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116 Cards in this Set

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Quantitative vs. Qualitative
Changes can be measured vs. change in structure.
Behaviorism Theory
Blank slate mentality
Mind is like a computer fed information
All behavior is result from learning
Key Behaviorists (4)
John Watson
Ivan Pavlov
Joseph Wolpe
B.F. Skinner
Erik Erikson Psychosocial Stages
Trust vs mistrust
Automny vs shame and doubt
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
identity vs. role confusion
intimacy vs. isolation
generativitiy vs stagnation
integrity vs. despair
Jean Piaget Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor - object permanence
Preoperational - centration
Concrete operations - conservation
Formal operations- abstract scientific thinking
Keagans Constructive Development Model
impact of interpersonal interaction with our perception of reality.
Lawerence Kohlbergs levels of moral development (3) with 2 stages in each.
-pre-conventional- behavior governed by consequences
-conventional - desire to conform to socially acceptable rules
- post-conventional - self accepted moral principles guide behavior
Daniel Levinson
Wrote book about seasons of mans life, with 4 key eras, childhood and adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and later adulthood.
zone of proximal development - difference in childs ability to solve problems on own vs. with help.
Freuds Psychoanalytic/Psychdynamic 5 psychosexual stages
1) oral
2) anal
3) phallic/ oepidal electra complex
4) latency
5) genital
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
1) food/water
2) safety/security
3) love
Abraham Maslow's theory
Humanistic, focused on self actualization.
William Perry's 3 stage theory of intellectual and ethical development in adults
1) dualism - truth is right or wrong
2) relativism - desire to know various opinions
3) commitment to relativism - willing to change opinion based on new facts and new points of view
Emic vs. Etic
Emic - counselor helps client understand their own culture
Etic -counselor practices 'sameness'. (not good)
Autoplastic vs alloplastic
Autoplastic - counselor helps client cope with environment.
Alloplastic- counselor helps client change environment.
5 stage Racial Culture Identity Model (R/CID)
1. Conformity- conform to majority.
2. Dissonance -questions, confuse, prefer counselor from minority
3. Resistance/Immersion - client resists major culture and immerses in their own culture.
4. Introspection - prefers counselor from your own culture
5. Synergetic Awareness - prefers counselor of any culture as long as has skills set to help.
What is Psycho-dynamic Psychoanalysis? Name 3 .
Freud is the father of psychoanalytic. Psychoanalysis theory of personality and form of psychotherapy.
- free association
- dreams
- Super ego, ego, id
Name Freud's 8 ego defense mechanisms
1) displacement - displace your anger on someone/something else.
2) projections - project your inner feelings on someone else.
3) reaction formation - deny your inner beliefs by acting in opposite manner.
4) sublimation - express unacceptable behaviors in socially acceptable manner.
5) rationalization - rationalizes behavior.
6) identification - joining feared person to relieve your anxiety.
7) Suppression/Denial - purposely forgetting
8) Repression - forgetting devasting events
Repressed emotions are known as
Catharsis or Abreaction
Eros vs. thanatos
Life vs death
Carl Jung is a:
Carl Jung personal unconscious and collective unconscious
Personal - individual like Freud
Collective - composed of archetypes passed down through the ages.
Jung created:
Extrovert and introvert typologies - used in Myers Briggs Type Inventory
Alfred Adler's individual psychology branches from
Freud's psycho-dynamic approach. Focuses on behavior is the unconscious attempt to compensate for feelings of inferiority.
Alfred Adler's birth order (family constellation)
First born - conservative leaders
Second born - competitive and rebellious
The word behavorism was coined by:
John B Watson
The term behavior therapy was created by:
Arnold Lazurus
Critics of behavior therapies state
That is focuses on on symptoms not the root cause.
BF Skinner radical behaviorism focuses on:
operant conditioning, reinforces and rewards to raise likely hood of behavior occurring.
Albert Bandura focuses on
social learning theory, modeling
ratio vs. interval reinforcement schedules
ratio is based on number of responses, interval is based on time elapsed.
continuous vs intermittent reinforcement
continuous - occurs every time
intermittent - occurs when some but not all desired behaviors are reinforced.
