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65 Cards in this Set

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Physiological Maternal Changes:

Oxygen consumption
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Iron requirments are
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Bladder tone is
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Bladder capacity is
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Respiratory rate is
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Pulse may
Increase about 10 BPM
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Blood pressure may
Decline in second trimester
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Basal Metobolic Rate
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Uterus grows from
60g to 1000g
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Becomes shorter, more elastic, and larger in diameter
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Chadwicks sign
Increased vascularization causes softening and blue/purple discoloration
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Vaginal changes include
Hypertrophy and thinckening of mucus

Increase in secretions-thick, while, acidic.
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Dark streak down midline of abdomen
linea nigra
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Blotchy brownish hyperpigmentation, may occure over forehead, cheeks, nose
Chloamsma (Mask of pregnancy)
Physiological Maternal Changes:

Reddish purple stretch marks
Psychological Maternal Changes:

Mother and father experience what in relation to role changes
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

N/V/D occurs when and is caused by what
First trimester. Caused by changes in hCG level and carbohydrate metabolism
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Syncope occurs when and is caused by what?
First trimester, can occur in 2nd and 3rd with supin hypotension. Triggered by increased blod vol., anumia, fatigue, position changes, lying supine
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Suncope interventions include
Sitting with feet elevated, changing position slowly, and laying in left later recumbant position
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Urinary urgency and frequescy occurs when and is caused by what?
1st and 3rd trimester. Caused by pressure of the uterus on the bladder.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Breast tenderness occurs when and by what?
1st thru 3rd. Caused by increased levels of estrogen and progesterone.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Increased vaginal discharge occures when and by what?
1st thru 3rd. Cuased by hyperplasia of vagina muscosa and increased mucus production.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Nasal stuffiness occurs when and by what?
1st thru 3rd. Increased estrogen causes swelling of nasal tissues and dryness.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Fatigue occures when and by what?
1st and 3rd. Usually dut to hormonal changes.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Heartburn occures when and by what?
2nd and 3rd. Results from increased progesterone levels, decreased GI motility and esophageal reflux, and displacement of the stomach by enlarging uterus.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Heartburn interventions include:
Eat small frequent meals
Avoid fatty/spicy meals
Drink milk in between meals
Performing tailor sitting exercises
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Ankle edema occurs when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Occures because of vasodilation, venous stasis, and increased venous pressure below the uterus.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Varicose veins are occur when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Occur because of weakening walls of the viens or valves and venous congestion.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Headaches occur when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Occur as a result of changes in blood volume and vascular tone.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Hemmorrhoids occur when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Occur because of increased venous pressure and/or constipation.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

COnstipation occurs when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Occures becuase of decreased intestinal motility, displacement of intestines, and taking iron suppliments.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

Leg cramps occur when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Altered calcium-phosphorus balance and pressure of the uterus on the nerves, or from fatigue.
Discomforts of Pregnancy:

SOB occurs when and by what?
2nd, 3rd. Caused by displacement of diaphragm.
Laboratory Tests:

If the client is Rh negative, and has a negative antibody screen, the pt. should recieve what?
Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks gestation
Laboratory Tests:

Rubella titer-if the client has a negative titer indicative suceptability to the rubella virus, client should recieve what?
immunization post-partum. Pt. should be using effective birth control at time of immunization.
Laboratory Tests:

Rubella titer-pt. should avoid what when recieving immunization?
avoid getting pregant for 3 months following immunization, and avoid immunocompromized ppl.
Laboratory Tests:

If Rubella titer is given at the same time as Rh globulin, it:
may not be effective.
Laboratory Tests:

Hemoglobin and Hemocrit levels will _____ during gestation.
Drop due to increased plasma volume.
Laboratory Tests:

An increased hemocrit level may indicate the development of
Pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH).
Laboratory Tests:

Decrease in hemoglobin levels to ___ and hemocrit levels to ___ indicate anemia.
Laboratory Tests:

Tuberculin skin tests-radiograph will not be performed after __ weeks gestation.
20 weeks due to fetal organ formation
Laboratory Tests:

Urinalysis: ____ is a common result of decreased renal threshold that occurs during pregnancy.
Laboratory Tests:

If glycosuria persists, this may indicate ____.
Laboratory Tests:

Urinalysis:_____ may result from insufficient food intake or vomiting
Laboratory Tests:

Urinalysis: Levels of ___ in the urine may indicate preganancy indiced hypertension
2+ to 4+ protein
Diagnostic Tests:

Ultrasound: Woman may need to ____ before the procedure to obtain a better veiw of the fetus.
Drink water to fill the bladder.
Diagnostic Tests:

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) screening assesses _____
quantity of fetal serum proteins.
Diagnostic Tests:

if AFP levels are elevated, thi sis associated with
open neural tube and abdominal wall defects.
Diagnostic Tests:

AFP can detect these two defects.
Spina bifida, Down syndrome.
Diagnostic Tests:

Chorionic villus sampling: done at ___ to ___ weeks gestation.
8 to 12 weeks.
Diagnostic Tests:

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is performed by _____
aspirating a small sample of chorionic villus tissue.
Diagnostic Tests:

CVS is performed to test for
genetic abnormalities.
Diagnostic Tests:

CVS increases risk of _____
Rh sesitization. Rh neg women may be given RhoGAM.
Diagnostic Tests:

Kick counts: mother lies on ____ side, and reports if there are fewer than ___ kicks in 12 hours
left side, 10 kick.
Diagnostic Tests:

Amniocentesis: aspiration of amniotic fluid done from ___ to ___ week of pregnancy
13th to 14th week.
Diagnostic Tests:

Amniocentesus is done to determine _____
genetic disorders, metabolic defects, and fetal lung maturity.
Diagnostic Tests:

Amniocentesis risks include the follow 6 items:
Maternal hemmorrhage, Infection, Rh isoimmunization, Abruptio placentae, Amniotic fluid emboli, premature rupture of membranes.
Diagnostic Tests:

Fern test: Microscopic slide test to determine the presence of ______
amniotic fluid leakage
Diagnostic Tests:

Fern test: specemin is obtained from the ____ and ____
external os of the cervix and and vaginal pool
Diagnostic Tests:

Fer test: A fernlike pattern occuring from the salts of _____ indicate the presence of _____.
amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid.
Diagnostic Tests:

Nitrazine test: used to detect the presence of ____ in vaginal secretions
amniotic fluid.
Diagnostic Tests:

Nitrazine test: Vaginal secretions have a PH of ___ to ____
PH of 4.5 to 5.5
Diagnostic Tests:

Nitrazine test: Amniotic fluid has a PH of ___ to ___ and will turn a yelloy strip or swab a blue color.
PH of 7.0 tp 7.5
Diagnostic Tests:

Nonstress Test (NST): performed to asses ____ and ____
placental function and oxygenation.
Diagnostic Tests:

NST evaluates ____ in response to ____
fetal heart rate (FHR) in respone to fetal movement.