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50 Cards in this Set

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All pts w/ a postive FOBT need?
What is the most specific and sensitive for colorectal cancer?
Colonoscopy(also diagnostic and therapeutic)
m/c site of distant spread of colorectal cancer?
Which has higher malignancy? Tubular or villous?
m/c/c of large bowel obstruction in adults?
pencil like stools in?
L sided colon cancer
Radiation therapy is used in colon cancer. T/F
F, it's used in rectal cancer
M/c nonneoplastic polyp?
Hyperplastic(metaplastic) polyp
Most sensitive for diagnosing pancreatic cancer
Test used to determine spread of pancreatic cancer
Tumor markers for pancreatic cancer
CA 19-9, CEA
Describe the whipple's procedure
Removal of half the stomach, gall bladder, cystic duct, CBD, duodenum, head of pancreas, prox jejunum, regional lymph nodes. The jejunum is then attached to the stomach and the hepatic duct is attached to the jejunum
What arteries supply the pancreas?
Celiac & superior mesenteric artery
What forms behind the pancreatic neck?
Portal vein
Pancreatic juice is under control of?
Vagus nerve, CCK, secretin
m/c type of pancreatic cancer
ductal adenocarcinomas
m/c complication after whipple's procedure
pancreatic fistula
Billroth I
distal stomach attached to the jejunum
Billroth II
greater curvature attached to the jejunum
Arteries that supply the stomach
Celiac, proper and common hepatic, splenic
Stomach is innervated by?
Vagus nerve
Standard of diagnosis for bladder cancer?
m/c bladder cancer
transitional cell carcinoma
RF for TCC
smoking, cyclophosphamide exp, arylamine exp
Benign gastric tumors?
Hyperplastic, fundic gland, adenomatous polyps
what artery provides blood supply to the bladder?
internal iliac
Initial staging for bladder cancer?
TURBT(transurethral resection of bladder tumor)
Radical cystectomy for M & F?
M: remove prostate, seminal vesicle; F: remove uterus, cervix, ovaries
radical cystectomy is followed by what procedure
urinary diversion by ileal conduit
M/c site of distant mets for prostate cancer?
2 serum markers used for prostate cancer
PSA & phosphatase
Initial dx test for prostate cancer
U/S guided needle biopsy
Chx of psa produced by cancer
bound by plasma proteins
What is PVR? What dz state is it seen in & what volume is indicative of such a dz?
Postvoid residual. BPH. 50-100mL
Medical management of BPH
alpha blockers, 5 alpha reductase inhibitors(finasteride)
Surgical management of BPH
what type of NSCLC has the lowest association w/ smoking?
superior vena cava syndrome is m/c a/w what kind of cancer
RF for malignancy for a solitary pulmonary nodule?
>1cm, indistinct borders, increasing age, documented growth
popcorn calcification indicative of?
RF for hepatic adenomas
F using OC's for >5yrs w/ high amts of estrogen
In regards to HCC, what is the finding on CT?
hypervascularity on arterial phase
What level of AFP is considered dx of HCC?
tumor markers for nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
beta-HCG, AFP, LDH
Management for nonseminomatous germ cell tumors include?
Radical inguinal orchiectomy, RPLND
What else is proven to be effective in testicular cancer?
Radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Types of non-germ cell tumors
leydig cells(hormonally active), sertoli cells
What is used to confirm the dx of esophageal cancer?
Upper endoscopy w/ biopsy & brush cytology
Penetration into the muscularis propia
Stage B1 colorectal cancer
Penetration through the muscularis propia
Stage B2 colorectal cancer