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91 Cards in this Set

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What is a group?

An assemblage of persons located or gathered together.

What is a team?

A group, organized to work together

How does it feel like in a group?

Solitary, unorganized, indifferent

How does it feel like in a team?

Unified, cohesive, collaberative,

What are the team roles?

Creator, Advancer, Flexer, Refiner, Ececutor

(Team Roles) : Creator

Genorates new, and inovative ideas.

(TeamRoles) Advancer

Promotes ideas, moving them between creator and refiner.

(Team Roles) Refiner

Reviews, modifies, improves, and rationaly evaluates ideas.

(Team Roles) Executor

Ensures final idea is implemented.

(Team Roles) Flexer

Can preform and of the roles of creator, advancer, refiner or executer, as is needed.

What is the Z process

The process of an idea moving from creator, to advancer, to flexer, to refiner and to executor.

What is P.E.P.?

The natural cycle of brainstorming. Panic(need solution/idea) Elation(I have an idea) Panic(My idea sucks, i suck, why continue living, ..* click* ... BANG! ) NCOs should step in at the elation stage to encourage ideas annd reduce suicide.

What is A-I Theory?

Refers to team dynamics, based on cognative diversity of the members. Members being on a range of places on the adapation and inovation scale.

What are the 5 Cs of team of team building?

Coordination, cooperation, cooaching, comunity.

(5 Cs) Community

Members of the team should feel like a valuable member of the team.

(5 Cs) Cooperation

Make dure everyone knows thei teams mission and purpose.

(5Cs) Coordination

Ensure members know their inportance to the team.

(5 Cs) Communication.

Provide feedback, early and often.

(5 Cs) Coaching

Training, teaching, guiding members of the team.

5 common disfuction in a team

Fear of conflict

Lack of commitment

Avoidance of accountability.

Absence of trust

Inattention to results.

Stages of team development







Offer or suggest information or ideas as a resction from an inquiry.

Followers are expected to giv3 feedback to leaders and vise, versa.

Authoritarian leader

Used in emergancy situations, time sensitive, critical tasks. High task, low relationship.

Country club leader

Low task, high relationship. Focuses on rewards.

Improvished leader

Low task, low relatioship,. Aplicable in self-sufficient work center.

Team leader

High task, high relationship. On a work center with a mixture of needs.

Deliberate Development Plan

A plan of action for each airman, based on their needs, to develope them in a compehensive manner.

Set uo the plan, sit down with the airman

Monitor the plan, and follow through.

Position power.

Authority to make decisions based on your position in an organization.

Personal power

Extent that gollowers respect, and are committed to their leader.

Also, super strength, heat vision, flight, and invisability

Types of personal power

Referent power,

information power,

expert power

Contemporary motivation model


Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement.

Next best outcome, or plan should negotiation should fail. It effects the urgancy and willingness to compromize.

Convergent thinker

Reliable, rational, principle based. Dislike uncertainty and ambiguity.

Divergent thinkers

Creative, spontanous. Confortable with uncertainty.

Interest-Based Negotiations (IBN)

Focusing in interests and not positions of the two negotiating parties.

Zone of possible agreement

The bargaining range. The overlapping common area for both parties.


Trust: in person or process.

Determins information avaible

Power: based on leader, position or personal power.

Negotiation preference and styles chart.

Conflict Management connections

5 step CNS process

Negotiating categories

Dustributive tactics

Good, cop, bad cop.

Highball, lowball

Exploding offer



Snow job



Asking for one last thing right before closing the deal.

High context culture

More people oriented. They prefer to establish trusted relationships.

Low context cultures

Task oriented and work towards quick resilutions.


Capacity of parties to decide it is in there best interest to negotiate.


Whether or not the parties are interested in negotiating.


Occurs when there is a failure to make progress towards a resolution.

Minimal encouagements

They biuld rapport, encourage the speaker to cobtinue, ( oh,.. really?... when?)

Emotio labeling

An active listening skill, where you clarify the speakers emontions. Saying, ( you sound... you seem, ... what i hear is...)

Antudeficiency act violations

An act that results in exceeding limitations (misuse) of funds.

