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74 Cards in this Set

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Female reporductive hormones are used to treat what
hormone deficiencies or they may be used to treat a condition caused by too much of the male hormone testosterone such as prostate cancer
What is the most serious complication of estrogen and progesterone drug therapy
development of a DVT
Estrogen use can also cause what
changes in affect, mood and behavior, aggression and depression can occur
What is used to treat BPH and prostate cancer
Anti-androgens and androgen hormone inhibitors
Side effects of Anti-androgen and androgen hormone inhibitors are
Gynecomastia, impotence, pain in the testicles, alopecia, gastrointestinal distrubances, fluid and electrolyte imbalances
Are most Anti-androgens and androgen hormone inhibitors teratrogenic
What herbal medication acts the same as finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) on the prostate gland
Saw palmetto
Common Anti-androgen and androgen hormone inhibitors
Abaralix (Plenaxis), Bicalutamide (Casodex), Dutasteride (Avodart), Flutamide (Eulexin), Goserelin (Zoladex), Leuprolide (Lupron), Nilutamide (Nilandron), Triptorelin (Trelstar)
Alpha-blockers are used for
to treat men with benigh prostatic hypertrophy who have trouble urinating
First dose effect is common with what type of drug
Alpha blockers
Common Alpha Blockers are
Alfuzosin (UroXatral), Doxazosin (Cardura), Mecamylamine HCL (Inversine), Prazosin (Minipress), Tamsulosin (Flomax), Terazosin (Hytrin)
Risk factors for Testicular cancer
age and race, occurs most in Caucasion males between 18-40 years of age, also a history of undescended testis after the age of six and a family history also risk factors
When should a testicular exam be done
monthly after a warm bath or shower when the scrotum is relaxed which makes it easier to perfor the exam must do exam at and after age 14
Inflammation of the prostate gland is
Interventions for Prostatitis
Sitz bath and normal sexual activity is recommened, stool softeners because straining is very painful
Cancer which forms in the prostate tissue
Prostate cancer, Usually occurs in older men, rare before the age of 40.
When should a DRE and PSA be done and how often
age of 50 and annually, afe of 45 if at high risk
Risk factors for prostate cancer
black men more then twice as likely to develop prostate cancer, diet high in fat is a risk factor, incidence increases with age in all cultures
Normal PSA level
less then 4, 10 and over is critical, those with high PSA levels need to be handled carfully due to matasices to the bone, lymph nodes
Treatment options for prostate cancer
Prostatectomy may be performed, will have continuous bladder irrigation (CBI), radiation, immunotherapy, Vaccination
Growth of the prostate gland which usually begins in the 30’s and gradually gets large until age 50 when symptoms may develop
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Lab effects of BPH
PSA slightly over 4
Surgical procedure to reduce BPH
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure sometimes used to reduce the size of the prostate
What type of irrigation after a TURP
Continous bladder irrigation which is a three way foley cathether
Traction to the ______ immediately after surgery to reduce bleeding for a TURP
What colore should the urine be after a TURP
light pink to pale yellow, flow rate of irrication will need to be adjusted
Will a TURP cause impotence
No but retrograde ejaculation of semen into the bladder is common
How long after a TURP do you avoid strenuous activity
4-6 weeks, avoid lifting anything over 20 lbs. No straining for 4-6 weeks to decrease risk of bleeding, may have bladder spasms
How much water do you drink after a TURP
6-8 glasses a day
After removal of a foley catheter what is common
What type of implant may be used for erectile dysfuction
Penile, if a client has an implant performed, elevate the scrotum for 24 hours to decrease swelling
Is all information confidential with STDs
YES even if a minor
What type of clothing is good for STDs
cotton lined panties and loos clothing
Condyloma acuminaturn
humpan papilloma virus
What is effected tx for HPV
laser treatment for destroying the virus, provides for localized treatment without systemic effects
Powder that is placed on HPV warts
Podophyllin (Pocodon-25), CANNOT use in pregnancy, causes fetal death, preterm labor and cerival cancer
Vaccine available to nonpregnanet females to prevent HPV
Bacterial infection commonly transmitted during sexual contact
What is the most commonly reported communicable disease in the US
Teaching to patient with Chlamydia
limit number of partners and use a condom to prevent transmission, avoid intercourse while on antibiotics, follow up culture in 4-7 days
Bacterial infection that spreads with sexual contact when direct contact with the chancre lesion occurs
Characteristic lesion is painless and indurated, sores occur mainly on the external genitalia, vagina, anus or rectum
Can Syphilis cause death in a fetus
YES preggos need to be tested
How many stages of Syphilis are there
Primary syphilis lasts for
the first 6 weeks, chancre apears
Test for Syphilis
Secondary Syphilis time period
from 6 weeks to 6 months, rash, fever, need to know all partners for last 6 months
Tertiery syphilis time period
behond 6 months, will get neurotoxicity from infection
What is the drug of choice to treat syphilis
Multiple vesicles which rupture and then heal
Genital herpes
Yellow drainage and if transmitted rectally, may have rectal itching due to infection
Cervical cancer risk factors
early and frequent intercourse, multiple partners, frequent STDs, sex with uncercumcised men
Local cervical cancer is treated with
laser therapy or cryosurgery (Cold Therapy), tissue needs to slough off once it is destryoed, clear, waterly discharge for 2 weeks, followed by discharge with debris which will have an odor, condom use and no tub baths after surgery for 6-12 weeks
Invesive cervical cancer treatment
radiation, conization, hysterectomy, pelvic exenteration where all organs from the pelvic cavity are removed in an attempt to stop the metastasis.
Is Chemotherapy useful for invasive cerival cancer
Radiation implant rule
safety is a consideration, remember “time, distance, shielding”
If radiation implant comes out what do I do
do not handle with hands, use radiation gloves to put it in radiation proof box and call Dr. Patient should be on bedrest to avoid dislodgement
May present with a painless, nontender, hard, immobile, irregular shaped mass. Nipple discharge and retraction of skin may be seen, In advanced disease edema with peau d’orange skin may be present
Breast Cancer
Resect the breast tissue and some skin
simple mastectomy
Recect the breast tissue and axillary lymph nodes
modified radical mastectomy
Rescet the breast tissue, muscle, and lymph nodes
Radical mastectomy
Any time there is axillary node dissection know that
the affected arm may swell and is less able to fight infection
What is normally followed by surgical treatment of breast cancer
adjuvant therapy such as Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. May also include chemotherapy and radiation
What cancer is usually detected late and has a very poor prognosis
Ovarian cancer
Inflammation of the female uterus, fallopian tubes, and/or overies caused by a bacterial infection leading to scar formation and adhesions to nearby tissues and organs
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Primary prevention for PID includes avoiding each of the following
Unprotected intercourse, multiple partners, Use of an IUD, Douching
PID infection causes
adhesions and eventually sterility
How do I treat for PID pain
analgesics and warm sitz bath, bed rest in semi fowlers position may increase comfort and promote drainage, antibiotics needed to reduce inflammation and pain.
Downward displacement of the uterus
Uterine prolapse, puts pressure on other structures, the bladder, rectum, and small intestines can protude through the vaginal wall
Growth of tissue outside of the uterus that resembles the endometrium in structure and function, bleeds during the menstrual cycle causing pain
Pain midway between mentrual periods
Who needs a pap smear
If you have had sex for 3 years, or age 21,
How often do we do a pap smear
annually until age 39 then every 2-3 years, stop at 70 if normal
HPV screen at what age