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112 Cards in this Set

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Vicarious Liability

AKA Respondent Superior

Your employer can be legally liable for your actions as personal trainer

Definition of Exercise Physiology

the study of the cellular functions in the humanbody during and after exercise.


Adenosine Triphosphate

-how a cell produces energy or "pays" for work

-ATP breaks down into adenosine diphosphate andinorganic phosphate


How is ATP created, and what are the 3 systems

ATP created by Phosphorylatizing ADP.

3 systems:

1. ATP/Creatine-Phosphate System (the phosphagensystem)

2. Glycolysis

3. Aerobic Oxidation/ Aerobic Pathway/Mitochondrial Respiration

The Phosphagen System

AKA: the ATP/Creatine-Phosphate System


-the body’s immediate energy system, 1-10seconds. (weight lifting, sprints,tennis)

-Limited storage in cells of ATP. So this systemconstant. Because the body’s cells can store about 6X more CP than ATP, CP is the predominant source of immediate energy.

Anaerobic System, high intensity, uses carbs.


Anaerobic System to create ATP. high intensity, use carbs.

Breakdown of sugars to pyruvate to create ATP

6 carbons --> 3 carbon pyruvate molecules and 2 ATP

Next steps either:

1. gluconeogenesis

2. mitochondrial respiration/aerobic oxidation


(definition and situation)

converting non-carbohydrate carbon substances back into glucose in the liver

-Glycolysis happens and you are left with 3 pyruvate molecules (with lots of carbon) and 2 ATP.

-not enough oxygen present to do aerobic oxidation

-so pyruvate and some other side products (lactate) are processed in liver so glycolysis process can start again.


-side product of the glycolysis system.

-Lactatecan be used for energy aerobically in liver, brain, heart, slow twitch muscles.And can be converted back into glucose in the liver throughglucoseneogenesis. So NOT a wasteproduct of muscles, and NOT cause of soreness. Just accompanies it.


-Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation

-When lots of the glycolysis process is happening, lactate builds up as side product.

But not cause of soreness.

Cause of soreness in the muscles

Lots of people blame it on lactic acid.

Turns out Lactate is side product of glycolysis, but actually very useful substance.

-Another side product of ALL exercise is sparehydrogen (H) which increases acidity of muscles (lowers pH), creating “muscleacidosis”.

THIS causes the soreness. H+ in muscles acidosis (low pH) fatigue. Amount of H+ in muscles = amount of fatigue.

Aerobic Oxidation

AKA Aerobic Pathway and Mitochondrial Respiration

After glycolysis there are 3 pyruvate molecules that still have a lot of carbon (energy). IF there is oxygen...

-Pyruvate into mitochondria and is oxidized intoAcytl-Coa.

-Enters into the Krebs Cycle (ametabolic system)

-Hydrogens are removed from four molecules in a circular fashion (“electrontransport chain”)CreatesCO2 and H20, as well as lots of ATP (34-36 for every 1 molecule glucose.)

3 types of muscles

1. Smooth - Intestines (aka visceral)

2. Cardiac

3. Skeletal

2 components of muscles to define movement

1.active, contractile component- sliding of microscopic fibers to shortenmuscles.

2.passive non-contractile= tendons, connective tissue, and ligaments.

All or None Principle

Whena myofiber is innervated by a nerve cell, it either contracts totally or not atall. (application: you can’t “peak” a muscle)


1 muscle cell

fascicule (pl fasciculi)

Group of Myofibers

3 types of connective tissue in muscles, and why important

1. Endomysium

2. Perimysium

3. Epimysium

This allows for separate innervation of muscle fibers (size principle of innervation)


connective sheath surrounding 1 myofiber


enableseach muscle fiber to be actively electrically stimulated without stimulatingneighboring fibers.


connective sheath surrounding each fascicule


combines all the fasciculi to holdtogether the muscle and shapes it. Also continuous with the tendon(eventually becomes tendon)


connectivetissue covering bone and connecting muscle to it

Size Principle of Recruitment

smaller# of fibers will selected by motor neurons before larger number of neurons toconserve muscle energy

Why you have to work to recruit larger #s of fibers while lifting.

myofibril (pl. myofibrillae)

filaments inside the muscle fibers

sarcomeres, and components

smallest contractile units of skeletal muscles

2 components:

1. Thick Filament: organized bundles of myosin (2 headed golf club)

2. Thin Filament: chains of globular actin

2 types of muscle fibers

1. Slow Twitch (Type 1)

2. Fast Twitch (Type 2)

More Type 1: Anormal individual might have 52% Type I, 30% Type 2a, and 12% Type 2b

Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers

1. Lots of oxygen. Oxidative fibers and rich in capillaries and myoglobin

2. Slow: Don’t contract as quickly or as with as muchpower

3. Fatigue resistant, good for endurance

4. Very red

5. Better with fat not sugars: Low glycolytic capacity, Rich in mitochondria= enhanced ability tooxidize fat

Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers


Moderate glycolytic and high oxidativecapacities



High glycolytic and low oxidative capacities ·

Larger. Better for brief, powerful contractions.