Continuing resolution authority

Fiscal law authority that allows the goverment to cobtinue spending at a minimum level for a specific smount of time.

Cost center

Organization that gathers an distributes cost data.

Cost center manager

Regulates daily use of work hours, supplies, equipment.

Financial working group. (Fwg)

Reviews program cost factor, compares actual with prior year costs.

Financisl management board (fmb)

Advisory committee chaired, by the commander or deputy commander and includes group commander level members.

Budget exection review (BER)

Two part process, yhat occurs twice within each budget cyle to indentify and redistibute funds to meet unfunded requirements.

Finacial execution plan (FEP)

Product formally called the financial plan or fin plan. The fep ensures an equitable distribution of the president's budget. For the next fiscal year.

Budget cycle

First quarter cycle

Oct, fiscal year begins

Nov. First BER.

Dec. 25% budget obligated or spent.

Second quater

Jan: RA subimts 1st BER.

Jan: cost centers submit inputs for next FYs financial Execution Plan (FEP)

Mar: 50% of budget obligated or spent.

Third quarter

May: cost centers updated/revised BER second BER occurs.

Jun: 75% of budget obligated or spent.

Fourth quarter

Aug-30 sep: end year close out

15sep congress approves next FY budget.

30 sep: 100% of budget spent.

What does afi 65-601 say about reporting funds.

Report excess funds to the wing. Doing so help support other mission-essential requirements


Lists ranks, and skill levels of authorized personel slots, of what a unit SHOULD have.

Unit Personel Management Roster UPMR.

Actual numbers, ranks, and skill levels of current personel. Contsins funded and unfunded personel positions.

Authorization change request

Used to make changes to the umd.

Dm area 1- prevention.

Set clear standards

Establish rapport

Create climate of accountability.

How ddo you prevent Disciplinary Problems

Be a role model

Communicate standards

Communicate expectations

Promote core values

Use rank position correctly

Effrctively mentor

Properly train

Promote teamwork

Use sound leadrship skills

Display and insist on technical competence

Provide feedback

Disciplinary model - correction.


Formal counseling

Recomendations to commander

Referral preformance

Disciplinary Model - punishment

Article 15s

Loss of pay, freedom.

Progressive Disciple Process

Establish standards


Apply PDP.

Loc-loa-lor- article 15- court martial


4 dimensions of wellness






Drug abuse pervention





Work place violance precursers

Loss of job,

pass over for promotion,

preceived favortism of others.

Sleeep depervation

Death in the family

Drug use

Perception of unjust org or superviser.


Name starts with "V" and ends in espoli.

3 parts of adaptability


Cogbitive: ability to change mental aproach.

Emotional: ability to vary aproach to your emotions.

Dispositional: abilityvto remain optomistic dospight situation.

NCOs with emotional flexability display what 4 behavoirs

1: manage their emotions

2: connect with othets emotions

3: engage emotionaly

4: balance emotions and actions.

All really the same damn thing.

Change sponsor

Responsible for initiating change. They are the authority responsible to make the choice. They can be any nco rank, they will be the originator of the change, not the one overseeing it.

Change agents

Responsible for implementation of change, an nco, but not the originator of change.

Change targets

The people or group being changed!

Janssen's Model of change

Directive Change

Change implrmented by an authority figure.

Participative change

Change implemented when nw knowledge is made available to the group.


Air force smart ops for the 21st century.

-increase productivity of your people.

-increase available assets

-improve responce time

- sustained ops

-energy efficaincy

Reactive decision making

Trial and error, based on expeirance situational cues. Making quick judgements on familiar issues.

Reflective decision making

Used in unfamilair situations, or deliberate planning. Critical thinking, solving the problem at hand and monitoring, and self correction.

Keppner-tregoe problem solving process

Situation appraisal

Problem analysis

Decision analysis

Potential problem analysis

OODA loop

Observe, orient, decide, act.

Eight step problem solving process

A way to make an unecessarily complicated process, more complicated, and less likely to actualy be used or retained.


Break down the problem

Set inprovement target

Determine root cause

Develope countermeasures

See counter measures through

Confirm results and process

Standardized successful process

Tactical targets





Results focused
