(uncontrolled DM, mannitol, urea) or water diuresis
Workup for Polyuria
Perform a timed urine collection and measure Uosm
24hr osmole excretion rate=24hr UOP x Uosm
>1000 mOsm/day=osmotic diuresis
<800 mOsm/day=water diuresis
Etiology of Osmotic Diuresis
Uncontrolled DM
Urea: recovering ARF, high protein feeds(TPN, tube feeds), GI bleed, corticosteroids
NaCl administration
Treatment of Osmotic Diuresis
Address underlying cause, replace free water deficit if present
How to replace free water deficit
Via IVF or enteral feeds
Free H20 deficit formula
Correct serum Na at rate of <0.5 mEq/l/hr to avoid cerebral edema
Water Diuresis Etiology
DI or primary polydipsia
Workup of DI
Uosm: Partial 300-600 Complete <300
Water Deprivation test
Water Deprivation Test
Deprive until Posm>295 and Uosm<300, then administer Desmopressin--
if Uosm increases by > 50%=central DI
if Uosm unchanged=nephrogenic DI
Tx of DI
Central: Desmopressin

Nephrogenic: treat underlying cause if possible ; salt restriction plus thiazide diuretics
Type 1 RTA Etiology
Sjogren's, SLE, Hepatitis, Nephrocalcinosis, mm
Type 2 RTA
Decreased proximal reabsorption of HCO3; Etiology:Fanconi's, amyloidosis, MM, acetazolamide
Type 4 RTA
Etiology: Decreased Renin due to Diabetic Retinopathy, NSAIDs, Chronic Interstitial Nephritis
Decreased Aldo synthesis: ACEI, ARBs, heparin, primary adrenal disorders
Decreased Response to Aldosterone
Potassium sparing diuretics, TMP-SMX, tacrolimus, tubulointerstitial disease
S/S Hyponatremia
CN palsies
Decreased DTRS
What can be done to prevent amphotericin b nephrotoxicity?
Salt loading may be beneficial in renal vasoconstriction caused by amphotericin B since volume expansion decreases the release of vasoconstrictors and increases the secretion of the vasodilators. In salt loading, 1 liter of isotonic saline is given over the 60 minutes prior to amphotericin B administ
Lipid-based formulations (liposomal amphotericin B) can also be used.
Treatment of Hyperkalemia
1. Calcium Gluconate 1-2 amps IV
2. Insulin 10 Units IV+1-2 amps D50W
3. Bicarbonate 1-3 amps IV
4. B2 agonists albuterol
5. Kayexalate 30-90 g PO
6. Diuretics Furosemide 80 mg IV
7. Hemodialysis
Defn of Acute Renal Failure
Acute deterioration in renal function manifesed by increased Cr. Cr>20% baseline if baseline 2.5 mg
What is florinef
What is Midodrine
Alpha 1 agonist used in orthostatic hypotension