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
Joseph Wolpe Systematic desensitization
works with people to curb fears and abate anxiety (good with phobias)
Implosive therapy
When client has to imagine scary or feared stimuli in safety of counselor office.
Carl Roger's Person Centered Theory is considered
Humanistic and positive

people can reach their full potential in therapeutic setting that fosters growth.
Roger's 3 conditions for effective helping
1) empathy
2) congruent/geniune
3) unconditional positive regard
Empathy 5 point scale created by:
Robert Carkhuff
Albert Ellis's cognitive behavioral therapy is known an:
REBT (rational emotive behavior therapy)
Change your thinking, change your life.
Ellis uses ABCDE model of personality
A - activating events
B - client's belieft system
C- emotional concequences
D - counselor disputes irrational beliefs
E - new emotional concequence occurs when irrational belief is rational
Ellis uses these active direct forms of therapy with REBT:
homework, bibliotherapy
Aaron Beck's Cognitive therapy is similar to Ellis REBT in that
helps irrational thoughts
Gestalt Therapy is a ....approach by....
Existential approach by Fritz Perls.
Gestalt Therapy utilizes
role play, confrontation, hot seat, empty chair technique, focuses on the here and now
Gestalt therapy goals is
for the client to take responsibility and achieve awareness in the here and now
Eric Berne uses a here and now approach called
Transactional Anaylsis
Key points in Eric Berne's TA (3)
1. life script
2. ego states
3. life positions (im ok)
William Glasses reality therapy is also known as
Choice therapy, which focuses on present behavior. Clients are taught that the create their own personal reality with the behaviors the choose.
In family counseling, first order change vs. second order change
first - occurs when client makes superficial change to deal with problem, but change doesnt not really affect underlying issues
second - change changes the underlying issues.
4 famous family therapist
Virgin Satir 4 inept patterns of communication
1. placator
2. blamer
3. reasonable analyzer
4. irrelevant distracter
Some of Bowen;s keys were
Salvodor is the leading name behind...
structural family therapy. uses joining, and mimesis. is directive and in the here and now.
Jay Haley and Cloe Madaness are powerful names in
strategic counseling, using directives, prescriptions and paradoxs
Name 4 stages in group therapy
1. initial
2. transition
3. working
4. termination
Name 5 group leadership styles
1. autocratic/authoritarian
2. hands off style
3. democratic *best*
4. speculative
5. confrontive
Frank Parsons is the
the father of guidance and creator of trait and factor approach
What is the trait and factor approach
A client need to know his or he personal attributes and interest or traits, occupations need to match clients traits.
Anne Roe, who uses levels and fields, created
a psycho-dynamic needs approach. jobs meet our needs determined by our childhood satisfactions and frustrations.
Donald Super is well known for
emphasizing the role of self concept, vocation choice and life rainbow (focus on life span)
John Holland's 6 personality typologys include:
1) realistic - hands on tasks
2) investigative - intellectual
3) artisitic - imagintive
4) social -
5) enterprising - extroverted, sales
6) conventional - practical, bookkeeping
Sigi plus or Discover are
computer assisted career guidance
Key helping books in career counseling are:
DOT - dicitionary of occupational titles
GOE - guide for occupational information
OOH- occupational outlook handbook
richard bolles book what color is your parachute
Standardized tests have 2 key features
1) uniform procedures for scoring and administration
2) validaty and reliablity
Raw score's, unaltered scores, can be converted to
standard scores (i.e. t / z scores, etc.)
If a skewed tails points to the left vs. right...
left is negatively skewed, right is postively skewed.
What is standard deviation
SD is a measure of variability of scores. I.E. are the scores bunched up to the mean or spread out?
SD of 1 is a z score of
SD of -2 is a z score of
1) 1
2) -2
What are T scores
T = ten *

mean of this score is 50 and SD is ten.
What is Z score
Mean is 0 and SD 1.0
Explain the normal curve 68-95-99.7 rule
68% of scores will fall +/- 1 SD from mean, 95% will fall +/- 2 SD from mean and 99.7% will fall +/- 3 SD from the mean.