3 layers of cardiac muscles

1. Epicardium

2. Myocardium

3. Endocardium


Outer layer of cardiac muscle


Middle layer of cardiac muscle

composed of contractible cardiac muscle


inner layer of cardiac muscle.

in contact with the blood that the heart pumps. It also merges with the inner lining (endothelium) of blood vessels and covers the heart valves.


muscle that causes flexion at a joint (bend)


Muscle that causes extension (straightening) at joint


Muscle that causes rotation at joint


AKA primemover

Muscle responsible for causing a desired motion at a joint


Muscle that supports agonist to carry out a motion


Muscle that contracts isometrically at a joint to help, but does not contribute to the movement

Sherrington's Law of Reciprocal Inhibition

forevery neural activation of a muscle, there is a corresponding inhibition of theopposing muscle.

(When agonist is working, antagonist if neurologicallyinhibited.)

Application: You can usethis to your advantage when you are trying to “shut down” overactive muscles.


AKA: Isometric Contraction

Whenthe agonist and the antagonist contract simultaneously, provides jointstability or can create synergy of the muscles to complete the desired motion.

Spurt and Shunt Muscles

Spurtmuscles: have their distal tendon close to the joint axis, as in the bicepsbrachii. They have a major rotary component.

Shuntmuscles: are muscles that have their distal tendon far from the joint axis.They usually act as joint stabilizers.

-These two roles can change based on role.

Tonic Muscles

-Stabilizing muscles

-Easily tired

-High portion slow twitch and penniform muscles

-deeply placed, usually only cross 1 joint

-tendency to become hyperactive

-when training, remember tendency to become tight. If tight, work on strengthening antagonist to rob agonist of neural input (Sherringtons law of reciprocal innervation)

Example of Tonic Muscles: Front

1. Adductors (groin)

2. Rectorus femoris (quad in front of hip)

3. Psoas (spine down to groin)

4. upper trapezius (kneck to shoulder)

5. Tensor Fascia Latae (pelvis to thigh)

6. Pectoralis Major (pecs)

7. Sternocleidomastoid (SCM) Front of neck

8. Deep abdominals

Example of Tonic Muscles: Back

1. Suboccipital (at back of skull and neck)

2. Upper Trapezius (shoulders)

3. Triceps Surae (back of calf)

Phasic Muscles

-both stabilizing and dynamic

- high portion of fast twitch and paralell muscles

-superficial placement, usually crosses 1 joint.

- remember tendency to become long and weak. make sure to stretch antagonist first then activate phasic.

-tendency to become hypoactive.

Example of Phasic Muscles Front

1. Tibialis Anterior (front of shin)

2. Longus Capitus and Colli (front of neck)

3. Digastrics (bottom of chin)

4. Rectus Abdominus (phasic abs)

5. Deltoids (front of shoulders)

6. Biceps Bracii

7. Vastus Medialis (just above knee on inside)

Example of Phasic Muscles Back

1. Gluteus Medius (upper butt and back)

2. Gluteus Maximus (middle of butt)

3. Triceps Bracii

4. Lower trapezius (middle of back below shoulder blades)

5. Hamstrings at the back

Active Insufficiency

When a double jointed muscle is recruited to work 2 jointsat once, causing over-shortening. -

Example: bend wrist down to a 90 degree angle,then try to make a fist. A sufficient contraction cannot occur because thefinger flexors are shortened over both the flexed wrist and fingers.

Passive Insufficiency

When an inactive muscle at a joint is of insufficient length to permit fullrange of motion.

Example: stretching down to touch toes. Your hamstrings aren’t being recruited to dothe work, but they are maybe of insufficient length to allow movement.

Length-Tension Relationship

The more overlap of actin and myosin, the more tension amuscle can produce. Highest tensionproduced slightly past resting length.

Concentric Muscle Contraction

The shortening of the muscle fibers.


“the positive”Acceleratingmovement- like pulling a dumbbell up

Eccentric Muscle Contraction

The lengthening of the muscle fibers.

