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59 Cards in this Set

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where is the only complete ring in the trachea?

cricoid cartilage
what level is the hyoid bone at?
what level is the thyroid cartilage at?


what level is the cricoid cartilage at?
what is the laryngeal prominence formed by?
by the thyroid cartilage (of larynx), from 2 plates (laminae)
adam's apple

origin: fascia and skin over deltoid and pec major
arises from superficial fascia (imbedded in it)
Inserts: Inferior border of mandible and skin of lower face
nerve: cervical branch of CN VII (facial)
artery: a. submental branch of facial
b. suprasternal branch of suprascapular off thyrocervical trunk
actions: muscle of facial expression


origin: a. sternal head: anterior surface of manubrium
b. Cleido = clavicular head, superior surface of medial 1/3 clavicle
Insert: a. lateral surface of mastoid process of temporal bone
b. lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
nerves: Accessory (CN XI) and ventral ramus of C2/C3
Spinal Nucleus in C1-C6 gray in cord forms accessory,
then C2 ventral ramus joins it and goes to SCM.
artery: suprascapular (off of thyrocervical trunk).
SCM br. of Sup. Thyroid, Occipital and Post. Auricular -
all from Ext. Carotid
actions: a. alone: tilts head to own side

congenital torticollis

wryneck. contraction of SCM from fibrosis, gets shorter. can be torn during birth

what is the course of the external jugular vein?

crosses SCM in the superficial fascia, pierces fascia of post triangle and into subclavian

drains most of scalp and face on same side

which nerve travels w/ the external jugular vein?
great auricular
branches to skin post to ear, ear, lower side of face, neck
what are the boundaries of the post tri?

ant: SCM post border
post: trap ant border
inf: middle 1/3 clavicle

accessory n
-found in post tri,
-supplies trap and some SCM
-consists of motor and spinal roots:
spinal root from C1-C5 join the cranial root from medulla of
brainstem to form XI
spinal portion supplies the SCM and Trap
what are the subdivisions of the post tri?
split by omohyoid:
1. Supraclavicular (Omoclavicular Triangle)
bordered by inf edge of inferior belly of omohyoid
SCM post border
2. Occipital triangle
bordered by superior edge of inferior belly of omohyoid
SCM post border
what are the boundaries of the ant tri?
anteromedian line of neck
inferior border of body of mandible
anterior border of SCM
what are the suprahyoid mm?

(4) mylohyoid, geniohyoid, digastric, stylohyoid

what are the infrahyoid mm?
(4) sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid

thin, flat, form a sling inferior to tongue. feel if push ton forward
o: medial aspect of mandible
i: midline raphe and body of hyoid bone
n: mylohyoid n, br of inferior alveolar off Mandibular
Div of Trigem (V)
act.: elevates hyoid, floor of mouth, tongue in swallowing
and speaking

superior to mylohyoid, reinforces the floor of mouth
o: mandible
i: body of hyoid
n: ventral ramus of C1 via the Hypoglossal Nerve (XII)
act: pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly during swallowing

o: Ant: digastric fossa on mandible
Post: mastoid process of temporal bone
i: both insert on tendon in meddle, attached to hyoid by a
fibrous sling that acts as a pulley - lets tendon move
anterior and posterior
n: Ant: mylohyoid n.
Post: facial nerve (VII)
act.: together - raise hyoid during swallowing and
posterior action - open mouth, depress mandible

hypoglossal - motor
swallowing, speech
facial - S&M
facial expression, taste from ant 2/3 of ton, glands (not parotid)
post belly digastric, stylohyoid

trigeminal - S&M
branch goes to mylohyoid

o: styloid process of temporal bone
i: body of hyoid bone
n. Branch of VII (Facial)
act.: raises hyoid during swallowing
strap muscles
the infrahyoid mm. ribbon-like