What is validity
Does the test test what is its supposed to?
What is reliability
Consistency of the test or measure
What is the key thing to remember about reliability and validity?
Tests can be reliable BUT NOT valid. ALL valid tests are reliable.
Correlation is simply
an association
Positive correlation vs. negative correlation
+ - when a goes up, b goes up
- - when a goes down, b goes down
What is considered a true experiment?
2 or more groups used
When is a experiment considered
quasi ? (2 keys)
1) not random sampled
2) or cannot control IV
Type I error vs. Type II error
type one- when null hyp is rejected that is true
type two- when null is accepted when it should be rejected
What is a t-test?
parametric test that compares two means
If the IV caused the changes in the DV and not any other factors is it is high in...
internal validity
If the IV has not caused the changes in the DV and other factors have affected it is high in...
external validity
ANOVA or analysis of variance is used when
you have two or more means to compare
MANOVA is used when
you have are investigating more than one DV
Factorial anaylsis is used when
you have more than one IV (i.e. two way anova etc)
Ex post facto refers to
Between groups designs uses
different subjects in different groups
Within group repeated designs uses
same subjects for control and different time for experimental
What is the goal of psychanalytic therapy?
To make unconscious conscious and to strengthen the ego. We want behaviors to be based on reality versus unconscious cravings and irrational guilt.
What is the psychoanalytic counselor role?
Counselor is expert, encourages transference and exploration of the unconscious, uses interpretation.
What is Jung's individuation (which is what we strive to achieve)
Integration of the unconsious and consious aspects of personality.
How does Adlerian theorists view human nature? (5)
Emphasis on social interest, focus on birth order, family constellation, style of life, and future goals.
In Adlerian counseling what are the roles of the counselor include
Counselor is equal to client, models and teaches, shares hunches, assigns homework.
What is the goal of Adlerian counseling?
To work on social interest, correct faulty assumptions and mistaken goals, develop client insight, using 'as if' to bring about client change.
What is the goal of psycho analytic therapy?
Make unconsious consious, work through incomplete stages, help client to adjust/cope with changes, reconstruct personality.
What is the view of human nature with Person Center Therapy?
Humans are good and positive. Clients are self directed.
In person centered therapy what is the role of the counselor?
I-Thou quality, focus on uniqueness of client, counselor is the technique.
What are the goals of person centered therapy?
Self exploration, self directed and realistic, focus on the here and now.
Existential counseling's view of human nature?
Human freedom and choice of lifestyle
Existential role of the counselor?
Emphasis on counselor authenticity, understand person is unique, sharing of experiences.
Goal of client centered therapy?
Helps client realize their own responsibility and awareness.
Gestalt therapy view of human nature?
Emphasis on wholeness and completeness
Gestalt roles of the counselor?
Counselor focuses on now, is excited, helps client resolve 'unfinished' business, use of I for it. (it talk)
Goals of Gestalt therapy?
Immediacy experience, making choices now, growing up mentally.
REBT human nature view?
People are both rational and irrational.
REBT counselors roles are to be?
Active, direct, counselor teachers, ABC's of self talk.
REBT goals of counseling?
Help client live more productive lives, stop thinking irrational, elimiate should've, would've, and could'ves.
TA views of human nature?
People can change.Use of games, time, and scripts.
TA counselor roles
Counselor is the teacher
Goals of TA therapy
Transformation, games free and OK.
Behavioral and Cognitive behavioral theory's view of human nature?
All behaviors are learned. Old behaviors can be extinguished. Operant conditioning and social modeling.
Roles of counselor in behavioral and cognitive behavior counseling?
Counselor is tecaher, director and expert. Active in sessions.
Goals of behavioral and cognitive therapy?
Help clients make good adjustments, modify behaviors, change thoughts (cognitive)
Reality therapy's view of human nature?
Problems occur when people dont take responsibility for behaviors. Learning is life long, and people need to be loved.
Reality therapy counselor roles?
teacher and model, big focus on establish relationship with client.
Goals of reality therapy?
Assist client to become psychologically strong, rational and responsible. Focus on behaviors now, no punishments or excuses.