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93 Cards in this Set

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Bones of the Cranium:
frontal, occipital, sphenoid, 2 parietal, 2 temporal
Gaps between sutures covered with membranes that are used as acoustic windows are ____.
What fontanel is used the most?
the anterior fontanel
When does the anterior fontanel close?
b/t a yr and 18 months
The posterior fontanel closes at ____ months.
What is the main reason for doing neonatal cranial ultrasound?
What does TORCH stand for?
toxoplasmosis, other, rubella, cytomegalo virus, and herpesynplex
An initial neonatal ultrasound is within ____ hrs if symptomatic.
48 hrs
There is a 6 week scan for ____.
What is PVL?
To do an axial scan you are on the ____ bone.
What are 4 alternative acoustic windows?
encephaloceles, myelomeningoceles, cranium, and foramen magna
By day ____, CNS development begins as the ____ ____.
17, neural plate
Grey matter is ____ tissue.
White matter is made of ____.
What is the structural functional unit of the brain?
grey matter
A membrane covering the neural tubes is the _____.
What are the 3 neural tube layers?
outer- dura
middle- arachnoid
inner- pia
The pia mater is adhered to the ____.
The lining within the tube's cavity is the ____.
What is the embryonic cell network?
germinal matrix
The germinal matrix is within the ____.
The ____ ____ is fragile and forms an adult pattern at 3 months.
germinal matrix
The evolution of the neural tubes results in what three parts of the brain?
prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), and rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
The central cavity becomes the ____ ____.
ventricular system
What 2 parts are included in the prosencephalon?
telencephalon & diencephalon
What 2 parts are included in the rhombencephalon?
metencephalon & myelencephalon
Masses of grey matter are called the ____ ____.
basal ganglia
What is the largest part of the basal ganglia?
the caudate nucleus
What structures are included within the basal ganglia?
caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, claustrum, and thalamus
Connecting bands of white matter are the ____.
What is the largest commisure?
corpus callosum
What is the location of the corpus callosum?
parallels the CSP
What are the 5 parts of the lateral ventricles?
central body, frontal horn, occipital horm, temporal horn, atrium (trigone)
What is the largest part of the lateral ventricles?
atrium (trigone)
What forms the trigone?
the central body, occipital horn & temporal horn
Paired egg-shape structures connected in the middle by a bridge of tissue are the ____.
The ____ ____ is included w/in the thalamus.
massa intermedia
The massa intermedia runs across/through the ____ ____.
third ventricle
What is the choroid plexus insertion site?
caudothalamic groove
The germinal matrix is ____ to the caudothalamic groove.
What connects the lateral ventricle to the 3rd ventricle?
the foramen of monroe
What structures are included within the mesencephalon (midbrain)?
aqueduct of sylvius, tectum, and cerebral peduncles
What connects the 3rd ventricle to the 4th ventrice?
Aqueduct of sylvius (cerebral aqueduct)
What connects the midbrain to the hindbrain?
cerebral peduncles
The cerebral peduncles are continuous w/ the ____ ____.
cerebral hemispheres
The myelencephalon is the ____ ____.
spinal cord
The ____ also connects the midbrain to the hindbrain.
What 5 structures are located within the rhombencephalon?
pons, medulla, cerebellum, 4th ventricle and tentorium
The nerve fibers cross the ____.
The 4th ventricle arises from the ____ ____.
central cavity
The 4th ventricle is ____ to the cerebellum.
The ____ separates the cerebellum from the cerebrum and is V-shaped.
What does the cerebellum consist of?
the vermis (central lobe) and 2 lateral lobes
What 3 structures are part of the 4th ventricle?
aqueduct of sylvius, apperatures of luska, foramen of magendie
The only openings in the 4th ventricle from the ventricular systems to the rest of the CNS are the:
apperatures of Luska
The apperatures of luska are ____ openings from the 4th ventricle.
What does the foramen of magendie do?
let's CSF out
The foramen of magendie is a ____ opening from the 4th ventricle.
Double parallel echogenic lines on a neonatal US indicate the ____ ____.
corpus callosum
Agenesis of the corpus callosum appears as a ____ ____ sign on US.
bat wing
T or F. The CSP is not part of the ventricular system- it is just a space.
T or F. You can't see the 3rd ventricle unless it's dilated.
The ____ ____ can only be seen w/ a dilated 3rd ventricle.
massa intermedia
The ____ ____ ____ has a x-mas tree shape on neonatal US.
quadrigeminal plate cistern
Why is the quadrigeminal plate cistern echogenic?
because it has many vessels
The quadrigeminal plate cistern is superior to the ____.
what occupies the inferior concavity of the lateral ventricles?
What are included in the paraventricular structures?
caudate nucleus, caudothalamic groove, and lateral ventricles
The caudate nucleus is anterior to the ____.
The caudate nucleus is lateral to the ____ ____.
frontal horns
What is the choroid plexus insertion sites?
the caudothalamic grooves
The first part of the lateral ventricles to dilate is the ____ ____.
occipital horn
A normal occipital horn = ____ mm.
16 mm
What is the thickest part of the choroid plexus?
Y-shaped structures where the brain is closing are the ____ ____.
sylvian (lateral) fissures
Areas next to the ventricles that aren't seen on US but are related to hydrocephalus are the ____ ____.
pyramidal tracts
There is never any choroid plexus in the ____ ____.
frontal horn
The most echogenic structure in the normal brain is the ____ ____.
choroid plexus
The MCA is located within the ____ ____.
sylvian fissure
A shallow groove is the ____ ____.
singulate sulci
An anterior structure b/t the frontal horns is the ____.
The tentorium separates these 2 structures?
cerebellum from the cerebrum
What are other names for a germinal matrix bleed?
grade 1 hemorrhage, subepidemal bleed
This part of the primitive brain gives rise to the 3rd ventricle?
forebrain- diencephalon
Name the inner lining of the primitive ventricle?
What is the covering of the neural tube & what does it become?
it is the mesenchyma and becomes the dura, arachnoid and pia mater
Where does the caudate nucleus lie?
posterior to the thalamus
The massa intermedia is located here:
w/in the 3rd ventricle, not routinely seen
What is a posterior extension of the CSP?
cavum vergae
Thickest part of the choroid plexus?
What is the most common place for hemorrhage?
caudo-thalamic groove
Where are the singulate sulci found?
midline, crossing the falx