Strongest of thethree.

But leads to micro-trauma and Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

Isometric Muscle Contraction

The contraction of the muscle fibers with no visualmovement occurring.

3 Types of Muscle Contractions

(in order of weakest to strongest)

1. Concentric

2. Isometric

3. Eccentric


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

from eccentric contractions

A Motor Unit

A motor-neuronand the muscle fibers it innervates

-Groups of motor units often work together tocoordinate the contractions of a single muscle

The Action Potential

thesignal sent by a motor neuron to a muscle

All or None Theory

No partial contraction of a muscle

Efferent Nerves

AKA motor or effector neurons

carry nerveimpulses away from the central nervous system to effectors such as muscles orglands

Afferent Nerves

AKA sensory or receptor neurons

carry nerve impulses from receptors or senseorgans toward the central nervous system

Motor Neuron Pool

containsall the alpha motor neurons involved in contracting a single muscle

Alpha Motor Neurons

large lower motor neurons of the brainstem andspinal cord.

Innervate extrafusal muscle fibers of skeletalmuscle and initiate their contraction

Are sent from spine into skeletal muscles.

Power generators)

Extrafusal Muscle

responsiblefor power generating component of the muscle.

Neuromuscular Junction

theconnection between alpha motor neuron and extrafusal muscle fiber.

Gamma Motor Neurons

slow conducting lower motor neurons.

Innervate intrafusal muscle fibers of musclespindles which are slow

telling muscles to calm

Intrafusal Muscle Fiber

Slower muscle fibers. Gamma Motor Neurons connect here via the spindles.

Sliding Filament Theory

mechanism of how muscle contraction works. The two proteins in a muscle cell, actin andmyosin, interact by sliding across each other at the expense of ATP

Law of Facilitation

Muscle Memory!

When an impulse passes once through a given set of neuronsto the exclusion of others, it will tend to do so again; and each time ittransverses this path, the resistance will be smaller.

The more an action is repeated the more efficient the brainbecomes in communicating with the muscles.

Size Principle of Recruitment

This principle states that selection of motorneuron size and the muscle fibers it innervates follow an order of efficiency, from smallest to largest.


1. motor units containing smaller motor neurons andslow-twitch muscle fibers

2. increasingly larger motor neurons consisting ofeither the fast-twitch fibers Type IIa or IIb.

Graduation of Response

theprocess by which the central nervous system determines the number and types ofmotor units recruited as well as the number of times they fire, causingappropriate responses relative to the degree(s) of muscle force required.

Healthy Body Fat

NCCPT recommends a range of 10-15% for men and15-20% for women.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)has defined obesity as a body fat percentage of over 25% for males and over 32%for females.


chemicalmessengers that are stored, created, and released by the endocrine glands.

Regulate nearly all bodily functions


1.Mainly secreted in sex organs

2.On average, an adult human male body producesabout forty to sixty times more testosterone than an adult human female body

3. from a behavioral perspective (rather thananatomical or biological), females are more sensitive to the hormone.

4. Certain exercises have been shown to produceincreased testosterone in men, but not necessarily in women.

Growth Hormone

Secreted from the pituitary gland

it may:

1. Increase protein synthesis

2. Increase fat breakdown

3. Increase collagen synthesis

4. Decrease glucose utilization

Insulin Like Growth Factors

Manyof the effects of growth hormone are mediated by insulin-like growth factors.


Released by the pancreas

increases cellular uptake ofglucose-synthesizing muscle glycogen, which in turn decreases blood glucose.

During prolonged workouts, blood glucosereduction, along with decreased insulin production, increases the mobilizationof fat.


produced by adrenal gland


1. The “fight-or-flight” hormones epinephrine,norepinephrine, and dopamine are released by the adrenal glands in response tostress.

2. Increases with resistance training

Cardiovascular system

a transport system that provides a continuousinflux of oxygen and nutrients into the body, and an outlet for carbon dioxideand waste.

blood carries gases and nutrients.

4 chambers in heart

Atria:2 chambers on top, serve as temp storage for blood before flushed into mainpumps in bottom chambers

Ventricles: bottom chambers


top 2 chambers of heart.

store blood before sending to ventricles.


bottom 2 chambers of heart

2 sides of heart

1. Right side: Pulmonary circulation (lungs)2. Left side: systemic circulation (to the wholebody)

Steps of blood flow

1.Oxygenated blood enters Aorta from left ventricle

2. Goes Aorta > Arteries > Arterioles > Capillaries

3.Exchange of gasses, nutrients, and wasteproducts

4. Venules > veins > inferior and superior veina cava

5. Deoxygenated blood enters right atrium

6. Goes through valve and enters the right ventricle

7. Goes to the pulmonary artery where blood is oxygenated.

8. Blood returns to left atrium (where we started!)


the main artery that supplies blood to the body


heartmuscle, is a striated muscle similar to skeletal muscle and is completelycomprised of Type I fibers.