(sternohyoid, omonyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid)

o: sternal end of clavicle/manubrium
i: body of hyoid
n: C1-C3 from cervical plexus - ansa cervicalis
act: depresses hyoid after it is raised during swallowing

o: Inf. Belly - superior border of scapula near
suprascapular notch
Sup. Belly - Intermediate tendon
i: Inf. Belly - Intermediate tendon
Sup. Belly - hyoid body
n: C1-C3 via the ansa cervicalis
act.: depresses hyoid bone
deep to sternohyoid, thin muscle
o: Post. surface of manubrium
i: side of thyroid cartilage
n: C1-C3 via ansa cervicalis
act. pulls larynx inferiorly
superior continuation of Sternothyroid Muscle
o: Thyroid cartilage - oblique line on side
i: body of hyoid
n. not ansa - C1 ventral ramus via the Hypoglossal Nerve
act: elevates the larynx in swallowing
the ___ separates the ___ gland into internal and external components

mylohyoid, submandibular

what are the division of the ant tri?
(4) submandibular, submental

carotid, muscular
submandibular tri
(part of ant tri) ('DIGASTRIC tri')
borders: inf border of mandible, 2 bellies of digastric
Contents: submandibular gl, submandibular duct, CN XII (and part of c1), sylohyoid m (attached to post belly of digastric)
carotid tri
borders: SCM (ant edge), sup belly omohyoid, post belly digastric
contents: common carotid a and division into int/ext carotid, branches of ext carotid a, carotid sinus, carotid body,
hypoglossal n
carotid sheath
what is contained in the carotid sheath?
common and internal carotid a
vagus nerve (X)
internal jugular vein

ansa lies on top of sheath
what does the carotid sinus do?
responds to change in art pressure
is at origin of int carotid

(blocking -> syncope)
what does the carotid body do?

chemoreceptor (inc CO2 or dec O2)
at bifurcation

what are the branches of the external carotid artery?

superior Thyroid - supplies thyroid
lingual - becomes deep lingual art in head
facial - around ramus of mandible
ascending pharyngeal - comes off posterior, supplies pharynx, prevertebral mm, middle ear and meninges
occipital - to post part of scalp

no branches of inf carotid in neck

what is the relation of the vagus in the carotid sheath?
vagus is btwn and post to carotid and jug
muscular triangle
Boundaries: superior belly of Omohyoid Muscle
Anterior SCM
Midline of neck
Infrahyoid muscles
thyroid gland
submental triangle
Hyoid Bone inferiorly
Left and Right Anterior Bellies of Digastric m. laterally
Floor: - Mylohyoid Muscles
Submental lymph nodes
receive lymph from tip of tongue, floor of mouth
Small veins that join to form Anterior Jugular Vein.
which is more anterior: external carotid a, internal carotid a?
which is more ant: carotid a, jugual v?


which side is the brachiocephalic trunk located off aorta?


which side is the common carotid located off aorta?
which side is the subclavian located off aort?
what are the branches of the thyrocervical trunk?

inferior thyroid, transverse cervical, suprascapular

where does the ant jugular drain?
ext jug v
where does the ext jugular drain?
subclavian v
what does the right recurrent laryngeal nerve loop around?
subclavian a
loops upward bwn esophagus and trachea to larynx
what does the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loop around?
arch of aorta
what is the course of the vagus?

goes down carotid sheath post to the blood vessels
goes ant to 1st part of subclavian art (med to ant scal)
R recurrent loops around subclavian and back up btwn esophagus and trachea to larynx

branches in neck: pharyngeal, laryngeal (gives rise to carotid body) and cardiac branches.

where is the sympathetic chain located?
in fascia of post carotid sheath at level of 1st rib
what supplies the thyroid w/ blood?

superior thyroid a: 1st branch of Ext. Carotid Art.

inf thyroid a: 1st branch of Thyrocervical trunk off subclavian art.

what veins go from thyroid gland?

Superior thyroid Vein - drains superior into Int. Jugular V.
Middle thyroid Vein - drains lateral into int. jugular v.
Inferior thyroid vein - drains inferior into brachiocephalic v.

parathyroid glands

2 on each side, under fascia of thyroid
have their own capsule
supplied by inf or sp thyroid aa
drained by thyroid venous plexus

what is location of esophagus?

betwen trachea and ant long lig of vert col
recurrent laryngeal nn ascend btwn the trachea and esophagus
in contact w/ cervical pleura on R
on L, thoracic duct betwen esophagus and pleura

what are the fascial planes?
enveloping fascia, prevertebral fascia, carotid sheath, pretracheal fascia
enveloping fascia

(superficial layer of the deep fascia)
encircles neck (encircles SCM and trap), encloses all structures except platysma (in superf. fascia)

prevertebral fascia
surrounds vertebral m. (post neck(
transverse extension from one enveloping layer to another.
Anterior to the prevertebral muscles
separates neck into areas post to prevertebral fascia
and ant to prevertebral fascia
pretracheal fascia

Anterior part of the neck
surrounds the thyroid, esophagus and trachea
blends with the carotid sheath laterally

holds thyroid to trachea, holds parathyroid