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54 Cards in this Set

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Stress Is:
Non specific response of the body to any demand made upon it.
Individuals respond to their perception of reality rather than reality itself
EU Stress:
Is good stress
(new job, lottery etc.)
Bad Stress
(loss of family or job, etc)
The 3 Phases of stress activity is:
-Alarm reaction
-Stage of resistance
-Stage of exhaustion
Perception is:
Individuals response to their perception of reality rather than reality itself.
Locus of Control is:
A personality attribute
(internal or external)
*Internal Locus of control:
believe they control their own destinies
*External Locus of control:
believe their lives are controlled by outside forces
Type A behavior are:
(more stress full)
-Rarely take time to examine their feelings.
-Often insecure, even though they appear self-assured.
Type B Behavior are:
(less stress full)
-React more calmly
Organizational Factors are:
- Task demands
- Role demands
- Interpersonal demands
- Organizational structure
- Organizational leadership
*Task demands:
Factors related to a person's job
*Role Conflict:
Additional duties interfere with job.
Interpersonal demands:
Pressures created by other individuals.
*Organizational structure:
Level of differentiation in the organization. Excessive rules or lack of it are examples of structural variables that might be potential sources of stress.
*Organizational Leadership:
*Role Overload:
Expected to do more then time permits. (Too much on plate)
*Role ambiguity:
When individual does not have enough information to perform the job/task.
3 Categories of Stress:
- Physiological
- Psychological
- Behavioral
*Physiological symptoms:
- Increase heart
- Increase breathing
- increase blood pressure
*Psychological Symptoms:
- Job dissatisfaction
- Tension
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Boredom
*Behavioral Symptoms:
- Productivity
- Absence
- Turnover
- Eating habits
- Increased Smoking
- Consumption of Alcohol
Barriers and coping:
Can be extenal or internal, things blocking goal achievement
Goals of Stress Management Program:
Promote Individual & Organizational health and minimize Individual & Org stress.
4 Individual Approaches are:
-Time Management
-Physical Exercise
-Relaxation Training
-Social Support
5 Organizational Approaches are:
-Selection & Placement
-Goal Setting
-Job redesign
-Organizational Communication
-Wellness Program
Behavior Process:
-Needs, a lack of something necessary or desirable
-Goals, the objective toward witch efforts is directed
-Behaviors, to act in a specific way
-Feedback, return of data about need&goals
Operant conditioning:
-Positive Reinforcement, adding to increase behavior
-Positive Punishment, Adding to decrease behavior
-Negative Reinforcement, Taking away to increase behavior
-Negative Punishment, Taking away to decrease behavior
Herzberg's two motivation theory:
Job satiisfaction are caused by different work related factorrs.
-satisfaction are called motivators
-dissatisfaction are called hygiene
McClellands's theory is based on three critical needs:
-Power, controling others
-Affiliation, social and interpersonal activities
-Achievement, reaching goals
Adams's equity theory:
(everything is equial)
-If personal effort=personnal rewards & others rewards then motivation is high
-If personal effort>others efforts or others rewards then motivation is low
Vrooms Expectancy theory:
-Expected preformance+preformance outcome+value are motivation.
-reward in the past is exspected in the future
Aspirations are thedriving force in personalities
Tell you how your going to behave
-Social,how others see us
-Personal, how we view others
-Self-ideals, what we'd like to be, how we'd like others to see us
Self-Efficacy & Locus of Control:
-Self-Efficacy is behaver
-Locus of Control is out comes
-High self-efficacy believe in themselves
-Low self-efficacy lack confidence
Discipline defined:
Trining expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially moral or mental inprovement
Status of Discipline:
-looks at what we need to do for effictive discipline
-There is good and bad to SOD
Progressive Discipline Process:
Is progressive discipline
-1st step, Establish standards
-2nd step, Monitor
-3rd step, Apply the PDP
What is the 1st objective of the performance management process?:
Manage subordinate performance by providing feedback and counseling. Accomplished by a 5 STEP process.
What are the 5 steps of the 1st objective?:
Tell, describe, ovserve & evaluate, discuss how well did/didnt meet expectations, develop a plan.
What is objective 2?:
Provide long term record of subordinate performancefor use in making personnel management decisions.
Effictive Feedback and Counseling:
-Feedback is all about performance
-Counseling is all about goals
What are the three main approaches to counseling:
-Directive, nondirective and combined
-Nondirective takes the longest
-Should try to keep <1hour
Define a Team:
a group organized to work together to achieve a goal
Task Elements and Non-Task Elements:
-TE, are actions associated with accomplishing the team's specific task (can be larger then TE)
-NTL, are issues influencing the interpersonal relationships of a team's membership
COG's Ladder:
-Polite stage
-Why are we here stage
-Bid for power stage
-Constuction stage
-Esprit stage
-Interrelationships stage
*Polite Stage:
-Productivity low
-Hidden agenda stay hidden
-Cliques begin to form
-Gorup approval is strong
-Group identity low or absent
-Actively participate
-Conflict absent
-Feeling limited
*Why We're Here Stage:
-Productivity low
-want to know group goals/objt
-Cliques start to grow
-Hidden agenda sensed
-Group identity low
-Need for group approval declines
-Informal leader will start to show
(the longer in this stage the hearder to get out)
*Bid For Power Stage:
-Productivity saticfiactory
-A lot of people stay in this stage
-the longest stage
-Cliques take on greatest importance
-Feedback can be brutal
-Widest group participation
*Constructive Stage:
-Productivity High
-Cliques start to disalve
-Members start to contribute
-Team sprit begines
-Acomplish group goals
*Esprit Stage:
-Very High function
-No cliques
-High trust
-Empathetic to members
-Group closed to outsiders
-No reason to move