2 phases of blood pressure/cardiac cycle

1.Systole(systolic): the pressure of the arteries during ventricular contraction (bloodpushed away)

2.Diastole (diastolic): the pressure of thearteries during ventricular filling (blood brought in)

Blood Pressure

measured Systole/Diastole

Normal blood pressure: 120/80

Mildhypertension: 140/90

When performing dynamic exercise, heart rate and systolic pressureshould increase, but diastolic pressure should remain the same.

Valsalva Maneuver

the attempt to exhale with the glottis tightly shut. This maneuver has been shown to increase blood pressure and can be potentially harmful to some individuals.

Heart Rate

number of beats of the heart/minute (bpm). Main measurement of cardiovascular exercise.

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

reasonably estimated after 5 minutes of quiet rest.

Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)

max# of bpm

Age Predicted MHR

=220 - AGE

Heart Rate Reserve

HRR = difference between resting and max- where training takes place

Target/Training Heart Rate

expected heart rate during specific training intensity.

1. (220 - AGE) × % = THR (Attainable heart rate)

2. Karvonen Theorem= ((220 - AGE) - RHR) × % + RHR = THR

same as: HRR X % + RHR

3. (220 - Age) × % × 1.15 = THR

The standard of deviation for all of these equations is +/-10 BPM.

Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion

In using this scale, you would be able to establish a means of communication by which clients can express their feelings in relation to levels of exercise intensity. The original rating scale was from 6-20, now 1-10.

Levels of THR

Zone 1: between 40-65% of MHR (based on VO2 Max), called “recovery zone” or “fat burning” zone.

Zone2/“aerobic endurance” zone: between 65-85%.

Zone 3/“Peak Zone”: The Anaerobic Threshold (AT) is the intensity level at which the cardiovascular system is unable to supply enough oxygen to exercising muscles. about 50-60% in untrained individuals. Improvements following endurance training can raise values to 75%, and values of 80-90% have been reported in elite world-class athletes.

Recovery Heart Rate

post effort drop in heart rate. The more fit the individual the quicker they return to resting.

Cardiac Output

(aka CO or Q)

=Measure of how efficiently the heart is able to deliver oxygen to the tissues.

=Heart rate × Stroke volume

Q=HR X SV Total Blood volumes that the ventricles pump from the heart per minute.

Arteriovenous Oxygen Difference

(a-VO2): A measure of how efficiently tissues take up the oxygen delivered by the cardiovascular system.


AKA: Maximum Oxygen Capacity/Aerobic Capacity = Thetotal capacity to consume oxygen within the cells, measure of fitness

-both transport and uptake of oxygen.

For effort 2-5 min

Name: max vol of 02

VO2MAX=Q x a-VO2

Anaerobic Threshold

theintensity level where the cardiovascular system is unable to supply enoughoxygen to exercising muscles.

This threshold could occur anywhere between 50–85percent of the max heart rate

Venous Pooling

pooling of blood in extremities due to abrupt stopping of vigorous activities, so that blood cannot get to heart and brain quickly enough.

Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption

(oxygen debt)

Time after exercise when the body is working to return itself to pre-exercise state (using energy and oxygen)

-Interval higher than solid state

-Resistance higher than aerobic

General Adaptation Syndrome Theory

The body adapts to exercise

5 Main Training Principles

1. Overload Principle

2. Specificity

3. Individual Differences

4. Reversibility

5. Periodization

Overload Principle

The attempt to challenge the musculoskeletal system with unaccustomed stimulation such as, but not limited to, increased weight, speed, or volume of training (number of sets or reps).


The focused effort of exercise in a certain waysuch as anaerobic/aerobic or strength/endurance.

S.A.I.D. Principle: Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands.

Individual Differences

The taking into account of genetic makeup,exercise history, fiber type ratio, motivation level, and anatomical physics of the body.


A major decrease in strength and aerobic capacity are apparent after two weeks without exercise, and a major decrease in anaerobic capacity after three weeks without exercise.

Can lead to over training


The gradual cycling of workout parameters suchas specificity, intensity, or volume to achieve a specific goal.

Once client adapts, you need to keep changing things on them to keep it tough. Give them new things to adapt to.