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38 Cards in this Set

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why is airway clearance impt?
assistance in airway clearing becomes impt when the airway is impaired or ineffective
As mucus increase in the airways, obstruction occurs leading to
air trapping**atelectasis**Ineffcetive gas exchange** Inflammation **Infection
What are some indicatiosn that a pt needs airway clearnace
increased rention of secretion, aspiration, prophylaxis,

prevents ateleclasis, infection, barotrauma, air trapping
list some contradindications and hazards of airway clearance
pulmonary hemmorhage, excessive agitation or hypoemia, feeding within 1 hr, history of reflux, untreated pneumo, CHF
What are the 5 techniques used in airway clear.?
Postitive Expiratory Pressure (PEP)
Forced Exhalation Technique (FET)
Autogenic Drainage
High Freq Chest Compression
Flutter Valve Therapy
how are aerosolized drug therapies delivered
small volume nebulizer, large volume nebulizer, metered dose inhaler, dry powder inhaler
With aerosolized drug therapy an effective tx depends on?
size and amount of particles produced, characteristics of particles, anatomy of airway, pts' ventilatory pattern
What type of nebulizer is used in a stsuts asthamticus pt
What are some advantages of SVN
requires little pt corrnidtaion, can be used in acute distress or with reduced inspirtaory flows & volumes, allows modifcation of drug
Disadvantages of SVN
expensive, less easily transported, must clean and prepare, dose in inefficient, delivers a cold wet spray
Advantages of MDI
very portable, provide effiecnt drug delivery, require a very short prep and delivery time
Disadvantages of MDI
diffu. coordination, fixed rug concentation, limited choice of drugs, possible rxn to the propellants used.
Advantages of DPI
limited hand -breath corrdination is needed, no propellants are used, drug doses are easily counted
Disadvantages of DPI
limited # of drugs, possible irrtation of airway from the dry powder
There are 3 categoried that aerosolized drugs fall into what are they?
broncholdilators, Mucolytics, Steroids
What class of drug would you give a premature infant- decreased breath sounds, decreased chest expansion, presence of wheezes & retractions , increased RR, nasal flaring and grunting
what class of aerolozed therapy do you give a pt with presence of thick secretions that are difficult for the pt to expel
What type of aerosolized therapy do you give a pt that had infalmmatory process that is present- BPD or asthma
What are some hazards assocaited with SVN Therapy
Nosocomial INfection, medictaion side effects, drug reconcentartion, ventilator malfunction, excessive noise
What are some indications for SX
need to remove secretions, after CPT, ETT tube q 4-6

** Sx must be done 20 min prior ro ABG****
What type of equip,. is needed to SX
cardiac, oxygen sat, sethoscope, resuscitation bag and mask with O2 source, Sterile saline for lavage, suction catheter kit, water soluble jelly
In neonates the Sx regulator should be set at

pediatric pts
-50 to -80 mmhg

-80 to 100 mmhg
WHen Sx a neonate how long should it take
10 seconds
5 second suctioing
What are some hazards of Sx
bradycardia, hypoxemia, musocsal damge, atelectasis, airway contamnation, accidental extubation
skin will not appear cynatoic until ________ gm of Hgb becomes destaurtaed
5 gm
What are some hazards of O2 therapy
retinopathy of prematurity, O2 toxcity leading to BPD, Cerebral Vasocnstriion, Fire Hazard
The FiO2 blender can acheive concentarions of what
When using an oxygen alalyzer its hould be calibrated to what and how oftern should they be done?
calibrated to RA and to 100 %
Calibrations should be done at least every 8 hours
What are the characteristics of a low flow humidifer?
designed for flows 10 L/min or less, supplies a relatively small amt of humdity, does not heat the gas, allows the gas to bubble up through a reservoir of sterile H2O
What are some Characteristics of a high flow Humidifer
flows > 10 L/min
Provides a fully saturated gas at a desired temp
**passover humidifer**
What is an O xygen hood and what FIO2 % does it provide
clear hard plastic hood that fits over the infants head, provides O2 enriched environment for pt provide FIO2 less than 50%
what is the typicla flow used on a neonate via nasal cannula
< 1 L/min
What is the purpose of an Oxygen Tent
Provide an O2 enriched, cool mist to the pt environment for the Tx of croup & other airway swellings
When is an O2 tent most commonly used
for croup
What is the purpose of a incubatory
provide a temp controlled, quiet environment, allows direct flow of O2, [ ] of O2 depneds on liter flow of O2 into the venturi
What is the main problem with the Incubator
constant opening of doors and portholes- makes for diffculty to maintains [ ]'s
What are the 2 type of Resusciation bags
self inflating
flow rating
what is a flow rating bag
Rt provides the % of O2 that is used to power them, FiO2's of 100 % can be achieved by using pure O2 to inflate the bag