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56 Cards in this Set

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Spicy foods can produce ____ and ____ in some individuals
Diarrhea and flauts
Name some gas producing foods
Cabbage, onions, bananas and apples
Name some laxative producing foods
Bran, prunes, figs, chocolate and alcohol
Name some constipation producing foods
Cheese, pasta, eggs and lean meat
Two medications that cause constipation are
Morphine and codeine
Aspirin can change the stool color to _____ or _____
Red or black
Constipation can be caused by increased ______ consumption
Iron changes the stool color to ____
Antibiotics can change the color of the stool to _____
Antacids can change the color of the stool to ______
General anesthetics block _______
parasympathetic stimulation to the muscles of the colon. Lasting 24-48 hours
The nurse should monitor a patient's pulse rate when performing this manuever
Digital removal of fecal impaction
The production of abnormally large amounts of urine
Excessive fluid intake
Low urine output
Oliguria - less than 500 ml/day or 30 ml/hr
2 or more urine outputs at night
Painful or difficult urination
Involuntary urination in children beyond the age of normal bladder control
No perception of bladder fullness and inability to control the urinary sphincters
Neurogenic bladder
Normal urine pH
slightly acidic, pH - 6
Present in the urine when fatty acids are being broken down in the body
Ketones. Present with poorly controlled diabetes, alcoholic, starving, fasting or consuming high protein diets
Specific gravity of urine
1.010 - 1.025
Stimulates the distal tubule to reabsorb Na+ and excrete K+
This hormone stimulates the collecting duct to reabsorb water, released by the posterior pituitary gland in response to low blood vloume and increased concentration of solute in the plasma
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Stimulates the renal reabsorption of calcium and the excretion of phosphate
Parathyroid hormone
Inhibits the reabsorption of Na+ and water, thereby causing natriuresis
Atrial natriuretic factor
Irritant (and vegetable) laxatives
Figs, prunes, pears, raising and rhubarb
Mineral oil is this type of laxative
Emollient laxative
Hyperosmotic laxatives
Glycerin, sorbitol, lactulose and saline (magnesium cations and phosphate anions)
Bulk-forming laxatives
Mimic the actions of dietary fiber in the digestive tract. They are not absorbed, rather carried out of the body in feces. Contraindicated in clients with dysphasia
Lubricant laxatives
various oils that retard the reabsorption of water from the fecal mass in the colon. They interfere with the absorption of fat-soulble nutrients, Vit A, D, (E) and K
Stool softeners
Moistening agents. Best if used a few days prior to anticipated procedure or before constipation is expected to develop
Sodium phosphate has its major activity as a _______
Saline cathartic
What is the most common side effect of Sucralfate?
Adverse effects of Metoclopramide
Dystonic or extrapyramidal effects
Sodium bicarb is most likely to cause _______
Systemic alkalosis
Saline cathartics, such as sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate act by _____
Increasing intestinal volume, hence stimulating peristalic action
Adverse effects of laxatives
Electrolyte disturbances (hypernatremia, hypokalemia), dehydration, spastic colitis with stimulant laxative, gastrointestinal obstruction with bulk forming agents
Drug that exerts anti-peptic ulcer effects through histamine-2 receptor antagonism
Principally an emollient laxative
Mineral oil
Aluminum hydroxide antacids interfere with ______
The gastrointestinal absorption of tetracycline
An agent that promotes defecation without increasing peristalsis
Docusate sodium
Reduces the clearance of all the following: Theophylline, phenytoin, warfarin, quinidine
Castor Oil has its major activity as a _____
Stimulant cathartic
Pharmacologic effects of antacids include
Increase gastric pH, increase or decrease gastric motor activity
Omeprazole's pharmacologic action
The mechanism to reduce gastric acid secretion by blocking the H+, Na+, ATPase pump in the parietal cell
Common antibiotics used to treat UTI
Nitrofurantion, Cephalosporins, Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides), Amoxicillin, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Doxycycline (not for use in pts under 8 yrs), Quinolones (not for use in children)
Properties of Urine: Color
Straw, yellow, amber
Properties of Urine: Amount
1.5-2 L/day
Properties of Urine: All others
Clear, Sterile, No glucose, ketones or protein
Properties of Urine: Concentration
Properties of Urine: Odor
Slightly aromatic
Properties of Urine: pH
pH: 4.8-8 Normal is 6
Secreted by the kidneys when BP is too low to increase vasoconstriction and raise BP
If specific gravity of urine is 1.035, the urine is _____
1 g urine in diaper = ___mL urine in diaper
1 mL. The weight is the same